fSSffiSS fe, THE JESUIT RELATIONS AND ALLIED DOCUMENTS VOL. XLIV The edition consists of sev en hundred and fifty sets all numbered THE PROPERTY OF THE LAW SOCIETY The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS OF THE JESUIT MISSIONARIES IN NEW FRANCE 1610-1791 THE ORIGINAL FRENCH, LATIN, AND ITAL IAN TEXTS, WITH ENGLISH TRANSLA TIONS AND NOTES ; ILLUSTRATED BY PORTRAITS, MAPS, AND FACSIMILES EDITED BY REUBEN GOLD THWAITES Secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Vol. XLIV IROQUOIS, LOWER CANADA: 1656-1658 CLEVELAND: Cbe furrows JBrotbers Compang, PUBLISHERS, MDCCCXCIX COPYRIGHT, 1899 BY THE BURROWS BROTHERS Co ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Imperial Press, Cleveland EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Translators . Assistant Editor Bibliographical Adviser REUBEN GOLD THWAITES FINLOW ALEXANDER PERCY FAVOR BICKNELL CRAWFORD LINDSAY I WILLIAM PRICE EMMA HELEN BLAIR VICTOR HUGO PALTSITS CONTENTS OF VOL XLIV PREFACE TO VOLUME XLIV DOCUMENTS: XCVI. Relation de ce qvi s est pass6 .... en la Novvelle France, 6s anne"es mil fix cens cinquante fix & mil fix cens cinquante fept. [Chaps, xvii.- xxii., concluding the document.] Paul le Jeune, editor; Au College de Clermont, December i, 1657 XCVII. Journal des PP. Je"suites. Jeande Quen, Gabriel Druillettes, Pierre Joseph- Marie Chaumonot, and Simon le Moyne; Kebec, January -December, 1658 . XCVIII. Relation de ce qvi s est passe" .... en la Novvelle France, 6s anne"es 1657. & 1658. Anonymous; [Paris], n. d. [Includes letters from Paul Ragueneau, Gabriel Druillettes, and other missionaries.] BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA: VOLUME XLIV NOTES 9 133 3i9 321 ILLUSTRATION TO VOL XLIV I. Photographic facsimile of title-page, Relation of 1657-58 . . . PREFACE TO VOL XLIV XCVI. Vol. XLIII. contained Chaps, i.-xvi. of the Relation of 1656-57; the remainder of the document is presented in this volume. The writer continues his account of the manner in which the gospel has been preached to the various Iroquois tribes. Chau- monot proceeds from the Cayugas to the Senecas, the westernmost of the Five Nations. Their chief is converted, and is also cured of a dangerous illness. One of the Seneca villages is composed of the Hurons who had, upon the ruin of their own country, sur rendered to the Iroquois ; and Chaumonot finds them still faithful to the Christian religion. He then goes to the Oneidas, accompanied by some Onondaga chiefs. They receive his preaching with favor ; but he has time only to baptize a few children and old persons. At Onondaga, over two hundred persons have al ready been baptized, " among whom are five of the most notable personages of that nation. The chiefs themselves become zealous preachers of the gospel, and exhort their young men to obey the Fathers precepts. The women prove, as usual, the most willing and faithful converts; and even the children beg their mothers to take them to the chapel. The woman who was the first Onondaga convert, and who so hospitably entertained the Fathers on their first visit thither, dies a professed Christian; and 10 PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV many of her relatives are converted by her example. Upon the death of a Huron captive, her infant is buried alive with her corpse, notwithstanding the efforts of the Fathers to prevent this cruel act. An other little one, " still at the breast, who had never before spoken, repeated intelligibly the words, Jesus, have pity on me, after the Father. Three con gregations have been formed at Onondaga, among three different Nations, the Hurons, the neutral Nation, and the Iroquois." In every cabin there are some praying Indians ; and almost every person in the tribe, whether an Iroquois or a captive, has received some Christian instruction. A dictionary of the Iroquois language has been prepared for the use of the new missionaries who, it is hoped, will be sent to this field. The savages are still more inclined to accept the faith by the courage of the Fathers, and the piety of the Frenchmen who have come with them. The location of the mission is advantageous, and enables the Jesuits to reach with ease the neighboring tribes. The Jesuits not only maintain the Frenchmen of their company, but also give alms to many Huron slaves, their former dis ciples in religion. They hear of many Algonkin nations to the west, who as yet have no acquaintance with Europeans; the Fathers long to convert these heathen, and appeal for aid to carry on that enter prise. A letter from Le Mercier to the French provincial (dated June 6, 1656) is published in this Relation, because received in France too late for the preceding one. He writes on the eve of departure for the new Iroquois mission; he looks forward to hardships, persecution, and even martyrdom, but is full of PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV 11 devotion and zeal for the work, seeing the hand and guidance of God in every step of the way. The Fathers who are in Quebec and Montreal are eager to join this expedition, especially those who had labored in the Huron mission. The enterprise is undertaken not only to convert souls, but to pacify the fierce and jealous Iroquois, and thus secure a stable peace for New France; those tribes are also the doorway to many others, which are destitute of the true faith. The final chapter gives the " latest news of what has occurred in New France." Part of this is joyful tidings, for it narrates the conversion of more than four hundred savages through the labors of Father Me"nard ; but by the same mail comes a letter from Ragueneau (dated Aug. 9, 1657, " on the road from Kebec to Onontaghe "), which gives reason for sadness and anxiety. The Onondagas of his escort are arrogant and unkind ; they abandon some of the Frenchmen on the way, and compel those who go with them to leave behind most of their baggage. A week after leaving Montreal, these treacherous savages make an atrocious attack upon the Hurons whom they have lured or forced away from Quebec ; they murder several, and seize as slaves the women and children, whom they despoil of all their goods and clothing. Ragueneau s heart is pierced with sorrow at this melancholy scene; he consoles the poor captives as best he can, and offers a large amount of porcelain to their oppressors, to purchase for them kind treatment and assurance of safety. He is told, that very night, that the Iroquois are planning to murder all the Frenchmen in the com pany ; but nothing further comes of this. An extract 12 PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV from another letter, apparently written by Mnard, recounts the sufferings and persecutions endured by the missionaries to the Iroquois, and urgently appeals for aid to maintain their enterprise. XCVII. The Journal des Jesuites is continued during 1658 by Jean de Quen, superior of the Cana dian missions, with occasional gaps which are filled by Druillettes, Chaumonot, and Le Moyne. Mohawk envoys come to Quebec January 31, to obtain the surrender to them of the Hurons. The proceedings of the council are narrated at length. D Ailleboust sternly rebukes the Mohawks for their treachery, and demands reparation for injuries com mitted by their tribe in previous raids upon the French settlements. Two traders are fined by the Council (March 23), " each 500 livres, for selling goods at a higher price than the tariff." Abbe de Queylus denounces the sale of brandy to the savages as a mortal sin. A contract of association between Couillard and the Hospital nuns is set aside, on the ground that the nuns are " persons who are not qualified to engage in the trade." On April i, the habitants of Cap Rouge are summoned before Monsieur the Governor, to answer for having refused to provide the blessed bread for the parish church of Quebec; they accept his proposal, that hereafter they " pay a few ecus every year to the church, for supplying the blessed bread." On the twenty- third, all the Frenchmen of the Onondaga settlement arrive at Quebec: the mission is broken up. A month later, Le Moyne returns from the Mohawk country, with envoys from that tribe, who seek the release of the hostages held by the French ; this is granted by D Ailleboust. A few weeks later, an PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV 13 Iroqttois band carry away as prisoners three French men from Montreal; one of these is Adrien Joliet, a brother of the explorer. This year, the first ship from France arrives July 1 1 ; it brings the new governor, D Argenson, and a Jesuit, Claude Allouez. On the twenty-eighth, the governor dines with the Jesuits ; " he was received by the youths of the country with a little drama in French, Huron, and Algonquin, in our Garden, in the sight of all the people of Quebec." A few days later, the Huron and Algonkin allies pay their respects to the new ruler, and promise obedience to his commands. On the next day, he gives these Indians " a feast of 7 Kettles," and distributes many presents to them, chiefly weapons and ammunition. Various raids by the Iroquois occur during the sum mer; in September several of these enemies are captured by the French at Three Rivers, and brought to Quebec as hostages. Garakontie, the Onondaga chief, brings back Joliet and another French pris oner, and asks the Jesuits to return with him. They promise to do so when affairs between the French and Iroquois are settled. D Argenson continues the vigorous policy of his predecessor; he retains most of the Iroquois prisoners, and sends back a few to tell their tribesmen of their detention at Quebec. This autumn, six Jesuits sail for France. Jeanne Mance, of the Montreal colony, also goes; an effort is made thereupon, to secure the establishment of nuns from the Quebec order at the Montreal hospital. In November, seven Frenchmen are captured by Mohawks; but envoys from that tribe, meeting them on the way, bring back these men to Three Rivers. They then proceed to Quebec, where they still talk 14 PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV of peace, and promise to bring hither, next spring, an Oneida who had murdered a Frenchman. D Ar- genson promises to send Le Moyne to them in the spring, and releases some of their prisoners, but detains others as hostages. XCVIII. The Relation of 1657-58 is given entire in this volume. It is prefaced by a brief note in which the Paris editor implies the loss (as in previous years) of some of the documents sent him from New France ; and mentions the persecutions freshly begun against the Jesuits, referring to the disastrous end ing of their Onondaga mission. The Relation begins with a clear-sighted analysis of the motives and actions of the Iroquois with regard to that mission. A letter from Ragueneau to the provincial describes the forced retreat of the mis sionaries, who have returned " laden with some spoils wrested from the powers of Hell." These are " more than five hundred children, and many adults, most of whom died after Baptism." They have also restored Faith and renewed piety among the poor Huron captives. Irritated at the imprison ment of some of their warriors by D Ailleboust, the Onondagas plot the destruction of the French among them. The latter make their escape, and return to Quebec, arriving there April 23, 1658. The Iroquois are harassing the French settlements, which not only are feeble, but have not dared to attack the enemy, fearing savage vengeance upon the French at Onon daga. The latter, upon reaching Quebec, learn from escaped Huron captives that all the kindness shown to the French by the Onondagas was merely a pre tense by those perfidious savages to lure first the French, and afterward the Hurons, into their power, PREFACE TO VOL. XL1V 15 that they might massacre the former and enslave the latter. Another letter from Ragueneau, addressed to Le Jeune, gives the particulars of the daring retreat made by the Onondaga colony. Upon learning of the plots against them, they construct boats in which to escape. A great feast is made for their savage hosts; when these, gorged to repletion, are over come by sleep, the French stealthily depart (March 20), and set out upon their long and dangerous voy age to Quebec. In the rapids of the St. Lawrence, they are almost engulfed, and three men are drowned. After many perils and hardships, they reach Mont real, April 3. From various letters received, the editor compiles a " journal of what occurred between the French and the Savages." This account begins with an historical sketch of the mission at Onondaga, from its inception in 1655; then follows a resume of the alternate raids and embassies of the Iroquois, and the dealings of the French with them mainly a repetition of what has already been narrated thereon in the Relations and Journal des Jtsuites. The writer describes various matters in detail among them the proceedings of a council held early in January, 1658, with Mohawk envoys to Quebec. They bring letters from Le Moyne, who is wintering in their country. He writes that the Mohawks have sent all their young warriors on hostile expeditions against the Algonkin and Montagnais tribes north of the St. Lawrence ; he also relates the sad fate of the Hurons who were carried away from Quebec, who are now reduced to abject slavery by their captors. About this time, secret councils are held in all the Iroquois 16 PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV tribes, where death is decreed for all the Frenchmen in their country. A friendly chief persuades them to delay the execution of this scheme until their young men return from war; and then he reveals the plot to the Fathers, who accordingly depart in secret for Quebec, as has been already related. Le Moyne quits the Mohawk country, and goes to the Dutch settlements, expecting to go on a Dutch vessel to Quebec; but in May he returns to Montreal with other Mohawk deputies. In June, a band of Oneidas capture and burn to death three Frenchmen. The new governor, D Argenson, arrives in July. The day after his arrival, when he is about to sit down to dinner, an alarm is given of an Iroquois attack, and he is obliged to sally forth at once with the soldiers. Soon afterward, he conducts a scouting expedition to Lake St. Pierre, but the enemy elude him . As opportunity allows, the Iroquois continue to harass the French settlers ; but the governor shows energy and courage in dealing with them. A chapter of this Relation is devoted to an account (mainly by Druillettes) of the great Western region recently explored by Radisson and Groseilliers, with the tribes dwelling therein, and mention of " differ ent routes from Canadas to the North Sea" infer- mation which is derived partly from those two adventurers, partly from Indians who have also traveled westward. Six routes to Hudson Bay (the North Sea") are here described. Then follows an account of fourteen different tribes dwelling in the region of the great lakes. Most of these are sedentary, and very populous ; and they offer a vast field for missionary labors, all the more urgent, since the hostility of the Iroquois has either limited PREFACE TO VOL. XLIV 17 or closed the missions thus far conducted in the more eastern regions. The virtuous life and pious death of a young Huron girl, the first of that tribe who had become a nun, are described by the Mother Superior of the Quebec hospital. A chapter (apparently written by Le Jeune) is devoted to differences in physical and mental constitution, in dress, and in various customs, between the French and the savages. In the concluding chapter are given, as usual, some items of " news brought by the latest vessel." The retreat of the French from Onondaga was effected so skillfully and silently that the supersti tious Iroquois, unable to explain it, regard them as demons, and fear them accordingly. D Argenson keeps numerous Iroquois hostages in confinement, and refuses to release them unless children from the leading families in those tribes shall be brought to Quebec to be educated and Christianized in the semi naries there. Last, and best of all, the upper Algonkins promise to send down to Quebec a large and valuable shipment of furs, and ask for Jesuits to instruct them in the faith. During the past year, about nine hundred savages have been baptized. R. G. T. MADISON, Wis., April, 1899. XCVI (concluded) RELATION OF 16^6- ^ PARIS: SEBASTIEN ET GABRIEL CRAMOISY, 1658 In Volume XLIII., we presented the first sixteen chapters of this Relation, and herewith give the remainder of the document. 20 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 [i 66] CHAPITRE XVII. DE LA PUBLICATION DE LA FOY AUX IROQUOIS SON- NONTOUAEHRONNONS. LE pays de Sonnontoiian beaucoup plus fertile & plus peuple que les autres Prouinces des Iroquois, contient deux gros bourgs & quantite* de bourgades, outre le Bourg des Hurons, appelle de Saindt Michel, qui s y eft refugie, pour euiter le malheur commun de leur Nation. Us y gardent leurs couftumes & leurs fagons particulieres, & viuent feparement des Iroquois, fe contentant d eftre vnis de coeur & d amide" auec eux. N ayant pas vn nombre fuffifant d ouuriers pour cultiuer vne vigne fi fpacieufe, nous nous contentons de leur prefcher VEuangile, quand ils nous apportent leurs prefens de ceremonie, & d alliance, ou quand nous leur portons les noftres. Car auffi-toft que le Pere Chau- mont vn peu apres noftre arriue"e en ce pays, eut adopte" les Oiogoenhronnons [167] pour enfans d Onnontio, il alia a Sonnontoiian pour adopter ces peuples pour freres, & les faire nos freres en effet par le moyen de la Foy, a laquelle il les vouloit difpofer. Ayant affemble" tous les Anciens de Gandagan principal bourg de Sonnontoiian, & fait les prefens d alliance a 1 ordinaire: II commen9a d expliquer auec vn ton feruent & efleue" les veritez principales de 1 Euangile, qu il fcela des trois plus beaux prefens qu il auoit referuez pour cela. Et pour les preffer 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1636 -57 21 [i 66] CHAPTER XVII. OF THE PREACHING OF THE FAITH TO THE SONNON- TOUAEHRONNON IROQUOIS. THE country of Sonnontouan, which is much more fertile and more populous than the other Iroquois Provinces, contains two large villages and a number of small ones, besides the Huron Village called Saint Michel, whose inhabitants sought refuge there to escape the general destruction of their Nation. 1 They retain their own customs and peculiar usages, and live apart from the Iroquois, satisfied to be united with them in good feeling and friendship. As we have not a sufficient number of laborers wherewith to cultivate so extensive a vine yard, we content ourselves with preaching the Gospel to them, when they bring us their presents on cere monious occasions and in token of alliance, or when we carry ours to them. For, as soon as Father Chaumont, shortly after our arrival in this country, had adopted the Oiogoenhronnons [167] as the chil dren of Onnontio, he went to Sonnontouan to adopt those people as his brothers, and to make them really our brothers by means of the Faith, to which he strove to incline them. Having assembled all the Elders of Gandagan, the principal village of Sonnontouan, 3 and having bestowed the presents that are usually given as tok ens of alliance, he commenced in a fervent and loud 22 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 dauantage, moy-mefme, dit-il, ie me donne auec ces prefens pour garand des veritez que ie vous prefche, & fi ma vie que ie vous confacre, ne vous femble pas affez confiderable, ie vous offre celle de tant de Fran- ois qui m ont fuiui iufqu a Gannentaa, pour eftre les te"moins de la Foy que ie vous prefche. Ne vous fierez-vous pas a ces prefens viuans, & a ces braues courages? Et feries-vous bien aflez fimples pour croire qu vne fi lefle trouppe euft quitt6 fon pays natal Ie plus beau & Ie plus agreable du monde, & fouffert tant de fatigues, [168] pour porter fi loin vn menfonge? L euenement fit voir que ces Barbares furent touchez par Ie difcours du Pere : Car apres auoir bien delibere, ils firent refponce qu ils croioient volontiers, & embrafloient la Foy qu on auoit la bonte de leur prefenter ; & prierent auec inftance Ie Pere de s habituer chez eux, pour les mieux inftruire de nos myfteres. II y en eut vn touche plus viuement que les autres, qui ne voulut pas laiffer partir Ie Pere, qu il ne s en fufl fait inftruire & baptifer, & qu il n euft procure* Ie mefme bon heur a fa femme. Dieu benit les trauaux de ce Pere des mefmes fuccez dans les autres Bourgs. AnnonKenritaoui, qui eft Ie Chef de ces peuples, a voulu les furpaffer tous en ferueur, & a efte* vn des premiers Chreftiens. Vn chancre qui luy mangeoit la cuiffe 1 ayant alitte", Ie Pere, quoy qu indifpofe, Ie fut voir, & Ie conuertit a la Foy, dont il fera fans doute vn grand appuy dans fon pays, puis que Dieu femble ne 1 auoir gueri que pour ce deffein d vn mal, que tout Ie monde croioit incurable. [169] Entre plufieurs Hurons qui ont la conferu6 leur Foy dans la captiuite, ce Pere y fit rencontre 1656-58] RELATION OF 1636-57 23 tone to explain the principal truths of the Gospel, which he sealed with the three finest presents of all, which he had reserved for this purpose. As a further inducement, he said: " I give myself with these presents as a warranty of the truths that I preach to you; and if my life, which I devote to you, do not seem sufficient for you, I offer you those of so many French who have followed me to Gannentaa, to bear witness to the Faith that I preach to you. Will you not trust those living presents, and such bravery and courage? And will you be simple enough to think that so clever a band of men would have left their native country, the finest and most agreeable in the world, and endured such fatigue, [168] in order to bring a falsehood so far?" The event showed that those Barbarians were touched by the Father s discourse. After having maturely deliberated, they replied that they willingly believed and embraced the Faith which we had been kind enough to bring to them, and they earnestly begged the Father to reside with them, in order the better to instruct them in our mysteries. One was more deeply touched than the others; he would not allow the Father to depart before he had been instructed and baptized, and had obtained the same happiness for his wife. God rewards the labors of that Father with the same success in the other Villages. Annonkenritaoui, who is the Chief of these peo ples, was inclined to surpass all in fervor, and was one of the first Christians. A canker that was eating away his thigh compelled him to take to his bed. The Father, although ill himself, went to see him, and converted him to the Faith. He will, doubtless, be a great prop to it in his own country, for God 24 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 d vne femme qui auoit conferue" toute la ferueur d vne bonne Chreftienne, de laquelle il apprit que les Hu- rons de 1 Ifle d Orleans continuoient dans 1 exercice de noftre Religion auec autant de zele que iamais, & qu vn d eux appelle" lacques Otfiaouens auoit efton- ne" par fa conftance les Iroquois qui le brufloient, n obmettant rien de fes prieres ordinaires, & inuo- quant inceffamment le nom de IESVS dans fes tourmens. Les Hurons de Saindt Michel ne temoignerent pas moins de piete, eftant rauis d aife de reuoir vn de leurs chers Pafteurs, & chacun demandant d abord ou 1 abfolution pour foy, ou le Baptefmes pour fes enfans. Les vieillards mefme qui auoient mefprife" la lumiere de 1 Euangile pendant que leur pays eftoit floriflant, la recherchoient alors foigneufement, de mandant inftamment le Baptef me : Tant il eft vray que I afflidlion donne de 1 entendement, & que 1 ad- uernte" ouure les yeux de ceux que la [170] profperite" auoit aueuglez. Cependant quelques doux que f uffent ces fruidts de 1 Euangile, le Pere fut oblige" de s en feurer bien-toft, des affaires plus preffantes 1 appel lant ailleurs. II eut vne belle occafion en chemin de fe mocquer de la fuperftition des Infidelles, fon guide luy ayant prefent6 vn morceau de bois pour letter fur deux pierres rondes qu on rencontre en chemin enuiron- nees des marques de la fuperftition de ces pauures peuples ; qui iettent en paff ant vn petit bafton fur ces pierres en fagon d hommage, & y adiouftent ces paroles Koue afKennon efKatongot, c eft a dire, tien, voila pour payer mon paffage, afin que i auance en feurete. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 25 seems to have cured him, solely with that design, of a disease which every one considered incurable. [169] Among the many Hurons who have preserved their Faith in captivity, the Father met a woman who had retained all the fervor of a good Christian. He learned from her that the Hurons from the Island of Orleans continued to practice our Religion as zealously as ever, and that one of them, called Jacques Otsiaouens, had by his constancy astonished the Iroquois who were burning him, omitting not a single one of his usual prayers, and continually invok ing the name of JESUS in his tortures. The Hurons of Saint Michel manifested no less devotion and were delighted to see once more one of their beloved Pastors. Every one at first asked either for absolution for himself, or Baptism for his chil dren. Even the old people, who had despised the light of the Gospel while their country was flourish ing, now anxiously sought it, and earnestly asked for Baptism. So true is it that affliction gives under standing, and that adversity opens the eyes of those whom [170] prosperity had blinded. Nevertheless, however sweet those fruits of the Gospel may have been, the Father was soon obliged to deprive himself of them, because more pressing affairs called him elsewhere. He had a fine opportunity, on the way, of ridiculing the superstition of the Infidels. His guide offered him a piece of wood, to throw upon two round stones which, surrounded by evidences of the superstition of these poor people, are encountered upon the road. It is the custom, in passing, to throw a small stick on the stones by way of homage, and add these words: Koue askennon eskatongot, that is to say, 26 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Ie ne peux omettre la mort de Dauid le Moyne, qui doit fembler pretieufe aux yeux des gens de bien, comme nous croyons qu elle 1 a efte aux yeux de Dieu. C eftoit vn ieune-homme de Diepe age d en- uiron vingt ans, que fon zele auoit mis a la fuite du Pere dans cette Miffion, apres s y eftre difpofe par vne confeffion generale. Vn flux de [171] fang qui fit languir long temps fon corps, ne put attiedir vn moment fa deuotion, & il mourut fur le bord du Lac de Tiohero auec vne douceur & vne refignation de Predefine, beniffant Dieu de ce qu il mouroit fur les terres des Iroquois, & dans 1 employ du zele pour 1 augmentation de la Foy. Cette mort n eftoit-elle pas vne belle recompenfe d vne vie employ6e au falut des Ames, & vn effet illuftre de la protection de la Saindte Vierge, a laquelle ce ieune homme auoit vne deuotion tres-particuliere? 1 656 - 58] RELA T1ON OF 1636 -57 27 ( Here is something to pay my passage, that I may proceed in safety." I cannot omit to mention the death of David le Moyne, which must appear precious in the eyes of good people, as we believe it did in the eyes of God. He was a young man of Diepe, about twenty years of age, whose zeal had led him to follow the Father to this Mission, after he had prepared for it by a general confession. A bloody flux, [171] which caused his body to waste away for a long time, could not for a moment cool the ardor of his devotion ; and he died on the shore of Lake Tiohero, with the gen tleness and the resignation of one of the Elect, bless ing God that he died in the land of the Iroquois, and in the exercise of his zeal for the advancement of the Faith. Was not that death a glorious reward for a life spent in procuring the salvation of Souls ; and a remarkable effect of the protection of the Blessed Virgin, for whom the young man had always had a most particular devotion ? 28 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 CHAPITRE XVIII. DE LA PUBLICATION DE LA FOY AUX IROQUOIS ON- NEIOUTHRONNONS. ON fe preparoit a partir pour le voyage d On- neiout, lors qu on recent nouuelle qu il n y faifoit pas feur, & qu on y tramoit la mort des Francois. Ce bruit eftoit fonde fur ce qu vn guerrier reuenu recemment des Trois Riuieres, oh il auoit tue quelques Hurons par [172] trahifon, receuant des fiens reproche de cette adtion, & quel ques- vns luy ayant dit qu il euft autant valu tuer les Francois, puis que 1 vnion eftoit fi eftroitte entre le Fran?ois & le Huron, qu ils ne faifoient qu vne mefme chofe: ce Braue refpondit, que s il ne tenoit qu a cela il trouueroit bien le moyen d en tuer, & que les Ambaffadeurs Fra^ois ne luy pouroient e"chapper. Nous nelaiffafmes pas de pafler outre, apres en auoir delibere auec les Anciens d Onnontaghe", qui deuoient auoir part a 1 Ambaffade. Les Peres Chaumont & Menart accompagnez de deux Fra^ois, furent ceux qui entreprirent ce voyage. Leur premier gifte fut dans vne foreft, ofr le Capi- taine harangua toute la bande a 1 ordinaire. Ah mes freres, difoit-il, que vous eftes las! que de peine de marcher fur la neige, fur la glace & dans 1 eau! Mais, courage, ne nous plaignons pas de ce trauail, puis que nous 1 entreprenons pour vne fi belle caufe. Demons qui habitez ces forefts, gardez-vous de nuire 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -57 29 CHAPTER XVIII. OF THE PREACHING OF THE FAITH TO THE ONNEIOUT- HRONNON IROQUOIS. WE were preparing to start on the journey to Onneiout, when we received word that it was not safe to go there, and that plots were being laid to kill the French. The following was the foundation of this rumor. A warrior, but recently returned from Three Rivers where he had treacher ously killed some Hurons, [172] was reproached with that deed by his people. Some said that he might as well have killed the French, because the Frenchman and the Huron were so closely allied that they were but one and the same; thereupon, the Brave replied that, if that were all, he would soon find means to kill some, and that the French Ambassadors could not escape him. Nevertheless, we proceeded on our way, after delib erating on the matter with the Elders of Onnontaghe" who were to form part of the Embassy. Fathers Chaumont and Menart, accompanied by two French men, were those who undertook the journey. Their first halting-place was in a forest, where the Captain harangued his band as usual. " Ah, my brothers," he said, "how weary you are! What trouble to walk over the snow, over the ice, and through the water! But courage; let us not com plain of the work, since we have undertaken it in so good a cause. Ye Demons who dwell in these 30 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 a aucun de ceux qui compofent cette Ambaffade. Et vous Arbres [173] chargez d annees, & que la vieil- leffe doit bien-toft letter par terre, fufpendez voftre cheute, & n enuelopez pas dans voftre rui ne ceux qui vont empefcher la ruine des Prouinces & des Nations. II fit auffi vne harangue de complimens aux femmes qui portoient les prouifions du voyage, loiiant leur courage & leur conftance. A leur arriuee au Bourg apres les harangues & les complimens de part & d autre, on les fit entrer dans les cabanes qui leur auoient efte deftine"es; ou on leur dit d abord, que 1 Onnonhouaroia, qui eft vne efpece de Carnaual parmy ces peuples, empefchoit qu on ne peuft leur pref enter quelque chofe & man ger, & qu on tafcheroit d abreger cette ceremonie en leur faueur: ce qu on fit bien-toft apres, les Anciens ayant obtenu qu on la remift k vn autre temps. Le premier iour fe paffa & receuoir les vifites des anciens Chreftiens Hurons, & les ciuilitez des Onnei- outhronnons, qui repetoient fouuent ce compliment aux Fran9ois. O mes Peres que vous [174] auez pris de peine de venir voir vos enfans! Us firent & receurent ce mefme iour diuers petits pref ens de peu d importance, & qui ne fe faifoient qu entre des particuliers. Le iour fuiuant eft ant deftine" aux prefents folen- nels, le Pere qui portoit la parole, en eftala vingt, adiouftant 1 explication a chacun, fur tout aux trois plus beaux, dont 1 vn fe faifoit pour adopter les Onneiouthronnons pour enfans d Onnontio, & les deux autres pour les inftruire de la Foy. Ce fut a lors que le Pere leur expliqua nos myfteres, les ex- hortant k reconnoiftre la belle lumiere de 1 Euangile 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -37 31 forests, be careful not to harm those who compose this Embassy. And ye Trees [173] that are laden with years, and that will soon be cast down to the earth by old age, delay your fall, and involve not in your ruin those who go to prevent the ruin of the Provinces and of the Nations." He also addressed a commendatory harangue to the women who carried the provisions for the journey, praising their courage and perseverance. On their arrival at the Village, after harangues and compliments on both sides, they were taken into the cabins assigned to them. There they were told at first that, because of the Onnonhouaroia, which is a kind of Carnival among those peoples, they could not be offered anything to eat, and that an effort would be made to shorten the ceremony on their account. This was done soon afterward, the Elders obtaining its postponement to another time. The first day was passed in receiving the visits of the old Huron Christians and the civilities of the Onneiouthronnons, who frequently repeated this compliment to the French : " O my Fathers, what [174] trouble you have taken to come and see your children ! " On the same day, they gave and received various small presents of slight importance, such as were only exchanged between individuals. On the following day, which was set apart for the solemn presents, the Father, who was the spokesman, spread out twenty, giving an explanation of each one, especially of the three finest. One of them was given to adopt the Onneiouthronnons as the children of Onnontio; and the two others, to instruct them in the Faith. Thereupon, the Father explained our mysteries to them, exhorting them to recognize the 32 LES RELATIONS DES J&SUITES [ VOL. 44 qui venoit les e"clairer: ce qu il fit au long, fans eftre interrompu; ceux qui parlent dans ces Aflem- blees, ayant droit de dire tout ce qu il leur plaift, fans qu aucun ait droit de les interrompre. Cette femence fut li heureufement receue, qu on auoit lieu d en efperer vne heureufe recolte, ii les Anciens d Onnon- taghe", qui craignoient encore quelque furprife, n euffent trop preffe le depart des Peres. II ayma-mieux toutesfois leur laiffer [175] prendre le deuant, que de manquer a baptifer deux vieillards qu il auoit de"ja difpofez ^. receuoir ce Sacrement, qu il confera . plufieurs petits enfans auec eux, apres auoir bien paye fon efcot a fon hofteffe, en 1 inftrui- fant & [en] la confeffant. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 38 bright light of the Gospel, that came to enlighten them. This he did at length, without being inter rupted; for they who speak in those Assemblies have the right to say all that they please, and no one has the right to interrupt them. This seed was so favorably received that there was reason to hope for a good harvest, had not the Elders of Onnontaghe", who were still fearing some surprise, hastened the Fathers departure. He preferred however to let them [175] precede him, rather than not baptize two old men whom he had already prepared for that Sacrament. He admin istered it at the same time to several little children, after having amply paid his reckoning to his hostess by instructing and confessing her. 34 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 CHAPITRE XIX. DE LA PUBLICATION DE LA FOY AUX IROQUOIS ONNON- TAGEHRONNONS. 1L fuffiroit, pour faire entendre au Ledleur quels font les progrez de 1 Euangile dans cette Nation, chez laquelle eft noitre principale Miffion des Iroquois, de dire qu on y fait 1 Office diuin, qu on y adminiftre les Sacremens, qu on y pratique les vertus Chrefbiennes auec autant de mode (lie, autant de foin, & autant de ferueur, que dans les Prouinces les plus Catholiques & les plus denotes de 1 Europe. Plus de deux cents baptifez en peu de temps, entre lefquels il y en a cinq des plus confiderables [176] de cette nation, font les pierres-viues qui compofent les pre miers fondements de cette Eglife: en forte que ces peuples font maintenant fi eloignez d auoir honte de 1 Euangile, ou de la perfecuter, qu ils font tous gloire de la fuiure, ou de la defirer; & fi 1 vn ou 1 autre des deux Peres emploiez a cette Miffion demande entrant dans les cabannes, qui font les Chreftiens, on luy refpond qu il n y a plus parmy eux que des Chreftiens, depuis que les anciens font deuenus Predicateurs de la Loy Chreftienne; tant I exemple des premiers des Prouinces & des villes/ a de pouuoir fur les efprits, & fur la conduite des peuples. Pleuft a Dieu que tous ceux qui ont authorite" par- mi les peuples, eclairez de la lumiere de la Foy, depuis plulieurs fiecles, euffent le mef me zele pour porter a la vertu par leurs exemples, par leurs adtions, & par leurs 1656 - 58] K EL A TJON OF 1656 -57 35 CHAPTER XIX. OF THE PREACHING OF THE FAITH TO THE ONNON- TAGEHRONNON IROQUOIS. TO enable the Reader to understand the progress that the Gospel has made in this Nation, in whose country our principal Mission among the Iroquois is situated, it is sufficient to say that divine Service is celebrated there; that the Sacra ments are administered; that the Christian virtues are practiced there with as much modesty, attention, and fervor as in the most Catholic and most devout Provinces of Europe. Over two hundred persons baptized within a short space of time, among whom are five of the most notable personages [176] of that nation, are the living stones that constitute the first foundation of this Church. These peoples are now so far from being ashamed of the Gospel, or from persecuting it, that they all glory in following or desiring it; and, when one of the two Fathers who labor in this Mission asks, on entering a cabin, who are the Christians, the answer he receives is that there are no longer any but Christians among them, since the elders have become Preachers of the Chris tian Law. Such is the influence exerted by the ex ample of the leaders of Provinces and cities over the minds and conduct of the people. Would to God that all who have authority among the nations illumined by the light of the Faith for several centuries, had the same zeal to lead to 36 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 difcours, ceux au deffus defquels la puiffance de Dieu les a e"leuez ! Voici comme s acquita de ce deuoir vn des principaux Iroquois dans vne nombreufe afTern- ble"e, 1 exhortant [177] en ces termes & la piet6. Courage, mes neueux, courage: croyons tons, qu il n y ait pas vn Infidele parmy nous: & puis qu il ne faut que quitter le peche" pour eftre bon Chreftien, il faut ceffer, ieunes hommes, de vous demarier; il ne faut plus, ieunes femmes, fauffer la foy a vos maris. Qu on n entende plus parmy nous parler de larcins, plus de meurtres, plus de facrileges. Ah que noftre bonheur feroit grand, fi nous auions banni de noftre pays tous ces vices, qui nous ont confomme fi grand nombre de guerriers, & qui nous ont fait vne plus cruelle guerre que tous nos autres ennemis ! Croyons done mes neueux, mais croyons tout de bon, puis qu il n y a que la Foy, qui puiife nous faire heureux en cette vie & en 1 autre. Ce genereux Chreftien fut efcoute" auec vne attention merueilleufe, en forte que fon difcours ne fut interrompu que par des accla mations, par lefquelles fes auditeurs temoignoient leur approbation vniuerfelle. Les femmes ayant beaucoup d authorite parmi ces peuples, leur vertu [178] y fait d autant plus de fruict qu autre-part, & leur exemple en trouuent d autant plus d imitateurs. La faindte mort de Madeleine Tiotonharafon, precedee de la profeffion de Foy qu elle auoit efte faire a Kebec, en a efte vne heureufe preuue : puis qu ayant meprife dans fa maladie les difcours de ceux qui luy vouloient perfuader de quitter noftre Religion pour guerir, & ayant conferue iufqu au der nier foufpir cette Foy, a laquelle on attribuoit fa mort, fon fils, fa mere, fes oncles, & fes tantes conuerties 1656 - 58] RE LA TION OF j6j6 -37 37 virtue by their examples, deeds, and words those over whom the power of God has placed them. Observe how one of the leading Iroquois acquitted himself of that duty at a numerous gathering, whom he exhorted [177] to piety in the following words: " Courage, my nephews, courage! Let us all believe ; let there not be a single Infidel among us. And, since all that is needed to be a good Christian is to give up sin, you, young men, must cease to divorce yourselves; and you, young women, must no longer be unfaithful to your husbands. Let us hear no longer of larceny, of murder, or of sacrilege among us. Ah, how great would our happiness be, if we had banished from our country all those vices that have destroyed so many warriors, and have waged a more cruel war against us than all our other enemies ! Let us therefore believe, my nephews, but let us believe in earnest ; for Faith alone can make us happy in this life and in the next." That noble Christian was listened to with marvelous attention, and his discourse was interrupted only by acclamations, by which his auditors manifested their full approval. The women have great authority among these peoples; their virtue [178] produces greater fruit, and their example finds more imitators, than else where. The saintly death of Madeleine Tiotonha- rason, preceded by her profession of Faith, which she went to make at Kebec, was a happy proof of this. During her illness, she refused to listen to the discourses of those who tried to induce her to abandon our Religion, in order to be cured ; and she retained to her last breath that Faith, to which her death was attributed. In consequence, her mother, her uncles and aunts, who were converted shortly 38 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 vn pen deuant leur decez, dans vne extreme vieilleffe, & plufieurs autres de fes proches ont fuiui fon exem- ple mourans peu de temps apres elle, auec le mefme zele pour la Foy, les mefmes tendreffes pour le ciel, & le mefme mepris de la mort & de la fuperftition. L empreffement, les cris, & les larmes auec lef- quelles les petits enfans obligent leurs meres de les mener ou de les porter k la Chapelle, pour y faire leurs prieres, nous font affez voir que le Royaume des cieux eft pour les enfans, & que Dieu tire fa gloire de ces petites [179] creatures, auffi bien que de ceux qui font dans des ages plus auancez. II n y a perfonne qui ne doiue eftre touche de ce que mande vn des deux Peres qui trauaillent a Onnon- tagh6. Voicy les termes de fa Lettre. La bonne Chreitienne Huronne dont ie vous mande hier la mort, ayant laiffe au berceau vn enfant de trois ou quatre mois, que nous auions baptife" dans noftre Chapelle; nous n auons peu empefcher qu on ne 1 enterraft tout vif auec le corps mort de fa mere, par vn motif de companion trop ordinaire & nos Sauuages, qui aiment mieux faire mourir tout d vn coup vn enfant a la mammelle, que de luy laiffer traifner vne vie languiffante & miferable apres la mort de fa mere, qui feule luy doit feruir de nourrice. On a eu plus de companion de 1 enfant d vne autre Chreftienne captiue, morte depuis quelque temps: car on 1 a nourri depuis, en forte neantmoins qu il eft tombe" en chart[r]e, ayant trop toft efte priu6 du laidt de fa mere. Ce pauure petit predeftine donne tous les marques poffibles de ioye quand il me voit: on [180] diroit a luy voir ioindre les mains, quand on 1 exhorte a prier Dieu, qu il dit de coeur les prieres qu il ne 1 656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -57 39 before their deaths, in extreme old age, and sev eral of her other relatives, followed her example, dying 1 a short time after her in the same zeal for the Faith, the same love for heaven, and the same contempt for death and for superstition. The eagerness, the cries, and the tears with which the little children beg their mothers to take or carry them to the Chapel, that they may say their prayers there, show us sufficiently that the Kingdom of heaven is for children, and that God derives his glory from those little [179] creatures, as well as from those who are more advanced in years. There is no one who would not be touched by the information sent us by one of the two Fathers who labor at Onnontaghe. Here are the words of his Letter: " The good Christian Huron woman of whose death I informed you yesterday left in the cradle a child three or four months old, whom we had baptized in our Chapel. In spite of our efforts, he was buried alive with the dead body of his mother, through a motive of compassion which is only too common among our Savages : they prefer to put an infant at the breast to death at once, rather than allow it to drag on a languishing and miserable life after the death of its mother, who alone can nurse it. They had more pity on the child of another Christian captive, who died some time ago. He has been fed since then, but has been attacked with consumption of the bowels, having been deprived too soon of his mother s milk. This poor little predestined child betrays every possible manifestation of joy whenever he sees me; one [180] would say, on seeing him clasp his hands when he is exhorted to pray to God, that he says in his heart the prayers that his lips cannot 40 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 pent encore dire de bouche.- luy voyat vn iour donner vne efpece de confentement des yeux & des levres, pendant que ie 1 exhortois h prendre le chemin du ciel, pour y fuiure fa mere ; ie me perf trade" facile- ment qu il auoit quelque chofe pardeffus la porte"e de fon age, & que comme il pouuoit conceuoir ce que ie luy difois, il pouroit auffi reconnoiftre & inuoquer fon Sauueur: Ce fut pourquoy ie luy dis, Charles, prions Dieu enf emble, repetez auec moy ces paroles ; IESVS ayez piti6 de moy, & me faites aller au ciel. Mais que ie fus raui d ouir cet innocent encore h la mamelle, qui n auoit iamais parle auparauant, repeter intelligiblement ces mots, IESVS ayez pitit de moy, & acheuer le refte en beguayant du mieux qu il pouuoit. Que cet enfant moribond me f embloit heu- reux, quand ie lecomparois auec tant d autres enfans nais dans la foie, dont les premieres paroles font fouuent les blafphemes, & les mots infames qu ils ont [181] ouy de la bouche de leurs parens ou de leurs domeftiques! Ceux qui ont veu dans les Relations des annees pailees, qu elle eftoit la ferueur de la Congregation, erige"e pour les Hurons de 1 Ifle-d Orleans, admiroient ce fruidl de plulieurs anne"es de trauaux : mais per- fonne n euft ofe efperer que le femblable fe peuft faire en peu de temps parmi les Iroquois. Dieu a commence d operer cette merueille, nous donnant de la facilit6 a eftablir trois Congregations, entre lefquelles nous voyons naiftre la faindte emulation que nous y fouhaittions, les faifant des trois Nations differentes, des Hurons, de la Nation neutre, & des Iroquois. Ceux qui y ont efte admis qui font tous des plus anciens & de probite connue, firent paroiftre 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656-57 41 yet utter. I observed him one day expressing a sort of content with his eyes and his lips, while I exhorted him to take the road to heaven, that he might follow his mother thither. I easily became convinced that there was something in him beyond the usual capacity of his age; and that, as he could understand what I said to him, he might also acknowledge and invoke his Savior. Therefore, I said to him : Charles, let us pray to God together; repeat these words with me: " JESUS, have pity on me, and make me go to heaven." But how delighted I was to hear that innocent babe, still at the breast, who had never spoken before, repeat intelligibly the words, JESUS, have pity on me, and complete the remainder by lisp ing it as well as he could ! How happy that dying child seemed to me, when I compared him with so many children born in silk, whose first utterances are often blasphemies and infamous words, which they have [181] heard from the mouths of their parents or their servants ! Those who have seen in the Relations of the past years what fervor existed in the Congregation estab lished for the Hurons of the Island of Orleans, admired that result of the labors of several years; but no one could have ventured to hope that the same could be done in a short time among the Iro- quois. God began to work this marvel by enabling us to establish three Congregations among three different Nations, the Hurons, the neutral Nation, and the Iroquois; and we observe in them the birth of that holy emulation which we wished to obtain when organizing them. Those who have been admitted to it, who are all among the oldest and of known probity, manifested their fervor on Palm 42 LES RELATIONS DES J&SUITES [ VOL. 44 leur ferueur de"s le iour des Rameaux de I anne e 1657. qui fut celuy de leur premiere Aflemblee; fe tronuant tous dans la Chapelle vne heure auant le iour, & y recitant publiquement le Chapellet deuant qu on commensaft la Meffe. Enfin pour iuger des heureux progrez [182] de la Foy dans la nouuelle Eglife d Onnontaghe", il ne faut que fcauoir qu il n y a dans Onnontagh6 aucune famille qui ne nous regoiue auec ioye, & ne fe plaife a nous oiiir parler de nos myfteres : Qu aucun des Anciens ne s oppofe ouuertement a la Foy. Qu il n y . aucun efclaue pauure ou eftranger qui ne fe f affe inftruire : Qu il y a fort peu d enfans dans le bourg qui ne f9achent le Catechifme : Que les calom- nies n ont pas empefche" que la plus part de ceux qui font morts n ayent profite" de nos foins mourat dans le Chriftianifme : Que dans vne grande mortalit6 qui a efte" dans le pays depuis que nous y fommes, d vn grand nombre d enfants qui en ont efte enleuez, il n en eft mort que deux fans Baptefme: Que nous auons le bon-heur d auoir mis dans le ciel, depuis que nous fommes icy des Ames de plus de douze fortes de Nations: Enfin qu il n y a point de cabane dont on ne vienne tous les iours prier h la Chapelle, & qu il n y a prefque perfonne qui n ait quelque connoiffance des articles de noftre Foy, & quelque difpoiition au Baptefme. [183] Ces fruidts de 1 Euangile qui furpaflent tout ce qu on en peut exprimer, n auroient peut-eftre pas efte" moindres parmy les autres Nations Iroquoifes, fi nous euffions pu nous tranfporter en mefme temps en diuers lieux, ou fi nous euffions eu le fecours de bons ouuriers Euangeliques que nous efperons. 1656-58J RELATION OF 1656-57 43 Sunday of the year 1657, which was the day of their first Meeting ; they all assembled in the Chapel an hour before daylight, and publicly recited the Rosary before Mass began. Finally, to judge of the successful progress [182] of the Faith in the new Church at Onnontaghe", it is sufficient to know that there is not a single family in Onnontaghe" which does not welcome us with joy, and is not pleased to hear us speak of our mysteries ; that not one of the Elders openly opposes the Faith; that there is not a poor slave or stranger who does not receive instruction ; that there are very few chil dren in the village who do not know the Catechism ; that, in spite of calumnies, the majority of those who departed this life were benefited by our care, and died in the Christian faith ; that, while a great mortality has prevailed in the country since we have been here, in which very many children were carried off, two only died without Baptism; that we have the happiness of having sent to heaven since we have been here the Souls of men, of more than twelve different Nations. In fine, there is not a cabin without one or more inmates who come every day to pray in the Chapel ; and there is hardly a single person who has not some knowledge of the articles of our Faith, and some inclination toward Baptism. [183] These fruits of the Gospel, which surpass all that can be said of them, would perhaps not have been less among the other Iroquois Nations, if we had been able to transport ourselves at the same time to various places, or if we had had the assistance of the good Gospel laborers whom we hope for. 44 LES RELATIONS DES J&SUITES [ VOL. 44 CHAPITRE XX. DES NOUUELLES ESPERANCES DU PROGREZ DE LA FOY DANS LES MISSIONS DE LA NOUUELLE-FRANCE VNE recolte fi abondante faite en fi pen de temps, par vn fi petit nombre d otmriers, fuffiroit pour donner lieu d en efperer vne beaucoup plus grande, les difpofitions de la Foy eftant deja dans les efprits de tous ces peuples, & le nombre de ceux qui y trauailleront deuant croiftre dans peu de temps, ainfi que nous 1 efperons ; leur ayant de" ja prepare vn Didtionnaire Iroquois pour leur rendre la langue plus facile. [184] II n y a rien qui gaigne & rauiffe dauantage en admiration les Sauuages, que le zele, qui a fait quitter a vn bon nombre de Fra^ois les commoditez & les douceurs de la France, pour embrafler leurs miferes, & s abandonner a leur merci. Le peu de crainte que nous temoignons leur entendant dire : c eft moy qui ay maffacre vne telle Robbe-noire, c eft moy qui ay brufle cette autre, leur fait prendre vne ide*e auantageufe des veritez que nous annongons, & qui nous font ainfi m6prifer les dangers de la mort & des fupplices. II y a fort peu de nos Sauuages qui aillent & Kebec qui n en reuiennent auec plus d eilime & d affedtion pour nos myfteres, & auec vn defir de fe faire inftruire, & d embraffer la Foy, experimentant & ce qu ils difent des fentimens tout contraires quand ils 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 45 CHAPTER XX. OF THE FRESH HOPES FOR THE PROGRESS OF THE FAITH IN THE MISSIONS OF NEW FRANCE. SO abundant a harvest, gathered in so short a time by so small a number of laborers, would suffice to lead us to hope for a still more abundant one, because the minds of all those peoples are already disposed toward the Faith. Moreover, the number of those who work there is shortly to be increased, as we hope ; and we have already prepared for them an Iroquois Dictionary, to facilitate their learning the language. [184] There is nothing that wins the Savages or excites their admiration more than the zeal which has caused a good many French to abandon the conveniences and comforts of France, to undergo the hardships of their own existence, and to abandon them selves to their mercy. The little fear that we mani fest when we hear them say, " It is I who killed such a black Gown," "It is I who burned that other," gives them a favorable impression of the truths that we preach and that cause us so to despise the dangers of death and of torture. Very few of our Savages come back from Kebec without greater esteem and affection for our myste ries, and without a desire to be instructed and to embrace the Faith; they say that they experience quite different feelings when they return from the Dutch settlements. But, without going so far, the 46 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 reuiennent des habitations des Hollanders. Mais fans aller fi loin : la piete qui regne ici parmi les Frangois, qui nous y ont accompagne", a donne" de la piete & de 1 inclination pour la Foy a plufieurs Iro quois, qui nous 1 ont depuis auoiie: en forte [185] qu vne bonne Chreftienne difoit il y a peu de temps: quel contentement deuons-nous efperer dans le ciel de la veue de Dieu & des Bien-heureux, puis que nous reifentons tant de ioye, voyant la piete des Franois! Noftre fituation au centre de ces Nations eft fort aduantageufe pour la conuerflon des Sauuages, tant a caufe des Minions qui fe peuuent facilement faire de la dans les Prouinces voifmes, qu a caufe du grand abord de paffans, qui rendent inceflamment ce lieu fort peuple". Ceux qui n ont pas encore la hardieffe de fe declarer Chreftiens chez eux, y viennent faire leur apprentiffage des vertus & des deuoirs d vn Chreftien, ils ne manquent pas de moyens pour le bien faire; puis qu on y fait tous les iours le Catechifme commun a tout le monde, les prieres, les ceremonies de 1 Eglife, les Inflrudtions publiques; & on y prefche les Feftes en Iroquois. II y a de bons Hurons qui viennent en ce lieu de trente & de quarante lieues loing pour fe renouueller, & reprendre leur ancien efprit de ferueur, tant par [186] les inftrudtions qu ils y re9oiuent, que par 1 exemple des Francois & des Iroquois conuertis. II y en a mefme qui s y arreftent le plus long-temps qu ils peuuent, pour auoir part a nos aumofnes fpiri- tuelles & corporelles; du nombre defquels font de pauures efclaues, dont la Foy a efte bien eprouu6e par les miferes qu ils ont fouffertes; qui efperent que la Iiberalit6 & la charite des Frangois fera affez 1656 -58J RELATION OF 1656-57 47 piety that prevails among the French who have accompanied us hither has inspired devotion and inclination toward the Faith in many Iroquois. They have since admitted it to us; [185] and a good Chris tian woman said recently: " What satisfaction must we not hope to enjoy in heaven at the sight of God and the Blessed, if we feel such joy in seeing the piety of the French ! " Our situation in the center of these Nations is a most advantageous one with respect to the conver sion of the Savages, both because the Missions can easily be extended thence into the neighboring Provinces, and because a great number of travelers constantly make this place very populous. Those who have not yet had the courage to declare them selves Christians at their homes come here to serve their apprenticeship in the virtues and duties of a Christian. They are certain to find opportunities for doing it properly ; Catechism is taught here every day to all in common ; the prayers are recited ; the ceremonies of the Church are solemnized; public Instructions are given; and, on Feast-days, sermons are preached in Iroquois. There are good Hurons who come here from a distance of thirty or forty leagues, to be regenerated and to resume their former spirit of fervor, both through [186] the instructions that they receive, and through the examples of the French and of the converted Iroquois. Some even remain as long as they can, to share in our spiritual and material alms. Among the latter are many poor slaves, whose Faith has been sorely tried by the misery that they have endured, and who hope that the liberality and charity of the French will be strong enough to burst the 48 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 forte pour rompre les liens de leur efclauage. Nous les afftftons le mieux qu il nous eft poffible, en atten dant qu on leur procure ce bon heur; en forte qu a- uec 1 entretien d vn bon nombre de Fran9ois, qui nous ont accompagn6 dans ce pays, nous foulageons la mifere de tous ces pauures mife rabies, tenant pour ainfi dire table ouuerte aux Sauuages. Nous auons tout fuiet de reconnoiftre que c eft la feule Iiberalit6 de Dieu, qui nous donne le moyen de faire paroiftre la noftre, & attirer les Sauuages a la Foy par ces aumofnes, puis que nous n auons apporte aucunes fubfiftances dans ce pays, ou nous ne poffedons pas encore vn poulce [187] de terre qui foit en eftat de nous nourrir. Si nous pouuions nous habituer dans le pays des Sonnontouaehronnons, qui nous en folli- citent, & y vfer de la mefme liberalite, nous aurios tout fuiet d efperer que tous les Sauuages, non feule- ment de cette Nation, mais auffi de toutes les autres contrees circonuoifines donneroient bien-toft les mains aux veritez de 1 Euangile, la voyant publiee auec cet e"clat. Nous irions par ce moyen eftablir la Croix de IESVS-CHRIST en d autres pays au dela de ceux des Iroquois, & parmy des Nations; qui femblent nous tendre les bras, & nous inuiter a leur aller auffi rompre & diftribuer le pain de vie. Car nos Iroquois ont de"couuert au dela de la Nation du Chat, d autres Nations nombreufes, qui parlent la langue Algonquine. II y a plus de trente bourgs qui n ont iamais eu connoiffance des Euro peans, & qui ne fe feruent encore que de haches & de coufteaux de pierre, & des autres chofes dont vfoient les Sauuages auant leur commerce auec les Fran9ois. Puis que [188] les Iroquois leur vont 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -57 49 bonds of their slavery. We assist them to the best of our ability, until such time as we can procure them that happiness. Thus, in addition to the mainte nance of a large number of French who have accom panied us to this country, we relieve the wants of all these poor wretches, keeping, as it were, open house for the Savages. We have every reason to acknowledge that it is solely the liberality of God which enables us to manifest our own, and to attract the Savages to the Faith by those alms ; for we have brought no means of subsistence with us to this coun try, and do not yet possess an inch [187] of soil therein capable of supporting us. If we could settle in the land of the Sonnontouaehronnons, who urge us to do so, and could display the same liberality, we would have every reason to hope that all the Savages, not only of that Nation but also of all the surrounding countries, would soon submit to the truths of the Gospel, when they should see it pub lished with such 6clat. Thus, we would be enabled to go and establish the Cross of JESUS CHRIST in other countries beyond those of the Iroquois, and among Nations who seem to hold out their arms to us, and to invite us to go and break and distribute the bread of life to them. For our Iroquois have discovered, beyond the Cat Nation, other and numerous Nations who speak the Algonquin language. There are more than thirty villages whose inhabitants have never had any knowledge of Europeans; they still use only stone hatchets and knives, and the other things that these Savages used before they began to trade with the French. Since [188] the Iroquois carry fire and war thither, why should not we carry to them the fire 50 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 porter le feu & la guerre, pourquoy n irions nous pas leur porter le feu & la paix que lESVS-CHRiSTa apport6 au monde? Nous efperons le fecours necef- faire pour ces entreprifes, pour lefquelles nous ferions heureux de pouuoir refpandre noflre fang iufqu k la derniere goutte, & vfer noftre vie iufqu au dernier foupir. Nous auons lieu d efperer que la France ne manquera pas de nous fournir les moyens d executer ces deffeins, & de nous ayder a accomplir de fi glorieufes expeditions ; puis qu on doit attendre d vn Royaume tres-Chreftien, tout le zele poffible pour 1 accroiilement de la Foy & de la Chreftiente". 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -57 51 and the peace that JESUS CHRIST has brought into the world? We hope for the assistance needed for these undertakings, for which we would gladly shed our blood to the last drop, and spend our lives to the last breath. We have reason to hope that France will not fail to supply us with the means necessary for carrying out these designs, and to aid us in accomplishing such glorious expeditions; for we may expect, from a most Christian Kingdom, all possible zeal for the spread of the Faith and of Christianity. 52 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 [189] CHAPITRE XXI. LETTRE ESCRITE AU R.P. LOUYS CELLOT PROUINCIAL DE LA COMPAGNIE DE IESVS DE LA PROUINCE DE FRANCE, PAR LE P. FRANgOIS LE MERCIER DE LA MESME COMPAGNIE. LA faindte curiofit6 du Ledteur aura beaucoup de fatisfadlion voyant vne Lettre qui ne put eftre imprime"e 1 annee paffee, parce qu elle fut receue trop tard, auffi bien que les Memoires dont les premiers Chapitres de cette Relation ont efte" tirez. Le Pere qui eftoit alors fuperieur de ces Millions efcriuit cette Lettre de Montreal, y paffant pour aller aux pays des Iroquois. MON R. P. Pax Chrijli, Apres auoir dreffe" tous nos voeux au Ciel pour im- plorer fon ayde, nous auons recours k voftre R. pour luy demander fa faindte benediction, auant que de nous embarquer dans la plus dangereufe, [190] mais auffi la plus glorieufe de toutes les entreprifes qu on puiffe faire en ce pai s. Nous fommes fur les termes de noftre depart pour aller ramaffer le refte du fang du Fils de Dieu parmi des peuples, ou nous auons eu le bon-heur de verfer le noftre ; & leur porter le flam beau de la Foy ; quoy qu ils n ayent eu iufqu ^ prefent autre deffein que de 1 efteindre : c eft pour nous aller eltablir chez les Iroquois: ie crois tous dire en 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1636 -57 53 [189] CHAPTER XXI. LETTER WRITTEN TO REVEREND FATHER LOUYS CEL- LOT, PROVINCIAL OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN THE PROVINCE OF FRANCE, BY FATHER FRAN- LE MERCIER OF THE SAME SOCIETY. THE Reader s pious curiosity will feel much satis faction at seeing a Letter that could not be printed last year, because it was received too late, as also were the Memoirs from which the first Chapters of this Relation have been compiled. The Father, who was then superior of those Missions, wrote this Letter from Montreal, through which he passed on his way to the country of the Iroquois. MY REVEREND FATHER, Pax Christi. After addressing all our vows to Heaven to implore its aid, we have recourse to your Reverence to ask your holy blessing, before embarking on the most dangerous [190] and likewise the most glorious enter prise that can be undertaken in this country. We are on the eve of our departure to go and collect what remains of the blood of the Son of God among those peoples, where we have had the happiness of shedding our own and of carrying the light of the Faith to them, although their sole design hitherto has been to extinguish it ; that is, we go to establish ourselves among the Iroquois. I think that, in men tioning those Barbarians, I say all that can be said ; 54 LES RELATIONS DES jS UITES [ VOL. 44 nommant ces Barbares, & leur notn feul monflre affez le danger que nous courons, & la gloire qui reuient a Dieu de 1 execution de ce deffein. Nous n ignorons pas que ce font des Sauuages, qui nous ont manges auec delices, & beu auec plaifir le fang des Peres de noflre Compagnie, qu ils en ont encore les mains & les leures teintes, & que les feux dont ils ont roftis leurs membres, ne font pas tout a fait efteins: nous n auons pas oublie" les embrafemens qu ils ont allumez dans nos maifons, & la cruaute" qu ils ont exerc6e fur nos corps, qui en portent encore les marques: Nous f9auons que toute leur [191] politique confifte a fgauoir bien tramer vne trahif on, & en couurir tous les deffeins ; que les Nerons & les Diocletians ne fe font pas tant declarez centre les Chreftiens, que ces fanguinaires centre nous; que la Foy feroit a prefent receue parmy plufieurs Nations Infideles, s ils n eulfent pas furpaffe" en rage & en fureur les plus grands perfecuteurs de IESVS-CHRIST : Nous n auons encore pu fecher nos larmes, qui bai- gnent nos yeux depuis fix ans, quand nous les iettons fur 1 eftat floriffant, ou eftoit 1 Eglife Huronne auant que ces Tyrans en euffent fappe les fondemens, fai- fant des Martyrs de fes Pafteurs, & des Saints de la plufpart de fes membres, & n en laiffant que des reftes bien pitoyables, qui fe font refugiez foubs 1 aifle des Franjois, qui eft 1 vnique azile qui leur eft refte" dans leur mal-heur: Nous voyons que depuis ce premier debris ils ont toufiours auance leurs con- queftes, & fe font rendus fi redoutables dans ce pai s, que tout plie fous leurs armes: Ils ont encore la force en main, & peut-eftre la trahifon au coeur, & nos alliez [192] font affoiblis & diminuez de telle forte, 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 55 for their name alone shows the risk which we run and the glory which will accrue to God from the execution of that design. We are not ignorant of the fact that these Savages have eaten us with relish and have drunk with pleas ure the blood of the Fathers of our Society ; that their hands and their lips are still wet with it, and that the fires in which they roasted their limbs are not yet quite extinguished. We have not forgotten the conflagrations that they have kindled to consume our houses, and the cruelty that they have practiced on our bodies, which still bear its marks. We know that their whole [191] policy consists in knowing well how to plot treachery, and to conceal all their plans for it ; that no Nero or Diocletian ever declared himself so strongly against the Christians as these bloodthirsty Savages have done against us ; and that the Faith would at the present moment be received among many Infidel Nations, had they not surpassed in rage and fury the greatest persecutors of JESUS CHRIST. We have not yet been able to dry the tears in which, for six years, our eyes have been bathed when we cast them upon the flourishing condition of the Huron Church before those Oppressors had sapped its foundations, making Martyrs of its Pas tors, and Saints of most of its members ; and leaving but a very pitiful remnant, who have sought refuge under the wing of the French, the only asylum left them in their misfortune. We see that, ever since that first havoc, they have always pushed on their conquests, and have made themselves so redoubtable in this country that everything gives way before their arms. They still have strength in their hands, and perhaps treachery in their hearts; and our allies 56 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 peine en refte-t il affez pour conferuer les noms de quantit6 de nations tres nombreufes, & tres confi- derables. Nonobftant tout cela, nous croyons eftre tellement conuaincus de la volonte de Dieu, qui a fait autre-fois fes plus illuftres Apoftres, de fes plus grands perfecuteurs, que nous ne doutons point qu il n ouure a prefent la porte a fes Predicateurs, pour aller planter la foy iufques das le fein de fes enne- mis, triompher de leur barbarie, & changer ces Loups, & ces Tygres, en Agneaux, pour prendre leur place dans le bercail delESVS-CHRiST. Ce n eft pas fans fondement que nous congeuons de fi belles efperances, les traits de la prouidence Diuine, & les refforts de fa conduite, qui a fgeu fi bien conduire les affaires iufqu au point ou elles font, nous font auoiier qu on ne peut fans vne extreme lachete, manquer aux attentes que Dieu nous fait naiftre du cofte" que nous penfions le moins. Si nous n auions pas remarque" le doit diuin, dans le com mencement, [193] & dans la fuite de cette entre- prif e, noftre zele nous feroit fufpedt, & nous pourrions craindre d agir auec plus de ferueur que de prudence, puis que toutes les apparences humaines femblent combattre noftre refolution. Mais Dieu opere fi manifeftement dans toute cette affaire, qu on ne peut douter qu elle ne foit vn ouurage de fa main, dont V execution & la gloire luy appartient vniquement. Car quelle puiffance autre que la fienne auroit oblige" ces peuples enflez de leurs vidtoires, non feulement de nous venir rechercher d vne paix dont ils fern- bloient n auoir aucun befoin, mais auffi de fe mettre fans armes entre nos mains, & de fe letter k nos genoux pour nous coniurer de les agreer pour nos 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 57 [192] are so weakened and so reduced in numbers, that barely enough remain to preserve the names of many very populous and very important nations. Notwithstanding all that, we consider ourselves so convinced of the will of God who, of old, turned his greatest persecutors into his most illustrious Apostles that we have no doubt that, at the present time, he opens the door to his Preachers, that they might go and plant the faith in the very heart of his enemies, triumph over their barbarity, change those Wolves and Tigers into Lambs, and bring them into the fold of JESUS CHRIST. It is not without reason that we conceive such bright hopes. The manifestations of Divine provi dence and the means employed by its guidance, which has so well directed matters to the point at which they have now arrived, compel us to admit that we cannot, without extreme cowardice, disappoint the expectations that God has caused to arise for us where we least expected them. Had we not observed the finger of God at the outset [193] and in the course of this undertaking, we would have mistrusted our own zeal, and have feared that we were acting with more fervor than prudence; for all human appear ances seem to contend against our resolution. But God acts so manifestly, in the whole of this matter, that no one can doubt that it is a work of his hand, the execution and the glory whereof belong solely to him. For what power other than his could force these peoples, inflated with pride on account of their victories, not only to come and seek a peace with us of which they seemed to have no need, but also to place themselves unarmed in our hands, and throw themselves at our feet, begging us to accept 58 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 amis, lots que nous eftions fi foibles que nous ne pouuions plus les auoir pour ennemis? II ne tenoit qu eux de continuer a maffacrer le refte de la Colo- nie Franoife, netrouuant pref que point derefi fiance, ny du coft6 des Francois, ny du cofl6 des Sauuages nos Confederez, & neantmoins depuis plus de trois ans, Us nous [194] enuoyent fans ceffe des pref ens & des ambalfades pour entrer dans nos efprits & nous folliciter a la paix. Les anciens & les ieunes, 1 femmes & les enfans fe mettent a noftre difcretion: ils entrent dans nos forts, agiffent confidemment auec nous, & n Spargnent rien pour nous ouurir leur coeur, & nous y faire lire que toutes les pourfuites qu ils font, font autant fmceres que preffantes. Ils ne fe contentent pas de venir chez nous; mais ils nous inuitent depuis long temps d aller chez eux, & nous font offre de la plus belle terre qu ils ayent, & qui foit en ce Nouueau monde. Ce n efl ny la neceffite- de la traitte, ny 1 efperance de noftre pro- tedtion qui les oblige a tout cela, puis qu ils ont eu iufqu a prefent, & ont encore du cofte des Hollandois 1 vn & 1 autre bien plus auantageufement qu ils ne le peuuent efperer des Francois; mais c eft vn coup de Dieu, qui fans doute a preftS 1 oreille au fang des Martyrs, qui eftant la femence des Chreftiens, en fait germer maintenant fur ces terres, qui en font arrofees. Car outre que ces plus grands ennemis^de la [ I95 ] Foy ont fait des prefens pour declarer qu ils vouloient 1 embraffer, outre qu ils ont demand^ des Predicateurs pour eftre inftruits, & qu ils ont fait profeffion publique en plein Confeil d eftre Croyans; les Peres de noftre Compagnie qui ont paff e cet hyuer chez eux, ont remarqu6 tant de belles difpofitions 1 656 - 58] RELA TION OF i6j6 -57 59 them as our friends, when we were so weak that we could no longer withstand them as enemies? They had but to continue, to massacre the remainder of the French Colony, for they met with hardly any resist ance either from the French or from the Savages, our Confederates ; and, nevertheless, for over three years, they [194] incessantly sent presents and em bassies to ingratiate themselves with us, and to solicit us to make peace. Old and young, women and chil dren, place themselves at our mercy; they enter our forts; they act confidently with us, and spare no effort to open their hearts to us, and to make us read therein that all their solicitations are as sincere as they are pressing. They are not content with coming to us, but for a long time they invite us to go to them, and offer us the finest land that they have, and that is to be found in this New world. Neither the necessities of trade nor the hopes of our protection induce them to do all that; for they have hitherto had and still enjoy both those things with the Dutch, much more advan tageously than they can ever hope to do with the French. But it is the act of God ; he has, doubtless, lent an ear to the blood of the Martyrs, which is the seed of Christians, and which now causes them to spring up in this land that was watered by it. For, not only have those greatest enemies of the [195] Faith given presents to declare that they wish to embrace it; not only have they asked for Preachers to instruct them, and publicly professed in open Council that they were Believers; but the Fathers of our Society who have passed the last winter with them have also observed so many good dispositions for the planting of a new Church among them, not 60 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 pour y planter vne nouuelle Eglife, non feulement par les chofes miraculeufes qui s y font paffees, comme Voftre R. verra dans le Journal, mais auffi par les premices nSbreufes qui en ont efte d6ja confacre es au ciel, que c eft auec toute affeurance que nous partons pour aller faire retemr le nom de IESVS-CHRIST dans ces terres, ou le Diable a toufiours eft6 le maiftre depuis le commencement du monde. Si ces peuples font tant les empreffez pour nous auoir en leur pays, nous n auons pas moins de paffion de quitter le noftre pour aller chez eux; & c eft vne autre marque de la volonte de Dieu, qui difpofe toutes chofes fi & propos, que ie me vois egalement & agreablement importune de deux coftez bien differents; d vne part des Iroquois qui preflent; de 1 autre [196] de nos Peres & Freres qui font inftance pour eftre de la partie. Le defir des premiers & le zele des autres m oblige & les contenter tous, & quoy que ceux-lk n ayet iufqu k prefent fait paroiftre que de la cruaute, ceux-cy n ont pour eux que de la ten- dreffe qui leur fait me"prifer leur vie, & la prodiguer genereufement pour le falut de ceux qui ont fi fou- uent tafche de leur donner la mort. Ie ne doute pas que Dieu qui gouuerne luy mefme fon ouurage & infpire cet efprit de ferueur aux Peres de noftre Compagnie qui font en ces contre es, ne le faffe aufil en nos Maifons de France, & n en porte plufieurs a venir prendre part a de fi belles Conqueftes, quoy qu auec des trauaux incroyables, & de tres grands dangers, ou pluftoft de belles efperances de mourir dans le lict d honneur. Ie m imagine bien qu on fe iette aux pieds de Voftre R. comme ie vois qu on embraffe icy les miens pour obtenir la plus grande 1656 - 58] RELA TION O F 1656 -57 61 only from the miraculous things that have happened there, as Your Reverence will see in the Journal, but also from the numerous first-fruits already con secrated to heaven, that we depart, with all confi dence, to cause the name of JESUS CHRIST to resound in those lands where the Devil has always been master from the beginning of the world. If those peoples are so anxious to have us in their country, we feel no less eagerness to leave ours, and to go among them. And this is another proof of the will of God, who disposes all things so opportunely that I find myself equally and agreeably importuned from two very different directions, on one side, by the Iroquois, who urge us; on the other, [196] by our Fathers and Brethren, who eagerly ask to be allowed to join the party. The desire of the former and the zeal of the latter compel me to satisfy them all ; and, although the former have hitherto manifested noth ing but cruelty, the latter feel only an affection for them, which makes them hold life cheap, and lavish it generously, for the salvation of those who have so often sought to put them to death. I have no doubt that God who himself governs his work, and who inspires that fervor in the Fathers of our Society who are in these countries will do likewise in our Houses in France; and will induce many to come and have a share in Conquests so brilliant, although accompanied by incredible labors and very great dangers, or, rather, by lofty hopes of dying on the field of battle. I can readily imagine that they will cast themselves at the feet of Your Reverence, as I see them here embracing mine, in order to obtain the greatest favor that a member of the society of JESUS can expect to obtain; for he can never hope 62 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 grace que puiffe efperer vn veritable membre de la compagnie de IESVS, qui n aura iamais plus d hon- neur que de fe confommer, pour porter dans la barbaric le nom de fon chef & le [197] faire adorer par des Iroquois. C eft encore vn trait de la prouidence diuine de nous donner maintenant bon nombre de nos Peres qui n ont pas feulement le courage de s expofer & tout mais auffi la capacite d inftruire ces Barbares dont la langue auffi bien que de plufieurs autres Nations plus eloignees n eft pas beaucoup differente de celle des Hurons: & c eft ce qui r anime leur ferueur & donne le courage k des vieillards caffez de glorieux trauaux, de vouloir aller parmi ces peuples vfer le refte de leurs iours auec le mefme zele qu ils faifoient paroiftre il y a quinze ou vingt ans, quand ils trauailloient dans les Miffions Huronnes. II n eft pas iufqu k ceux de dehors qui ne reffentent en eux des etincelles de cette ardeur, & qui ne s offrent a mettre la main k vn fi bel ouurage : & qui voudroit les croire, ou la Nouuelle France feroit prefque toute Iroquoife, ou nous n aurions plus de Fran ois que parmy les Iroquois: tant eft grand le preiuge" qu on a de la fmceritS de ces peuples, qui fait qu apres auoir bien implor6 1 affiftance du S. Efprit, & delibere fur toutes les circonftances [198] de cette paix, il n y a perfonne qui puifCe raifonnablement douter que ce ne foit tout de bon qu ils font tant d inftance pour 1 obtenir. II eft vray que la pierre d achoppement qui pouroit arrefter noftre deffein, nous vient de la part des Iroquois d en-bas nommez Anniengehronnons, chez qui nous n allons pas nous habituer, & qui peuuent 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656 -57 63 for a greater honor than that of sacrificing himself to carry into barbarism the name of his leader, and [197] to cause him to be adored by the Iroquois. Divine providence also manifests itself by giving us at this moment a goodly number of our Fathers, who not only have the courage to expose themselves to everything, but also possess the capacity of teach ing those Barbarians, whose language, as well as that of many other Nations still more remote, is not very different from that of the Hurons. It is this that revives their fervor and gives to old men, brok en down after glorious labors, the courage to desire to go among those peoples, and to spend the remain der of their lives, with the same zeal that they manifested fifteen or twenty years ago when they labored in the Huron Missions. Even those who do not belong to our body feel in their hearts some sparks of the same ardor, and offer to lend a hand to so grand a work. Were one to believe them, either New France would be almost entirely Iroquois, or we would no longer have any French except among the Iroquois, so greatly are they convinced of the sincerity of those nations. That is why, after having well implored the assistance of the Holy Ghost and deliberated upon all the circumstances [198] of that peace, there is not a single person who can reason ably doubt that they are earnest in so persistently seeking to obtain it. It is true that the stumbling-block which might hinder our design lies with the lower Iroquois, called Anniengehronnons, 3 with whom we do not go to dwell. They may presume that, if we unite our selves so closely with the four Upper Nations, it will be to place ourselves in a position to fear them no 64 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 prefumer que fi nous nous lions fi eftroitement auec les quatre Nations Superieures, ce fera pour nous mettre en eftat de ne les plus craindre : mais quand ils s oppoferoient a noftre eftabliffement nous aimons bien mieux les auoir feuls pour ennemis que les quatre Nations enfemble, qui feroient irritees par le refus que nous leur ferions de noftre amitie, & nous feroient reffentir de funeftes effets du depit qu ils auroient de fe voir decheus de leurs iuftes preten- fions, & trompez fi manifeftement apres de fi folem- nelles promeffes tant de fois reiterees icy & chez eux, d aller nous eftablir en leur pays: En forte qu vn refus ou vn delay feroit fuiuy de la ruine totale de cette nouuelle France, laquelle ayant efte" reduite aux abois [199] par vne feule Nation, ne pourroit long-temps fouftenir 1 effort des cinq enfemble, ft elles confpiroient centre elle. Le bien de la paix que nous commen9ons a goufter eft fi doux & fi neceffaire pour la publication de la Foy, que quand il y auroit beaucoup de danger, nous nous immole- rions volontiers comme des vidtimes publiques pour coniurer 1 orage qui fondroit infailliblement fur nos Frangois, & pour detourner les miferes qui accom- pagneroient vne guerre plus dangereufe que celles d auparauant. Mais quand nous n aurions pas toutes les affeurances morales que Dieu a touche les cceurs des Iroquois, nous nous croirions f uffifamment obligez a d expofer iufques a la derniere goutte de nos fueurs & de noftre fang, voyant qu en peu de temps qu on a efte chez eux, on en a defia mis quantite dans le ciel & dans 1 Eglife; qu on y a prefche 1 Euangile a cinq ou fix peuples differents qui s y trouuent; que plufieurs fgauent deja les principaux myfteres de 1656-58] RELATION OF 1636-57 65 longer. But, even if they should oppose our estab lishment, we far prefer to have them alone for enemies than the four Nations together ; these would become irritated if we refused them our friendship, and seeing themselves disappointed in their just expectations, and so manifestly deceived after such solemn promises, so frequently reiterated both here and in their country, to go and settle in their land they would make us experience the baleful effects of that vexation. Thus, a refusal or delay would be followed by the total ruin of this new France, which, after being reduced to extremities [199] by a single Nation, could not long withstand the efforts of the five together, if they conspired against her. The blessing of peace, which we are beginning to enjoy, is so sweet and so necessary for the publication of the Faith that, even if there were great danger, we would willingly immolate ourselves, as public vic tims, to avert the storm which would inevitably burst upon our French, and to ward off the misfor tunes which would accompany a war more dangerous than those that preceded it. But, even if we had not all those moral assurances that God has touched the hearts of the Iroquois, we should consider ourselves sufficiently compelled to devote our sweat and our blood to the last drop. For we see that, during the short time while we have been with them, we have already placed a number of them in heaven and in the Church; that we have preached the Gospel to five or six different nations who are there ; that many already know the principal mysteries of our Religion ; that their great complaint is that we cannot be every where to teach them ; and, finally, that it is not to them alone [200] that the Faith will be preached, 66 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 noftre Religion ; que leur grande plainte eft qu on ne pent eftre par tout pour les enfeigner; & enfin que ce n eft pas feulement [200] a eux que la Foy fe va publier, mais qu ils font 1 entree & comme le paffage pour aller porter la Foy a quantit6 d autres Nations qui n ont iamais eu la connoiffance de IESVS-CHRIST, nyde f es Apoftres. Voila 1 eftat des affaires & les effets de tant de prieres, de mortifications, de ieunes, d aumofnes & de bonnes oeuures qui fe font dans les deux Frances, & qui ont fait eclore vn fi beau deff ein : mais 1 entre- prife en eftant epineufe & 1 execution tres- difficile, nous coniurons ces faintes Ames de continuer leur ferueur, afin que Dieu continue fes benedictions fur ce pays. Et pour mon particulier ie prie Voftre R. & tous nos Peres & Freres de fa Prouince de leuer les mains au ciel, pendant que nous allons declarer la guerre h 1 Infidelite & liurer le combat au Diable iufque dans le coeur de fes terres. Ie fuis auec tout le refpedt & la foumiffion poffible De Voftre R. Le tres humble & tres-obeyftant ferui[f]eur en N. S A Mon\f\real ce FRANCOIS LE MERCIER 6. Inin 1656. de la Compagnie de lefus. 1656-58] RELA TION OF 1656-37 67 but that they are the entrance and, as it were, the passage through which the Faith will be taken to many other Nations who have never had any knowl edge of J E s u s C H R i s T or of his Apostles. Such is the state of affairs; and such are the effects of so many prayers, mortifications, fasts, alms, and good works, which have been performed in both Frances, and have caused so great a design to be conceived. But, as the undertaking is arduous and difficult of execution, we beg those pious Souls to continue their fervor, so that God may continue to pour his blessings on this country. And, for my part, I beg Your Reverence and all our Fathers and Brethren of your Province to lift your hands to heaven, while we go to declare war against Infidelity, and to fight the Devil in the very heart of his coun try. I am, with all possible respect and submission, Your Reverence s Very humble and very obedient servant in Our Lord, From Montreal this FRANCOIS LE MERCIER, 6th of June, 1656. of the Society of Jesus. 68 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 [201] CHAPITRE XXII. DERNIERES NOUUELLES DE CE QUI S EST PASSE EN LA NOUUELLE FRANCE. IE ne ptiis differer de faire part de noftre ioye au Ledteur, luy apprenant V heureufe nouuelle que nous auons receue par le vaiffeau arriue le der nier, lors qu on trauailloit a 1 impreffion du dernier cahier de cette Relation. C eft la conuerfion de plus de quatre cens Barbares, pour laquelle Dieu s eft ferui du zele du P. Menard Religieux tres-feruent de noftre Compagnie. Mais comme il n eft point de ioye fans meflange: nous auons receu par la mefme voie vne Lettre qui ne nous donne pas peu d affliction, nous apprenant la perfidie des Sonnontoueronnons, ainfi que vous verrez lifant auec douleur cette mefme Lettre, dont ie n ay pas creu deuoir differer 1 im- preffion a 1 annee prochaine. [202] Du chemin de Kebec a Onontaghe ce 9. d Aoujl 1657. Pax Chrijii, Ie puis dire auec verite, propter verba labiorum tuo- rum ego cuftodiui mas duras. Depuis noftre depart de Montreal le 26. luillet, en compagnie de quinze ou feize Sonnontoerronons, de trente Onnontagheronons, & d enuiron cinquate Chreftiens Hurons tant hommes que femmes & enfans; Le chemin d Onontaghe a 1656-58] RELA TION OF 1636-37 69 [201] CHAPTER XXII. LATEST NEWS OF WHAT HAS OCCURRED IN NEW FRANCE. I CANNOT refrain from sharing our joy with the Reader, by telling him the happy news that we have received by the latest ship, while the last sheet of this Relation was being printed. It is the conversion of more than four hundred Bar barians, for which God has made use of the zeal of Father Menard, a very fervent Religious of our Socie ty. But, as there is no bliss without alloy, we have received by the same ship a Letter which causes us no slight affliction; for it informs us of the treach ery of the Sonnontoueronnons, as you will see with sorrow by reading this same Letter the printing of which I did not deem expedient to defer to next year. [202] On the road from Kebec to Onontaghe , this gth of August, 1657. MY REVEREND FATHER, Pax Christi, I can truly say, Propter verba labiorum tuorum ego custodivi vias duras. Since our departure from Mont real on the 26th of July, in company with fifteen or sixteen Sonnontoerronons, thirty Onnontaghero- nons, and about fifty Christian Hurons, men, women, and children, the road to Onontaghe has 70 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [\ T OL. 44 efte" feme de croix bien fafcheufes pour nous: mais 1 obeyffance m y ayant engage, i ay e"prouue" que IESVS-CHRIST eft en la Croix, & qu il la rend aymable a ceux qui la veulent rechercher. le con- eus que ie deuois auoir beaucoup de peines en ce voyage par le peu d affection que ie remarquay d abord en nos Onontagheronnons pour 1 embarque- ment tant de nos Francois que des pacquets, dont nous fufmes obligez de quitter la plus grande partie cinq lieues au deffus de Montreal. I eus de la peine & trouuer qui vouluft [203] m embarquer moy- mefme, & ie me vis contraint de me ietter dans vn dernier canot abandonne fur le riuage, auec noftre Frere Louis le Boefme, deux Fra^ois & deux Sauuages, qu il me fut difficile de gaigner: Pour toutes prouifions ie ne pris qu vn petit fac de farine. Chaque iour i ay eu de nouuelles difficultez, voyant ou quelques-vns de nos Fra^ois degradez en chemin, ou des pacquets laiffez: a quoy il falloit que ie pour- ueuffe; & n euft efte" nos bons Chreftiens Hurons, qui eftoient mon refuge, ie ne trouuois par tout que des froideurs. Nous craignions la rencontre de cent Agnierronons, qu on difoit nous attendre a I entr6e du grand Lac des Iroquois, pour fe rendre les Maiflres de nos Chreftiens Hurons, & les faire captifs. Ie les auois difpofez a tout ce qui pouuoit arriuer de ce coft6-la: tous s efloient confeffez, & leur coeur y eftoit prepare". Les voyes de Dieu font adorables, quoy qu elles nous foient inconnues. Le malheur de nos Hurons eft arriue de la part de nos Onontagher- ronons mefmes, aufquels ils s eftoient [204] confiez, & qui leur auoient promis vne fidelite" fi inuiolable par tant de pourparlers de paix, tant d ambaffades de part & d autre, & par tant de prefents fi folemnels. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF j6j6 -57 71 been sown with crosses that have been very grievous for us. But, as obedience had led me to enter upon it, I found that JESUS CHRIST is on the Cross, and that he makes it agreeable to those who choose to seek it. I foresaw that we were to have a great deal of trouble on that journey, from the reluctance that I remarked, at the outset, on the part of our Ononta- gheronnons respecting the embarkation both of our French and of the packages, the greater portion of which we were compelled to abandon five leagues above Montreal. I had difficulty in finding some one who would [203] take me on board; and I was compelled to embark in a last canoe, abandoned on the beach, with our Brother Louis le Boesme, two Frenchmen, and two Savages, whom I found it difficult to win over. For all my provisions, I took but a small sack of flour. Every day I experienced fresh difficulties ; I found either some of our French stranded on the way, or packages left behind. I had to attend to all this, and, except among our good Christian Hurons, who were my refuge, I met with nothing but a cold reception everywhere. We were afraid of encountering a hundred Agnierronons, who were said to be waiting for us at the entrance to the great Lake of the Iroquois, to make themselves Masters of our Christian Hurons, and to take them captive. I had prepared them for everything that could happen to them on that score; all had con fessed, and their hearts were ready. The ways of God are adorable, although they are hidden from us. The misfortune that befell our Hurons came from the very Onontagherronons to whom they had [204] confided themselves, and who had promised them such inviolable fidelity in so many parleys for peace, 72 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Le troifieme iour de ce mois fur les quatre a cinq heures du foir, nos canots eftant arriuez a vne Ifle ou nous deuions nous arrefter, vn Capitaine qui venoit dans le dernier canot, commena le premier Adte de cette Tragedie, fendant d vn coup de hache le der- riere de la tefte a vne Huronne, parce qu elle auoit refufe" conftamment de confentir a fon impudicite, en ayant efte follicitee pendant quatre iours. La nouuelle en eftant venue ou nous eftions, les Onnon- tagheronnons fe mirent fous les armes, comme s ils euffent eu volonte de fe battre contre les Sonnontou- erronons, pour vanger cet affaflinat. Ce Capitaine lafcif des Onnontagheronons fait ranger les Hurons au milieu de fes gens, hommes, femmes & enfants, allant de part & d autre, comme pour appaifer les efprits. Fallois & ie venois auffi tantoft aux vns, tantoft aux autres; ayant [205] aduerti nos Fra^ois de ne point s engager en toute cette affaire ; mais de demeurer paifibles. Ce Capitaine & moy nous auions des defleins bien differents: ie tafchois de calmer 1 orage, & ce mal-heureux 1 excitoit, & y difpofoit malicieufement toutes chofes, iufqu a ce qu enfin le foudre qui auoit caufe" ce tonnerre, fortit de la nue ou il eftoit cache, & tomba fur ces pauures vidlimes innocentes qu on maffacra a la veue des femmes & des enfants: il y eut fept Chreftiens affommez a coups de haches & de coufteaux : les femmes & les enfants furent faits captifs, & on les defpoiiilla de tout leur butin, des Robes de caftor, peaux d Orignac Matachiees, colliers de Pourcelaine, & des aumofnes qu on leur auoit fait a Kebec: Mes yeux furent contraints de voir ce fpecftacle d horreur, &mon cceur en eftoit tranfperc6. Ce fut alors que ie vis combien la Foy a de fortes confolations au milieu des douleurs 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1656-57 73 in so many embassies from both sides, and by so many and such, solemn presents. On the third day of this month, between four and five o clock in the evening, our canoes reached an Island where we were to stop. A Captain who was in the last canoe began the first Act of that Tragedy, by splitting from behind, with his hatchet, the head of a Huron woman, because she had persistently refused to consent to his lewdness after having been solicited to it for four days. When the news reached the spot where we were, the Onnontagheronnons stood to their arms, as if they intended to fight the Son- nontouerronons and avenge that murder. That lascivious Captain of the Onnontagheronons ranged the Hurons men, women, and children amid his people, going from one side to the other as if to calm their minds. I also came and went, now to one party, now to the other, after [205] warning our French not to interfere in the matter, but to remain quiet. That Captain and I had very different de signs; I endeavored to allay the storm, while that wretch excited it, and maliciously disposed everything for it. But finally the lightning that had caused the thunder shot forth from the cloud in which it lay hidden, and fell on those poor innocent victims, who were massacred before the eyes of the women and children. Seven Christians were killed with hatchets and knives; the women and children were made captives, and were despoiled of all their goods, their beaver Robes, their Ornamented Moose-skins, their collars of Porcelain beads, and the presents that had been given them at Kebec. My eyes were compelled to gaze on this spectacle of horror, and my heart was pierced by it. Then I saw what consolation Faith 71 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 les phis ameres. II n y eut aucunes de ces pauures c.i pi in os qui ne receuft auec amour les aduis que ie leur donnois, les faifant refouuenir [206] que Dieu n uuoit pas promis aux Chreftiens les ioyes pour cette vie, mais pour reternite", & que fouffrans en patience les miferes fur terre, nous ferons heureux dans le ciel. Elles offroient a Dieu leurs peines & leurs craintes, le beniffant de ce qu on ne pouuoit pas leur ofter la Foy, ny 1 efperance qu elles auoient de mou- rir. La nuidl eftant venue i affemblay en vn Confeil public les Onnontagheronnons & les Sonnontoiier- ronnons pour leur parler fur ce qui eftoit arriue" : ie leur declaray hautement que les coups qui eftoient tombez fur la tefte de nos Hurons, auoient fendu mon coeur, & que ie ne pouuois retenir mes larmes dans vn tel obiet de pitie; qu vn pere & vne mere ne pouuoient voir leurs enfans maffacrez, & reduits en captiuit6, fans f ouffrir dans leurs fouffrances ; que ie voulois bien qu ils fceuffent que i auois vn cceur de Pere & des tendrefles de mere pour ces pauures Chreftiens Hurons, que ie conduifois depuis vingt ans, qui auoient de 1 amour pour moy, & pour lefquels ie conf eruerois vne amitie inuiolable iufqu a la mort.- [207] Oiiy, leur difois-ie, tuez-moy, bruflez-moy, & qu ils viuent, fi par ma mort ie les puis reffufciter: mais puis que ces fouhaits ne peuuent pas auoir d effect, i ay trois paroles a vous porter. La premiere, que vous arreftie"s votre fureur & voftre hache, & que vous ne continuie"s pas voftre cruaute" fur ceux qui font refte"s. C eit defia trop de fang innocent refpadu; Dieu qui 1 a veu, en tirera vengance, fi vous 1 irrites dauantage. La deuxiome, afin que vous traitiez fauorablement ces pauures femmes & ces enfants captifs, ne les 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 75 gives, in the midst of the bitterest sorrows. There was not one of those poor captive women who did not receive with affection the advice that I gave them, reminding them [206] that God had not promised to Christians joy in this life, but in eter nity; and that, by patiently enduring unhappiness on earth, we shall be happy in heaven. They offered their sorrows and fears to God, blessing him because neither their Faith nor their hope in death could be taken from them. When night came, I assembled the Onnontagheronnons and the Sonnontouerronnons in a public Council, to speak to them about what had happened. I told them openly that the blows that had fallen on the heads of the Hurons had rent my heart, and that I could not restrain my tears at so pitiful a sight ; that a father and a mother could not see their children massacred and reduced to slavery without sharing their sufferings. I added that I wished them distinctly to know that I had the heart of a Father and the tenderness of a mother for those poor Christian Hurons, whom I had had under my charge for twenty years, who loved me, and for whom I retained a friendship that could be severed by death alone. [207] " Yes," I said to them, " kill me, burn me, and let them live, if by my death I can bring them back to life. But, since such wishes are vain, I have three words to carry to you : 1 The first is, that you stay your fury and your hatchets, and that you do not continue to vent your cruelty on those who remain. Already too much innocent blood has been shed. God, who has wit nessed it, will take vengeance for it if you irritate him any more. The second, that you treat kindly those poor 76 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 confiderant plus comme vne nation differente de la voftre, mais comme vn mefme peuple auec vous. La troifieme, afin que nous continuions noftre voyage, comme fi rien n efloit arriue. I emploiay pour cela fix milles grains de Porcelaine. Us me firent refponfe qu ils y auroient efgard. Mais ce Capitaine mal-lieureux & perfide eut bien le front de me dire publiquement, que Monfieur le Gouuerneur, le P. Mercier & le P. Chaumonot leur auoient donne commimon de faire ce coup de cru- aute : ie luy repartis hautement, [208] que cela eftoit faux, & que ces trahifons eftoient eloignees de noftre efprit, autant que le ciel de la terre: fur quoy il n eut point de replique, finon que ie ne fgauois pas tout ce qu il fgauoit. On nous auoit donne fecretement aduis que cette nuidt la mefme, on deuoit acheuer fur nous le der nier adte de la tragedie : toutes chofes y fembloient difpof 6es, & nous y eftions prepares : mais il a pleu a Dieu fe contenter iufqu a prefent, de noftre volon- t6; ce fera quand il luy plaira: mais nous voyons de tous coftes des tempeftes qui fe preparent, & des orages qui femblent ne deuoir fondre que fur nous. Trop heureux que nos vies foient confomme es au feruice de Dieu, & que nous mourions pour fa gloire: car a la vie & a la mort, nous fommes tous a luy. Ie recommande aux prieres de tous nos bons amis cette Eglife captiue, & cette Eglife fouffrante, auec les Pafteurs & le troupeau. M. R. P. DeV. R. Le tres-humble & obeyilant feruiteur en N. S. Paul Ragueneau de la Comp, de IESVS. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1636 -57 77 captive women and children, and consider them not as a nation different from yours, but as being the same people with you. " The third, that we continue our journey as if nothing had happened." I used for this six thou sand Porcelain beads. They replied that they would pay heed to what I said. But that wretched and treacherous Captain had the effrontery to tell me publicly that Monsieur the Governor, Father Mercier, and Father Chaumonot had empowered them to perform that act of cruelty. I loudly replied to him [208] that it was a falsehood, and that such treacheries were as far from our minds as heaven from earth. He had no answer to make except that I did not know all that he knew. We were secretly informed that on that very night they would finish the last act of the tragedy on our own persons. Everything seemed to be prepared for it, and we were ready ; but God has so far been pleased to be content with our willingness. It will come when it pleases him ; but we see on all sides tempests gathering and storms that seem as if they would burst only upon us, who are but too happy to spend our lives in the service of God and to die for his glory; for in life and death we belong altogether to him. I commend to the prayers of all our good friends this captive and suffering Church, with the Pastors and the flock. My Reverend Father, Your Reverence s Very humble and obedient servant in Our Lord, Paul Ragueneau, of the Society of JESUS. 78 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 [209] EXTRAICT D VNE AUTRE LETTRE ENUOYEE PAR LA MESME VOYE. IE loue Dieu de ce que V. R. continue encore dans le foin de nos affaires ; mais ie fuis vn peu fur- pris de ce que vous nous parlez neantmoins d vn autre air qu a 1 ordinaire. Ou eft le temps que vous nous efcriuiez que nous n auions rien a craindre, & que Dieu vous enuoyoit dequoy nous fecourir en ce bout du monde? D ou vient que maintenant vous vous plaignez de nos depenfes exceffiues? Nous fommes en vn pai s ou les frais font bien plus grands qu aux Hurons, ou nous ne deuons attendre aucun foulagement de ces contrees, parmy des traiftres & des fourbes qui font en poff effion de nous mal-traitter depuis long-temps. C eft vn ramas de captifs ame- nez de tous coftez, qui apres tout font capables d eftre faits enfants de Dieu. Ten ay baptife pour ma part plus de quatre cens depuis vn an. Nous marchons, la tefbe [210] leuee au milieu des dangers, au trauers des iniures, des huees, des calomnies, des haches & des couteaux auec lefquels on nous pourfuit affez fouuent pour nous mettre a mort. Nous fommes prefque tous les iours a la veille d eftre maffacrez; Quaji morientes, & ecce viuimus. Et vous nous dites que vous ne fcauriez plus fouftenir cette Miffion. I ayme mieux, mon Reuerend Pere, me tenir aux dernieres parolles de voftre Lettre, qui dit qu apres tout fi nous faifons bien de noftre cofte, Dieu fera du fien ce qu il faut. Oily affeurement il nous fecourra, fi nous cherchons fa gloire, fi nous expo- fons nos vies pour 1 application de fon fang fur ces pauures Ames abandonees. C eft ce que font icy 1656-58] RELA TION OF 1656-57 79 [209] EXTRACT FROM ANOTHER LETTER SENT BY THE SAME SHIP. 1 PRAISE God that Your Reverence still continues in charge of our affairs; but I am somewhat surprised that you should nevertheless speak to us in a different tone than usual. Where is the time when you wrote to us that we had nothing to fear, and that God sent you what was needed to succor us in this extremity of the world ? How conies it that you now complain of our excessive expenditure? We are in a country where the expense is much greater than in that of the Hurons ; where we can expect no aid from these countries; among treach erous and perfidious people, who have been in the habit of ill-treating us for a long time. Here is a gathering of captives, brought from all parts, who, after all, are capable of being made children of God. I have baptized for my share over four hundred in the past year. We walk with heads [210] erect amid dangers, insults, hootings, calumnies, hatchets, and knives, with which they very often pursue us, with intentions of puting us to death. We are almost daily on the point of being massacred: Quasi morientes, et ecce vivimus. And you write to us that you can no longer maintain this Mission. I prefer, my Rev erend Father, to abide by the last words of your Letter, which tell us that, after all, if we do well on our side, God will on his part do what is neces sary. Yes, assuredly he will succor us if we seek his glory, and if we expose our lives in applying his blood to these poor abandoned Souls. That is what all our Fathers are doing here, with incredible pains and labor. If God, who has brought us into this 80 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 tons nos Peres auec des peines & des trauaux incroy- ables. Si Dieu qui nous a amene" en cette Barbaric, nous y fait e"gorger, qu il foit beny a iamais, c eft IESVS-CHRIST, c eft fon Euangile, c eft le falut de ces pauures Ames qui nous tient & qui nous arrefte pref- que au milieu des flames. Nos yeux font accouftumez a voir brufler & [211] manger les hommes. Pries Dieu qu il face des Chreftiens de ces Antropophages & qu il nous fortifie de plus en plus; & nous le prie- rons de toucher les coeurs de ceux qui 1 ayment, arm qu ils vous aydent a nous fecourir. FIN. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1656-57 81 Barbarism, should cause us to be killed, be tie praised forever. It is JESUS CHRIST, it is his Gospel, it is the salvation of these poor Souls, that keep us here and stop us almost in the midst of the flames. Our eyes are accustomed to see men burned and [211] eaten. Pray God that he may make Christians of these Cannibals, and that he may strengthen us more and more ; and we shall pray him to touch the hearts of those who love him, in order that they may help you to succor us. END. XCVII JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES en 1 annee 1658 SOURCE: We follow the original MS., in the library of Laval University, Quebec. 84 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Journal des Peres Jesuites, en 1 annee 1698. 1658 IANUIER. -j LE p piiart fut voir Mr L abbe. ledit 1 abbe ne rendit auctm visite. pontpris. 26 la riuiere fut prise de glace de part en part deuant quebec 3 1 Arriua de Montreal La rose auec trois agnieronons qui portoient des lettres du P le Moine, et venoient querir leurs prisoniers. FEBURIER 4 les 3 Iroquois ambassadeurs firent leur presens au fort en presence de M le Gouu. des PP et des habitans. 7 pour Onontio. 2 pour les sauuages. tous ne tendoient qu a deliurer les prisoniers. 12 on assembla ledits ambassadeurs. Mr i le gouuerneur Les tanca rudement, Leur declarant qu ils choisissent la guerre ou le paix conformement a ce que le pere le Moine leur auoit dit au pai s et escrit au dit sieur Gouurn. sans leur dire s il les renuoiroit ou non. Les Agnieronons se voyants sans aucune esperance de retour & voyant que le Conseil 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 85 Journal of the Jesuit Fathers, in the year 1658, JANUARY. (FATHER pijart went to see Monsieur The abbe". The abb6 did not return any visit. 26. The river was closed by the ice, in Bridge formed, front of quebec, from bank to bank. 31. La rose arrived from Montreal with three agnieronons, who bore letters from Father le Moine, and came for their prisoners. FEBRUARY. 4. The 3 Iroquois ambassadors delivered their presents at the fort, in the presence of Monsieur the Governor, of the Fathers, and of the habitans. There were 7 for Onontio, and 2 for the savages. The object of all of them was only the surrender of the prisoners. 12. The same ambassadors were called together. Monsieur the governor sternly rebuked Them ; he told Them to choose war or peace, in accordance with what father le Moine had told them in their own country, and had written to the sieur Governor; and he did not let them know whether he would send them back or not. When the Agnieronons saw that there was no hope of returning, and that the Council 86 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 se dissipoit d Algo. & hurons firent present de deux colliers pour dire i le t asseure derechef que ie ne cognois point le meurtrier que i ay apris a Montreal que c estoit le oio- geronon, auec L oiotchronon 2 si tu voulois que deux ou trois de nous allassions asseurer nos anciens de 1 estat de nos affaires tu Verras au printemps OndesonK et le meurtrier pour te faire satisfaction par auance i essuie le sang dont la terre est Couuerte. La harangue d Onotio fut en ces termes. harangue d onontio. Ie pense q3 tu me tiens pour vn enfant, si ie te parle, tu fais semblat de m escouter, tu t Imagines q3 tu me tueras quad tu voudras, tout come tu fais a vn captif . tu me traictes coe on traicte vn chien, on luy donne des coups de baston, il crie & s enfuit, Si on luy presente vn peu de pain il flatte ceux qui 1 ont battu; tu tues les fracois, il crie, on m a tue", tu lettes vn collier en te mocquant, & dis tay toy nous somes amys. Sache q3 les fracois n oublie pas ta perfidie continuelle, il s en vangera, il ne souffrira plus qs tu les mesprises. II n y a qu vn mot. fay satis faction, ou nome le meurtrier; Ie ne parleray plus; tu n es pas home, tu ne gardes iamais ta parolle : Ie scay bien q3 ton armee est en campagne, toy mesme 1 as diet a 1 onotaer- ronon qui est a motreal, et a tes freres qui sont aux 3. Riu. & cependant tu penses 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 87 of Algonquains and hurons was about to disperse, they gave a present of two collars to say, ist: "I assure thee once more that I know not the murderer; that I learned at Montreal that it was the oiogeronon with The oiotchronon." 2nd: " If thou wilt permit two or three of us to go and inform our elders of the state of our affairs, thou shalt See in the spring Ondesonk and the murderer come to give thee satisfaction. I wipe away in advance the blood with which the ground is Covered." 4 Onontio s harangue was in these terms: " I think that thou considerest me a child. Onontio s If I speak to thee, thou feignest to listen to harangue. me. Thou Imaginest that thou wilt kill me whenever thou likest, as thou dost with a cap tive. Thou treatest me as one treats a dog; when it is beaten with a stick, it howls and runs away; If it be given a piece of bread, it fawns upon those who have beaten it. Thou killest the frenchman ; he cries out : I have been killed. Thou Thro west a collar mock ingly, and sayest: Be silent; we are friends. Know that the frenchman never forgets thy continual treachery. He will take revenge for it; he will no longer suffer thee to despise him. There is but one word; make repara tion, or name the murderer. I will say no more. Thou art not a man ; thou never keep- est thy word. I know very well that thy army is in the field. Thou thyself didst say so to the onontaerronon who is at montreal, and to thy brothers who are at 3 Rivers. And yet thou seekest to beguile me with a collar. 88 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 m amuser auec vn collier. Le sang de mes freres crie bien fort Si ie ne suis bientost appaise, ie donneray satisfaction a leurs ames. C est OndesonK q3 ie voulois veoir, il ne paroit pas, son escriture q3 tu portes, est si vieille q3 ie ne la cognois plus. . . . Tu demades qu on rende les haches, chaudieres a tes gens; as tu rapporte* ce q3 tu pillois dans les maisons fracoises il y a 2. ans &c. II ny a qu vn mot fais la guerre ou Ie Paix, & ne sois plus traistre; Le fracois ne craint rien quand il a resoleu la guerre. Tu demandes a 1 Algoquain & au huron ce qu il a dans Ie coeur; ton frere I Onotaeronon a trahy Ie huron qui s estoit donne a luy & toy tu venois & viens casser la teste a 1 Al- goquain; 1 vn & 1 autre souffre que ie t aye conseru6 la vie, c est qu ilz m obiessent; Le collier q3 tu leur as donne" leur faisant ceste demande, leur debuoit seruir pour t estragler, s ilz ne me respectoint. 1 5 . Lesdictz Agneerr. estans prestz a par- tir receurent 3. presentz d Onotio i cest pour la dernier fois q3 ie te parle, tes fourbes et ta perfidie meritoint q3 ie te chassasse, & marchasse sur tes presentz; Va dire a tes Anciens q3 tes gens vienent, & q3 les fers q3 tu leur veois au pieds, sont pour leur tascher de donner de 1 esprit, & non pas pour les faire mourir; puisq3 i en fais autant a mes 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 89 The blood of my brothers cries out very loud. If I be not soon appeased, I will give satisfac tion to their souls. It is Ondesonk whom I wished to see; he does not appear. His writ ing that thou bearest is so old that I no longer recognize it. . . . Thou askest that the hatchets and kettles be restored to thy people ; hast thou brought back the things that thou didst pillage in the french houses 2 years ago?" etc. "There is but one word: make war or Peace, and be no longer treacherous. The frenchman fears nothing when he is resolved on war. ; Thou askest the Algonquain and the huron what each has in his heart. Thy brother the Onontaeronon betrayed the huron, who had given himself to him; and, as to thee, thou didst and dost now come to break the head of the Algonquain. Both one and the other suffer me to save thy life; it is because they obey me. The collar that thou gavest them in making that request would have been used by them to strangle thee, did they not respect me." * 15. The same Agneerronons, when ready to depart, received 3 presents from Onontio. ist: I speak to thee for the last time. Thy treachery and perfidy deserve that I should drive thee away, and trample on thy gifts. Go and tell thy Elders that thy people are coming, and that the purpose of the irons which thou sawest on their feet is to give them sense, and not to make them die ; for I do as much to my true brothers, the Algonquains and 90 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 vrays freres les Algoq. & hurons; Lors q3 quelque fois ilz sont folz. 2. dis a tes anciens, q3 ie veux cognoistre les meurtriers de Motreal qu ilz ouurent les yeux et les oreilles, regardantz vers Motreal, tout y est encore covmert de sang qui crie vne pleine satisfaction; centre ceux qui ont trou ble toute la terre. 3. Ie veux veoir OndessonK mesme en persone, ses freres Ie veulent veoir &c. Eux ont respodu qu aussitost q3 Ton pourroit faire des canotz, il viendroit 19 fut marie M Villere. assista aux nopces P. Vimon parla a Mr 1 abbe; ledit sieur vint voir Ie p Mercier malade. MARS. 345 On fit 1 oraison des 40 heures les trois lours en nostre Chappelle on exposa Ie s 1 Sacrement a 4 et demie du matin on Ie serra a 7 heures du soir dimanche on chanta la grande messe il y eut sermon, catechisme ves- pres en suite & salut a 5 heures. lundy grand Messe en musiq3 coe dimanche Et salut a 5. heures du soir Mardy grand Messe salut a 4 heures qui termina Les 40 heures. Ie concours du peuple fut assez grand et la de- uotion. se du petit 13 Mr Ie gouuerneur alia auec Mr Vignard cap... visiter la cote de beaupre pour voir si on trauailloit aux reduits. Mr Vignard delegue par Mr L abbe benit la place de 1 eglise du 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 91 hurons, When they are sometimes foolish." 2nd: " Tell thy elders that I wish to know the Montreal murderers. Let them open their eyes and their ears, and look toward Montreal; everything there is still covered with blood, which cries out for full satisfac tion against those who have disturbed the whole earth." 3rd: " I wish to see Ondessonk himself, in person; his brothers wish to see him," etc. They replied that he would come as soon as canoes could be made. 19. Monsieur Villere 5 was married. Fa ther Vimon attended the wedding and spoke to Monsieur the abbe. The same sieur came to see father Mercier, who was ill. MARCH. 3, 4, 5. The 40 hours devotion was held on these three Days, in our Chapel. The blessed Sacrament was exposed at half past 4 o clock in the morning, and was put back into the tabernacle at 7 o clock in the evening. On Sunday, high mass was chanted, at which a sermon was preached ; then there was cate chism, followed by vespers and benediction at 5 o clock. On monday, high Mass with music as on Sunday, With benediction at 5 o clock in the afternoon. On Tuesday, high Mass, and benediction at 4 o clock, which con cluded The 40 hours. There was a large gath ering of people, who showed much devotion. 1 3 . Monsieur the governor went with Mon- Church at the petit sieur Vignard to visit the cote de beaupre, ca P- 92 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 prosne outrd de L. Kaylus. contradiction societ^ cassde. petit cap. le Mr le gouuerneur y mit La premiere pierre. 23 vn samedy furent condamez par MM du Conseil lamote et Tieri Chacun a 500!! d amende pour auoir vendu au dela du tarif. 3 1 Mr 1 abbe dit a son prosne que cestoit peche mortel de vendre de 1 eau de vie aux sauuages parcequ ils n en demandent que pour s enyurer. II auoit dit auparauant que ce n estoit pas peche mortel. 3 1 . fut condamne par Mr Chartier le sieur lespinay auec ses associes scauoir les Meres hospitaliers & le contract de societe fut casse a raison qu il estoit fait entre des personnes Incapables de traitter, telles que sont les Religieuses. Lhistoire de ceste societe est Longue. AURIL i les habitans du cap rouge pour auoir refuse de faire le pain benit a la paroisse de quebec furent appelle s deuant Mr le Gouuer neur, qui leur conseilla apres auoir Oiii toutes leurs raisons de s accorder au plus tost auec les Marguilliers de la paroisse pour payer quel- q3 escus chaque annee comme vne Recognois- sance a la paroisse pour faire le pain benit. a quoy ils s accorderent tous. 1 8 leudy St nous fismes le salut a 5 heures & vn quart a la sortie des tenebres de la paroisse. Nous chantasmes le Miserere en 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 93 to see whether they were working on the redouts. Monsieur Vignard, who was dele gated by Monsieur The abbe, blessed the site of the church at the petit cap ; and Monsieur the governor laid Its first stone. 23, Saturday. Lamote and Tieri were condemned by the Gentlemen of the Council to pay a fine of 500 livres Each, for having sold goods at a higher price than the tariff. 31. Monsieur the abbe said in his sermon that it was a mortal sin to sell brandy to the savages, because they ask for it only in order to become intoxicated. He had previously said that it was not a mortal sin. 31. Monsieur Chartier condemned the sieur lespinay, with his associates, to wit, the hospital Mothers, and the contract of partnership was set aside, because it was en tered into by persons who, like the Nuns, are Not qualified to engage in the trade. The history of this partnership is a Long one. APRIL. i. The habitans of cap rouge were sum moned before Monsieur the Governor, to an swer for having refused to provide the blessed bread for the parish church of quebec. After Hearing all their arguments, he advised them to come to an understanding, as soon as pos sible, with the Churchwardens of the parish, to pay a few ecus every year as an Acknowl edgment to the parish church, for supplying the blessed bread; they all agreed to this. 1 8, Holy Thursday. We celebrated the Violent sermon of The abbe Kaylus, Contradiction. Partnership set aside. I! 94 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 / abbd malade. Pasques. Lit. du nom de Jesus a la fin de La messe. faux bourdon puis le Vexilla regis aussy en faux bourdon au bout duquel le P Claude piiart qui estoit en surplis deuant le st Sacre- ment adiouta. Respice qusesumus et ainsy finit. 19 le fus visiter Mr L abbe malade le P Vimon fut prie de dire la messe a la paroisse le lour de pasque. le p piiart le Visita le samedy 20. 21 le p Vimont fut prie de dire la messe a la paroisse. le mesme lour fut afHche a la porte de nostre Eglise vn mandat du dit sieur Abbe", qui portoit que tous prestres seculiers & Reguliers Religieux et Religieuses eussent a dire a la fin de la messe iusques a la S 4 lean les litanies du nom de lesus pour les neces- sites du pai s. 23 La mission donontage fut rompue. tous nos pp ff. & francois qui y estoient arri- uerent a quebec sur les 5 heures du soir. MAY PP. alba, du peron. 13. Le P Albanel partit auec le P du peron n f Nicolas Charton Et guilaume boiuin & charles panie pour tadoussac 20 Nous aprismes nouuelle a quebec par les guerriers alguonquins que le Pere simon le moine estoit arriue aux trois Riuieres auec 3 Agnieronons dont il y en auoit vn ancien, les dits guerriers ont apportes la cheuelure d vn agnieronon qu ils ont tuez 2 1 arriua sur le midy le p le Moine auec Mission romp-tie. P. Le Moyne de retour. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 95 benediction at a quarter past 5 o clock, at the conclusion of the tenebrce in the parish church. We sang the Miserere in faux-bourdon, then the Vexilla regis, also in faux-bourdon; after which Father Claude pijart, who was in his sur plice before the blessed Sacrament, added Re- spice qu<zsumus, and thus ended the ceremony. 19. I went to visit Monsieur The abbe", The abbe 1 ill. who was ill. Father Vimon was requested to say mass in the parish church on easter Sunday. Father pijart Visited him on Satur day, the 2Oth. 21. Father Vimont was requested to say Easter, mass in the parish church. On the same Day, Litany of the name of there was posted on the door of our Church a Jesus at the end mandate from the sieur Abbe, to the effect that all the priests, both secular and Regular, and the Religious of both sexes, were to recite after mass until the feast of St. John the litany of the name of Jesus, for the needs of the country. 23. The mission of onontage was broken Mission broken up. up. All our fathers, brethren, and frenchmen who were there arrived at quebec, about 5 o clock in the evening. MAY. 1 3 . Father Albanel started with Father du Fathers albanel, du peron, our brother Nicolas Charton, guilaume peron. boivin, and charles panie, for tadoussac. 20. We received news at quebec by the Return of Father alguonquin warriors that Father simon le Le Moyne. moine had arrived at three Rivers with 3 Agnieronons, one of whom was an elder. 96 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 trois agnieronons qui le ramenoient & 6 hurons de montreal qui s estoient defilez de 1 armee de 200, qui debuoient aller a tadous- sac 22 Le diet P. Le Moyne rapporte la voix des Agneerronons qui le 19. Auril en pnce des hollandois les plus considerables de tnanatte, luy firent 7. P ntz i le t essuye la sueur du front, & les boiies de tes souliers. 2. le te donne 3. de mes gens, vn de chasq3 nation, pour te remener. mon frere tiendra ma place, coe toy celle d onontio, qui ne nous vient pas veoir. 3 Tu cherches querelle, & ne dis pas q3 c est moy: le t ay remene Marguery et Tu as diet a 1 onotagherronon, qu il me tuast. 4 le n ay rien de tortu en ma pensee, ie veux estre ton Frere: nous gens de conseil te disons, prens garde a ce q3 tu as faict. 5. Que les Algoquains qui sont cause qu on retient nos nepueux, les laissent aller. 6. Tu ne me mettras pas aux fers, si vne autre fois on te tiie, qu en peus ie mais? 7. fais coe le hollandois qui ne se meslent pas des guerres des Loups, &c. 8. vous autres hollandois soyes tesmoings, q3 ie dis au Fra^ois, qu il comence le i er . Onontio respond 1 . Pour graisser les pieds des conducteurs du P. ondesonK. 3. capotz. 2. Ie deslie tes nepueues. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. J&SUITES 97 Those warriors brought the scalp of an agnie- ronon, whom they had killed. 2 1 . About noon, father le Moine came with three agnieronons, who brought him back, and 6 hurons of montreal ; these had left the army of 200 who were to go to tadoussac. 6 22. Father Le Moyne brings back the voice of the Agneerronons, who, on the i9th of April, in the presence of the most notable among the dutch of manatte, gave him 7 Presents, ist: "I wipe away the sweat from thy brow, and the mud from thy shoes." 2nd: " I give thee 3 of my people, one of each nation, to take thee back. My brother will take my place as thou takest that of onontio, who comes not to see us." 3rd: " Thou seekest a quarrel; and say not that it is I. I brought Marguery back to thee, 7 and Thou didst tell the onontagherronon to kill me." 4th: " I have nothing crooked in my thoughts. I wish to be thy Brother. We who are men of wisdom say to thee, Take heed of what thou hast done. 5th: " That the Algonquains, on whose account our nephews are being detained, may let them go." 6th: " Thou shalt not put me in irons. If on another occasion thou be killed, how can I help it?" 7th: " Do like the dutchman, who inter feres not in the wars of the Wolves," etc. 8th: "Ye dutch, be witnesses that I tell the Frenchman that he commences the ist." 98 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 gallerie dufort se rompt dur. un con seil. 3. I oste la peur aux anciens, qui craignent de venir a nous. 4. Les Algoq. & hurons nous obeissent parfaictem 1 , c est moy qui auoit est6 tu6 a motreal, c est moy qui ay mis aux fers tes nepueux, & non pas ny le huron, ny 1 Algoq. 5. Tu es le i er . a m agacer, iamais ie n ay comance" la guerre ; Lorsqs d vne main tu me rendois feu Marguery & Normauille, de 1 autre tu tuois mon frere 1 Algoquain. 6. I oste les brossailles du chemin q3 tien- dront les anciens. 7. Ceux de tes nepueux qui demeureront icy, conserueront le feu qs tu t y es aHume" autrefois. 8. Ie ne parle pas, ta voix est encor perdue auec tes presentz, Iorsq3 les anciens viendront icy, ie parleray. Apres la conseil vn des 3. Ambassadeurs diuise vn collier par la rnoitie, auec 1 vne il diet, C est I oneiHtchronon qui t a tue", c est vn estourdy il en faict autant quelquefois a moy mesme, qui suis son Pere. auec 1 autre, il remercie de ce q3 ses nepueux sont deslies. 25 Les dits Iroquois s en retournerent dans leur pai s. le 22 durant qu on tenoit Conseil sur la galerie du fort ou se trouuerent Mr le gouuer- neur les PP. Supr, Mercier Chaumonot Ga briel. Alguonquins Et hurons et Iroquois Ladicte Galerie se rompit par le milieu tout 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 99 Onontio replies, ist: " To grease the feet of the conductors of Father ondesonk " 3 coats. 2nd: " I unbind thy nephews." 3rd : " I dispel the fear of the elders, who are afraid to come to us. 4th : The Algonquains and hurons obey us perfectly. It is I who was killed atmontreal, it is I who put thy nephews in irons, and it was neither the huron nor the Algonquain," 5th: "Thou art the ist to irritate me; never have I commenced war. When with one hand thou gavest me back the late Marguery and Normanville, with the other thou didst kill my brother, the Algonquain." 6th: " I remove the brushwood from the road that the elders will take." 7th : Those of thy nephews who shall remain here will keep up the fire that thou didst formerly kindle here for thyself." 8th : I speak not ; thy voice is still lost with thy presents. When the elders shall come here, I will speak." After the council, one of the 3 Ambassadors divided a collar in two. With one half he said : " It is the oneioutchronon who has killed thee ; he is thoughtless, and sometimes does the same to me, who am his Father." 8 With the other, he gave thanks that his nephews had been unfettered. 2 5 . The Iroquois returned to their country. On the 22nd, while the Council was being The gallery of the held on the gallery of the fort, at which were frt breaks during present Monsieur the governor, the Fathers a council. 100 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 le monde tomba sans estre blesse a la reserue de deux ou trois. IUIN 15 partirent pour la guerre centre L iro- quois 23 hurons dans trois Canots a 1 iro- quoise. 1 7 Le bac de montreal arriua a quebec qui porta pour nouuelle que trois francois leudy dernier 13. du susdit mois furent pris par vn Canot de 6 Iroquois a 5 heures du matin a la premiere riuiere. Us s appellent Adrien loliet fouquet Christophle. 20 lour du S 1 Sacrement Mr. L abbe porta chez nous en procession le st Sacrement Deux de nos pp le receurent a 200 pas hors de leglise auec 4 enfans en surplis deux tenoient des basins pleins de fleurs dont ils ionchoient le Chemin deux autres portoient lencens pour en fournir aux pp qui encensoient, Le Condui- sirent de ceste sorte iusques au balustre Et le reconduisirent lusque a 1 eglise de la paroisse. IUILLET Mr d argenson n a 2 heures apres midi moiiilla 1 ancre arrive. deuant quebec le r e Vaisseau qui nous donna Vnp.eta.ff Mr d Argenson Gouuerneur le pere Claude aloez et deux de Nos ff 13 fut tiiee vne femme Montagnaise par les Iroquois dans le champ de Mr de repen- tigni. deux autres femmes alguonquines furent blessees et 2 petite fill[e]s s echapperent. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 101 Superior, Mercier, Chaumonot, and Gabriel, the Alguonquins, hurons, and Iroquois, The Gallery broke in the middle. All who were on it fell, but without injury, except to two or three. JUNE. 15. 23 hurons set out for war against The iroquois in three Canoes, in the iroquois fashion. 17. The montreal boat arrived at quebec, and brought news that last Thursday, the 1 3th of the above month, three frenchmen were captured by a Canoe carrying 6 Iroquois, at 5 o clock in the morning, at the first river. Their names are: Adrien Joliet, 9 fouquet, and Christophle. 20, The Feast of the Blessed Sacrament. Monsieur The abbe" carried the blessed Sacra ment in procession to our house. Two of our fathers received him, at a distance of 200 paces from the church, with 4 boys in sur plices. Two held basins full of flowers, which they scattered over the Road ; two others car ried incense, to supply the fathers who in censed. They Conducted Him in that fashion to the altar-rail, And then back again To the parish church. JULY. ii. At 2 o clock in the afternoon, the ist Monsieur Ship anchored before quebec, bringing us d argenson arrives. Monsieur d Argenson the Governor, father A father and a Claude aloez, 10 and two of Our brethren. brethren. 13. A Montagnais woman was killed by 102 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Nous aprismes ce mesme lour par lettres de Montreal apportees par des hurons que les Iroquois y auoient este Vaillament re- poussez. reception du 28 Mr le gouuerneur nous fit 1 honneur auec Mr L abbe queylus de disner chez nous. Ou il fut receu par la leunesse du pais d un petit drame en francois huron et Alguonquin dans nostre lardin a la Veue de tout le peuple de quebec. ledit sieur gouuerneur tesmoigna estre content de ceste reception. AOUST 1 Les sauuages Alg. & Hurons allerent saluer Mr le gouuerneur au fort. Les Alguon- quins luy firent deux presens vn de 10 Castors. 1 autre autant le i er signifioit La coniouissance de son arriuee apres tant de dangers le 2 pour Luy dire qu ils le recognois- soient pour leur Capitaine, escouter la voix et suiure les ordres. Les Hurons firent aussy 2 presens le i r d vn Collier de 3000 grains de porcelaine & le second de 100 grains enfilez qui signifioient le mesme que Ceux des Alguonquins. Mr le gouur. tesmoigne qu il estoit bien aise de les voir & qu il leur parle- roit en son temps. 2 Mr le gouuerneur fit vn festin de 7 Chaudieres a tous les sauuages. 3 II respondit a leur presens par trois presens aux Alguonquins et 3 aux hurons qui signifioient la mesme chose a 1 vn & a 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 103 the Iroquois in Monsieur de repentigni s field ; two other Alguonquin women were wounded, and 2 little girls escaped. On the same Day we learned by letters from Montreal, brought by some hurons, that the Iroquois had been Valiantly repulsed there. 28. Monsieur the governor did us the Reception of the honor, with Monsieur The abbe queylus, of governor, coming to dine at our house. There he was received by the Youths of the country with a little drama in french, huron, and Alguonquin, in our Garden, in the Sight of all the people of quebec. 11 The sieur governor expressed himself as pleased with that reception. AUGUST. 1. The Alguonquin and Huron savages went to pay their respects to Monsieur the governor at the fort. The Alguonquins gave him two presents, one of 10 Beaver- skins, the other of as many. The ist was A token of congratulation on his arrival after so many dangers; the 2nd, to tell Him that they acknowledged him as their Captain that they would listen to his voice and obey his orders. The Hurons also gave 2 presents; the ist was a Collar of 3,000 porcelain beads, and the second of 100 beads strung together. They had the same meaning as Those of the Alguonquins. Monsieur the governor said that he was much pleased to see them, and that he would speak to them in due time. 2. Monsieur the governor gave a feast of 7 Kettles to all the savages. 3. He replied to their presents by three 104 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Patente de grand vicaire pour Les les. P. Lyonne 1 autre. i le vous essuie les larmes de ce que vos gens ont este tuez. I2tt de poudre et 30!! de plom. a 1 alguonquin. aux Hurons 12 Espees. 2 ie vous donne vn breuuage pour remettre la voix quand il faudra exhorter la leunesse au combat 12 Espees. aux hurons 200 fers de fleches. 3 ie vous exhorte a la foy a faire ce qu on vous enseigne sur tout a fuir la poligamie et 1 yurognerie que ie ne veux pas proteger. 2 fusils & aux Hurons 12 haches. 6 arriua a quebec le vaisseau de Tadour- neau. 8 arriua de tadousac le P Albanel Nous fismes signifier Nostre patente de grand vicaire a Mr L abbe. 13 Monta a 3 Riuieres et a Montreal Mr le gouuer. dans trois chalouppes Et quelques canots francois et sauuages. Arriua la 3 C vaisseau a quebec, qui nous donna le P. Lionne. 1 5 arriua a 5 heures du matin la barque de la nouuelle hollande auec lettres du ministre pour le p. le Moine 2 1 partit de quebec Mr L abbe de quey- lus pour Montreal auec Mr d alliboust Et sa feme en Comp. de 60 persones dans trois Chalouppes. La nuict les Iroquois parurent au cap rouge, qui prirent lean hayot qui par finesse se sauua de leurs mains. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 105 presents to the Alguonquins and 3 to the hurons, which had the same meaning for both, ist: "I wipe away the tears that you shed because your people have been killed," -12 livres weight of powder and 30 of lead to the alguonquins; and to the Hurons 12 Swords. 2nd: " I give you a beverage to restore your voice when you have to exhort the Young men to battle," 12 Swords; and, to the hurons 200 iron arrow-heads. 3rd: " I ex hort you to believe, and to do what you are taught; above all, to avoid polygamy and drunkenness, which I will not tolerate," 2 guns; and, to the Hurons, 12 hatchets. 6. Tadourneau s ship arrived at quebec. 8. Father Albanel arrived from tadousac. We caused Our patent of vicar-general to be communicated to Monsieur The abbe. 13. Monsieur the governor went up to 3 Rivers and to Montreal, with three shallops And some french and savage canoes. The 3rd ship arrived at quebec, bringing us Father Lionne. 15. At 5 o clock in the morning, the bark from new holland arrived, with letters from the minister for father le Moine. 21. Monsieur The abbe" de queylus, with Monsieur d alliboust And his wife, started from quebec for Montreal, in Company with 60 persons, in three Shallops. At night, the Iroquois made their appear ance at cap rouge; they captured Jean hayot who succeeded, by cunning, in escaping from their hands. Patent of vicar- general for The Jesuits. Father Lyonne. 106 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 anniez pris par addresse six les. vont en france 30 vn huron allant au bois fut pris par 4. Iroquois dans le sapiniere en deca de nostre moulin. SEPTEMBRE 4 Vne chalouppe des trois Riuieres amena a quebec 7 agnieronons pris par finesse par les francois aux trois Riuieres. 6 a 4 heures de releuee partit le vaisseau du Gagneur auec 6 des nostres scauoir les PP de la place du peron, fremin, Richar & n ff nicolas fauconier & louis le boheme. 7. AtogtfatKtfann diet La Grande cueilliere chef des 7 Annieyer onons pris aux 3 Riu. feit en prece d Onnontio, des hurons et des Algonquins ces p nes i. le viens porter ma teste aux pieds d Onnontio dans la confiance que ce qu A- chiendase a dit de sa part a toutes nos nations Iroquoises est vray scauoir est que les faux bruits ne pourroient iamais alterer les pense"es de paix entre Luy et nous. 2 Voila pour dissiper Les defiances que nous pourrions auoir les vns des autres 3 ie Viens voir si nos gens que Vous auez mis aux fers sont encore en Vie 4 I accommode 1 esprit des hurons a ce que doresnauant ils ne fassent plus courir de faux bruits de part ny d autre. Onnontio Respond i Apres auoir inuite tes Anciens au conseil tant de fois, ils ne paroissent point. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 107 30. A huron, who was going for wood, was captured by 4 Iroquois in the fir grove on this side of our mill. SEPTEMBER. 4. A shallop from three Rivers brought to Anniez captured by quebec 7 agnieronons, who had been caught by stratagem by the french at three Rivers. 6. At 4 o clock in the afternoon, the ship of le Gagneur started with 6 of ours namely, Fathers de la place, du peron, fremin, Richar, and our brethren nicolas fauconier and louis le boheme. 7 . Atog watk wann , 13 called La Grande cueil- liere ["The Large spoon"], chief of the 7 Annieyer onons captured at 3 Rivers, gave, in the presence of Onnontio, the hurons, and the Algonquins, these gifts, i st : "I come to lay my head at the feet of Onnontio, in full confidence that what Achien- dase said on his behalf to all our Iroquois nations is true namely, that false rumors could never alter the thoughts of peace be tween Him and us." 2nd: "This is to dispel The distrust that we might feel toward each other." 3rd: " I Come to see if our people whom You have put in irons are still Alive." 4th: " I clear the minds of the hurons, that in future they may not circulate false rumors, either on one side or on the other. Onnontio Replies, ist: " Although I have so often invited thy Elders to the council, still they do not appear; stratagem. Six Jesuits go to france. 108 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 mais en leur place tu nous viens casser des testes. que meriterois tu autre chose que le feu, si nous estions aussi cruels et Vindicatifs que toy? Au contraire nous te donnons la vie et aux tiens et Voulons que deux de v re bande aillent en donner aduis dans le pais et dire aux Anciens que les autres vivent tant les derniers retenus que les premiers, et que Les fran9ois hurons et Algonquins qui sont inseparables 1 ont ainsy resolu. 2 Tu as promis d arracher la hache des mains de toutes les nations Iroquoises, faits le done a La bonne heure, car nous francois, Algonquins et hurons voulons La paix ou auec toutes ou auec pas vne, et pour monstrer que tu 1 as fait ramene nous des Captifs de toutes les nations sc. frangois, Algonq. et huron. 3 Le lieu du conseil sera les 3. R. ou Les Ambassadeurs viendront teste leuee en fai- sant les harangues ordinaires, et personne ne viendra en cachette et dans Les broussailles autrement si on 1 attrappe il sera condamne" au feu. p. lemoyne 1 6 a 6 heures du matin arriua le bacq de Mr Suart, Montreal qui nous donna le P le Moine et Mr Suart, auec beaucoup de Nouuelles bonnes et mauuaises. GaraconKe chef des Onontager. Venu a Montreal auec presens. &c ramenez deux fran?ois pris aux 3 Riui. n Onon- tageronons faits prisoniers a Montreal 2 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. J&SUITES 109 but, in place of them, them comest to break our heads. What else shouldst thou deserve but fire, were we as cruel and as Vindictive as thou ? On the contrary, we grant life to thee and to thy people, and we Wish that two of your band should go and give information of it in your country, and tell the Elders that the others live those who were last as well as those who were first captured; and that The french, the hurons, and the algonquins, who are inseparable, have so decided." 2nd: : Thou hast promised to snatch the hatchet from the hands of all the Iroquois nations. Then do so at once ; for we french, Algonquins, and hurons desire peace, either with all or with none. And, to show that thou hast done so, bring us back the Captives of all the nations, namely, french, Algonquins, and hurons. 3rd: The place of the council shall be at 3 Rivers, whither The Ambassadors shall come with heads erect to deliver the usual harangues, and no one shall come secretly and through The brushwood; otherwise, if he be caught, he shall be condemned to the fire." 16. At 6 o clock in the morning, the boat Father lemoyne; from Montreal arrived, bringing us Father le Monsieur Suart. Moine and Monsieur Suart, with abundant News, both good and bad. Garaconke, chief of the Onontageronons, had Come to Mont real with presents, etc. ; two frenchmen, taken prisoners at 3 Rivers, had been brought back ; 1 1 Onontageronons had been taken prisoners at Montreal; 2 Onontageronons had been 110 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 2 hospres vont a Montreal cinq Iroq. pris. 3 tuez A ugustt lolyet et Chrtstofle revenus des Iroquois. Onontager tiiez: le huron appele le Roy de Suede sauue. 9 Canots d tftattaK chargez de pelteries arriuez a Montreal. &c. vide infra A 19 a 7 heures du soir s embarquerent La mere agnes st paul et La Mere Marie Renee de la natiuite, hospitalieres de quebec pour monter a Montreal auec le p Chaumonot, qui estoit Enuoye de Mr le gouuerneur pour y traitter les affaires des Onontageronons. 25 a 9. heures du soir arriua La chalouppe des trois Riuieres qui amena Cinq Iroquois Oneitcheronons, pris prisoniers vn peu au dessus des 3 Riuieres par les francois par finesse : trois autres f urent tiiez dans le com bat & vn sixiesme fut relach6 qui fut enuoye en embassade en son pai s auec des presens pour dire ce qui se passoit. A voicy les presents que nostre hoste Ha- raKontie nous vint pendre sur la perche a Montreal, en nous ramenant deux de nos Frangois lolyet, & Chretofle, pris aux Trois- riuieres par ceux d onnejtft. Apres t auoir essuye tes larmes ; ouuert le gozier ; & essuye le sang. 1 . ie viens nettoyer les endroits, ou il y a eu du sang respandu. 2 . ie te donne vn breuuage pour appaiser ton coeur. 3. i essuye la honte, que ceux d OnneiHt m ont iett6 sur le visage. 4. ie le fais encore vne autre fois. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. jS UITES 111 killed ; the huron called le Roy de Suede had escaped; 9 Canoes of Outawak, loaded with furs, had arrived at Montreal, etc. Vide infra A. 13 19. At 7 o clock in the evening, mother 2 hospital nuns go to agnes st. paul and Mother Marie Renee de la Montreal. nativite, hospital nuns of quebec, 14 embarked to proceed to Montreal with father Chaumo- not, who was Sent by Monsieur the governor to manage there the affairs of the Ononta- geronons. 25. At 9 o clock in the evening, The shal- Five Iroquois taken lop arrived from three Rivers, bringing Five prisoners; 3 killed. Oneioutcheronon Iroquois who had, by strata gem, been taken prisoners by the french, a short distance above 3 Rivers. Three others were killed in the fight, and a sixth was allowed to go ; he was sent on an embassy to his own country, with presents, to tell what was happening. 15 A. Here are the presents that our guest August 3 ist. Harakontie hung up for us on the pole at Montreal, in bringing back to us two of our Frenchmen, Jolyet and Chretofle, who had Jolyet and Christofle been captured at Three rivers by those of return from the onneiout. Iroquois. 1 After having wiped away thy tears, opened thy throat, and washed away the blood," ist: I come to clean the places where blood has been spilled." 2nd: I give thee a beverage to calm thy heart." 3rd: I wipe away the shame that those of Onneiout have cast upon my face." 112 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 5 . i enseuelis les trois copagnons d Achien- dase, qui se noyerent auec luy, lors qu ils descendirent a Kebeq. 6. ie iette du Sable sur toutes les fosses, ou il y a eu du Sang respandu. 7. ie desire que tu me die vn bon mot. 8. ie replante a Montreal, 1 arbre desia plant6, pour les affaires. 9. Ie Soleil s y est eclypse, ie 1 y r attache : 10. ie r allume Ie feu de ton conseil. 11. i y estens la natte de ceux, qui y parleront d affaires. 12. ie nettoye toute la riuiere, en ostant les pierres qui y sont. 13. ieteprie de receuoir icy mes nepueux, comme des chasseurs. 14. vn lien qui nous estreindra fortem 1 auec nos 4. Nations. 15. reuiens en mon pays, pour m y ap- prendre a prier Dieu, coe tu faisois. 1 6. Ie t asseure que ta maison de Gannen- t&a est encore sur pied. 17 Les Agnieronnons font desia asseure d auoir tance ceux d onnejtft. 1 8. Ie romps les fers de mon Nepueu Atiohonchiot, qui est ton hoste depuis 9 moys. 19. Ie t assure que ie me suis plaint a Agnienge, du meurtre fait icy. 20. Ie regrette que mon nom a seruy a ceux d Onneitft, pour prendre trois fran9ois aux Trois riu. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 113 4th: " I do the same once more." 5th: I bury the three companions of Achiendase, who were drowned with him while they were going down to Kebeq." 16 6th : " I throw Sand on all the graves where Blood has been spilled." ;th : " I desire that thou shouldst say a kind word to me." 8th : I replant at Montreal the tree already planted for the transaction of affairs. 9th : The Sun has become eclipsed there ; I reattach it. " loth: " I rekindle thy council fire." i ith : "I spread the mat for those who will there speak of affairs." 1 2th: I clear out the whole river, remov ing the rocks that are in it." 1 3th: " I beg thee to receive my nephews here as hunters." 1 4th: "A tie that shall bind you tightly with our 4 Nations." 1 5th: Return to my country, and teach me to pray to God, as thou didst." 1 6th: "I assure thee that thy house at Gannentaa is still standing." i /th: The Agnieronnons have already assured thee that they have rebuked those of onneiout. 1 8th: "I break the fetters of my Nephew Atiohonchiot, who has been thy guest for 9 months." 1 9th: " I assure thee that I complained at Agnienge of the murder committed here. 2oth : I regret that my name has served 114 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 2 1 . Ne pense pas que ie ressente la mort de deux de mes nepueux, que tu viens de tuer. 22. Ie mets des pierres sur leur fosse, a ce qu il n en soit plus parle. 23. Laisse moy passer, quand ie viendray tiler 1 Algonquin. 24. Cherchons vn expedient, pour que ie tiie 1 Algonquin. 25. Ie te ramene tes deux Nepueux; coe i ay desia fait autre fois. 26. Ie t aduertis que deux cens de mes nepueux vont en guerre centre ceux du Feu. presents des robes Le P. Ie moyne luy fit trois presents, Ie soir Nozres. ( j u mesme i O ur, au nom des Robes-noires. secreto 1. Nous ne sommes pas sorty de ton pays, inimico ajo: nous eussions pu rauager ton village. 2. Ce qui nous determina & ce fa r , & est6 Ie meurtre de Montreal impuny ; & les bandes de guerriers qui partoient tous les iours, pour Kebeq, dont les Franjois nous croyoient estre la cause. 3. les robes-noires sont prests de retour- ner en ton pays, lors que les affaires seront bien appaise"es de tous costez. OCTOBRE s 3 sur les 9 heures du soir retourna de Montreal a quebec Ie P. Chaumonot qui nous aprit que les 2 hospitalieres y estoient arriuees heureusement. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 115 those from Onneiout to capture three french men at Three rivers. 2ist: "Think not that I feel any resent ment for the death of two of my nephews, whom thou hast just killed." 22nd: "I place stones on their grave, so that no more may be said about it." 23rd: " Let me pass, when I shall come to kill the Algonquin." 24th: " Let us seek an expedient, that I may kill the Algonquin." 25th : " I bring thee back thy two Nephews, as I have already done formerly. 26th: " I inform thee that two hundred of my nephews are going to war against the nation of Fire." Father le moyne gave him three presents, on the evening of the same day, in the name of the black Gowns. Secretb. ist: " We did not leave thy country inimico animo; we could have ravaged thy village. 2nd: " What decided us to do so was, that the murder at Montreal remained unpunished, and that bands of warriors started every day for Kebeq, of which the French believed us to be the cause. 3rd : ; The black gowns are ready to return to thy country when matters shall be thor oughly settled on all sides." OCTOBER. 3. About 9 o clock at night, Father Chau- monot returned from Montreal to quebec, and Presents of the Black gowns. Hospital nuns. 116 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Mdle Mense va en 14 Partirent les Vaisseaux des Cap es . * raf Remon et tadourneau, ou estoit Me Mance. 1 5 fit profession le soeur marie Marguerite de st Jean bapt. Bourdon. 28 Sep. Le 28 septembre Le P. Chaumonnot fit les pnts a Montreal d ordre de Monsieur Le Gou- uerneur a 2 Onnontageronnons, qu on renuoia en leur pais dont 1 vn s appelle A.enhia, et L autre Otchiondi huron adopt6 par Jean Bap te Achioiiagras i pour pleurer Les deux hurons Captifs d Onnontage tile s par Les franjois, Lorsqu ils les Voulurent retenir prisonniers: disant que s ils eussent voulu attendre Gara Kontie ils n auroient pas este maltraictes 2 pour ioindre sa voix a celle de Gannon- chiase, afin de remercier Gara Kontie d auoir ramene ses nepueux et d auoir fait de si beaux pnts 3 pour signifier aux Anciens d Onnon- tage, que s ils veulent rauoir Les Peres (comme ils disent) qu ils nous amenent des petites filles a mettre chez Les Meres Vrsu- lines. 4. que Le Lieu du conseil sera Les 3 Riuieres. On feit vn cinquiesme p nt a SoKenda ti huron Captif d Onnei^t, qu on renuoia au pais pour dire aux Anciens que Gand&ta re, Te gannonchiogen, Agonnon rentonnion, Agan- 1 656 - 58] JO URN A L DES PP. JES UITES 117 informed us that the 2 hospital nuns had arrived there safely. 14. The Ships of Captains Remon and Mademoiselle Mense tadourneau sailed; on board one of them was goes to france. Mademoiselle Mance. 15. Sister marie Marguerite de st. Jean baptiste Bourdon made her profession. On the 28th of September, Father Chau- September 28. monnot gave presents at Montreal, by order of Monsieur The Governor, to 2 Onnontage- ronnons, who were sent back to their own country. One was named A ( enhia; and The other, Otchiondi, was a huron adopted by Jean Baptiste Achionagras. ist: To weep for The two huron Captives of Onnontage killed by The french When they Tried to detain them as prisoners, saying that, if they had been willing to wait for Gara kontie, they would not have been ill- treated. 2nd: To unite his voice to that of Gannon- chiase, in order to thank Gara kontie for hav ing brought back his nephews, and for having given such fine presents. 3rd: To inform the Elders of Onnontage that, if they wish to get The Fathers back again (as they say they do), they must bring us little girls to be placed with The Ursuline Mothers. 4th : That The Place of the council will be at 3 Rivers. A fifth present was given to Sokenda ti, a huron Captive of Onneiout; he was sent back to that country, to tell the Elders that 118 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 Octobre Iraq, pris Bastion au cap R. 3. forts: Siller y t S. xavi. cap rouge. onze prison. Iraq, echapez. 4. francois pris par les Iraq. nen raiesa, et Garhagonha pris aux 3 R viuent 20 trois Agnieronnons allans en guerre a tadousac briserent leur canots an dessous de la maison de Cousture ils furent contraints de sy refugier, on en donna aduis a Mr le gotmerneur qui les fit venir au fort La nuict. On les mit auec autres prisoniers. 28 sur le soir parurent deuant le bastion du cap rouge 7. Iroquois qui demanderent la paix a nopce. et des nouuelles de leur gens prisoniers a Kebec. Ils luy dirent qu ils 1 auroient tues sils 1 auoient voulu. Ils pri- rent 4 ou 5 minots de pois dans la Grange de Mr Gautier puis s en retournerent dans leur canots de 1 autre bord a leur gens. . . . 29 Mr le gouuerneur fut a Sillery & au fort st Xauier & au cap rouge accompagne de 25 francois & deux pp. pour voir si on decou- uriroit quelque chose. NOUEMBRE 8 Nous aprismes de Montreal par vn canot arriue de la a Quebec, que les onze priso niers d onontage s estoient echappes tous de leur prison par la fenestre apres auoir rompu deux barreaux de fer le 19 Octobre 1658. 10 nous aprismes des trois Riuieres par vn canot arriue a quebec a 7 heures du matin : que le 5 de ce mois douze Iroquois Agniero- nons auoient pris 4 francois prisoniers, faisans du foin de 1 autre bord de la Riuiere vis a vis 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 119 Gandouta re, Te gannonchiogen, Agonnon - rentonnion, Agannen raiesa, and Garhagonha, who were captured at 3 Rivers, are alive. 17 20. Three Agnieronnons, who were going to war at Tadousac, broke their canoes below Cousture s house, and were compelled to take refuge there. Word was sent to Monsieur the governor, who had them brought to The fort at night. They were put with the other prisoners. 28. In the evening, there appeared before the bastion at cap rouge 7 Iroquois, who asked nopce for peace, and for news of their people who were prisoners in Kebec. They told him that they could have killed him had they wished to do so. They took 4 or 5 minots of peas in Monsieur Gautier s Barn, and then returned in their canoes to their people on the other side. 29. Monsieur the governor went to Sillery, to fort st. Xavier, and to cap rouge, accom panied by 25 frenchmen and two fathers, to see if anything could be discovered. NOVEMBER. 8. We learned from Montreal, by a canoe that arrived at Quebec from there, that the eleven prisoners of onontage had all escaped from their prison through the window, after breaking two iron bars, on the igth of Octo ber, 1658. 10. We learned from three Rivers, by a canoe that arrived at quebec at 7 o clock in the morning, that, on the 5th of this month, October. Iroquois captured. Bastion at cap Rouge. 3 forts : Sillery, St. xavier, and cap rouge. Eleven Iroquois prisoners escaped. 4/renchmen captured by the Iroquois. quatre autres. 7. prisonniersfran. ramenez par Les I. 120 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 des trois Riuieres. Puis quatre autres fran- cois vers le lac S l pierre, qui retournoient de la chasse. les dits Iroquois en renuoirent vn des 8. prisoniers aux trois Riuieres pour ad- uertir le Capitaine de leur prise, et de luy faire scauoir qu ils menent les autres a Agnie pour ne les ramener quau printemps auec les anciens du pai s pour traitter de paix. 1 1 Prit 1 habit aux Vrsulines Marie dodier soeur Conuerse. 20 Arriuerent six Agnieronons ambassa- deurs auec le P le Moine qui estoit aux 3. Riuieres a quebec et auec eux Vn Hollandois de la Nouuelle Hollande pour les asseurer que les francois ne leur feroient pas de mal. leur dessein est de retirer leur gens prisoniers. et de faire la paix auec tous (a ce qu ils disent) Alguonquins, Et hurons Ils ont ra- mene nos 7. francois prisoniers depuis 15 lours et les ont laissez en passant par les trois Riuieres. D abord on les conduisit au fort, ou Onnon- tio leur feit 2. petits presents chascun d vne grande brasse de pourc. Le premier pour leur dessiller les yeux, et L autre pour Leur nettoier Le gosier. Ils respondirent tout sur le champ auec 3. petits pr nts chascun d vne brasse. Le pre mier pour essuier le sang, Le second pour essuier les Larmes, Le 3 me . pour deboucher le gosier. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 121 twelve Agnieronon Iroquois had taken prison ers 4 frenchmen, who were making hay on the other side of the River opposite three Rivers; also, four other frenchmen toward lake St. pierre, who were on their return from hunting. The same Iroquois sent one of the 8 prisoners back to three Rivers to inform the Captain of their capture ; and to tell them that they were taking the others to Agnie, to bring them back only in the spring, with the elders of the country, to treat for peace. 1 1 . Marie dodier took the habit as a Lay sister at the Ursulines . . 20. Six Agnieronon ambassadors arrived at quebec with Father le Moine, who was at 3 Rivers ; and with them A Dutchman from New Holland, to assure them that the french would do them no harm. Their object is to obtain the release of their people who are prisoners, and to make peace, (so they say) with all Alguonquins And hurons. They brought back our 7 frenchmen, who have been taken pris oners within the past 1 5 Days, and left them as they passed by three Rivers. 18 In the first place, they were taken to the fort, where Onnontio gave them 2 small pres ents, each of a great brasse of porcelain beads. The first was to open their eyes, and The second to clear Their throats. They replied at once with 3 small presents, each of a brasse. The first, to wash away blood; The second, to wipe away Tears; The 3rd, to clear the throat. They asked to speak on the following day ; Four others, 7 french prisoners brought back by The Iroquois. 122 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Us demanderent a parler le lendemain on leur respondit, qu on les vouloit laisser reposer Le Lendemain, mais qu apres Le Lendemain on Les escouteroit, ils s y accorderent. P nts des Iroquois Te Garihogen &c. deputez des 3. 22 i Onnontio tu nous as enuoi6 dire, que nations, des ours, des ^ n(ms voulois parler, nous auons escoute ta Loups, de La tortue. . voix, toutes nos 3 nations sc. des Ours, des Loups et de la tortue, nvf ont enuoy6 c est de leur part que ie parle. 2 Ie ne S9ais ce que c est d en chaisner Les hommes, ie te prie Onnontio de ietter tes fers et tes menottes. 3. I ay ramene" tes 7. Nepueux, qu on emmenoit en mon pais. 4. Ie remets le soleil, pour esclairer le fond de nos pensees. presents des 5. Ie te remercie de ce que tu me fais Saw ages. reuoir mes nepueux. 6 Ie suis femme et porte sur ma queue de cheueux les hurons et Algonquins. 7 nous sommes 7 nations allie"es le sonnont&erronnon L oiogtfen, L onnontager, Le franfois de Gannentaa, L onnei&t, L An- niege, Le Mahingan et Iholandois ne te retires pas de n re alliance. 8 Tous nos allies m ont depute, pour venir querir ta pense*e. 9 Ie raccommode La riuiere, nous et nos enfants y pourrons doresnauant nauiger en paix. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 123 they were told in answer that we wished to let them rest on The Morrow; but that, on The Day after, we would listen to Them. To this they agreed. Presents of the Iroquois, Te Garihogen and others, 22. ist: " Onnontio, thou hast sent word to us that thou wishest to speak to us. We have listened to thy voice ; all our 3 nations namely, of the Bears, of the Wolves, and of the turtle have sent us. It is on their be half that I speak." 2nd: " I know not what it is to chain men. I beg thee, Onnontio, to cast away thy irons and thy fetters." 3rd : " I have brought back thy 7 Nephews, who were being taken to my country." 4th: " I replace the sun, to enlighten the depths of our thoughts." 5th: "I thank thee that thou makest me see my nephews again." 6th: " I am a woman, and carry the hurons and Algonquins upon my braid of hair. 7th: " We are 7 allied nations, The son- nontwerronnon, The oiogwen, The onnonta- geronnon, The frenchman of Gannentaa, The onneiout, The Anniege, The Mahingan, and the dutchman. Withdraw not from our alliance." 8th : All our allies have deputed me to come and get thy opinion." 9th : Again I put The river in order ; we and our children will hereafter be able to navigate it in peace." Envoys of the 3 nations, of the bears, of the Wolves, and of The turtle. Presents of the Savages. 124 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [Voi,. 44 10 Otsindia/on sc. le Cap ne . de la nouuelle holande est compagnon de mon ambassade. 1 1 Onnontio et moy depuis 5 ans que nous auons La paix nous nous tenons par le bras. 12 II arriue d ordinaire des troubles parmy Les allies de differentes nations L onneitft mon enfant a cause les differens que nous auons vu a demesler, mais il a rendu Les 3 fran9oises qu il auoit pris aux 3 Riuieres. Le printemps vous reuerrez celuy qu il nous auoit mis entre Les mains pour vous rame- ner, il est a La nouuelle holande. 1 3 Quant aux 5 Onneib t que Vous tenes es fers ie ne dis pas que vous me les rendies, ie Vous prie seulem*. de les dechaisner. 14 Ie remets a Vous de chercher Les moyens d establir vne bonne paix. 15 I assigne mon pai s d Anniege pour le lieu du conseil ou i assembleray toutes nos nations, ie te prie Onnontio de bien parler a ce que ie ne sois point honteux de reporter ta Voix 1 6 Ie te prie de nous donner des canots pour nous en retourner et quelques fusils pour tuer des bestes pour nous nourrir sur les chemins. Remerciement d Onnontio a ces 16 p nts . Presens des 2$ i il donna 6 capots et vne piece d es- Loffe de 2 ausnes aux Ambassadeurs. 2 il remercia pour les 4 premieres p nts . 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. J&SUITES 125 i oth: " Otsindiakhon, namely, the Captain of new holland, is my companion in this embassy." nth: " Onnontio and myself, during the 5 years in which we have had peace, have held each other by the arm. 1 2th: Usually troubles arise among The allies of various nations. " The onneiout, my child, has been the cause of the difficulties that we have had to settle ; but he has given up The 3 frenchmen whom he had taken at 3 Rivers. In the spring, you will see again him whom they had placed into Our hands that we might bring him back to you ; he is in new holland." 1 3th: "As to the 5 Onneiouts whom You keep in irons, I do not tell you to give them up to me; I only beg You to unchain them." i4th: " I leave You to seek The means of establishing a firm peace." 1 5th: I appoint my country of Anniege as the place of the council, at which I shall gather all our nations. I beg thee, Onnontio, to speak well, so that I may not be ashamed to carry back thy Voice. 1 6th: "I request thee to give us some canoes in which we may return, and some guns with which we may kill animals for food on the way." Onnontio s thanks for those 16 presents. 25. ist: He gave 6 coats and a piece of Presents of the stuff 2 ells in length to the Ambassadors. french. 2nd: With a handsome collar, he thanked 126 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 particulierement de ce qu ils auoient ramene" nos 7 fran9ois, d un beau collier. 3 il remercia d un autre collier pour Les 4 autres p nts notamment pour celuy qui disoit qu ils nous regardoient encore comme leur allies. 4 il remercia des 4 autres suiuants auec un collier, s arrestant sur ce qu il auoit pris Le holandois pour son Aduocat enuers nous. 5 il remercie des 4 derniers auec un autre collier, Leur raccontant coe Les Onnei^t s estoient trop hastes de venir icy has deuant qu on sceut La venue de Gara Kontie qui auoit ramen6 Les 2 frangois a Montreal (cela est faux Presents d Onnontio a porter dans le pais des Iroquois. presens, qu on l Onnontio parle au nom des franjois, enuoie au loin. hurons, et Algonquins il est venu de france pour procurer La paix par toutes ces contrees a ce que L entree soit libre aux Predicateurs de L euangile. 2 puisque Vous me remettes Les moyens de la paix, n en voicy un que ie trouue le P. ondesonK ira en v re pais pour traicter de la paix auec toutes Vos nations. 3 L Algonquin ira ce printemps en am- bassade chez Vous, il n a rien pour le p nt a donner aux Ambassadeurs qu il enuoieroit. 4 Ie suis marry que v re ieunesse n est plus obeissante, ie Vous rendrois tous Vos nepueux, 1656 - 58] JO URN A L DES PP. JES UITES 127 them for the first 4 presents, especially because they had brought back our 7 frenchmen. 3rd: With another collar he gave thanks for The 4 other presents, especially for that which said that they still looked upon us as their allies. 4th : He gave thanks for the next 4 presents with a collar, dwelling on the fact that he had taken The dutchman as his Advocate with us. 5th : He gave thanks for the 4 last presents with another collar, explaining to Them how The Onneiouts had been too hasty in coming down here before there was news of The coming of Gara kontie, who had brought back The 2 frenchmen to Montreal. (This is in correct.) Onnontio s presents to be carried into the country of the Iroquois. ist: " Onnontio speaks in the name of the Presents that are french, the hurons, and the Algonquins. He sent has come from france to procure peace through out all these countries, so that the Preachers of The gospel may have free access to them." 2nd: " Since You leave to me The means of securing peace, here is one that I find. Father ondesonk will go to your country to negotiate peace with all Your nations." 3rd: " The Algonquin will go next spring on an embassy to Your country. At present, he has nothing to give to the Ambassadors whom he would send." 4th : " I am sorry that your young men are not more obedient. I would give You back all Your nephews; but the little faithfulness 128 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 mais leur pen de fidelite me contraint de rete- nir 4 de vos gens pour asseurer La Vie du Pere qui va auec Vous. 5 le ne veux pas La paix pour deux ou trois ans, ie La veux eternelle, le moyen de 1 auoir eternelle est de mesler n re pais auec le v re Venez done habiter parmy nous et nous auec vous & au moins amenez nous des filles quand vous viendres requerir Vos Nepueux. 6 I essuie Le sang respandu aux 3 Ri- uieres et a Montreal. Arquebuse 7 I oste Les fers aux Onnei^t et en renuoie vn d iceux auec Vous a ce que GarontagHann sgache que ie suis meilleur Pere qu il n est enfant. 8 Ie detourne la bouche de Vos armes a feu du corps des homines et la tourne du coste des bestes. Arquebuse 9 Ayez soin du P ondesonK. du plomb et de la poudre 10 On assemblera toutes Les nations pour escouter ma Voix de la bouche d OndesonK. Apres ces p nts Te Garihogen fit les 2 suiuants 1 Ie iette au fonds de la terre tous les reproches mutuels &c qu on n en parle plus. 2 Ie prie Onnontio d auoir soin des 4. ostages qu il retient. 26 Vne partie des Agnieronons et les prison iers relachez partirent pour leur pai s. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 129 that they show compels me to keep 4 of your people here, to assure The Life of the Father who goes with You. 5th: " I do not wish peace for two or three years only, I desire an eternal peace ; and the way to make it eternal is to unite our country with yours. Come, therefore, and dwell among us, and we will dwell with you ; and, at least, bring us girls when you come to get Your Nephews." 6th: " I wipe away The blood shed at 3 Rivers and at Montreal." An Arquebus. 7th : " I remove The irons from the Onnei- outs, and send back one of them with You, that Garontagwann may know that I am a better Father than he is a child." 8th: " I turn away the muzzles of Your firearms from the bodies of men, and turn them toward animals. " An Arquebus. 9th: " Take care of Father ondesonk." Some lead and powder. loth: " All The nations shall be gathered together, to hear my Voice from the mouth of Ondesonk." After these presents, Te Garihogen gave the 2 following, ist: "I cast into the depths of the earth all mutual reproaches, etc. Let us speak no more of them." 2nd: " I beg Onnontio to take care of the 4 hostages whom he detains." 26. A portion of the Agnieronons, and the released prisoners, started for their own country. 130 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 DECEMBRE Noe l La messe de minuit fut dite a la paroisse auec grande solemnite sans beaucoup de froid dans 1 eglise, quoy que la saison fut extre- mem 1 froide. 1656-58] JOURNAL DES PP. JESUITES 131 DECEMBER. Midnight mass was celebrated in the parish Christmas. church with great solemnity. It was not very cold in the church, although the season was an extremely severe one. XCVIII RELATION OF 1 PARIS: SEBAST1EN CRAMOISY, 1659 SOURCE: We follow a copy of the original (H. 112), in Lenox Library. r RELATION DE CE QVI. S EST PASSE DE PLVS REM ARQVASLE VX MISSIONS DES PP. dc la Compagnie de I E s v s E N LA NOVVELLE FRANCE, es annees A PARIS, Chez SEBASTIEN CR primeur du Roy &&lt;Je laReme M. DC LIX. RELATION OF WHAT OCCURRED MOST REMARKABLE IN THE MISSIONS OF THE FATHERS of the Society of J E s u s IN NEW FRANCE, in the years 1657 and 1658. PARIS, SEBASTIEN CRAMOISY, Printer to the King and Queen. M. DC. LIX. BY ROYAL LICENSE. 138 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Avant-Propos. CEVX qui s inter effent dans la conuerfion des Sau- uages de la Nouuelle France, feront bien-aifes de lire, en cette Relation, quelques Chapitres, tirez des lettres, & des memoir es, qu on a enuoyez cette anne e; mais non pas en fi grand nombre que nous attendions. Les chemins font fe longs, & Ji incertains, fur la mer, & fur la terre, que c esl, quajl vn petit miracle, quand rien ne s e gare, & ne fe perd, deschofesqui nous font adrefte es. Le peu qu on a receu, fait voir que le Demon preuoit quelque grand bien dans ces contrees pour la gloire du Fils de Dieu, puifquil continue fes perfecutions, & fes tempejles de tous coftez. Aufti-toft que nous auons eu les armes en la main, c eft a dire la connoiffance des Langues pour le combattre, & pour faire connoiftre I E S V S - CHRIST: aufti-toft les Demons fe font oppofez. Us ont fufcite" d 1 horribles calomnies centre nous: on nous a pris pour des Impofteurs, pour des Sorciers, pour des Magiciens, pour des Gens qui faifoient geler, & mourir les bleds; qui empoifonnoient les riuieres, qui caufoient les maladies, & qui tuoient les hommes. On nous a en fuite maffacrez, on nous a brujlez, grillez, roftis, & mangez tout vifs. On a fait le mefme traitement aux Neophytes, qui auoient receu lESVS-CHRlST. Cette fureur continue tous les tours centre nous: mais quoyl venit hora, vt omnis qui interficit vos, arbitretur obfequium fe prseftare Deo: Uheure, & le temps eft venu, qu on croit rendre vn ban feruice a Dieu, de nous perfecuter. Non 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657-58 139 Preface. THOSE who take an interest in the conversion of the Savages of New France will be glad to read, in this Relation, some Chapters gleaned from the letters and memoirs which have been sent us this year, although not in such numbers as we expected. The journeys, by sea and land, are so long and uncertain, that it is a little miracle when none of the missives addressed to us go astray and are lost. What scanty intelligence we have received shows us that the Evil One foresees, in those countries, some great advantage for the glory of the Son of God, since he continues his persecutions and his storms on all sides. No sooner have we arms in our hands that is, an acquaintance with the Languages for com bating him and spreading a knowledge of J E S U S CHRIST, than we are confronted by the Demons. They have started dreadful calumnies against us; we have been taken for Impostors, Sorcerers, Magicians, and for Men who make the grain crops freeze and die, who poison the rivers, cause diseases, and kill the people. Then we were murdered, burned, broiled, roasted, and eaten alive. The same treatment was shown to the Neophytes who had re ceived JESUS CHRIST. This rage against us contimies daily; but what of that ? Venit hora ut omnis qui interficit vos arbitretur obsequium se prsestare Deo 4 The hour and the time are come when men think that they render a good service to God by persecuting us." Non est discipulus super magistrum, necservus super dominum suum : sufficit discipulo ut sit sicut magister 140 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 eft difcipulus fuper magiftrum, nee feruus fuper dominum f uum : fufficit difcipulo, vt fit ficut magifter eius, & feruo ficut dominus eius. Le difciple n eft pas plus grand que fon maiftre, ny le valet que fon feigneur. Ce nous eft vne grande gloire, de porter les Uurtes de noftre Chef, & de noftre Capitaine: mais entrons en difcours. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 141 ejus, et servo sicut dominus ejus "The disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord." It is a great glory for us to wear the livery of our Chief and Captain. But let us begin our narrative. 142 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Table des Chapitres. Chap. I. T~~N V retour de nos Peres & de nos _J Francois du pais des Onnonta- gueronnons. . . .1 Lettre du Pere Paul Ragueneau, au Reuerend P. lacques Renault Prouincial de la Compagnie de lefus en la Prouince de France. . . . . 9 [i.e., 6] Chap. II. De Vindujlrie & du courage de nos Francois dans leur retraite d 1 Onnontague 1 . . 20 Lettre du P. Paul Ragueneau au P. Procureur des Mifiions de la Compagnie de lefus en la Nouuelle France. . . .22 Chap. III. lournal de ce qui s eft pafte entre les Francois & les Sauuages. . . .29 Chap. IV. Continuation du lournal. . . 44 Chap. V. Diuers chemins du Canadas a la mer du Nord. Les noms de plufieurs Nations nouuellement decouuertes. . . .70 Chemins a la mer du Nord. . . .74 Noms de plufieurs Nations decouuertes depuis peu. . . . -79 Chap. VI. De la mort d vne ieune Huronne Religieufe Hofpitaliere. Chap. VIII. [i.e., Vli.] De la diuerfite" des attions, & des faqons de faire des Francois, ou des Europeans, & des Sauuages. . . .103 Chap. VIII. Quelques nouuelles arriutes par le dernier vaiffeau. . . 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-38 143 Table of Chapters. Chap. I. C~^\^ ^ ie return of our Fathers and \^J our Frenchmen from the country of the Onnontagueronnons. . I Letter from Father Paul Ragueneau to Rever end Father Jacques Renault, Provincial of the Society of Jesus in the Province of France. . . .9 [i.e., 6] Chap. II. Of our Frenchmen s dexterity and courage in their retreat from Onnontague". . 2O Letter from Father Paul Ragueneau to the Father Procurer for the Missions of the Society of Jesus in New France. . 22 Chap. III. Journal of what occurred between the French and the Savages. . . .29 Chap. IV. Continuation of the Journal. . . 44 Chap. V. Different routes from Canadas to the North sea. The names of many recently- discovered Nations. . . . .70 Routes to the North sea. . . .74 Names of many recently-discovered Nations. . 79 Chap. VI . Of the death of a young Huron Hospital Nun. . . . . .88 CHAP. vill. [i.e., VII.] Of the difference between the manners and customs of the French, or the Europeans, and those of the Savages. . .103 Chap. vill. Some news brought by the latest vessel. 130 144 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Permifsion du R. P. Prouincial. NOVS JACQUES RENAVLT, Prouincial de la Compagnie de IESVS en la Prouince de France, auons accorde pour 1 auenir au fieur SEBAS- TIEN CRAMOISY, Marchand Libraire, Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy & de la Reine, Diredteur de 1 Im- primerie Royale du Louure, Bourgeois & ancien Efcheuin de cette ville de Paris, f Impreftion des Rela tions de la Nouuelle France. Donne" a Paris au mois de Decembre 1658. Signe", IACQVES RENAVLT. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 145 Permission of the Reverend Father Provincial. WE, JACQUES RENAULT, Provincial of the Society of JESUS in the Province of France, have, for the future, awarded to sieur SEBASTIEN CRAMOISY, Bookseller, Printer in ordinary to the King and Queen, Director of the Royal Printing-house of the Louvre, Citizen and former Alderman of this city of Paris, the Printing of the Relations of New France, Given at Paris, in the month of December, 1658. Signed, JACQUES RENAULT. 146 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Extrait du Priuilege du Roy. PAR grace & Priuilege du Roy, il eft permis a SEBASTIENCRAMOISY, Marchand Libraire Iur6 en 1 Vniuerfite de Paris, Imprimeur ordi naire du Roy & de la Reine, Diredteur de 1 Impri- merie Royale du Louure : Bourgeois & ancien Efche- uin de Paris, d imprimer ou faire imprimer, vendre & debiter vn Liure intitule", La Relation de ce qui s eft pajjfe en la Miftion des Peres de la Compagnie de I E S V S au pats de la Nouuelle France e~s anne es 1657. & 1658. & ce pendant le temps & efpace de dix annees confecu- tiues ; auec def enf es a tous Libraires, Imprimeurs, & autres, d imprimer, ou faire imprimer ledit Liure, fous pretexte de deguifement ou changement qu ils y pourroient faire, aux peines porte"es par ledit Priuilege. Donne a Lion au mois de Decembre 1658. Signe, Par le Roy en fon Confeil. 1656 - 58J RELA TION OF 1657 -/<? 147 Extract from the Royal License. BY grace and License of the King, permission is granted to SEBASTIEN CRAMOISY, Book seller under Oath in the University of Paris, Printer in ordinary to the King and Queen, Director of the Royal Printing-house of the Louvre, Citizen and former Alderman of Paris, to print or cause to be printed, sold, and retailed, a Book entitled, La Relation de ce qui s est passe en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de J E S U S au pais de la Nouvelle France <?s ann/es 1657. et 1658. And this during the time and period of ten consecutive years; forbidding, under the penalties imposed by said License, all Book sellers, Printers, and others, to print or cause to be printed the said Book, under pretext of any disguise or change that they might make therein. Given at Lion [Lyons], in the month of December, 1658. Signed, By the King in his Council. 148 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 [i] Relation de ce qvi s eft paffe en la Miffion des Peres de laCompagnie de IESVS aux pai s de la Nouuelle France, depuis 1 Efte de 1 annee 16^7. iufques a 1 Efte de 1 annee 1658. CHAPITRE I. DU RETOUR DE NOS PERES & DE NOS FRANCOIS DU PAIS DES ONNONTAGUERONNONS. ENCORE qu il foit vray que les Iroquois foient fubtils, adroits, & de grands fourbes; ie ne fgaurois neantmoins me perfuader qu ils ayent tant d efprit [2] & tant de conduite, & qu ils foient fi grands politiques, que pour perdre les Fran9ois, les Hurons, les Algonquins, & leurs Alliez, ils fe foient feruis des rufes,& des intrigues qu on leur impute. Ils ont preffe plufieurs annees auec des inftances incroyables, auec des temoignages, d vne affedtion tres-particuliere, & mefme auec des menaces de rup ture & de guerre, fi on meprifoit leur amide", & fi on rebutoit leur demande : ils ont, dis-ie, preff 6 & prie" que pour marque de paix & d alliance auec eux, vn bon nombre de Frangois montaft en leur pai s, les vns pour les inftruire, & les autres pour les proteger centre leurs ennemis. Les Agneronnons voulant trauerfer ce deffein, ils fe font battus les vns centre les autres, iufques k foiiiller la terre de fang & de meurtre. Quelques-vns croyent 1656-58] RELATION OF I&S7-SS 149 [i] Relation of what occurred in the Mission of the Fathers of the Society of J E s u S in the country of New France, from the Summer of the year 16^7 to the Summer of the year 16^8. CHAPTER I. OF THE RETURN OF OUR FATHERS AND OUR FRENCHMEN FROM THE COUNTRY OF THE ONNONTAGUERONNONS. TRUE though it be that the Iroquois are subtle, adroit, and arrant knaves, yet I cannot per suade myself that they possess so much intel ligence [2] and address, and are such great politi cians, as to employ, for the sake of destroying the French, Hurons, Algonquins, and their Allies, the subterfuges and intrigues imputed to them. For several years they solicited with incredible urgency, with marks of very special affection, and even with threats of rupture and war if their friend ship were slighted, and their request rejected, they urged, I say, and begged that, as a sign of peace and alliance with them, a goodly number of Frenchmen should go up to their country some to instruct them, and others to protect them against their enemies. As the Agneronnons were bent on thwarting this design, the two sides fought with each other until the ground was stained with blood and murder. Some believe that all this was a mere feint to mask their game the better; but, it seems to me, the game 150 LES RELATIONS DES js UITES [VOL. 44 que tout cela fe faifoit par feinte, pour mieux cacher leur ieu: mais il me femble que le ieu n eft gueres agreable, ou il y va du fang & de la vie; ie doute fort que la politique Iroquoife puifle aller [3] iufques la, & que des Barbares qui ont peu de dependance les vns des autres, puiff ent cacher fi long-temps leurs intrigues. Ie croy pluftoft que les Iroquois Onnontagueron- nons demandoient des Frangois auec fincerite, mais les vns auec des veues bien differentes des autres. Les Anciens fe voyant engagez dans de grandes guerres centre quantite de Nations qu ils auoient prouoquees, demandoient des Hurons, comme des gens qui pouuoient groffir leurs troupes; ils fouhai- toient des Fra^ois pour tirer d eux des armes a feu, & pour raccommoder celles qui fe romperoient. De plus. Comme les Agneronnons les traitoient quel- quesfois affez mal, lors qu ils paffoient par leurs Bour- gades pour aller trafiquer auec les Hollandois; ils vouloient fortir de cette dependance, en ouurant le commerce auec les Francois. Ce n eft pas tout, les armes eftant iournalieres, ils demandoient que nos Francois fiffent vn grand Fort en leur pai s, pour leur feruir de retraite, ou du moins a leurs f emmes & a leurs enfans, en cas [4] que leurs ennemis les pref- faffent de trop pr6s. Voila les veues des politiques Iroquois. Le commun peuple ne penetroit pas fi auant: la curiofite de voir des Strangers venus de fl loing, 1 efperance d en retirer quelque petit emolu ment leur donnoit enuie de les voir: mais les Hurons Chreftiens & captifs parmy ces peuples, & ceux qui approuuoient leur vie, & les difcours qu ils tenoient quelquefois de noftre creance, ne refpiroient rien tant au monde que la venue des Predicateurs de 1 656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1637 -58 1 51 is hardly a pleasant one in which bloodshed and human lives are involved, and I greatly doubt whether Iroquois policy can go [3] so far, and whether Barbarians, who have little dependence on one an other, can so long conceal their intrigues. I rather believe that the Onnontagueronnon Iroquois were sincere in asking for Frenchmen, but their views in doing so were widely different. The Elders, finding themselves involved in great wars against many Nations whom they had provoked, asked for some Hurons, as for men who could swell their forces ; while they desired some of the French for the sake of obtaining firearms from them, and having them mend such as should be broken. Furthermore, as the Agneronnons sometimes treated them rather roughly when they passed through their Villages to go and trade with the Dutch, they wished to free themselves from this dependence by opening commerce with the French. And that is not all. As they were constantly at war, they asked our Frenchmen to build a large Fort in their country, to serve as a retreat for themselves, or at least for their wives and children, in case [4] their enemies should press them too hard. Such were the views of the Iroquois politicians. The common people did not penetrate so far ; curiosity to see strangers from such a distance, and the hope of realizing some little personal gain from them, inspired a desire for their coming. But the Christian Hurons captive among these people, and those who approved their lives and the discourses which they sometimes held on our faith, longed for nothing in the world so much as for the coming of the Preachers of the Gospel, who had caused them to be born again in Jesus Christ. 152 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 1 Euangile, qui les ancient engendrez a lefus-Chrift. Mais fi-toft que les Capitaines & les Anciens fe font vens maiftres de leurs ennemis, ayant dompte tontes les Nations qn ils anoient attaque*es; fi-toft qu ils ont cren qne rien ne pounoit plus refifter a leurs armes, le reffouenir des torts qu ils pretendent auoir autrefois receus des Hurons, la gloire de triompher des Europeans, auffi-bien que des Americains, leur a fait prendre la refolution de fe venger des vns, & de perdre les autres; fi bien qu a mefme temps qu ils virent la nation de Chat [5] qu ils redoutoient, fubiu- guee par leurs armes, & par les forces des Sonnon- toueronnons leurs Alliez, ils auroient fait main-baffe fur tous les Franyois d Onnontague, n eftoit qu ils pretendoient fe feruir d eux, comme d vne amorce pour attirer quelques Hurons, &les maffacrer comme Us ont fait. Et fi de"s lors la confideration de quelques- vns de leurs gens qui eftoient demeurez a Kebec, ne les euft arreftez, le chemin d Onnontague euft feruy de tombeau aux Franyois, auffi-bien qu aux Hurons, comme il fe verra cy-apres. Depuis ce temps-la, nos Gens ayant decouuert leur confpiration, & re- connu que leur mort eftoit conclue, penferent a leur retraite, dont il fera par!6 dans la lettre fuiuante. [6] LETTRE ,DU PERE PAUL RAGUENEAU, AU REUEREND PERE IACQUES RENAULT PROUINCIAL DE LA COM- PAGNIE DE IESUS EN LA PROUINCE DE FRANCE. Pax Chrifti. MON R. PERE, La prefente eft pour informer V. R. que nous voilk de retour de la Miffion des Iroquois, chargez de 1656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1657 -58 153 But as soon as the Captains and Elders saw themselves masters of their enemies, having subdued all the Nations whom they had attacked ; as soon as they believed that nothing could further withstand their arms the remembrance of the wrongs which they claimed to have suffered from the Hurons in times past, and the glory of triumphing over Euro peans as well as Americans, made them resolve to wreak vengeance on the latter, and to destroy the former. Consequently, as soon as they saw the Cat nation, [5] of whom they stood in fear, subdued by their arms and by the forces of the Sonnontoueron- nons, their Allies, they would have laid violent hands on all the French at Onnontague, had they not intended to use them as a bait to attract some of the Hurons, whom they purposed to murder, as they have done. And if, at that time, regard for some of their own number who had remained at Kebec had not stayed their hands, the road from Onnontague" would have served as a tomb for the French as well as for the Hurons, as will be shown hereafter. From that time our People, having discovered their conspiracy and recognized that their own death was resolved upon, took thought about making their retreat, as will be related in the following letter. [6] LETTER FROM FATHER PAUL RAGUENEAU TO REVER END FATHER JACQUES RENAULT, PROVINCIAL OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN THE PROVINCE OF FRANCE. Pax Christi, MY REVEREND FATHER, This is to inform Your Reverence that we have returned from the Iroquois Mission laden with some 154 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 quelques depouilles remport6es fur 1 Enfer. Nous portons entre nos mains plus de cinq cens enfans, & quantite d adultes, pour la plufpart morts apres le Baptefme. Nous auons r6tably la Foy & la piete" dans les coeurs d vne pauure Eglife captiue, dont nous auions iette les premiers fondemens au pai s des Hurons. Nous auons public 1 Euangile a toutes les nations Iroquoifes; de forte que deformais elles feront fans excufe, & Dieu fera pleinement iuftifie 1 fur elles au grand iour du lugement. Le Diable enrag6 de nous voir faire [7] vne fi belle moiflon, & ioui r fi pleinement des fruits de noftre entreprife, s eft feruy de 1 inconftance des Iroquois, pour nous chaffer du centre de fes Eftats: car ces Barbares, fans autre fuiet que pour fuiure leur humeur volage, ont repris la guerre centre les Fran- $ois, dont les premiers coups ont efte de"chargez fur nos bons Chreftiens Hurons, qui montoient auec nous a Onnontague", fur la fin de 1 Efle dernier, & qui furent cruellement maffacrez entre nos bras, & dans noftre fein, par la plus infigne trahifon qui fe puiffe imaginer. Us firent en fuite leurs pauures femmes captiues, & mefme en bruflerent quelques-vnes a petit feu, auec leurs enfans de trois & quatre ans. Cette fanglante execution a efte fuiuie du meurtre de trois Fra^ois a Montreal, par les Onneiotchron- nons, qui enleuerent leurs cheuelures, & les porte- rent comme en triomphe dans leurs bourgades, pour marque de guerre declaree. Ce coup d ho ftilite" barbare ayant oblig6 M r Daille- bouft, commandant [8] pour lors en ce pai s, de faire arrefter & mettre aux fers a Montreal, aux trois Riuieres & a Quebec, vne douzaine d Iroquois, qui 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -5& 155 spoils wrested from the powers of Hell. We bear in our hands more than five hundred children, and many adults, most of whom died after Baptism. We have restored Faith and piety in the hearts of a poor captive Church, whose first foundations we had laid in the country of the Hurons. We have pro claimed the Gospel to all the Iroquois nations, so that henceforth they will be inexcusable, and God will be fully justified in his conduct toward them on the great Judgment-day. The Devil, enraged at seeing us reap [7] so fair a harvest, and enjoy so fully the fruits of our under taking, made use of the Iroquois fickleness to expel us from the heart of his Estates. For those Bar barians, without other cause than their own restless humor, resumed war against the French. They also inflicted the first blow on our good Huron Christians who, toward the end of last Summer, were going with us up to Onnontague", and who, by the most flagrant treachery imaginable, were cruelly murdered in our very arms and bosom. Their poor wives were then made prisoners ; and some were even burnt at slow fires, together with their children three and four years of age. This bloody execution was followed by the mur der of three Frenchmen at Montreal, by the Onnei- otchronnons, who took their scalps and bore them in triumph into their villages, in sign of a declaration of war. This stroke of barbarous cruelty compelled Mon sieur Dailleboust, then in command [8] over this country, to order to be arrested and put in irons, at Montreal, three Rivers, and Quebec, a dozen Iro quois partly Onnontagueronnons, but mostly Agni- 156 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 pour lors s y eftoient rencontrez, partie Onnonta- gueronnons, & la plufpart Agnieronnons. L vne & 1 autre nation Iroquoife fut irrite"e de cette detention de leurs gens, pretendant qu elle eftoit inique: & pour s en venger cruellement, ils conuoquerent vn confeil fecret, ou ils formerent le deffein d vne guerre implacable centre les Francois : toutesfois ils iugerent a propos de diffimuler pour quelque temps, iufques a ce que par le renuoy du Pere Simon le Moyne, qui eftoit pour lors a Agniegue, ils euffent obtenu la deliurance de leurs Gens, qui eftoient aux fers; faifant leur compte qu incontinent apres ils dechargeroient les premiers coups de leur fureur fur nous autres Frangois qui eftions a Onnontague, au nombre de cinquante a foixante, engagez au coeur de leur pai s, comme dans vne prifon, d ou ils croyoient qu il nous eftoit impoffible de fortir. Ils eurent mefme la veue dans ce [9] Confeil, qu en nos perfonnes ils auroient de precieux oftages, foit pour retirer par echange ceux de leurs Gens qui eftoient dans nos prifons, foit pour obtenir tout ce qu il leur plairoit, lors qu a la veue de nos habita tions Francoifes ils nous feroient fentir les effets de leur cruaute" : & fans doute que ces fpedtacles pleins d horreur, & que les cris lugubres de quarante & cinquante Frangois innocens auroient touche" de compaffion, & auroient mis en peine le Gouuerneur & les habitans de quelque place que ce fuft. Nous ne fgauions ces mal-heureux deffeins des Iroquois que dans le fecret: mais nous voyions ouuertement leurs efprits preparez a la guerre; & des le mois de Feurier diuerfes bandes fe mettoient en campagne pour ce"t effet, 200. Agnieronnons d vne 1 656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1637 -58 157 eronnons who chanced to be in those places at the time. Both of these Iroquois nations became irritated at this detention of their men, claiming that it was unjust; and, in order to take cruel vengeance, they convoked a secret council, in which they formed a plan of implacable warfare against the French. Nevertheless, they deemed it expedient to dissimu late for some time, until, by sending back Father Simon le Moyne, who was then at Agniegue, they should have gained the release of their own Men, who were in irons. They counted on venting imme diately after this, the chief force of their fury upon us Frenchmen who were at Onnontague, to the number of fifty or sixty, imprisoned, as it were, in the very heart of their country, whence they believed it impossible for us to escape. They even held the view, at this [9] Council, that in our persons they would hold precious hostages, whether for recovering by exchange those of their own Number who were in our prisons, or for obtain ing anything that they might desire when, in plain view of our French settlements, they should make us feel the effects of their cruelty. Undoubtedly, sights like these and so fraught with horror, together with the doleful cries of forty or fifty innocent Frenchmen, would have touched with compassion and placed in a difficult position the Governor and the inhabitants of any place whatever. We knew only in secret these wretched schemes of the Iroquois, but saw openly their minds prepared for war. As early as the month of February, various companies took the field for this purpose 200 Agnieronnons on one hand, and 40 Onneiotchronnons on another, while some troops from Onnontague" had 158 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 part, 40. Onneiotchronnons d vne autre, & quel- ques troupes d Onnontague auoient defia pris le deuant, pendant que le gros de 1 armee s amafferoit. Nous ne pouuions pas ef perer, humainement parlant, pouuoir tirer de ces dangers qui nous enuironnoient [10] de toutes parts, vne cinquantaine de Francois qui nous auoient confi6 leurs vies, & dont nous nous fentions refponfables deuant Dieu & deuant les hommes. Ce qui nous mettoit plus en peine, n eftoit pas tant les feux dans lefquels vne partie de nos Fran9ois deuoient eftre iettez, comme la captiuite malheureufe a laquelle plufieurs d entre-eux eftoient deftinez par les Iroquois, & ou le falut de leurs ames eftoit bien plus a plaindre, que la perte de leurs corps. C eft ce que la plufpart apprehendoient plus viuement, qui fe voyant defia comme captifs, fouhai- toient les coups de hache, ou mefme les feux, pluftoil que cette captiuite. Us eftoient mefme refolus, pour n en venir a ce malheur extreme, de tenter tout, & de s enfuir chacun de fon cofte dans les bois, ou bien pour y perir de faim & de miferes, ou tafcher de fe rendre a quelqu vne des habitations Franjoifes. Dans ces deffeins fi precipitez nos Peres & moy, & vn gentilhomme nomm6 Monfieur du Puys, qui commandoit tous nos Francois, auec vne [n] gar- nifon de dix Soldats, (dont neuf eftoient defia d eux- mefmes refolus de nous abandonner) nous iugeafmes qu il valoit mieux fe retirer de compagnie, ou pour s entr animer les vns les autres a la mort, ou mefme pour la vendre plus cher. Pour cela il falloit partir fans qu on en euft aucun vent: car le moindre foup9on qu euffent eu les Iro quois de noftre retraite, eufh hafbe fur nous le mal- 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 159 already started out in advance, pending the muster of the main army. Humanly speaking, we could not hope to extricate, from the dangers surrounding us [10] on every side, some fifty Frenchmen who had entrusted their lives to us, and for whom we felt ourselves respon sible before God and men. What caused us still greater anxiety was not so much the fires into which a part of our Frenchmen were to be thrown, as the miserable captivity for which a number of them were destined by the Iroquois, and in which the loss of their souls was more to be lamented than that of their bodies ; and this was cause for greater appre hension to the majority, who, regarding themselves as prisoners already, preferred a hatchet-stroke, or even death by fire to such a bondage. They were even determined, in order to avoid that final misfor tune, to exhaust every effort and to flee to the woods, each man for himself either to perish there from hunger and destitution, or to attempt to reach one of the French settlements. In the midst of these rash plans, our Fathers, myself, and a gentleman named Monsieur du Puys, who commanded all our Frenchmen as well as a [n] garrison of ten Soldiers (nine of whom had already, of their own motion, determined to forsake us), deemed it more advisable to retreat in company, in order either to encourage one another to die, or even to sell our lives more dearly. To this end, we needed to take our departure without conveying any suspicion of our movements ; for the slightest suspicion entertained by the Iroquois of our retreat would have precipitated the disaster we wished to avoid. But how hope to effect our 160 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 heur que nous voulions fui r. Mais comment efperer de pouuoir partir fans eftre de"couuerts, eftant au centre du pai s, & touiiours obf edez de quantite de fes barbares, qui ne delogeoient point d aupres de noftre maifon, pour efpier noftre contenance en cette coniondture ? II eft vray qu ils ne penfoient pas que nous euffions iamais eu le courage d entreprendre ce coup, f9achans bien que nous n auions ny canots, ny matelots, & que nous ignorions les chemins bordez de precipices, ou vne douzaine d Iroquois nous pou- uoient defaire aif6ment: outre que la faifon eftoit infupportable dans la froideur des eaux [12] glacees, ou toutefois il falloit traifner les canots, fe iettant a 1 eau, & y demeurant les heures entieres, quelquefois iufqnes au col; & iamais nous n auions entrepris de telles expeditions, fans auoir des Sauuages pour nous conduire. Nonobftant ces obftacles qui leur paroiffoient, auffi bien qu a nous, infurmontables. Dieu qui tient entre fes mains tous les momens de nos vies, nous infpira fi heureufement tout ce qu il falloit faire, qu eftant partis le 20. iour de Mars de noftre maifon de fainte Marie, proche d Onnontague", fur les onze heures de nuit, fa diuine Prouidence nous conduifant comme par vn miracle continuel, au milieu de tous les dan gers imaginables, nous arriuafmes a Quebec le 23. du mois d Auril, ayantpaffe par Montreal, & par les trois Riuieres, auant qu aucun canot euft pu y eftre mis a 1 eau, la riuiere n y ayant pas efte libre pour la nauigation que le iour mefme que nous y parufmes. Toutes les habitations Frangoifes nous regardoient comme des perfonnes [13] venues de 1 autre monde, & ne pouuoient affez admirer la bonte de Dieu, qui 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 161 withdrawal undiscovered, situated as we were in the heart of the country and constantly beset by many of its barbarians, who, in order to watch our bearing at this juncture, were always quartered near our house? It is true, they did not think that we would ever have the courage to undertake this move, well knowing that we had neither canoes nor boatmen, and that we were unfamiliar with the route, which was bordered with precipitous bluffs, where a dozen Iroquois could have easily defeated us. Moreover, the season was unendurable, in the frigid temperature of the icy water, [12] through which, nevertheless, the canoes must be dragged, ourselves immersed sometimes up to the neck, and remaining so for whole hours; and we had never undertaken such expeditions without Savages to guide us. Despite these obstacles, which, to them as well as to us, appeared insurmountable, God, who holds every moment of our lives in his hands, inspired us so happily with all that we needed to do, that, leav ing our house of sainte Marie, near Onnontague", toward eleven o clock on the night of March 2Oth, we were guided by his divine Providence, as by a constant miracle, amid all imaginable dangers, and arrived at Quebec on the 23rd of the month of April. We had stopped at Montreal and at three Rivers before the launching of a single canoe had been possible there, the river being closed to navigation until the very day of our appearance. All the French settlements regarded us as persons [13] come from the other world; and could not sufficiently marvel at the goodness of God who had, on the one hand, miraculously delivered us from such evident peril, and, on the other, freed from 162 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 d vn cofte" nous auoit miraculeufement deliurez d vn ft euident peril, & d autre part auoit tire" de peine tous les Frangois de Montreal, des trois Riuieres, & de Quebec, qui fe f entoient quafi obligez de fupporter des Iroquois des chofes infupportables, & ne pas reprimer les exces de leurs infolences, de peur que le contre-coup n en retombaft fur nous, qui eftions en proye & a la difcretion de 1 ennemy commun. Et certainement il eftoit bien temps d arriuer; car nous apprifmes a Montreal, que deux-cent Agnieron- nons venus en guerre, eftoient proche de la: & mefme par les chemins nous en auions apperceu les piftes, & veu des feux de quelques bandes de*tachees, qui nous euffent fait vn mauuais party, ft nous n euffions hafte noftre marche. Quelques-autres troupes ennemies parurent auffi aux trois Riuieres, & y firent prifonniers trois ieunes hommes qui ne faifoient que d en fortir pour [14] aller au trauail, fans que 1 on peuft leur donner aucun fecours, quoy que les Iroquois les entraifnaflent k la veue de tous ceux du bourg. A Quebec. Le mefme ennemy s eft fait voir dans les campagnes voifmes: il a tu6 du monde quaft dans nos portes, il s eft iette fur de pauures femmes Algon- quines, qui y furent furprifes en plein midy; les vnes tuees fur la place, & les autres emmenees cap- tiues, que toutesfois Ton recouura; nos Frangois, les Hurons, & les Algonquins ayant pourfuiuy 1 ennemy, & luy ayant couppe" chemin: mais les meurtriers s echapperent, difparoiffant au moment qu ils pa- roiffent lors qu ils fe fentent les plus foibles. Ce font des renards en leurs approches, ils attaquent en lions, & difparoiffent en oifeaux faifans leur retraite. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-38 163 uneasiness all the French of Montreal, three Rivers, and Quebec. The latter were feeling almost obliged to bear, at the hands of the Iroquois, things that were unbearable, and had to restrain themselves from checking their excesses of insolence, for fear lest retaliation should fall upon us who were a prey to, and at the mercy of, the common enemy. And, indeed, we reached our journey s end be times ; for we learned at Montreal that two hundred Agnieronnons, who had come with hostile intent, were near there; and even on the way we had per ceived traces of them, and seen the fires of several scattered bands, who would have given us a rough reception, had we not hastened our progress. Some other hostile parties also appeared at three Rivers, taking prisoners three young men who had just left the place to [14] go to their work; nor could any attempt at rescuing them be made, though the Iroquois dragged them off in plain sight of all the people of the village. At Quebec, the same enemy made his appearance in the neighboring fields, killing people almost at our very doors. He pounced upon poor Algonquin women, taking them by surprise in broad noonday, killing some of them on the spot, and leading the rest away captive, who, however, were afterward recovered. Our Frenchmen, the Hurons, and the Algonquins pursued the enemy, and intercepted him ; but the murderers made their escape, disap pearing as soon as they had shown themselves and had perceived their inferior strength. They are foxes in their methods of approach, they attack like lions, and, in retreating, they disappear like birds. We felt under still greater obligations to thank 164 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Nous nous reconnufmes encore plus obligez a remercier Dieu d vne protection fi parti culiere fur nous, lors qu eftant arriuez a Quebec, nous auons appris de diuers endroits, tant de quelques Hurons venus d Anniegue", ou ils eftoiet captifs, que de quelques-autres [15] venus d Onnontague" ; que le deffein des Onnontagueronnons auoit efte de maff acrer tous nos Francois, des lors qu ils arriuerent en leur pai s I ann6e 1656. mais que 1 execution en auoit efte differee iufques a Vanned fuiuante, apres que les Hurons y auroient efte attirez par noftre moyen, fur lefquels Ton deuoit exercer la mefme cruaut6: en forte que tout le bon accueil que 1 on auoit fait a nos Peres & a nos Fran9ois depuis leur arriu6e a Onnontague, n auoit efte qu vne fuite de ce deffein perfide, & vne fourbe des Anciens & des Capitaines Iroquois, qui conduifoient fecretement cette trahifon, dans 1 efperance qu ils auoient, que fi nous eftions fatisfaits de leur proced6, les Hurons reftez a Quebec, croiroient qu il n y auoit rien a craindre pour eux a Onnontague", & que pour lors y montant fur cette creance, Von feroit les femmes & les enfans captifs, & Ton maffacreroit les homines. C efl ce qui fut execute" cruellement fur nos bons Chrefliens Hurons, qui montoient auec nous a Onnontague, le troifieme iour [16] d Aouft de Tann6e derniere 1657. Que fi pour lors nous ne fufmes pas enueloppez dans ce cruel maffacre, ce fut vne prouidence de Dieu, en ce qu il y auoit cinquante Onnontagueron nons qui eftoient defcendus a Quebec, pour y aller querir le refte des Hurons qui n auoient pas voulu monter auec nous, ayant preffenty le malheur qui nous arriua. Ces cinquante Onnontagueronnons 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -38 165 God for such signal protection when, upon our arrival at Quebec, we learned from different sources both from certain Hurons who had come from Anniegue", where they had been in captivity, and from others [15] arrived from Onnontague -- that the design of the Onnontagueronnons had been to massacre all our Frenchmen immediately upon their arrival at Onnontague, in the year 1656; but that its execution had been deferred until the following year, when the Hurons should have been drawn thither by our means ; and that upon them they were to exercise the same cruelty. Consequently, all the kind reception accorded our Fathers and our French men, from the time they reached Onnontague, had been merely a result of this perfidious scheme, and a trick of the Iroquois Elders and Captains. They were secretly conducting their treachery in the hope that, if we were satisfied with their course of action, the Hurons remaining at Quebec would believe that there was nothing for them to fear at Onnontague ; and then, going up thither in this belief, their wives and children would be made prisoners and they themselves murdered. On the third day of August of last year, 1657, this design was cruelly executed upon our good Huron Christians [16], who were going up with us to Onnontagu6. That we were not at that time included in this cruel slaughter was owing to a Divine providence, by which fifty Onnontagueronnons had gone down to Quebec in quest of the remaining Hurons who, through a presentiment of the disaster that befell us, had been unwilling to go up with us. These fifty Onnontagueronnons saved our lives without intend ing to do so, inasmuch as their fellow-countrymen 166 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [Vox,. 44 nous fauuerent la vie fans y penfer, pource que leurs compatriotes vouloient attendre leur retour, auant que d exercer en noftre endroit ce dernier adte d hofti- lite". Cette mefme Prouidence qui veilloit amou- reufement fur nous, ne permit pas que ces cinquante Onnontagueronnons retournaffent en leur pais, auant que la nouuelle y fuft arriue"e, des Iroquois que Ton arrefta & qu on mit au fers & Montreal, aux trois Riuieres, & & Quebec, 1 annee paffee 1657. Ce qui f uf pendit tous leurs mauuais deff eins fur nous ; Dieu cependant nous les ayant fait connoiftre, & nous ayant donne" le courage, les forces & les moyens pour [17] nous retirer heureufement de la captiuite ou nous eftions, au milieu de ce peuple barbare & ennemy. Ce n eft pas d auiourd huy que les deileins de Dieu font adorables fur fes eleus, & qu il trouue fa gloire par des voies toutes oppofees aux noftres, dont les refforts ne paroiftront que dans 1 eternite. Car outre les vidtimes de nos Peres, qui eftoient toutes prefles d eftre immolees, & & qui Dieu n a pas voulu mettre le feu, quoy que 1 Iroquois en euft defia pre pare" le bufcher; les fentimens des Chreftiennes Huronnes furent vraiement Chreftiens k la mort de leurs maris & de leurs peres, dont le fang reiailliffoit fur elles, auffi-bien que fur nous. Grand Dieu, s ecrioit 1 vne, melez mon fang auec celuy de mon mary: qu on m arrache auiourd huy la vie; iamais Ton ne me pourra arracher la foy que i ay au cceur. Mon Dieu, difoit vne autre, ie croy fermement que vous eftes le Tout-puiffant, quoy que ie voie vos fer- uiteurs maflacrez par vos ennemis: [18] vous n auez pas promis que noftre foy nous exempteroit de la 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-58 167 decided to await their return before exercising upon us that final act of hostility. This same Providence which lovingly watched over us did not suffer those fifty Onnontagueronnons to return to their own coun try before the news arrived there of the arrest and imprisonment, last year, 1657, of certain Iroquois at Montreal, three Rivers, and Quebec. This in telligence interrupted all their evil designs against us. In the meantime, God had made us acquainted with their intentions, and had given us the cour age, the strength, and the means to [17] make a successful escape from the bondage to which we were subjected in the midst of this barbarous and hostile people. It is not merely at the present day that God s designs toward his elect are adorable, and that he finds his glory by ways which are wholly opposed to our own, whose motive principles will appear only in eternity. For, besides our Fathers who were all ready to be sacrificed as victims, but whom it was not God s will to consign to the flames, although the Iroquois had already prepared their funeral pile, the senti ments of the Converted Huron women were truly Christian at the death of their husbands and fathers, whose blood gushed forth upon them as well as upon us. Great God," exclaimed one, " mingle my blood with my husband s, and let them take my life to-day; never will they be able to take away the faith which I have in my heart." My God," cried another, " I firmly believe that you are the All-powerful, though I see your servants slaughtered by your enemies. [18] You did not promise that our faith should exempt us from death ; 168 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [\ T OL. 44 tnort : nos ef perances font pour vne autre vie : il faut mourir en terre, pour viure dans le Ciel. Comme on maffacroit vne de ces femmes fortes, nomme e Doroth6e, a coups de haches & de coufteaux, a I entre e du bourg d Onnontague; volant les larmes d vne petite fille de huit ans, qui auoit efte au femi- naire des Vrfulines, elle luy dit : Ma fille, ne pleures pas ny ma mort, ny la tienne ; nous irons auiourd huy de compagnie au Ciel : Dieu y aura piti6 de nous & toute eternite: les Iroquois ne pourront pas nous rauir ce grand bien. Puis en mourant elle s ecria: IESVS, aiez pitie de moy. Et fa fille fut tuee fur 1 heure mefme & coups de coufteaux, pronongant les mef mes paroles que fa mere auoit dites : IESVS, aiez pitie de moy. Deux autres eftant bruises & petit feu, s e"crioient au milieu des flammes, qu elles mouroient Chre- ftiennes, & qu elles s eftimoient heureufes que Dieu les vift dans leurs tourmens, [19] & qu il connuft leur coeur. Oiiy, difoit 1 vne; li nos corps eftoient immortels, les Iroquois rendroient nos peines immor telles: puifque nos ames ne peuuent pas mourir, eft-ce chofe incroiable que Dieu, qui n eft rien que bonte, doiue les recompenfer a toute eternite"? Ces meres embraffoient leurs enfans qu on auoit iettez dans ces flammes, & 1 exces de toutes ces cru- autez barbares ne put iamais les feparer: tant il eft vray que la foy & 1 amour de Dieu font plus forts que le feu & la mort. C eft dans le Ciel, ou nous verrons plus pleine- ment, les refforts adorables & aimables de la proui- dence de Dieu, fur ceux qu il a choilis au milieu de cette barbarie pour en faire des Saints. Nos Eglifes 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 169 our hopes are for another life, and we must die on earth in order to live in Heaven." As one of these stout-hearted women, named Doro- thee, was being butchered with hatchets and knives at the entrance to the village of Onnontague, seeing the tears of a little girl eight years old who had been at the Ursuline seminary, she said to her: " My daughter, weep not for my death, or for thy own ; we shall to-day go to Heaven together, where God will have pity on us for all eternity. The Iroquois cannot rob us of this great blessing." Then she cried out, as she died, " JESUS, take pity on me! And her daughter met her death by the knife immediately afterward, uttering the same words that her mother had used : " J E s u S, take pity on me ! Two others, on being burned at a slow fire, cried out from amid the flames that they were dying as Christians, and that they deemed themselves happy that God saw them in their torments [19] and knew their hearts. " Yes," said one, " if our bodies were immortal, the Iroquois would render our sufferings immortal. As our souls cannot die, is it an incred ible thing that God, who is nothing but goodness, should reward them for all eternity ? These mothers embraced their children who had been cast into the flames, and the excess of all this barbarous cruelty could never separate them, so true is it that the faith and the love of God are stronger than fire and death. In Heaven we shall see more fully the adorable and lovable activities of God s providence over those . whom he has chosen in the heart of that barbarous country, to make Saints of them. Our Churches are truly in distress, and the Devil is ravaging them ; but 170 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 font vraiement fouffrantes, & le Diable y fait fes railages: mais Dieu en tirera fa gloire en depit de 1 Enfer. C eft a nous de faire ce que nous pourrons: c eft a luy feul de faire ce qu il luy plaira. De V. R. Le tres-humble & obeiffant De Quebec ce 21. feruiteur en N. S. d Aouft 1658. PAVL RAGVENEAV. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637-58 171 God will gain his glory from them in spite of Hell. It is our part to do what shall lie in our power ; it is his alone to do whatever he shall choose. Your Reverence s Very humble and obedient Quebec, this 2ist servant in Our Lord, of August, 1658. PAUL RAGUENEAU. 172 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 [20] CHAPITRE II. DE L INDUSTRIE & DU COURAGE DE NOS FRANCOIS DANS LEUR RETRAITE D ONNONTAGUE. LE Pere lean De Brebeuf, le Pere Gabriel Lalle- mant, le Pere Ifaac logues, & les autres, pour la plufpart, qui ont efte brulez & mangez par les Iroquois, pouuoient affez facilement echapper des mains & de la dent de ces anthropophages ; mais le Sacrement de Penitence qu ils vouloient adminiftrer a quelques Neophytes deuant leur mort, & le Baptefme qu ils vouloient conferer a quelques Catechumenes, leur firent preferer les feux & la rage des Iroquois, h la douceur de la vie. C eftoit fait de tous nos Peres, & de tous nos Freres d Onnontague", s ils fe fuflent trouuez en vn pareil rencontre : mais voiant que leur mort feroit inutile a vne pauure Eglife captiue qu ils abandonnoient, & que leur efclauage ne les auroit pas [21] foulagez, dautant que ces barbares les de- uoient lier & garotter, & les mener & Kebec, pour retirer en contre-e"change leurs compatriotes, que nos Francois retiennent dans les fers. Voiant, dis-ie, que leur mort, & leur captiuite feroit plus nuifible que profitable h la Colpnie Fran9oife, ils prirent refolution de fe fauuer, & de trauailler a la con- feruation des Francois, qui s alloient perdre en fe diuifant, & en fe feparant les vns des autres. La refolution prife, il falloit trouuer les moiens de 1 executer. II eft plus aife* de donner des preceptes, 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 173 [20] CHAPTER II. OF OUR FRENCHMEN S DEXTERITY AND COURAGE IN THEIR RETREAT FROM ONNONTAGUE. FATHERS Jean De Brebeuf, Gabriel Lallemant, Isaac Jogues, and most of the others who have been burned and eaten by the Iroquois, could have escaped easily enough from the hands and teeth of those cannibals ; but their desire to administer the Sacrament of Penance to some Neophytes before the death of the latter, and to confer Baptism upon some Catechumens, made them prefer the fires and rage of the Iroquois to the sweetness of life. The fate of all our Fathers and all our Brethren at Onnontague would have been sealed, had they found themselves similarly situated ; but, seeing that their death would be of no service to a poor captive Church which they were forsaking, and that their bondage would not afford it any [21] relief, inasmuch as these barbarians were sure to bind them with cords and take them to Kebec in order to obtain in exchange their own coun trymen whom our French were holding in irons, seeing, I say, that their death and captivity would work more harm than profit to the French Colony, they determined to make their escape, and to exert themselves to save the Frenchmen, who were on the point of throwing their lives away by dividing and separating from one another. The resolution taken, it was necessary to find the means to execute it. It is easier to give precepts 174 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 que de les garder. Nos Frangois n eurent pas de peine a fe refoudre de conferuer leurs vies, & d eui- ter leur mort: les glaces, les vents, en vn mot, 1 im- poffibilite de partir les arrefterent iufques a la veille du iour deftine a leur maffacre : pas vn ne doutoit qu il ne falluft faire retraite, & au pluftoft. Voions maintenant comme ils s y prirent : la Lettre fuiuante nous le decouurira. [22] LETTRE DU PERE PAUL RAGUENEAU AU PERE PROCUREUR DES MISSIONS DE LA COMPAGNIE DE IESUS EN LA NOUUELLE FRANCE. Pax Chrifti, MON R. PERE, V. R. f era bien-aif e d apprendre les particulari- tez de noftre depart de fainte Marie des Iroquois, pour ioindre fes adtions de graces a celles que nous deuons a la Bonte diuine, qui nous a retirez auec bien des merueilles d vn lieu, ou fon amour ne nous auoit pas conduit fans quelques prodiges. Nous deuions perir en montant, la mort nous attendoit a noftre arriuee ; noftre depart a toufiours paff e pour impof- fible ; & neantmoins ecce viuimus, nous fommes pleins de vie, & nous auons eu le bon-heur de mettre en poffeffion de la vie eternelle quantit6 de ceux qui fe preparoient a boire noftre fang, & ietter nos corps tout viuans dans leurs feux. La refolution eftant prife de quitter ces terres, ou Dieu auoit pris par noftre [23] moien, le petit nom- bre de fes eleus, les difficultez paroiffoient infurmon- tables dans 1 execution, pour laquelle toutes chofes nous manquoiet. 1656-58] RELATION OF zbtf -j8 175 than to follow them. Our Frenchmen found no difficulty in resolving to save their lives and escape death; but the ice, the winds the impossibility, in short, of starting delayed them until the eve of the day fixed upon for their massacre. Not one of them doubted the necessity of retreat, and that at the earliest moment. Let us see now how they set about it : the following Letter will inform us. [22] LETTER FROM FATHER PAUL RAGUENEAU TO THE FATHER PROCUROR FOR THE MISSIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN NEW FRANCE. Pax Christi. MY REVEREND FATHER, Your Reverence will be glad to learn the par ticulars of our departure from sainte Marie among the Iroquois, in order to join your thanksgivings to those which we owe to the divine Goodness for bringing us out, in a truly marvelous manner, from a place whither his love had not conducted us without mira cles. We nearly perished on our way up; death awaited us upon our arrival; our departure was always considered impossible; and yet ecce vivimus, we are alive, and have had the good fortune to place in possession of eternal life many of those who were preparing to drink our blood, and to cast our living bodies into their fires. The resolution being formed to abandon those regions where God, by our [23] means, had gathered the little number of his elect, the difficulties of its execution, for which we were lacking in all things, appeared insurmountable. To supply the want of canoes, we had secretly 176 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Pour fuppleer au defaut des canots, nous auions fait, en cachette, deux batteaux, d vne nouuelle & excellente ftrudture, pour paffer les rapides; ces batteaux ne tiroient que fort peu d eau, & portoient beaucoup de charge, quatorze ou quinze homines chacun, & la valeur de quinze & feize cent liures pefant. Nous auions de plus quatre canots k 1 Algon- quine, & quatre h 1 Iroquoife, qui deuoient compofer noftre petite flotte de cinquante trois Fran9ois. Mais la difficult6 eftoit de faire rembarquement fans eftre apperceus des Iroquois, qui nous obfedoient continuellement. Le tranfport des batteaux, des canots, & de tout 1 equipage ne pouuoit pas fe faire fans vn grand bruit: & neantmoins, fans le fecret, il n y auoit rien a efperer, qu vn maffacre general de tous tant que nous eftions, au moment que Ton fe full apperceu que nous euffions eu la [24] moindre penfee de nous retirer. Pour cela, nous inuitafmes tous les Sauuages qui eftoient proche de nous, a vn feftin folemnel, ou nous emploiafmes toute noftre induftrie, & n epar- gnafmes ny le fon des tambours, ny les inftrumens de mulique, pour les endormir par vn charme inno cent. Celuy qui prefidoit a la ceremonie, ioiia fon ieu auec tant d adreffe & de bon-heur, qu vn chacun vouloit contribuer a la ioie publique: c eftoit a qui ietteroit des cris plus pergans, tantoft de guerre, tantoft d allegreff e : les Sauuages par complaifance chantoient & danfoient k la Franfoife, & les Fran- 9ois a la Sauuage. Pour les animer de plus en plus a ce beau ieu, on diftribua des prefens a ceux qui ioiioient mieux leur perfonnage, & qui menoient plus 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 177 constructed two boats of a new and excellent model for shooting the rapids. These boats drew but very little water, and carried a heavy load, fourteen or fifteen men, and fifteen or sixteen hundred livres in weight. We had also four canoes of the Algonquin pattern, and four of the Iroquois, which were to complete our little fleet for fifty-three Frenchmen. But the difficulty was to embark unperceived by the Iroquois, who constantly beset us. The convey ance of the boats, canoes, and all the equipment, could not be accomplished without much noise ; and yet, without secrecy, there was nothing to hope for but a general massacre of our whole company, at the moment when it should be perceived that we had the [24] least thought of taking our departure. Therefore, we invited all the Savages in our neigh borhood to a grand feast, where we exerted our utmost skill and spared neither the drums nor the musical instruments, in order to lull them to sleep by an innocent charm. He who presided at the ceremony played his part with such skill and success that each one was bent on contributing to the public joy. They vied with one another in uttering piercing yells, now of war, now of glee; while, out of complaisance, the Savages sang and danced in the French manner, and the French in that of the Savages. To encourage them more and more in this fine game, presents were distributed to those who best played their parts, and who made the most noise for drowning that made outside by two-score of our men in transporting all our outfit. When the lading of the boats was entirely completed, the feast came to an end at the appointed time; the guests withdrew, and, sleep having soon 178 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [Vox. 44 de bruit, pour e"touffer celuy qu vne quarantaine de nos gens faifoient au dehors, dans le tranfport de tout noftre <quipage. Tout Tembarquement eftant fait, le feftin fe finit a point nomine", les conuiez fe retirerent, & le fommeil les aiant bien-toft abattus, nous [25] fortifmes de noftre maifon par vne porte de derriere, & nous ambarquafmes a petit bruit, fans dire Adieu a nos Sauuages, qui faifoient les fins, & qui penfoient nous amuf er iuf ques au temps de noftre maffacre, de belles apparences, & par des te"moignages de bonne volonte". Noftre petit Lac, fur laquelle nous voguions en lilence dans les tenebres de la nuit, fe geloit k mefure que nous auancions, & nous faifoit craindre d eftre arreftez dans les glaces, apres auoir euit6 les feux de 1 Iroquois. Dieu nous en deliura pourtant, & apres auoir auance la nuit & tout le iour fuiuant par des precipices & par des cheutes d eau effroiables; enfin nous nous rendifmes le foir dans le grand Lac Ontario, k vingt lieues du lieu de noftre depart. Cette premiere iournee eftoit la plus dangereufe; car ft les Iroquois euffent apperceu noftre fortie, ils nous euffent coupe" chemin; & n eulfent-ils eft que dix ou douze, il leur eftoit facile de nous mettre en defordre, la riuiere eftant tres-etroite, & [26] terminee, apres dix lieues de chemin, d vn precipice affreux, ou nous fufmes obligez de mettre pied a terre, & porter 1 efpace de quatre heures noftre bagage & nos canots, par des chemins perdus, & couuerts d vne Fore ft epoiffe qui euft feruy de Fort a 1 ennemy, & d ou a chaque pas il euft punous affom- mer, & tirer fur nous fans eftre apperceu. La protection de Dieu nous accompagna vifiblement 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 179 overcome them, we [25] left our house by a rear door and embarked with little noise, without saying Fare well to our Savages. They were playing a shrewd part, and thought to beguile us with fair appearances and attestations of good will until the time fixed upon for our slaughter. Our little Lake, over which we paddled silently in the darkness of the night, froze as we advanced, and we feared that we should be stopped in the ice after escaping the fires of the Iroquois. From this disaster, however, God delivered us; and, after pro ceeding all night and the whole of the following day, past water-falls and frightful rapids, we at length reached Lake Ontario in the evening, twenty leagues from our starting-point. That first day s journey was the most dangerous; for, had the Iroquois perceived our departure, they would have intercepted us ; and, had they been only ten or twelve in number, it would have been easy for them to throw us into confusion the river being very narrow, and being also [26] obstructed, at the end of ten leagues, by a fearful precipice. Here we were forced to land, and, for four hours, carry our baggage and canoes through a wilderness covered with dense Woods, which would have served the enemy as a Fort where they could have killed us at every step and fired upon us unperceived. God s protection manifestly accompanied us during all the rest of the journey. We passed through perils that made us shudder after escaping them, and at night, after spending the whole day in the water and amid blocks of ice, we had no lodging except upon the snow. Ten days after our departure, we found Lake 180 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 dans tout le refte du chemin, y marchant dans des perils qui nous faifoient horreur apres les auoir euitez, & n aiant point la nuit d autre gifte que fur la neige, apres auoir paffe les iournees entieres dans les eaux & parmy les glaces. Dix iour apres noftre depart, nous trouuafmes le Lac Ontario, fur lequel nous voguions, encore ge!6 en fon emboucheure : il fallut prendre la hache en main pour fendre la glace, & fe faire paffage: mais ce fut pour entrer deux iours apr6s dans vne cheute d eau, ou toute noftre petite flotte fe vit quafi abifm6e. Car nous eftant engagez dans vn grand fault, fans le [27] connoiftre, nous nous trouuafmes au milieu de fes brifans, qui par le rencontre de quantity de gros rochers, eleuoient des montagnes d eau, & nous iettoient dans autant de precipices, que nous donnions de coups d auirons. Nos batteaux qui a peine auoient demy-pied de bord, fe trouuerent bien-toft chargez d eau, & tous nos gens dans vne telle con- fulion, que leur cris meflez auec le bruit du torrent nous faifoient voir I image d vn trifle naufrage. II falloit pourtant pouffer outre, la violence du courant nous emportant malgre nous dans de grandes cheutes, & par des chemins ou iamais on n auoit paffe. La crainte redoubla a la veue d vn de nos canots englouty dans vn brifant, qui barroit tout le rapide, & qui eftoit neantmoins la route que tous les autres deuoient tenir. Trois Franjois y furent noiez, vn quatrieme aiant echappe heureufement, s eftant tenu attache au canot, & aiant eft6 fecouru au bas du fault, lors qu il eftoit fur le point de lafcher prife, les forces luy manquant quafi auec la vie. [28] Ceux qui furent noiez auoient communie ce iour-la, & 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 181 Ontario, over which we were voyaging, still frozen at its mouth ; hence we were compelled to take hatchet in hand to cleave the ice and make a passage which, however, led us two days later into a water fall, where all our little fleet was nearly swallowed up. For, having entered unawares a rapid of consid erable extent, [27] we found ourselves in the midst of its billows, which, meeting with many large rocks, raised mountains of water, and hurled us into an abyss at every stroke of our paddles. Our boats, the sides of which were barely half a foot high, soon shipped a great quantity of water; while our men were so thrown into confusion that their cries, mingling with the roar of the torrent, filled us with visions of direful shipwreck. Yet we were forced to go on, the violence of the current bearing us along, in spite of ourselves, through extensive rapids and by ways never navigated before. Our fears redoubled at seeing one of our canoes swallowed up by a breaker which extended across the entire width of the rapids, and which, nevertheless, afforded the only route by which all the rest were to go. Three Frenchmen were drowned here, a fourth luckily escaping by clinging to the canoe, and being rescued at the foot of the falls, when he was on the point of relinquishing his hold, strength and life nearly failing him at the same time. [28] Those who were drowned had received communion on that very day, and had piously prepared for death, without knowing that it was so near; but God, who knows his elect, had lovingly made them ready for it. It is a consolation for us to be able to say, Pater, guos tradidisti miki, non perdidi ex Us quemquam; for those three drowned men, being in Heaven, are not lost 182 LES RELATIONS DES jS UITES [ VOL. 44 s eftoient faintement difpofez a la mort, fans fgauoir qu elle fufl fi proche. Mais Dieu qui connoift fes eleus, les y auoit amoureufement preparez. Ce nous eft vne confolation de pouuoir dire, Pater, quos tradi- difti mihi, non perdidi ex Us quemquam. Car ces trois noiez eftant au Ciel, ne font perdus qu heureufement, aiant trouue Dieu & leur falut dans leur perte. Le 3. d Auril nous abordafmes a Montreal au com mencement de la nuit: les glaces n en eftoient parties que le iour mefme, & elles nous euffent arrefte, li nous fuffions arriuez pluftoft. Nous nous vifmes obligez de feiourner au mefme lieu quatorze iours, les Riuieres qui eftoient plus has n eftant pas encore de prifes. Le 17. d Auril nous nous rendifmes aux trois Riuieres, d ou les glaces n eftoient parties que le iour precedent, nous y paffames la Fefte de Pafques. Le Mardy nous arriuafm.es heureuf ement a Quebec ; vn iour pluftoft nous n euffions pas pu aborder, tout [29] n y eftoit qu vn pont de glace depuis la cofte de Laufon, d ou on auoit encore trauerfe la Riuiere k pied fee le iour de Pafques. Vraiement 1 Ange de Dieu nous conduifoit dans nos demarches, & dans nos demeures, comme il con duifoit autrefois fon peuple bien-aime au fortir de la captiuite* d Egypte, du milieu des Nations barbares. Loiiez Dieu auec nous de ce qu il nous a deliurez d vne feruitudebien plus dangereufe, apres auoirbeny nos trauaux par le falut de quantite d ames, qui ioiiiffent maintenant du repos eternel. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -5$ 183 except in a happy sense of the word, since they found God and their salvation in losing their lives. At nightfall, on the 3rd of April, we landed at Montreal, whence the ice had disappeared only on that very day ; it would have blocked our way had we arrived earlier. We found ourselves obliged to tarry there fourteen days, the Rivers farther down being not yet open. On the i /th of April, we repaired to three Rivers, where the ice had cleared away only on the preced ing day. Here we spent the Easter Festival. We arrived safely at Quebec on Tuesday. A day earlier, we would have been unable to land, there [29] being nothing but one bridge of ice from coste de Lauson, whence the River had been crossed dry-shod as late as Easter. Verily, the Angel of God guided us in our travels and watched over us in our sojourns, as he guided his well-beloved people of old out from the midst of barbarous Nations, when they went forth from the captivity of Egypt. Praise God with us for having delivered us from a much more dangerous bondage, after blessing our labors with the salvation of many souls which are now enjoying eternal rest. 184 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 CHAPITRE III. JOURNAL DE CE QUI S EST PASSE ENTRE LES FRAN COIS & LES SAUUAGES. O les deux Lettres couche"es aux deux Chapitres precedens, nous en auons receu quelques autres, & quelques memoires, qui compoferont ce Journal. [30] Le mot Onnonta, qui fignifie vne montagne, en langue Iroquoife, a donne" nom k la Bourgade appellee Onnontae", ou comme d autres la nomment, Onnontague, pour ce que elle eft fur vne montagne, & les peuples qui 1 habitent, s appellent en fuite Onnontaeronnons, ou bien Onnontagueronnons. Ces peuples ayant long-temps & inftamment demande, qu on enuoyaft quelques Peres de noftre Compagnie t(>55* en leur pais. Enfin l anne"e 1655. le Pere lofeph Chaumonot & le Pere Claude Dablon leurs furent accordez. Us les embarquerent le 19. de Septembre, & les rendirent k Onnontague" le 5 . Nouembre de la mefme anne"e 1655. 1656. L annee fuiuante 1656. ces deux bons Peres fe voyant ecoutez auec applaudiffement, & auec bien- ueillance, le Pere Dablon quitta Onnontague le fecond iour de Mars, pour venir demander du fecours a Kebec, ou il arriua au commencement d Auril, & en partit le 17. de May, en compagnie de trois Peres & de deux Freres de noftre Compagnie, & de bon nombre [31] de Francois, qui tirerent tous vers ce nouueau pai s, 1656 - 58J RELA TION OF 1657 -58 185 CHAPTER III. JOURNAL OF WHAT OCCURRED BETWEEN THE FRENCH AND THE SAVAGES. BESIDES the two Letters contained in the two foregoing Chapters, we have received some others and some memoirs, which shall com pose this Journal. [30] From the word Onnonta, which in the Iroquois tongue means " a mountain," is derived the name of the Village called Onnontae, or, as others name it, Onnontague, because it is situated on a mountain ; and the people dwelling there are consequently called Onnontaeronnons or Onnontagueronnons. These people having long and urgently requested that some Fathers of our Society be sent to their country, finally, in the year 1655, Fathers Joseph Chaumonot 1655. and Claude Dablon were granted them. The Sav ages took them away by canoe on the igth of Sep tember, and landed them at Onnontagne" on the 5th of November of the same year, 1655. In the following year, 1656, as these two good 1656. Fathers saw that they were listened to with applause and good will, Father Dablon left Onnontague on the second day of March, to come to Kebec for assist ance. He arrived here at the beginning of April, and took his departure on the i/th of May, in com pany with three Fathers and two Brethren of our Society, and with a goodly number [31] of French men, who all turned their faces toward this new 186 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 cm ils fe rendirent le 1 1 . iour de luillet de la mefme annee 1656. 1637. L an 1657. la moiifon paroiffant belle dans toutes les Bourgades des Iroquois fuperieurs, le commun peuple ecoutant les bonnes nouuelles de 1 Euangile auec fimplicite, & les Anciens auec vne feinte bien cachee; le Pere Paul Ragueneau, le Pere Fran9ois Du Peron, quelques Francois, & plufieurs Hurons par- tirent de Montreal le 26 de luillet, pour aller fecourir leurs freres & leurs compatriotes. Le 3. iour du mois d Aouft de la mefme annee 1657. la perfidie des Iroquois commen9a a fe decou- urir, par le maffacre qu ils firent des pauures Hurons qu ils menoient en leur pai s, apres mille protefta- tions de bienueillance, apres mille fermens a leur mode, qu ils les traiteroient comme leurs freres. Et fi quantite d Iroquois ne fuffent demeurez parmy les Franois aupre"s de Kebec, pour tafcher d emmener auec eux le refte des Hurons, qui fe deffians de ces traiftres, ne s eftoient [32] pas voulu embarquer auec les autres; c eftoit fait des lors & des Peres, & des Fran9ois qui montoient auec eux ; & bien-tofl apres, tous ceux qui demeuroient fur les riues du Lac Gan- nantaa, proche d Onnontague", auroient couru la mefme fortune: mais la crainte que les Francois ne fe vengeaffent fur leurs compatriotes, arrefta leur deffein, dont nos Peres eurent fecretement connoif- fance, incontinent apre"s leur arriuee dans le pai s. Vn Capitaine mefme qui fgauoit le fecret des Anciens, aiant pris quelque gouft aux Predications de 1 Euan- gile, & fe voiant fort malade, demande le Baptefme, 1 aiant receu apres vne fuffifante inftrudtion, il decou- urit les mauuais deffeins de fes compatriotes h celuy 1656-58J RELATION OF 1657-58 187 country, where they arrived on the nth day of July of the same year, 1656. In the year 1657, as there was promise of a fine 1637. harvest in all the Villages of the upper Iroquois, and as the common people hearkened to the good news of the Gospel with simplicity, and the Elders with a cunning dissimulation, Fathers Paul Ragueneau and Frangois Du Peron, some Frenchmen, and sev eral Hurons started from Montreal on the 26th of July, to go and help their brethren and compatriots. On the 3rd day of August of the same year, 1657,, the Iroquois perfidy began to show itself through the massacre of the poor Hurons whom they were conducting to their country, after having made a thousand avowals of good will and a thousand oaths, such as they are wont to make, that they would treat them as brothers. And, had not a number of Iroquois remained with the French at Kebec to try to carry off with them the rest of the Hurons, who, distrusting these treacherous rogues, had been [32] unwilling to embark with the others, the fate of the Fathers and of the Frenchmen who went up with them would even then have been sealed; and, soon afterward, the same lot would have befallen all those who dwelt on the shores of Lake Gannantaa, near Onnontagu<. But the fear lest the French should take vengeance on their countrymen stayed their project. Our Fathers received secret information of it immediately after their arrival in the country. A Captain, in fact, who knew the Elders secret, and who had conceived some fondness for the Preaching of the Gospel, upon falling seriously ill asked for Baptism. Having received it after sufficient instruc tion, he revealed to him who conferred it the wicked 188 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 qui [le] luy confera, & peu de temps apr6s il s en alia au Ciel. Le 9. du mefme mois d Aouft, vingt Iroquois Agneronnons aborderent a Quebec: c eftoit a qui entraifneroit en fon pais, les refles de la pauure Nation Huronne: les Iroquois d en-haut & d embas, les attiroient auec les plus belles promeffes [33] du monde, & ils n auoient tous que des intentions de les perdre. Le ii. parut la barque de Monfieur Bourdon, lequel eftant defcendu fur le grand Fleuue du coft6 du Nord, vogua iufques au 55. degre, ou il rencontra vn grand bane de glaces, qui le fit remonter, aiant perdu deux Hurons, qu il auoit pris pour guides. Les Eskimaux Sauuages du Nord, les maffacrerent, & blefferent vn Francois de trois coups de fleches, & d vn coup de coufteau. Le 21. quelques Hurons s eftant ioints auec les Agneronnons, dont nous venons de parler, s embar- querent a Kebec, pour aller demeurer en leur pai s, ignorant la captiuite qui les attendoit. Le 26. Le Pere le Moine les fuiuit, auec quelques autres Hurons, remenant vn ieune Iroquois Agneron- non, qui eftoit paile en France, & que nous auions renuoie a Kebec, ou on le rappelloit. Le 3. de Septembre, les Onnontagueronnons, qui eftoient demeurez a 1 entour des habitations Fran- Qoifes, [34] enuoierent deux de leurs Gens vers les Hurons de Kebec, pour les prefler de prendre Onnon- tagu6 pour leur patrie, leur donnant mille affeurances, qu ils feroient les tres-bien venus. C eftoit, comme i ay dit, a qui auroit le debris de ce pauure peuple. Or iaoit qu ils ne fceuffent pas ce qui efloit arriue" a 1 656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 189 designs of his compatriots, and soon afterward went to Heaven. On the gth of the same month of August, twenty Agneronnon Iroquois landed at Quebec; and there was emulation as to which party should carry off to its own country the remnants of the poor Huron Nation. Both the upper and the lower Iroquois were inviting them, with the fairest promises [33] in the world, while the sole intention of them all was to destroy these people. On the nth appeared Monsieur Bourdon s bark. It had sailed down the great River toward the North, and proceeded as far as the 55th degree, where it met a great field of ice, which made it turn back, after losing two Hurons, who had been taken as guides. The Eskimaux, Savages of the North, had slain them, and had injured a Frenchman with three arrow-shots and a knife-cut. On the 2ist, some Hurons, joining the Agneron- nons of whom we have just spoken, embarked at Kebec to go and dwell in the country of the latter, not knowing that captivity awaited them. On the 26th, Father le Moine followed them with some other Hurons, taking home a young Agneron non Iroquois who had gone to France, and had been sent back by us to Kebec, whither he had been recalled. On the 3rd of September, the Onnontagueronnons, who had lingered around the French settlements, [34] sent two of their Men to the Hurons of Kebec, to urge their adoption of Onnontague* as their coun try, giving them a thousand assurances that they would be very welcome. There was, as I said, a rivalry as to who should obtain the remnant of this poor nation. Now, although they did not know 190 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 leurs freres, ils tafcherent neantmoins de faire trou- uer bon a ces Deputez, de remettre la partie iufques au Printemps fuiuant. Ce fut vn coup de Dieu: car ce dilaiement obligea plufieurs Iroquois de paffer 1 Hyuer aupr6s des Frangois, pour attendre les Hurons ; ce qui empefcha les Onnontagueronnons de mettre a mort, ou de fe faifir de nos Gens, qui eftoient en leur pai s. Dieu leur vouloit donner, par cette prouidence fi particuliere, le moien de fe fauuer. Le 9. du mefme mois de Septembre. Nos Peres d Onnontague" enuoierent deux canots, pour donner nouuelle a Kebec, du maffacre des pauures Hurons Chreftiens, mis a mort par vne trahifon inoiiie de ces Barbares, comme nous 1 auons marque [35] cy- deffus au 3. d Aouft de 1 an 1657. Ils deuoient auffi rendre des Lettres, qui expliquoient 1 eftat du pai s, & qui de"couuroient la mauuaife volonte" des princi- paux de ces peuples vers les Frangois. Nous en mifmes quelque chofe a la fin de la Relation de 1 an paffe. Les Onnei otchronnons aiant eu le vent de 1 enuoy de ces deux canots, les deuancerent adeffein, comme on a fceu depuis, de maffacrer ceux qui les conduifoient, & de ietter leurs Lettres au feu : mais nos Gens aiant euite" leurs embufches & leurs pour- fuites, arriuerent enfin a Kebec Le 6. d Odtobre, non fans I ^tonnement de nos Frangois. le vous laiffe a penfer, fi les pauures Hurons, qui n auoient pas voulu fuiure les Onnon tagueronnons, beniffoient Dieu, de fe voir deliurez des pattes de ces loups. A peine y auoit-il vn mois, que ces mal-heureux les auoient voulu trahir. S il faut auoir de 1 efprit pour eflre fourbe, ces peuples n en manquent pas. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 191 what had happened to their brethren, they never theless tried to induce these Deputies to postpone the expedition until the following Spring. This was a stroke of Divine providence ; for that postponement compelled several Iroquois to spend the Winter near the French, in order to wait for the Hurons which prevented the Onnontagueronnons from putting to death or seizing our People who were in their coun try. Through this so special providence, it was God s will to give them the means of escape. On the Qth of the same month of September, our Fathers at Onnontague despatched two canoes to bear to Kebec the tidings of the massacre of the poor Christian Hurons, who had been put to death with unheard-of treachery by these Barbarians, as we have noted [35] above under date of August 3, 1657. They were also to deliver Letters explaining the condition of the country, and disclosing the evil intentions of this people s chief men toward the French. Some of this matter we appended to last year s Relation. The Onneiotchronnons, getting wind of the despatch of these two canoes, got ahead of them, intending, as has since been learned, to slay the messengers, and to throw their Letters into the fire ; but our Men eluded their ambuscades and pursuit, and finally arrived at Kebec, On the 6th of October, not without astonishment on the part of our French people. I leave you to infer whether the poor Hurons, who had been unwill ing to follow the Onnontagueronnons, blessed God at seeing themselves saved from those wolves clutches. Scarcely a month before, those wretches had tried to betray them. If it needs intelligence to be a knave, these people are not wanting therein. 192 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Le 1 6. Vne chalouppe porta notmelle [36] a Ke- bec, que deux Fran9ois auoient efte" pillez an Cap a 1 arbre par des Iroquois. Ces Barbaras, fous ombre qu ils auoient de nos Gens en leur pai s, commet- toient quantit6 d infolences, pillant des maifons, tuant les befliaux des metairies Fran9oifes. Les habitans s en eftant plains fort fouuent. Enfin Le 21. du mefme mois, Monfieur Daillebouft, qui commandoit pour lors, fit affembler les principaux, pour voir quel remede on pourroit apporter a ces defordres. II fut arrefte", i. Qu il ne falloit point commencer les premiers a irriter les Iroquois, mais qu on pourroit fans difficult^, vim vi repellere, repouffer par la force leurs infultes. 2. Qu on deuoit tou- fiours traiter comme amis les Hurons & les Algon- quins nos Alliez. 3. Qu il falloit empefcher que les Iroquois, foit d en-haut ou d embas, ne leur fiffent aucun tort h la veue de nos habitations. Le mefme iour, il fit affembler les Algonquins, & les Hurons, qui luy demanderent, comme ils fe comporteroient [37] enuers les Iroquois: il repartit. Qu ils les pouuoient attaquer, & les combattre hors la veue des habitations Frangoifes. Que nous les protegerions dans cette 6tendue, & que nous ne romperions iamais la paix, s ils ne faifoient les premiers quelque acte d hoftilite. Le 25. du mefme mois d Odtobre. Quelques Iroquois Onneiotchronnons, voifins d Onnontague", tuerent trois Frangois a Montreal, a coups de fufil; arracherent a deux la peau de la tefte, & 1 empor- terent en triomphe en leur pai s. A 1 occafion de ces meurtres, Monfieur de Maifonneufue fit arrefter, & mettre aux fers vn Sauuage Onnontagueronnon, qui 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -jS 193 On the 1 6th, a shallop brought word [36] to Kebec, that two Frenchmen had been plundered at Cap a 1 arbre by the Iroquois. These Barbarians, feeling secure in that they held some of our People in their country, were committing many acts of insolence, pillaging houses and killing the cattle on the French farms. The settlers having very often complained of this, finally, On the 2ist of the same month, Monsieur Daille- boust, who was then in command, called the chief men together to see what remedy could be applied to these disorders. It was decided, ist, that we must not take the initiative in irritating the Iroquois, but that we could without difficulty vim vi repellere, repulse their wanton assaults with force; 2nd, that we were always to treat as friends the Hurons and Algonquins, our Allies; and, 3rd, that we must pre vent the Iroquois, whether upper or lower, from doing them any injury in sight of our settlements. He assembled on the same day the Algonquins and Hurons, who asked him how they should con duct themselves [37] toward the Iroquois. He replied that they might attack them and fight with them out of sight of the French settlements; but that we would protect them only within those limits, and would never violate the peace, unless they first committed some hostile act. On the 25th of the same month, October, some Onneiotchronnon Iroquois, neighbors of the Onnon- tagueronnons, shot and killed three Frenchmen at Montreal, taking the scalps of two of them and bear ing them in triumph to their own country. Upon the occurrence of these murders, Monsieur de Mai- sonneufve caused to be arrested and put in irons an 194 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 depuis quelque temps chaff oit en 1 Ifle de Montreal, & fe retiroit le plus fotment auec les Frangois. Le 29. Trois Onnei otchronnons fe prefentent an Fort de Montreal, demandent a parler & Monfieur de Maifonneufue Gouuerneur. Us proteftent qu ils font innocens, & qu ils font tres-marris de 1 attentat commis fur fes Gens. L vn deux tire fept prefens, [38] compofez de neuf colliers de porcelaine, auec ces paroles: P effuie le fang rtpandu fur la natte, ou fur la terre, ouie fuis. F ouure ta bouche, afin de bien parler. le calme ton efprit write" par ce mauuais coup. le couure la terre foiiille e de fang, & i" enferme dans r oubly cette mefchante action, le te fay fgauoir, que c eft V O iogue- ronnon qui fa tue". le te donne vn breuuage, pour te guerir. le raffermis le May ebranle", apre s duquel fe doiuent tenir les Confeils des Iroquois & des Francois. Monlieur de Maifonneufue receut les prefens, n aiant pas encore affez de lumiere fur la deloiaute de ces perfides, qui paroiffoient fort innocens. II les inuita neantmoins de demeurer quelque temps aupr6s de nos Frangois, pour reconnoiftre de plus pres leurs demarches. Mais comme ils fe fentoient coupables, & qu ils eftoient camarades (a ce qu on croit) de ceux qui auoient maffacre nos Gens, voiant d ailleurs vn Sauuage Onnontagueronnon aux fers, ils s enfui rent la nuit a la fourdine. Le i. iour de Nouembre. Le canot que Monfieur de Maifonneufue auoit [39] enuoie a Monfieur Daille- bouft, pour luy donner aduis de ces meurtres, parut a Kebec, aiant paffe par les trois Riuieres. A mefme temps Monfieur Dailleboufl commande, qu on arreite en toutes les habitations des Francois, tous les Iroquois qui s y prefenteroient, de quelque 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 195 Onnontagueronnon Savage, who had for some time been hunting on the Island of Montreal and who most frequently sought shelter among the French. On the 29th, three Onneiotchronnons present them selves at the Fort of Montreal, asking to speak with Monsieur de Maisonneufve, the Governor. They protest their innocence, and their deep regret at the outrage committed upon our People; while one of them produces seven presents, [38] composed of nine porcelain collars. These he offers in the following words: / wipe away the blood shed upon the mat or upon the ground where I stand. I open thy mouth, tJiat thou mayst speak well. I calm thy mind, irritated by this evil deed. I cover the earth, stained with blood; and I shut up that wicked deed in forget fulness. I inform thee that it was the Oiogueronnon who slew thee. I give thee a drink, to make thee well. I make firm again the May-tree that has been shaken, around which are to be held the Councils of the Iroquois and the French. Mon sieur de Maisonneufve received the presents, not yet having sufficient light upon the treachery of those rogues, who appeared very innocent. He invited them, however, for the sake of observing their move ments more closely, to make their abode for some time near our French. But, as they were conscious of guilt, and were accomplices (as is believed) of those who had slain our Men, and as, moreover, they saw an Onnontagueronnon Savage in irons, they stealth ily took flight by night. On the ist day of November, the canoe sent by Monsieur de Maisonneufve [39] to Monsieur Daille- boust, to carry him word of these murders, appeared at Kebec after stopping at three Rivers. At the same time, Monsieur Dailleboust ordered the arrest, 196 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 endroit qu ils puffent eftre. On auoit defia com mence" d arrefter douze Agneronnons aux trois Riuieres, dont vne partie fut enuoie"e a Kebec. Le 3. du mefme mois. Quelques Algon quins eftant allez chaffer, & faire la petite guerre vers les Ifles de Richelieu, tuerent vn Sauuage Onnontagueronnon, qu ils rencontrerent, & en apporterent la cheuelure a Kebec. Son compagnon s eftant echappe", fe retira a Montreal, oft il fut mis aux fers. Le 5. Monfieur Daillebouft affembla les Frangois & les Sauuages nos Alliez, pour leur declarer le deflein qu il auoit, d enuoier deux Agneronnons de ceux qu on luy auoit enuoiez des trois Riuieres, pour informer Ondefonk, c eft . dire, le Pere Le Moine, [40] qui eftoit au bourg d Anie, ou, comme d autres 1 appellent, Aniegue", pour rinformer qu on auoit tue" trois Frangois a Montreal, & qu en fuite on auoit retenu quelques Iroquois Agneronnons en nos habita tions. Voicy fommairement les paroles, qui deuoient eftre portees aux Anciens du pai s. i. Qu on a tu6 trois Fran9ois a Montreal; les meurtriers eftoient trente, quoy qu il n en paruft pas tant. 2. Que les parens des defunts fe vouloient venger fur les Agne ronnons, qui vinrent aux trois Riuieres, bien-toft apres que la nouuelle de ce maffacre y fut apportee. 3. Qu on s eft oppofe a cette vengeance de la part d Onontio, c eft a dire, du Gouuerneur des Fran- gois. 4. Qu on les a arreltez feulement, fans leur faire aucun mal. 5. Qu on eft refolu de les retenir, pendant le voiage de ceux qu on enuoie de fa part, pour f e plaindre aux Anciens du pais de cet attentat, & pour fauoir s il n a point efte commis par leur ieuneffe. 6. Qu on les affeure, que ceux qu on a 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 197 throughout the French settlements, of all the Iroquois that should present themselves, from whatever quar ter they might come. A beginning had already been made with the seizure, at three Rivers, of twelve Agneronnons, a part of whom were sent to Kebec. On the 3rd of the same month, some Algonquins, going to the Richelieu Islands to hunt, and to carry on a petty warfare, killed an Onnontagueronnon Savage whom they met, and brought his scalp to Kebec. His companion escaped and took refuge at Montreal, where he was put in irons. On the 5th, Monsieur Dailleboust assembled the French and our Savage Allies, to announce to them his plan of despatching two of the Agneronnons that had been sent to us from three Rivers, to inform Ondesonk that is, Father Le Moine, [40] who was at the village of Anie", or, as others call it, Aniegue to inform him, I say, that three Frenchmen had been killed at Montreal, and that, following upon this, some Agneronnon Iroquois had been detained in our settlements. The following is a summary of the message that was to be carried to the Elders of the country : i . Three Frenchmen have been killed at Montreal, the murderers being thirty in number, although so many did not show themselves. 2. The relatives of the deceased wished to take vengeance on the Agneronnons who came to three Rivers soon after the news of this murder reached that place. 3. Opposition to this mode of vengeance was offered by Onontio that is, the Governor of the French. 4. The men were simply arrested, no harm being done them. 5. We are resolved to hold them during the journey of those whom we send to complain of this outrage to the Elders of the country, and to learn 198 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 retenus, feront bien traitez; [41] & afin qu on n en doute point, Onontio e"crit tous ces articles & Onde- fonk, & les a nettement expliquez aux Agneronnons, qu on a mis en liberte, pour aller traiter cet affaire. Le 7. du mefme mois de Nouembre. Deux Agne ronnons partirent de Kebec, & en prirent vn troifieme aux trois Riuieres, pour s en aller porter ces paroles en leur pai s. On leur donna force lettres de diuers endroits, pour donner au Pere Le Moine, dont vne partie deuoient eftre enuoyee nos Peres & & nos Frangois d Onnontague, par 1 entremife des Agne ronnons, qui vont fouuent en ce pai s-la. Enuiron ce mefme temps, ou vn peu deuant, Mon- fieur de Maifonneufue renuoia auffi. vn prifonnier Onnontagueronnon en fon pai s, pour rendre des lettres & nos Peres, qui les informoient de tout ce qui fe paffoit parmy les Frangois. II donna charge & ce Barbare, de dire a peu pr6s aux Anciens d Onnontague", ce qu on mandoit & ceux d Aniegue; mais il y euft de 1 infidelite des deux coftez. II eft vray que les Agneronnons [42] rendirent fidellement les lettres & Ondefonk, pource qu ils crai- gnoient qu on ne fift du mal & leurs Gens detenus par les Frangois. Mais pour les lettres qui s adref- foient & nos Frangois d Onnontague", 1 Agneronnon qui les portoit, les ietta dans la riuiere, ou les pref enta, comme il eft croiable, aux Anciens du pai s ; mais ces bonnes gens, qui fe vouloient defaire des Predicateurs de 1 Euangile, & de ceux qui les affiftoient, les ietterent dans le feu. L Onnontagueronnon enuoie par Monfieur de Mai fonneufue fit encore pis : car il dit aux principaux de fa Nation, que les Frangois s eftoient liez principale- 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 199 whether it was not committed by their young men. 6. Assurance is given that those who are held in custody will be well treated; [41] and, that there may be no doubt of this, Onontio writes all these articles to Ondesonk, and has explained them clearly to the Agneronnons who are released in order to go and negotiate this matter. On the /th of the same month, November, two Agneronnons started from Kebec, and were joined by a third one at three Rivers, to go and carry this message to their country. They were given many letters from different sources to be delivered to Father Le Moine; a part of these were to be sent to our Fathers and our Frenchmen at Onnontague through the medium of the Agneronnons, who often go to that country. At about this time, or a little before, Monsieur de Maisonneufve also sent an Onnontagueronnon pris oner to his own country, to convey to our Fathers let ters informing them of all that was occurring among the French. He charged this Barbarian to deliver to the Elders of Onnontague very nearly the same message that had been entrusted to the men from Aniegue ; but there was bad faith in both instances. It is true that the Agneronnons [42] delivered the letters faithfully to Ondesonk, because they feared some harm might be done to their Fellows in the custody of the French. But, as for the letters ad dressed to our Frenchmen at Onnontague*, the Agne- ronnon who bore them threw them into the river; or, as is probable, gave them to the Elders of the country, and those good people, who wished to get rid of the Preachers of the Gospel and of their assistants, threw the letters into the fire. 200 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 ment auec les Algonquins, pour leur faire la guerre, & qu ils auoient tue fon camarade. C eftoit vn Algonquin qui 1 auoit mis & mort, allant en guerre, comme nous 1 auons marque" au 3. de Nouembre. II n en falloit pas dauantage pour animer ces furieux, qui auoient defia conclud la mort de quelques-vns, & la captiuite" des autres. Us voulurent neantmoins agir de concert auec les Agneronnons, [43] qui ne pouuoient non plus que les autres, goufler la deten tion de leurs Gens, la croiant tres-iniufte. Nos pauures Francois efloient cependant bien e"tonnez, de n apprendre aucune nouuelle affeuree ny de Kebec, ny des trois Riuieres, ny de Montreal. Ces Barbares leur auoient entierement interdit ce commerce : fi bien que les ordres de Monfieur Daille- bouft ne furent point rendus a Monfieur Du Puis, qui commandoit les Soldats, ny aucune lettre k qui que ce fuft des Frangois. Le 17. du mois de Nouembre de la mefme anne"e 1657. Parut a Kebec vne chalouppe pleine de Sau- uages, qui apporta nouuelle, que plus de foixante canots chargez de pelteries, eftoient abordez aux trois Riuieres. Us venoient de la Nation des poiffons blancs, & d autres peuples encore plus eloignez du grand Fleuue, dont quelques-vns n auoient iamais veu ny Fra^ois, ny Europeans. Us efloient enui- ron trois ou quatre perfonnes en chaque canot, tous gens bien-faits, & de belle taille. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-38 201 The Onnontagueronnon sent by Monsieur de Mai- sonneufve did still worse ; for lie told the chief men of his Nation that the French had principally allied themselves with the Algonquins, in order to make war upon them, and that they had killed his com panion. It was an Algonquin going to war who killed the latter, as we noted under date of November 3. Nothing more was needed to excite those mad men, who had already determined upon the death of some and the captivity of the others. Yet they wished to act in concert with the Agneronnons, [43] who could not, any more than the others, relish the detention of their Men, thinking it very unjust. Our poor Frenchmen were meanwhile much sur prised not to receive any authentic tidings from either Kebec, three Rivers, or Montreal. Those Barbarians had cut them off from all such communi cation, so that Monsieur Dailleboust s orders were not delivered to Monsieur Du Puis, who commanded the Soldiers; nor was any letter transmitted to a single one of the Frenchmen. On the i /th of November of the same year, 1657, there appeared at Kebec a shallop full of Savages, who brought word that more than sixty canoes, laden with furs, had arrived at three Rivers. They came from the Nation of the poissons blancs, and from other tribes still farther distant from the great River; some of these men had never seen either Frenchmen or Europeans. There were about three or four persons in each canoe, all of fine appearance and tall stature. 202 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 [44] CHAPITRE IV. CONTINUATION DU IOURNAL. IE ne f9ay pas en quel temps les trois Agneronnons enuoiez par Monfieurs Daillebouft, arriuerent ati bourg d Anniegue. le ne fgay non plus ny le iour, ny le mois de I arriue e de 1 Onnontagueronnon delegue par Monfieur de Maifonneufue a Onnontague : mais ie f9ay bien que Le 3. de lanuier de cette annee 1658. trois Agne ronnons, differens des trois qu on auoit renuoiez, apporterent a Kebec des lettres du Pere Ondefonk, c eft a dire, du Pere Le Moine, dont voicy I abbrege". Premierement. Les trois Agneronnons, dit-il, qui vous vont voir, portent trois prefens a Onontio, c eft a dire, a Monfieur le Gouuerneur, qui fignifient ces trois paroles, qu ils vous d6duiront eux-mefmes. Ce font les Anciens qui parlent par leur bouche, & qui vous difent: i. Nous auons eft6 [45] tuez en la per- fonne des Frangois, que nous venons enterrer. 2. Ondefonk eft viuant; il eft chez nous auffi libre qu il feroit chez vous. 3. Nous venons requerir nos neueux detenus entre vos mains. Secondement. Le Pere adioute, que deux cent Agneronnons eftoient partis pour s en aller, en chaf- fant, vers Tadouffac, & qu au Printemps ils deuoient faire des canots vis a vis de ce quartier-la, fur 1 autre riue du grand Fleuue, qui a bien dix lieues de largeur en cet endroit, pour furprendre en fuite tous les 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 203 [44] CHAPTER IV. CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL. I KNOW not when the three Agneronnons sent by Monsieur Dailleboust reached the village of Anniegue, neither do I know the day or the month of the arrival of the Onnontagueronnon despatched by Monsieur de Maisonneufve to Onnon- tague; but I know well that, On the 3rd of January of this year, 1658, three Agneronnons not the three that had been sent home brought to Kebec from Father Ondesonk that is, from Father Le Moine a letter of which I give a summary. First, he said : The three Agneronnons visiting you bear to Onontio that is, to Monsieur the Gov ernor three presents symbolizing the three follow ing articles, which they themselves will state to you. The Elders speak through their mouths and say : i . We have been [45] killed in the persons of the French, whom we come to bury. 2. Ondesonk is alive, and is as free in our country as he would be in yours. 3. We come to ask for our nephews now in your hands. Secondly, the Father added that two hundred Agneronnons had started on a hunting expedition toward Tadoussac ; that in the Spring they were to make some canoes opposite that place, on the other bank of the great River, which is fully ten leagues wide there; and that then it was their purpose to 204 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Montaignets & les Algonquins, qui retournent ordi- nairement de leur grande chaffe en ce temps-la. Les deux principaux Capitaines de cette troupe fe nomment Aouigat6 & Anguieout. En troifieme lieu, vne autre bande de 400. Soldats eft auffi partie pour s aller ioindre aux Iroquois d en- haut, & pour faire auec eux vn gros d enuiron 1200. hommes, afin d entrer dans le pais des Outaouak, & tirer vengeance de la mort de trente de leurs Gens, qui furent tuez en guerre, il y a enuiron [46] vn an, dans ces cqntrees fort eloignees des Iroquois. Teha- rihoguen eft General de cette petite armee. En quatrieme lieu. II dit que les trois Ambaff a- deurs ne font que de ieunes gens, qui deuoient aller en guerre auec les autres; mais qu on les a detachez de leur gros, & qu on les a enuoiez a Kebec, pour retirer les prifonniers des mains des Fran?ois: & qu il n y a plus dans les bourgs de 1 Agneronnon que des vieillards, toute la ieuneffe eftant partie de"s le mois de lanuier pour la guerre; fi bien que fi leurs ennemis paroiffoient, qu ils detruiroient tout leur pais. En cinquie"me lieu. II deplore la calamite pauures Hurons, qui s eftant confiez k ces perfides, les ont fuiuis dans leur pais, ou ils font traitez comme des efclaues. Le mary eft fepare de fa femme, les enfansde leurs peres & meres; en vn mot, ilsferuent de beftes de charge a ces Barbares. C eft vn aduis aux Hurons qui reftent, & qui demeurent encore parmy les Frangois, pour ne fe pas fier aif6ment aux Iroquois, s ils ne veulent perdre [47] le corps & 1 ame. Voila fommairement le contenu des lettres, que le Pere Le Moine ecriuit a nos Peres de Kebec. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 205 surprise all the Montagnais and the Algonquins, who ordinarily return at that season from their great hunting excursions. The two chief Captains of that party were called Aouigate and Anguieout. In the third place, another band of 400 Soldiers had also set out to join the upper Iroquois and form with them a body of about 1200 men, for the purpose of invading the country of the Outaouak and wreaking vengeance for the death of thirty of their own Peo ple, who were killed in war about [46] a year ago, in those regions far distant from the Iroquois. Tehari- hoguen was General of that little army. In the fourth place, he said that the three Ambas sadors were only young men who were to have gone to war with the others; but that they had been detailed from the main body and sent to Kebec, to recover the prisoners from the hands of the French ; that there were only old men left in the Agneronnon villages, all the young men having gone to war in January; and that, consequently, if their enemies appeared, they would destroy their whole country. In the fifth place, he deplored the calamity that had befallen the poor Hurons, who had placed confi dence in those traitors and had followed them into their country, where they were treated as slaves. The husband was separated from the wife, and the children from their parents ; in short, they were serv ing those Barbarians as beasts of burden. It was a warning to the Hurons who remained and who still dwelt among the French, not to trust themselves lightly to the Iroquois, unless they wished to lose [47] body and soul. Such, in brief, were the contents of the letter written by Father Le Moine to our Fathers at Kebec. Let us now come to what was 206 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Venons maintenant & ce qui fe fit publiquement, en fuite de la venue de ces Ambaffadeurs, dont le plus age n auoit pas plus de trente ans, les deux autres paroiffoient quafi des enfans. Le i . iour de Feurier. Monfieur Daillebouft affem- bla les Frangois, & puis apres les Sauuages, pour leur communiquer les nouuelles apporte"es par ces trois Iroquois, & qui on donna audience Le 4. iour du mefme mois. Le plus age des trois tira neuf colliers de porcelaine affez beaux. II en pref enta fept a Onontio ; & deux aux Sauuages nos Alliez, auec ces paroles, i. Ondefonk eft en vie, il fe porte bien, il loge dans nos cabanes. 2. Les Iro quois & les Hollandois font liez d vne chaifne de fer, leur amitie ne f e peut rompre ; voilk pour faire entrer Onontio dans ce lien. 3. Nous ne fcauons pas qui a tue les Frangois a Montreal: c eft bien le Sonnon- toueronnon, ou 1 Onnontagueronnon, [48] ou 1 On- nei otchronnon ; mais nous ne fcauons pas lequel des trois: nous fgauons feulement que ce n eft pas 1 Agneronnon. 4. le me r6ioiiis fort de voir mes freres en vie, voilS. pour en t6moigner ma ioie & mon contentement. 5. Et pour marque que ie les voudrois bien voir en mon pai s, ie vous fay ce prefent. Au fixieme prefent il dit : Ce collier feruira de marteau, pour rompre leurs fers, & pour les mettre en liberte. 7. Et cet autre fournira les befoins neceffaires pour leur retour. 8. Pour toy, Algonquin & Huron, ce que i offre te fera fgauoir que mon coeur eft toufiours en bonne affiette : dis-nous en quelle pofture eft le tien? 9. Voicy vn obftacle, pour empefcher que tu ne me bleffe en la maifon d Onontio: cache ta hache & ton couteau, fi tu en as, car tu luy ferois honte en 1656-58] RELATION OF ibtf-s* 207 said in public after the arrival of these Ambassadors, the oldest of whom was not over thirty years of age, while the other two appeared almost like boys. On the ist day of February, Monsieur Dailleboust assembled the French, and afterward the Savages, to communicate to them the tidings brought by these three Iroquois. Audience was given to these, On the 4th day of the same month. The eldest of the three produced nine porcelain collars of consid erable beauty, of which he presented seven to Onontio and two to the Savages, our Allies, with these words: i. "Ondesonk is alive and well; he lodges in our cabins." 2.. "The Iroquois and the Dutch are united by a chain of iron, and their friend ship cannot be broken ; this is to make Onontio enter that union." 3. "We know not who killed the Frenchmen at Montreal. It must have been the Sonnontoueronnon or the Onnontagueronnon [48] or the Onneiotchronnon, but we know not which of the three ; we only know that it was not the Agneron- non." 4. I rejoice greatly to see my brothers alive; this is to testify my joy and satisfaction." 5. "As a proof that I would much like to see them in my country, I make you this present. At the sixth present he said : This collar will serve as a hammer to break their irons and set them free." 7. And this other will furnish the things needful for their return." 8. "As for thee, Algonquin and Huron, what I offer thee will show thee that my heart is still in the right place. Tell us in what attitude is thine own." 9. " Here is an obstacle to prevent thee from wounding me in Onontio s house. Hide thy hatchet and knife, if thou hast any; for thou wouldst put him to shame by hurting me." 208 LES RELA TIONS DES JES UITES [VOL. 44 me bleffant. Ce petit abbrege de la harangue d vn Barbare fait voir que 1 efprit ne leur manque pas, mais bien 1 education, & la connoiffance du vray Dieu. Le 5. de Feurier. Monfieur Daillebouft [49] tint vne affemblee de Francois, & en 1 Ifle il fit venir les Hurons & les Algonquins, & dans ces deux affem- blees fut arrefte, ce qu on deuoit re"pondre a ces trois Ambaffadeurs, ou Meffagers. Monfieur Dail[le]bouft fit ecrire la reponfe, & la donna & fon interprete, qui la rapporta publiquement, comme ie vay dire. Le 12. du mefme mois, les Frangois, les Algon quins, & les Hurons, s eftant rendus dans vne grande Salle, les trois Agneronnons s y trouuerent; le Tru- chement Fran9ois leur parla a peu pres en ces termes, s accommodant au genie & aux couftumes du pai s. C eft chofe 6tonnante que, toy Agneronnon, tu ne m eftimes qu vn enfant. Si ie te parle, tu fais fem- blant de m 6couter. Tu me traites comme fi i eftois ton captif, t imaginant que tu me tueras, quand tu voudras. Tu ne me mets pas au nombre des hom- mes : tu me prens pour vn chien. Quand on frappe vn chien, il crie, il s enfuit, & fi on luy prefente a manger, il reuient, & flatte celuy qui 1 a frappe [50] Toy Agneronnon, tu me tues; moy qui fuis Frangois, ie crie, on m a tue, & tu me iette vn collier de porce- laine, comme en me fiattant, & en te mocquant. Tay-toy, me dis-tu, nous fommes bons amis. Sga- ches que le Frangois entend bien la guerre : il tirera raifon de ta perfidie, qui dure depuis fi long-temps. II ne fouffrira plus que tu le meprifes. II n y a qu vn mot qui ferue. Fay fatisfadtion, ou dis qui a fait le meurtre. Ie ne repondray plus k tes paroles. Tu 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 209 This short summary of a Barbarian s harangue makes evident that they are not lacking in intelli gence, but rather in education, and in a knowledge of the true God. On the 5th of February, Monsieur Dailleboust [49] held an assembly of Frenchmen ; and, upon the Island, he called together the Hurons and Algon- quins. In these two assemblies it was decided what answer should be made to the three Ambassadors or Messengers. Monsieur Dailleboust had the reply written, and gave it to his interpreter, who delivered it in public, as I am about to relate. On the 1 2th of the same month, the French, Algon- quins, and Hurons having assembled in a great Hall, the three Agneronnons entered, and the French Inter preter addressed them nearly as follows, adapting him self to the peculiarities and customs of the country : " It is a strange thing that thou, Agneronnon, con- siderest me only a child. If I speak to thee, thou pretendest to hear me. Thou treatest me as if I were thy captive, imagining that thou wilt kill me when thou choosest. Thou dost not rate me with men, but takest me for a dog. When a dog is beaten, he howls and runs away; but if he be given some thing to eat, he comes back and fawns on him who beat him. [50] Thou, Agneronnon, killest me; and I, the Frenchman, cry out, I am killed; and thou mockingly throwest me a porcelain collar, as if to soothe me. Be still, thou sayest to me; we are good friends. Know that the Frenchman thoroughly understands war, and will exact satisfaction for thy perfidy, which has continued so long; he will no longer suffer thee to despise him. There is only one word that fits the case; render satisfaction, or tell 210 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 n agis pas en homme: tu ne gardes aucune de tes promeffes. le fay bien que ton armee eft en cam- pagne: tu 1 as dit, paffant a Montreal, a l Onno[n]ta- gueronnon: tu 1 as dit a tes compatriotes, qui font detenus aux Trois Riuieres. Et cependant tu crois m amufer auec vn collier de porcelaine. Le fang de mes freres crie bien haut: fi bien-toft ie ne fuis appaife", ie donneray fatisfadtion a leurs ames. D ou vient qu Ondefonk neparoift point icy: c eft luy que ie demandois, & non pas fon ecriture, qui eft defia fi vieille, que ie ne la connois plus? Tu es fi effronte", [5 1] que tu ofes bien redemander quelques haches, & quelques haillons qu on a pris a quelques-vns de tes Gens. As-tu rapport6 ce que tes compatriotes ont pille? ce que vous auez vole depuis deux ans dans les maifons Francoifes? Quittes tes trahifons: faifons la guerre, fi tu ne veux la paix : le Franfois ne fcait que c eft de craindre, quand vne fois il eft refolu a la guerre. Tu demandes a 1 Algonquin & au Huron, ce qu ils ont dans le cceur. Ton frere 1 Onnontagueronnon a tue les Hurons, & tu venois pour maffacrer les Al- gonquins, & tu leur demandes ce qu ils ont dans le cceur? Us fouffrent que ie te conferue la vie, pource qu ils m obeiffent; & n eftoit qu ils me refpedtent, le collier dont tu leur as fait prefent, auroit feruy de licol pour t etrangler. Vn Capitaine Algonquin aiouta ce peu de paroles. Tu dis que tu n as pas oiiy parler de la mort des Frangois : penf es-tu que nous foions fi enfans de croire, que tu n as pas veu leurs cheuelures, que tes Gens ont port6 dans leur pal s? Vous [52] ne faites qu vne cabane de cinq feux, tous tant que vous eftes, & tu n aurois pas 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 211 who committed the murder. I will not answer thy speech at greater length. Thou dost not act like a man ; thou keepest none of thy promises. I am well aware that thy army has taken the field ; thou saidst as much to the Onnontagueronnon, upon calling at Montreal, and also to thy countrymen in custody at Three Rivers. And yet thou thinkest to beguile me with a collar of porcelain. The blood of my breth ren cries out very loud; and, if I be not soon appeased, I will render satisfaction to their souls. How is it that Ondesonk does not appear here? I asked for him and not for his writing, which is already so old that I no longer recognize it. Thou hast the effrontery actually [51] to dare ask the restoration of some hatchets and rags taken from cer tain of thy People. Hast thou brought back the plunder taken by thy countrymen, the things stolen during the last two years from French houses ? Drop thy treachery, and let us make war if thou wilt not have peace. The Frenchman knows not what it is to fear, when once he is determined upon war. " Thou askest the Algonquin and the Huron what they have in their hearts. Thy brother, the Onnon tagueronnon, has slain the Hurons, and thou earnest to murder the Algonquins ; dost thou ask them what they have in their hearts? They suffer me to save thy life, because they obey me ; but were it not that they respect me, the collar that thou gavest them as a present would serve them as a halter wherewith to strangle thee." An Algonquin Captain added these few words: " Thou sayest that thou hast not heard of the Frenchmen s death. Thinkest thou we are such children as to believe that thou didst not see their scalps, which thy People carried to their 212 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 regarde ces trophees? Ondefonk t a fait voir ton neueu, qu Onontio & moy t auons renuoie: en as-tu dit vn f eul mot de reconnoiff ance ? // parle du ieune Iroquois pris en guerre par vn Algonquin, qui le donna a Monfieur de Laufon Gouuerneur du pa is, lequel V enuoia en France, ou ayant demeur^ quelque temps, il repaffa a Kebec fan 1657. & de la fut reconduit en f on pa is par le Pere le Maine, comme nous auons dit cy-deffus. L Algonquin pourfuiuit fon difcours. An refte, mon frere, (dit-il a 1 Agneronnon) ne t 6tonnes point de voir tes Gens aux fers: Onontio qui eft noftre Pere, nous y fait bien mettre, quand nous nous fommes enyurez. Pour conclufion. L Agneronnon voiant que le Confeil fe diffippoit, & qu on ne parloit point de le renuoier en fon pai s, fit encore deux prefens. Au premier, il dit. le ne connois point le meurtrier des Fran9ois. I ay appris, paffant a Montreal, que c eftoit rOnneiotchronnon, ou 1 Oiogueronnon: [53] mais li tu voulois, Onontio, que deux ou trois de nous autres allaffions porter nouuelle a nos Anciens, de 1 eftat de nos affaires, tu verrois au Printemps Ondefonk, & les meurtriers. Au fecond prefent. En attendant (fit-il) la pleine & entiere fatisfadtion pour ces meurtres, i effuie, par auance, le fang des morts repandu fur la terre. Changeons de propos. Pendant qu on faifoit ces affemblees a Kebec, & qu on tenoit ces Confeils, les Agneronnons en tinrent vn fort fecret, au mois de Feurier, ou vn petit nombre des principaux & des Anciens de toutes les Nations fe trouuerent, dans lequel il fut refolu, qu auffi-toft qu on auroit retir les Agneronnons & les Onnontagueronnons, qui eftoient entre les mains 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 213 country? Your [52] people constitute but a single cabin, with five fires; and yet hast thou not seen those trophies? Ondesonk presented to thee thy nephew, whom Onontio and I sent back to thee ; hast thou uttered a single word of gratitude for that ? He referred to the young Iroquois captured in war by an Algonquin, who gave him to Monsieur de Lauson, Governor of the country. The latter sent him to France, where he remained for some time. Then he returned to Kebec in the year 1657, and thence was taken back to his own country by Father le Maine, as we related above. The Algonquin continued his speech. " Further more, my brother (said he to the Agneronnon), " be not astonished at seeing thy Countrymen in irons. Onontio, who is our Father, often treats us so when we are drunk." In conclusion, the Agneronnon, seeing that the Council was adjourning, and that no one spoke of sending him back to his own country, presented two more gifts. With the first he said : " I do not know the murderer of the Frenchmen. When I called at Montreal, I learned that it was the Onneiotchronnon or the Oiogueronnon ; [53] but if, Onontio, thou wilt let two or three of us go and carry word to our Elders of the state of our affairs, thou shalt see in the Spring Ondesonk and the murderers." With the second present, " Pending full and entire satisfaction" (said he) " for these murders, I wipe up in advance the dead men s blood that has been shed on the ground." Let us change the subject. While these assemblies were being called and Councils held at Kebec, the Agneronnons, in the month of February, held a very secret one, attended 214 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 des Frangois, on feroit main-barTe fur ceux qui eftoient proche d Onnontague; & que fi Onontio ne relafchoit point ces prifonniers, on tueroit vne partie des robes noires, & des Frangois, & on mettroit 1 autre dans les liens, pour en faire echange auec leurs compatriotes mis aux fers [54] dans les prifons Frangoifes. On m a affeur6, que deuant 1 affemblee de ce Con- feil general des Nations Iroquoifes, il s en eftoit tenu vn particulier dans Onnontague, oil la mort de nos Peres & de nos Fra^ois auoit efte conclue; & 1 exe cution s en deuoit bien-toft faire, fi vn Capitaine, grand amy de nos Peres, ne 1 euft arreftee par adreffe, difant, qu il ne falloit pas fe precipiter; qu on nous egorgeroit bien, quand on voudroit; que nous ne pouuions pas echapper; qu il falloit attendre le retour de la ieuneffe, qui eftoit allee en guerre, pour faire le coup auec plus d affeurance, & auec moins de danger & de perte. Quelles eftoient, ie vous prie, les penfees de nos pauures Peres, a qui ces nouuelles fe difoient en fecret? A quoy fe pouuoient refoudre cinquante- trois Frangois, fe voiant enuironnez d ennemis de tous coftez, apprenant tous les iours, que diuerfes bandes, & diuerfes troupes defcendoient vers les Frangois, pour les maffacrer, auffi bien que nos Sauuages. [55] On m a dit auffi (ie ne fgay s il eft vray, pource que ie n ay pas receu tous les memoires que i atten- dois.) Que nos Peres firent des prefens aux Anciens d Onnontague, pour empefcher ces entreprifes; mais ils repondirent, qu ils ne pouuoient pas retenir leur ieuneffe. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -S* 215 by a small number of the chiefs and Elders of all the Nations. It was determined there that, as soon as the Agneronnons and Onnontagueronnons in the custody of the French should be recovered, violent hands should be laid on the men near Onnontague; and that, if Onontio did not release those prisoners, a part of the black gowns and of the Frenchmen should be killed, and the rest placed in confinement, to be exchanged for their countrymen who had been put in irons [54] in the French prisons. I have been informed that, before this general Council of the Iroquois Nations convened, a special one had been held in Onnontagu6, where the death of our Fathers and of our Frenchmen was determined upon. The execution of this decree was to have followed soon, had not a Captain, who was a great friend of our Fathers, adroitly stayed proceedings, saying that they must not be hasty ; our throats could easily be cut whenever they chose; we could not escape ; and, in order to strike the blow with more safety and less danger of loss, they must await the return of the young men who had gone to war. What, I pray you, were the thoughts of our poor Fathers, to whom this news was told in private? What resolution could be adopted by fifty-three Frenchmen, upon seeing themselves surrounded by enemies on all sides, and learning every day that various bands and companies were on their way down to our French people, bent on massacring them as well as our Savages? [55] I have also been told (I do not know whether it is true, because I have not received all the memoirs I expected) that our Fathers, in order to arrest these undertakings, made presents to the Elders of 216 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL, 4 4 On dit encore, que les meurtriers des trois Fran- 9ois de Montreal, eftant interrogez, pourquoy ils auoient attaquez les Franois, puifque la paix eftoit faite auec eux? repondirent en fe mocquant. Les Francois tiennent entre leurs bras les Hurons & les Algonquins, il ne faut done pas s etonner, fi en vou- lant frapper les vns, les coups tombent quelquefois fur les autres. Enfin nos Fra^ois ont recours a Dieu. La crainte des feux & de 1 efclauage les penfa diuifer, mais inci- dit illis conftlium bonum: ils s vnirent tous enfemble, & prirent vn bon confeil. Si bien que Le 20. de Mars, ils abandonnerent leur maifon, comme nous auons dit au Chapitre fecond, & forti- rent de ce [56] pauure & miferable pais fecoiiant la pouffiere de leurs pieds, & difant auec les Anges : curauimus Babylonem, & non ejl fanata, derelinquamus earn, Le 25. Le Pere Ondefonk s eflant tranfporte des Bourgades Iroquoifes en la Nouuelle Hollande, m e"- criuit vne Lettre, qui m a efte" apportee de Dieppe, & rendue a Paris, au mois de Nouembre de cette annee 1658. Fen ay tir6 ce qui fuit. Nos Fra^ois d Onnontague ne fgauent bonnement, fi nous auons la paix, ou la guerre : car la derniere bande de nos meilleurs Chrefliens Hurons, qui montoient volon- tairement auec eux, pour s aller habituer au pai s des Onnontagueronnons, ou ils efperoient du fecours pour leur Chriflianifme, furent tous maffacrez cruelle- ment au milieu du chemin, par les Barbares con- dudteurs, & ce a la face de leurs freres les Fra^ois, qui ne s attendoient pas peut-eftre a meilleur marche. Pour moy, on me croit mort a Kebec. Les proba- 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657 -58 217 Onnontague ; but the latter replied that they could not restrain their young men. It is also said that the murderers of the three Mont real Frenchmen, on being asked why they had attacked the French after making peace with them, mockingly answered: " The French hold the Hurons and Algonquins in their arms; so it is not to be wondered at if, when we wish to strike those of one Nation, the blows sometimes fall upon the others." At length our Frenchmen had recourse to God. Fear of the stake and of bondage almost caused a division of their forces; but incidit illis consilium bonum, they all united and adopted a wise plan of action, in pursuance of which On the 2Oth of March, they forsook their house, as we have related in the second Chapter, and departed from that [56] poor and wretched country, shaking the dust from their feet and saying, with the Angels : Cura- vimus Babylonem, et non est sanata; derelinquamus earn. On the 25th, Father Ondesonk, having repaired from the Iroquois Villages to New Holland, wrote me a Letter which was brought to me from Dieppe, reaching Paris in the month of November of this year, 1658. From it I have extracted the following: " Our French at Onnontague do not well know whether we are at peace or at war; for the latest company of our best Huron Christians, who volun tarily went up with them to make their abode in the country of the Onnontagueronnons where they hoped their Christian religion would receive additional strength, were all cruelly massacred midway by the Barbarians conducting them, and that before the faces of their brethren, the French, who perhaps expected to fare no better themselves. 218 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 bilitez qu ils en ont, ne font pas petites. Depuis mon arriuee a [57] Agniegue, il y a tantoft cinq mois, il s eft fait a Montreal vn maffacre de trois de leurs principaux habitans, les cheuelures de deux furent enleuez, & la tefte du troifie"me. On a veu a Kebec, & aux trois Riuieres, des bandes des guer- riers Iroquois, qui marchoient, difoient-ils, contre 1 Algonquin. Dans ce doute Monfieur Daillebouft iugea, qu il eftoit du mieux d en mettre vn bon nombre aux fers, qui y font encore depuis cinq ou fix mois. Cette detention ma penfe caufer la mort, & me voicy auiourd huy auec les Hollandois, a la veille de me ietter dans vne barque, qu ils equippent pour Kebec. De fait on me donne auis de tous pleins d endroits, que 1 Agneronnon ne m a veu qu a regret dans fon pal s, ou i affifhois nos Hurons Chreftiens, depuis I emprifonnement de fes gens. Au refte nos pauures Algonquins, & d enhaut & d embas, courent auiourd huy rifque d eftre tous de"truits, fi Dieu n y met la main: car 1 Iroquois ioue de fon refte. II a quitte fon pais [58] pour Taller exterminer: vne partie eft en campagne depuis deux mois, & ne doit eftre de retour qu a 1 Automne pro- chain. Son deflein eft d enleuer la grande Bourgade des Hurons, & des Algonquins, ou le defunt P. Gar- reau montoit, pour y faire vne belle Miffion. L autre bande partit des mon arriuee en leur pai s, a deffein d aller renuerfer tout ce qu elle rencontrera foit au Sagne, foit a Tadouffac. Eft-il poffible qu vne petite poignee de mutins, mette fi long-temps vne barriere fatale a la propaga tion du faint Euangile? & qu ils fappent la fubfiftance 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 219 " As for me, I am believed at Kebec to be dead; and the probabilities supporting that conjecture are not inconsiderable. Since my arrival at [57] Agnie- gue", nearly five months ago, a murder has been committed at Montreal, of three of its principal citizens ; the scalps of two and the head of the third were carried off. There have been seen, at Kebec and at three Rivers, bands of Iroquois warriors, proceeding, as they said, against the Algonquins. In this suspicious state of things, Monsieur Dailleboust deemed it best to put a considerable number of them in irons, where they have remained for five or six months. " This detention nearly caused my death, and here I am to-day with the Dutch, on the eve of consigning myself to a bark which they are fitting out for Kebec. Indeed, I am informed from all sides that the Agne- ronnon felt nothing but regret at my presence in his country, where, after the imprisonment of his coun trymen, I was rendering assistance to our Christian Hurons. " Furthermore, our poor Algonquins, both upper and lower, are to-day running the risk of total destruc tion, unless God interpose. For the Iroquois is playing his last stake, having left his country [58] in order to go and exterminate them. A part of them have been in the field for two months, and are not expected to return until next Autumn. Their pur pose is to sweep away the large Village of Hurons and Algonquins, whither the late Father Garreau was going, to plant a fine Mission. The remainder left upon my arrival in their country, planning to put to rout all whom they might encounter, whether on the Sagne or at Tadoussac. 220 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 de Canadas? I efpere que Dieu & nos SS. Anges y mettront la main. V. R. voit affez, quid faclo demum Jit opus, fed opus eft, mi Pater, feftinato. De la Nouuelle Hollande Totus in Domino lefu. le 25. Mars 1658. SIMON LE MOINE. On voit bien en effet ce qu il faudroit faire, mais ceux qui ont la bonne volonte, n ont pas toufiours la puiffance, & ceux qui ont le pouuoir, n ont pas toufiours le vouloir. C eft en Dieu qu il faut etablir noftre efperance. [59] Rentrons au chemin que nous auons quitte". Le 3. d Auril. Nos Peres & nos Francois apres mille dangers, arriuerent enfin k Montreal, ou les glaces s ouurirent pour leur donner paffage. Us furent contraints d y feiourner enuiron quatorze iours, a caufe que le bas de la riuiere n eftoit pas encore libre. Comme le pais des Iroquois eft plus au Sud, que celuy des Algonquins, ils auoient trouu6 les lacs & les riuieres bien moins glacees. Montreal les receut auec vne grande charite. Le 17. d Auril. ils parurent aux Trois Riuieres. On les regardoit comme des Gens echappez du feu, & de 1 eau, & des glaces. Ils furent auffi obligez d y faire quelque petit feiour, pour les mefmes difficultez du paffage, la Riuiere fe debouchant plus-tard aux endroits qui font plus au Nord. Le 23. du mefme mois d Auril. Ils mirent pied , terre & Kebec, ou ie m affeure que chacun raconta plus d vne fois fes auantures. Laiffons-les entretenir leurs amis, & reprenons [60] noitre lournal. Nous auons veu cy-deffus, au 12. de Feurier de cette annee 1658. comme les Ambaffadeurs d Aniegue" 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -jS 221 " Is it possible that a little handful of unruly men so long oppose a fatal barrier to the propagation of the holy Gospel, and undermine the foundations of Canadas ? I hope that God and our Holy Angels will intervene. Your Reverence sees well enough, quid facto demum sit opus; sed opus est, mi Pater , festinato. " New Holland, " Totus in Domino Jesu, March 25, 1658." " SIMON LE MOINE." One does indeed see clearly what ought to be done ; but those who have the good will have not always the power, and those who have the power have not always the will. We must place our hope in God. [59] Let us return to the path we have left. On the 3rd of April, our Fathers and our French men, after a thousand dangers, finally reached Mont real, where the ice opened to give them passage. They were compelled to tarry there about fourteen days, because the lower river was not yet clear. As the country of the Iroquois is farther to the South than that of the Algonquins, they had found its lakes and rivers much less obstructed with ice. Montreal received them with great kindness. On the 1 7th of April, they appeared at Three Rivers, where they were looked upon as People escaped from fire, water, and ice. There, too, they were obliged to make a short stay, owing to the same difficulties of passage, the River opening later in places farther Northward. On the 23rd of the same month, April, they landed at Kebec, where, I am sure, each related his adven tures more than once. Leaving them to entertain their friends, let us resume [60] our Journal. We saw above, under date of February 12 of this 222 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 promirent qu on verroit au Printemps Ondefonk. En effet, il aborda a Montreal, fur la fin du mois de May. Les Agneronnons, qui le conduifoient, aiant affeure" Monfieur de Maifonneufue, que fes compa- triotes n auoient point rompu la paix auec les Fran- ois, il relafcha & leur priere, & a celle du Pere, deux Agneronnons, qu il auoit arreftez depuis peu. Paflant aux Trois Riuieres, le Gouuerneur de la place les fit embarquer dans vne chalouppe, auec cinq Agneronnons, qu ils amenoient a Kebec a Monfieur Daillebouft. Aufli-tofl on conuoqua vne affemblee de Fran9ois & de Sauuages nos Alliez, pour entendre ces nou- ueaux Meffagers ou Ambaffadeurs. Ceux qui s y trouuerent, s eftant gliffez en bon nombre, de la Sale du Chafteau, ou du Fort, dans vne gallerie qui regarde fur le grand Fleuue; cette gallerie eftant bien caduque, ne fe trouua pas [61] affez forte pour foutenir tant de monde, fi bien qu elle rompit, & tous les Fran9ois, & les Sauuages, les libres & les captifs, fe trouuerent pefle-mefle hors du Fort, fans auoir paffe" par la porte: perfonne, Dieu mercy, ne fut notablement endommag6. Chacun eftant rentr6, les harangues & les prefens fe firent & 1 ordinaire. le n en ay point fceu le detail, les memoires ne font pas venus iufques a moy. On m a feulement dit, que la conclufion de ce Confeil fut, que ceux qui auoient amene le Pere le Moine, nomm6 par les Sauuages Ondefonk, s en retourneroient en leurs pai s auec des prefens, & auec quelques prifonniers, pour inuiter les Anciens a venir voir Onontio, afin de conclure vne paix generale, & vniuerfelle entre toutes les Nations. Ou en attandant cela, on retiendroit 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 223 year, 1658, how the Ambassadors from Aniegue" promised that the French should see Ondesonk in the Spring; and he did, indeed, land at Montreal toward the end of the month of May. When the Agneronnons conducting him assured Monsieur de Maisonneufve that their countrymen had not broken the peace with the French, he released, upon their petition and that of the Father, two Agneronnons whom he had recently arrested. Upon their arrival at Three Rivers, the Governor of the place put them into a shallop with five Agneronnons, and they were conveyed to Kebec, to Monsieur Dailleboust. Straightway an assembly of French and of our Savage Allies was convoked, to hear these new Mes sengers or Ambassadors. Those who were present having, in large numbers, slipped from the Hall of the Castle or Fort into a gallery overlooking the great River, this gallery, which was badly decayed, proved not [61] strong enough to support so many people. Consequently it broke down, and all the French and Savages, the free and the captive, landed pell-mell outside the Fort, without having gone out by the door; but, thank God, no one was seriously injured. When all had reentered, the harangues were delivered and presents offered in the usual manner. I have not learned the details, the account not having reached me. I was merely informed that, as a result of this Council, those who had brought Father le Moine called Ondesonk by the Savages returned to their own country with presents and some prisoners, to invite the Elders to visit Onontio for the purpose of concluding a general peace embracing all the Nations. Pending that event, it was decided to retain still a part of the Agneronnons, treating 224 LES RELATIONS DES js UITES [VOL. 44 toufiours vne partie des Agneronnons, & qu on les traiteroit bien. Us partirent de Kebec an mois de luin, ie ne f9ay pas le iour precifement. En ce mefme temps. Le Pere le Moine, qui auoit demeure" a Montreal, [62] deuant que d aller au pai s des Agneronnons, y remonta, a la priere de deux bons & honneftes Ecclefiaftiques qui y demeurent, & a 1 inftance des habitans, a ce qu on m a rapporte". Dans le mefme mois de luin, vne bande d Onnei- otchronnons partis de leur pai s, deuant que nos Peres & nos Frangois fuffent fortis du Lac de Gannantaa voifind Onnontague, prirent trois Francois aux Trois Riuieres, qu ils entraifnerent auec eux en 1 Ifle de Montreal, ou voulant furprendre quelques-vns de nos Gens, 1 vn d eux fut tue : ce qui les irrita fi fort, qu ils brufleret fur la place vn des trois Frangois, qu ils tenoient captifs, emmenat les deux autres vers leur pai s, ou Ton dit qu ils les ont fait mourir & petit feu. Le ii. de luillet. Arriua k Kebec Monfieur le Vicomte d Argengon, enuoie par fa Maiefte, & par Meffieurs de la Compagnie de la Nouuelle France, pour gouuerner le pai s. Auffi-toft que fon nauire eut mouill6 1 ancre, Monfieur Daillebouft, qui tenoit fa place en attendant fa venue, [63] 1 alla faliier dans fon abord, pendant que les habitans de Kebec eftoient en armes fur le quay. Monfieur Daillebouft eftant forty, fe met a la tefte des habitans, & Monfieur le Gouuerneur, apr6s auoir enuoi6 fon Secretaire pour faire fes complimens, mit pied a terre auec fes gens. Us montent tous en bel ordre au Chafteau. On luy prefente les clefs h la porte. Le canon ioiiant de tous coftez, & dans le Fort, & fur les nauires, faifoit rouler fon tonnerre fur les eaux, & dans les grandes 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 225 them well. The departure from Kebec was in the month of June ; I do not know the exact day. At this same time Father le Moine, who had paused at Montreal [62] before proceeding to the Agneron- nons country, returned thither at the solicitation of two good and worthy Ecclesiastics dwelling there, and at the urgent request, as I am told, of the inhab itants. In the same month of June, a band of Onneiotch- ronnons, who had set out from their country before our Fathers and our Frenchmen had left Lake Gan- nantaa near Onnontague", captured three Frenchmen at Three Rivers and carried them off with them to the Island of Montreal. Here, while they were bent on taking some of our People by surprise, one of their own number was killed ; which so angered them that they burned on the spot one of the three French men whom they held captive, carrying off the other two to their own country, where they are said to have been put to death at a slow fire. On the nth of July, there arrived at Kebec Mon sieur the Vicomte d Argengon, sent by his Majesty and Messieurs the members of the Company of New France to govern the country. As soon as his ship had dropped anchor, Monsieur Dailleboust, who had been filling his place until his arrival, [63] went to salute him as he landed, while the citizens of Kebec stood at arms upon the quay. Monsieur Dailleboust came out and put himself at their head; and Mon sieur the Governor, after sending his Secretary to present his compliments, landed with his attendants. They all ascended in fine order to the Castle, at the door of which the keys were presented to him. The cannon, saluting on all sides, both in -the Fort and 226 LES RELATIONS DES jS UITES [VOL. 44 forefts du pai s. Aiant pris poffeffion du Fort, il rend vifite a noflre Seigneur en 1 Eglife de la Paroiffe, puis en noflre Chapelle, & en fuite il fe tranfporte a 1 Hofpital, & de la aux Vrfulines. Voila vne belle iourne"e, voions la fuiuante. Le lendemain, qui eftoit le 12. du mefme mois de luillet, comme il lauoit fes mains pour fe mettre en table, on crie aux armes, on dit que les Iroquois tuent quelques perfonnes, en vn lieu fi peu eloigne", qu on entendoit les voix des attaquans, & des atta- ques des maifons voifmes. Monfieur [64] le Gouuer- neur quitte la compagnie & le difner, leue en vn moment 220. hommes, fans compter les Hurons & les Algonquins, qui fe mirent de la partie. II donne la chaffe a ces coureurs, qui, pour fe fauuer, aban- donnerent deux enfans Algonquins, qu ils emme- noient, apres auoir laiffe pour mortes trois pauures femmes Algonquines, dont 1 vne fut veritablement tuee fur la place, 1 autre mourut quelque temps apre"s de fes bleffeures, & la troifie"me en eft rechapp6e. Le 13. Monfieur le Gouuerneur partit a la pointe du iour, auec 250. hommes: mais apres fix heures de marche, ils ne trouuerent que la pifte des Iroquois, qui s eftoient retirez; fi bien que Monfieur le Gou uerneur fut contraint de ramener fes gens, auec refolution de marcher en bon ordre, a toutes les nouuelles certaines qu il aura des ennemis. Le 28. Monfieur le Gouuerneur aiant fait 1 hon- neur a nos Peres, de viflter leur College, qui a la verite" n eft pas fi peuple que celuy de Paris. Auffi Rome n eftoit pas fi grande, ny [65] fi triomphante fous Romulus, que fous Jules Cefar. Mais enfin, pour petit qu il foit, les ecoliers ne laiflerent pas de 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -38 227 on the ships, sent their thunder rolling over the waters and through the vast forests of the country. After taking possession of the Fort, he paid a visit to our Lord in the Parish Church and afterward in our Chapel, repairing then to the Hospital, and thence to the Ursulines . A fine day s events! Let us see the following. On the next day, which was the i2th of the same month, July, while he was washing his hands before sitting down at table, the cry arose, "To arms! and a report came that the Iroquois were killing some people, at a spot so near by that the cries of both the attacking party and the attacked were heard from the neighboring houses. Monsieur [64] the Governor left the company and the dinner, instantly raised 220 men, without counting the Hurons and Algonquins who joined the party, and gave chase to these skirmishers. The latter, in order to make their escape, dropped two Algonquin children whom they were carrying away, after leaving as dead three poor Algonquin women ; one of these had indeed been killed on the spot, the second died of her wounds some time afterward, while the third recovered. On the 1 3th, Monsieur the Governor started forth at daybreak with 250 men; but after a six hours march they found only the Iroquois trail, who them selves had retreated. Hence, Monsieur the Govern or was forced to lead his men back, determined to march out in good order at the first certain informa tion he should receive of the enemy s approach. On the 28th, Monsieur the Governor honored our Fathers by visiting their College, which in truth is not so largely attended as the one in Paris. So Rome was not as large or [65] as triumphant under 228 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 le receuoir en trois langues : ce qui luy agrea il fort, comme auffi vne grande troupe de Frangois, & de Sauuages, qui fe trouuerent en ce rencontre. Le i. du mois d Aouft. Les Sauuages allerent faluer Monfieur le Gouuerneur, & luy firent leurs prefens, pour marque de leur ioie, & de 1 efperance qu ils ont d eftre deliurez, par fon moien, des maux que leur font leurs ennemis. Monfieur le Vicomte leur fit compliment, & leur donna en fuite vn feftin a la mode du pai s. Quelque temps apr6s, fur 1 aduis qu il receut, que deux Iroquois etoient venus aux Trois Riuieres, faire quelque proportion au Sieur de la Poterie, & croiant, auec fuiet, que c e*toient des auant-coureurs de quelque armee, qui venoient epier 1 eftat, la garde, & la contenance des habitans de ce lieu : il partit auec 150. Francois, & 100. Sauuages, monta iufques aux Trois Riuieres: mais voiant qu il ne [66] paroiffoit rien, apres auoir e"tably Gouuerneur particulier de cette place M r de la Poterie, il donne iufques aux Ifles du Lac de S. Pierre, fait quelque feiour dans 1 ancienne place du Fort de Richelieu, & le vent ne luy permettant pas de monter la riuiere, pour aller iufques a Montreal, il retourne a Kebec auec toute fa milice. Le 14. du mefme mois. Vne vingtaine d Agneron- nons efbant vis h vis du Fort des Trois Riuieres, a 1 autre bord du grand Fleuue, fcachant bien que Monfieur le Gouuerneur y eftoit arriu6, defcendirent la nuit vers Kebec, & apres auoir rode a la fourdine a 1 entour de nos habitations, pour prendre quelque pauure Huron, ou quelque Algonquin, fe ietterent fur deux Fra^ois au Cap Rouge; 1 vn eftoit fils d vn 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 229 Romulus as under Julius Caesar. But, after all, small though the school was, the pupils did not fail to receive him in three languages, which pleased him greatly, as also a large company of French and Savages who were present on this occasion. On the ist of the month of August, the Savages went to salute Monsieur the Governor, and presented him with their gifts, as a sign of their joy and of the hope which they entertained of being delivered, by his means, from the ills inflicted upon them by their enemies. Monsieur the Vicomte paid them his com pliments, and then gave them a feast, after the custom of the country. Some time afterward, receiving information that two Iroquois had come to Three Rivers to make some proposition to Sieur de la Poterie; and believing, with reason, that they were advance -scouts of some army, and were coming to spy out the condition of this place, its defense, and the attitude of its inhab itants, he started out with 150 Frenchmen and 100 Savages, and went up as far as Three Rivers. But not finding [66] anything in sight, after settling Monsieur de la Poterie as special Governor over that place, he pushed on as far as the Islands of Lake St. Pierre, halted for some time on the old site of Fort Riche lieu, and, the wind not permitting him to ascend the river to visit Montreal, returned to Kebec with all his militia. 19 On the 1 4th of the same month, a score of Agne- ronnons who were opposite the Fort of Three Rivers, on the other side of the great River, and who were well aware that Monsieur the Governor had arrived there, went down in the night toward Kebec, and, after prowling stealthily about our settlements to 230 LES RELATIONS DES fS UITES [VOL. 44 habitant nomme Haiot, & 1 autre eftoit feruiteur de Monfieur Bourdon: ils les pillerent, & les depoiiil- lerent, fans leur faire autre mal, pource qu ils fe fauuerent de leurs mains par adreffe. Sur la fin d Aouft, ces vingt chaffeurs d hommes & de beftes remonterent [67] en fecret aux Trois Riuieres. Vn Frangois en aiant apperceu quelques- vns, qui cherchoient leur proie a pas de larrons, coucha 1 vn deux en ioue ; mais vn ieune Iroquois le preuint, & luy tira vn coup de fufil dans le bras: comme il n eftoit pas loin du bourg, il fe fauua. Ces Barbares ne croiant pas qu il fuft bleff6, fe diuiferent en deux bandes ; dix fe cacherent dans 1 epaiffeur des bois, & les dix autres furent fi temeraires, que de fe venir pref enter aux Fran9ois, difant qu ils venoient a la femonce d Onontio, pour traiter d vne bonne paix generale. Nous venons de remarquer cy-deffus, au mois de luin, que les Ambaffadeurs Agneronnons, qui nous auoient rendu le Pere Ondefonk, auoient eu ordre de retourner en leur pai s, & de dire a leurs Anciens, qu on ne relafcheroit point leurs prifonniers, qu ils ne vinfent eux-mefmes, pour traiter d vne paix generale entre toutes les Nations. Or foit que ces Ambaffadeurs euflent rencontre" en chemin ces vingt chaffeurs ou guerriers, ou [68] que veritablement ils euflent fait leur rapport au pai s, & que la-deffus ces vingt hommes fe foient mis en chemin, pour venir traiter auec les Francois: il eft certain qu ils firent tous leurs efforts, pour prendre a la derobee, tous les Hurons & tous les Algonquins, & peut-eftre tous les FranQois, qu ils auroient pu attraper. Et comme ils fe voioient en trop grand nombre, pour faire croire 1656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1657 -58 231 capture some poor Huron or some Algonquin , pounced upon two Frenchmen at Cap Rouge. One was the son of a settler named Haiot, and the other was a servant of Monsieur Bourdon. They were robbed and stripped, but received no farther injury, as they adroitly escaped from the enemy s hands. Toward the end of August, these twenty hunters of men and beasts went up again [67] by stealth to Three Rivers. A Frenchman who saw some of them stealing like thieves upon their prey, aimed at one of the band, but was balked of his purpose by a young Iroquois who shot him in the arm. As he was not far from the village, he made his escape. These Barbarians, not thinking that he was wounded, divided into two bands ; ten remained hiding in the dense woods, while the remaining ten were so bold as to go and present themselves before the French, saying that they came upon Onontio s invitation to discuss a permanent and general treaty of peace. We have just noted above, under date of the month of June, that the Agneronnon Ambassadors who had restored Father Ondesonk to us had received orders to return to their own country, and to tell their Elders that their prisoners would not be released until they themselves came to arrange for a general treaty of peace between all the Nations. Now, whether those Ambassadors had met on the way these twenty hunters or warriors, or [68] had actually made their report to the country, whereupon these twenty men had started out to come and treat with the French, it is certain that the twenty made every effort to capture by stealth all the Hurons, all the Algonquins, and perhaps all the French, whom they could catch. And, as they found their number too 232 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 qu ils venoient comme des Ambaffadeurs, ils fe diui- ferent, & ne parurent que dix. Mais ils tomberent dans la fofle, qu ils preparoient aux autres. Ils nous vouloient tromper, & ils f urent trompez eux-mefmes : car celuy qui commandoit aux Trois Riuieres, les fit prendre par adreffe, & en enuoia fept a Monfieur le Gouuerneur a Kebec. Ces pauures miferables penferent eflre maffacrez a leur abord par les Algonquins, mefme entre les mains des Franois, quoy qu ils fuffent plus de cinquante hommes bien armez, pour les conduire depuis le bord de la riuiere, iufques a vne tour, qui n en eft pas bien eloigne"e. Monfieur [69] le Gouuerneur n aiant pas encore d6couuert fa penfe"e aux Algonquins, ils creurent qu il vouloit deliurer ces prifonniers. C eft ce qui les fit entrer en furie centre eux, fe fouuenant des perfidies, des trahifons & des meurtres commis fur leurs pauures compatriotes. le croy qu ils font maintenant bien contens du proced6 de Monfieur le Gouuerneur, voiant qu il prend a cceur les interefts de la Foy de la Religion, & des Sauuages Chreftiens, & de tous nos Alliez. Au refte, le Capitaine de cette bande d Agneron- nons fe nomme en fa langue Atogouaekoiian, & en Algonquin, MichtaemiKoiian, c eft a dire, la grande cuillier. Si c eft celuy qui parut & Kebec, 1 an 1645. pour traiter de paix auec Monfieur le Cheualier de Montmagny, c eft vn grand homme bien-fait, hardy, vaillant, fourbe, eloquent, railleur: ce font les belles qualitez, qu on remarqua en luy d6s ce temps-la. Voila en quel eftat eftoit le pai s, le 6. de Sept. de cette ann6e 1658. que le premier vaifleau leua 1 ancre, pour retourner en France. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 233 large to make people believe that they came as Am bassadors, they divided, and only ten presented them selves. But they fell into the pit which they were digging for others, and, wishing to deceive us, were themselves deceived ; for he who was in command at Three Rivers adroitly effected their capture, and sent seven of them to Monsieur the Governor at Kebec. These poor wretches barely escaped being mur dered by the Algonquins upon landing, even under guard of the French, who were more than fifty strong, and well armed for conducting them from the river bank to a tower not far distant. Monsieur [69] the Governor not having yet made known his purpose to the Algonquins, they believed that he wished to free these prisoners. Hence they became infuriated against them, remembering the acts of perfidy, treachery, and murder committed upon their poor fellow-countrymen. I believe that they are now well satisfied with Monsieur the Governor s course of action, seeing that he has at heart the interests of the Faith, of Religion, of the Christian Savages, and of all our Allies. The Captain of this band of Agneronnons to give further particulars is called in his own tongue Atogouaekouan, and in the Algonquin, Michtaemi- kouan, or " the large spoon." If he is the same one who came to Kebec in 1645, to treat for peace with Monsieur the Chevalier de Montmagny, he is a tall, well-formed man, daring, valiant, deceitful, eloquent, and given to raillery. Such were the fine qualities observed in him even at that time. This, then, was the condition of the country on the 6th of September of this year, 1658, when the first vessel weighed anchor to return to France. 234 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 [70] CHAPITRE V. DIUERS CHEMINS DU CANADAS A LA HER DU NORD. LES NOMS DE PLUSIEURS NATIONS NOUUEL- LEMENT DECOUUERTES. PROPTER verba labiorum tuorum ego cuftodiui vias duras. S. Paul fe pouuoit bien approprier ce paifage: car en verite les paroles de lefus- Chrift 1 ont iette dans des chemins bien rudes & bien fafcheux. Auffi-toft qu il a commence" de pref- cher 1 Euangile, d etablir 1 Eglife, de procurer le falut des hommes, il n a trouue par tout que des croix, dans la ludee, dans la Grece, dans 1 Italic: il n a trouue* que des calomnies, des perfecutions, des perils & des dangers, fur mer & fur terre, des luifs & des Gentils: periculis fluminum, periculis latronum, periculis ex genere, periculis ex gentibus, periculis in ciui- tate, periculis in folitudine, periculis in mart, periculis in faljis fratribus. [71] Voil& comme les Apoftres ont prefch6 la foy en 1 Afie, & en 1 Europe, & comme il la faut prefcher en 1 Amerique. Nos Peres ont tafche de fuiure ces traces, felon leur petite portee. Ils meurent fur la mer, on les tue fur la terre, on les brufle, on les mange, on les calomnie, on les perfecute par tout. Quaji morientes, & ecce viuimus. Comme des gens qu on fait mourir tous les iours, & qui font encore viuans. On leur ferme la porte d vn cofte, ils entrent par vne autre. Ils fe iettent dans le fleuue du Sagne", le furmontent 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 235 [70] CHAPTER V. DIFFERENT ROUTES FROM CANADAS TO THE NORTH SEA. THE NAMES OF MANY RECENTLY- DISCOVERED NATIONS. PROPTER verb a labiorum tuorum ego custodivi vias duras. St. Paul could well appropriate this passage to himself; for verily the words of Jesus Christ consigned him to paths that were indeed rough and toilsome. As soon as he began to preach the Gospel, plant the Church, and win salva tion for mankind, he found only crosses everywhere, in Judea, in Greece, in Italy. He met with naught but calumny and persecution, perils and dangers, on land and sea, from Jews and Gentiles periculis fluminum, periculis latronum, periculis ex genere, periculis ex gentibus, periculis in civitate, periculis in solitudine, periculis in mari, periculis in falsis fratribus. [71] In such wise did the Apostles preach the faith in Asia and in Europe, and so must it be preached in America. Our Fathers have tried to follow in these footsteps, so far as lay in their slender power; they perish at sea, are killed on land, are burned, eaten, slandered, and persecuted everywhere, quasi morientes, et ecce vivimus, like men who are put to death every day, and yet live. When one door is closed to them, they enter by another. They entrust themselves to the river Sagne, ascend it despite its swift current, pene trate the gloom of the thickest forests, and go every- 236 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 malgre" fa rapidite : ils penetrent dans les tenebres des plus e"paiffes forefts, vont par tout chercher de pauures peuples abandonnez. Les ennemis tuent les oiiailles & les pafteurs. Ils fuiuent les peuples nom- tnez les Poiffons blancs, dans leurs pai s: on les met a mort. Ils montent au pai s des Outaoiiak : on les maffacre. Ils vont aux Nipifiriniens, & aux Hurons, & a la Nation Neutre: on les prend en chemin, on les brufle. On les bannit des Hurons, [72] des Nipifi riniens, & des autres peuples circonuoifms : ils fe iettent dans le pai s des Iroquois, ils publient les grandeurs de Dieu, ils prefchent lefus-Chrift. On confpire centre eux, & centre les Fra^ois : ou iront- ils ? que f eront-ils ? La porte eft quafi par tout f ermee a 1 Euangile. Tout n eft pas encore perdu, la Miffion de Tadouffac, des Pores-epics, des Poiffons blancs, & des peuples qui les frequentent: la Miffion des Abnaquiois, des Hurons, & des Algonquins qui font reftez, fubfifte encore: & s il plaift a Dieu de ietter fes yeux fur les Nations nouuellement d6couuertes, dont vn Pere, grand Miffionnaire, m a enuoie* les noms, la moiffon fera plus grande, & la Miffion plus fainte que iamais. Mais e"coutons-le parler. le vous enuoie, dit-il, quelques memoires, que i ay tirez, partie de deux Fra^ois, qui ont penetre bien- auant dans le pai s, partie de plufieurs Sauuages, qui font t6moins oculaires des chofes que ie vay dire, lefquelles pourront feruir, pour dreffer vne Carte generale de ces contrees. Vous [73] verrez dans le craion que i enuoie, ou i ay pofe" Tadouffac, les Trois Riuieres, le Lac des Nipifiriniens, & le Grand Sault : & fi ie ne les ay pas bien placez, vous corrigerez, s il vous plaift, mon griffonnage, dans lequel vous 1 656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 237 where in search of poor forsaken tribes. The enemy slays the sheep and the shepherds. They follow the people called the Poissons blancs into their country, and are put to death. They go up to the land of the Outaouak, and are murdered. They visit the Nipi- siriniens, the Hurons, and the Neutral Nation, and are captured on the way and burned. Banished from among the Hurons, [72] the Nipisiriniens, and other neighboring tribes, they effect an entrance into the country of the Iroquois, proclaiming the greatness of God and preaching Jesus Christ. The people con spire against them and against the French. Whither shall they go? What shall they do? Nearly every where the door is closed to the Gospel. But all is not yet lost ; the Tadoussac Mission and those to the Porcupines, the Poissons blancs, and the tribes that associate with them, still remain ; as do also the Mis sions to the Abnaquiois, and to the remnants of the Hurons and Algonquins. And, if it shall please God to cast his eyes upon the recently-discovered Nations whose names have been sent me by a Father who is a great Missionary, the harvest will be richer and the Mission more holy than ever. But let us hear him speak. " I send you," says he, " some memoranda which I have obtained, partly from two Frenchmen who have made their way far inland, and partly from several Savages who are eye-witnesses to the things which I am about to describe, and which will be of service in draughting a general Map of those regions. You [73] will see, in the sketch that I send, where I have placed Tadoussac, Three Rivers, the Lake of the Nipisiriniens, and the Great Sault; and, if I have not located them correctly, you will, if you please, rectify 238 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 verrez auffi les nouueaux chemins, pour aller a la mer du Nord par Tadouffac, par les Trois Riuieres, & par les Nipifiriniens, auec la diftance des lieux, felon les iournees que les Sauuages ont faites, que ie mets a quinze lieues par iour, en defcendant, a caufe de la rapidit^ des eaux, & k fept ou huit lieues en montant. Fay trace ces chemins, fuiuant le Rhun de vent, que les Sauuages ont marque eux-mefmes, toufiours entre le Nord-Oueft, & 1 Oueft, ou 1 Oueft quart de Sur-Oueft, fort peu droit au Nord. Vous verrez de plus les noms des principales Nations, que i ay marquees dans la Topographie que ie vous enuoie, les deiignant par vne feule cabane. Toutes ces Nations font fixes, & bien peuplees, & parlent toutes ou franc Algonquin, ou franc [74] Montagnais, ou franc Abnaquiois : quelques-vns font vn melange de ces trois langues, qui ont beaucoup de rapport entre elles : li bien que toutes ces Millions fe peuuent appeller les Miffions Algonquines, pource que celuy qui fgaura la langue Algonquine, les entendra bien-toft, & facilement. Dieu m a donne vne paffable connoiffance de ces trois langues. Di- fons deux mots de ces chemins, & de ces Nations. CHEMINS A LA MER DU NORD. LE premier chemin a la mer du Nord, partant de Tadouffac, tire quafi au Nord. En voicy la route. II faut monter par le fleuue du Sagne, qui fe d6gorge dans le grand fleuue de S. Laurens & Ta douffac, & voguer iufques au lac nomme Piouakoua- mi, diftant de Tadouffac, en droite ligne, enuiron quarante lieues. Les Sauuages emploient cinq iour- 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 239 my scrawl. In it you will also see the new routes for going to the North sea, by way of Tadoussac, by way of Three Rivers, and by way of the Nipisiri- niens, with the distances between places estimated according to the number of days taken by the Sav ages to make the journeys ; I reckoned fifteen leagues a day going down stream, owing to the swiftness of the current, and seven or eight leagues going up. I have traced these routes, following the Rhumb-line marked by the Savages themselves, always in a direction between Northwest and West, or West by South; very seldom due North. " You will also see the names of the principal Nations, which I have noted on the Map that I send you, designating each by a single cabin. All these Nations are stationary and very populous, and all speak either pure Algonquin, or pure [74] Monta- gnais, or pure Abnaquiois. Some confuse these three languages, which much resemble one another, so that these Missions as a whole may be called the Algonquin Missions; for any one who learns the Algonquin language will soon readily understand them all. God has given me a tolerable acquaintance with these three tongues. Let us say a few words about these routes and these Nations." ROUTES TO THE NORTH SEA. <( T^HE first route to the North sea, starting from Tadoussac, runs nearly Northward; its course is as follows: One must ascend the Sagne" river, which empties into the great river St. Law rence at Tadoussac, and paddle up to the lake called Piouakouami, distant from Tadoussac about forty 240 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 n6es a monter par ce chemin, a caufe des courans, & des faults qu ils rencontrent; & ils ne font que deux grandes iourne"es, [75] a defcendre, fauorifez par la rapidit^ des eaux. Du lac Piouakouami il faut aller a vn autre lac nomm6 OutaKouami, diftant du premier, au dire des Sauuages, comme de Kebec a Montreal, c eft a dire foixante lieue s, qu ils font en dix iours en montant, & en cinq iours en defcendant. Du lac OutaKouami iufques k la mer, ie coniedture, a les oiiir parler, qu il y a enuiron foixante lieue s. Ils font ce chemin en cinq iours en defcendant vn peu par vne grande Baie, ou ance, qui eft vis a vis de ce lac, fous la ligne du Nord. A cofte" gauche du lac OutaKouami, tirant a 1 Oueft, vne riuiere venant des terres, ou des forefts, dont ce pai s eft tout couuert, fe vient de charger dans ce lac. Les Sauuages difent, qu en montant par cette riuiere, on rencontre le fleuue Metaberoutin, que nous appellons les Trois Riuieres, enuiron trois iourn6es plus auant qu vn lac, qu ils nomment Oua- pichiouanon; & de la on va trouuer la Baie des peuples nommez les Kiliftinons, [76] qui font fur la mer du Nord. Le fecond chemin pour aller a cette mer, eft par les Trois Riuieres, tirant au Nord-Oueft. On va des Trois Riuieres au lac appelle" Ouapichiouanon, eloigne d enuiron cent-cinquante lieue s de 1 embou- cheure des Trois Riuieres, dans le fleuue S. Laurens. Les Sauuages en defcendant font ce chemin en fept iours. De ce lac on va droit & la riuiere des OuaKouin- gouechioueK. Les Sauuages ont fait ce chemin, au 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 241 leagues in a straight line. The Savages take five days to go up by this route, because of the currents and falls which they encounter; but they need only two long days journey [75] for the descent, being aided by the swiftness of the current. " From lake Piouakouami one must proceed to another lake named Outakouami; the distance be tween the two, according to the Savages account, is the same as that between Kebec and Montreal, that is, sixty leagues, which they accomplish in ten days going up and in five coming down. The distance from lake Outakouami to the sea is, as I infer from their reports, about sixty leagues. They take five days for this journey, which is slightly descending, by way of a large Bay or inlet which is on the same meridian as this lake, toward the North. On the left side of lake Outakouami, as you go toward the West, a river, flowing from the inland region, or rather from the forests with which this country is completely covered, empties into this lake. The Savages say that, on ascending this stream, one comes to the river Metaberoutin, which we call the Three Rivers, about three days journey beyond a lake called by them Ouapichiouanon ; and thence one proceeds to the Bay of the people named Kilistinons, [76] who are on the North sea. " The second route to this sea is by way of the Three Rivers, going toward the Northwest. One goes from Three Rivers to the lake called Ouapichi ouanon, about a hundred and fifty leagues from where the Three Rivers empty into the St. Law rence. Coming down, the Savages make this jour ney in seven days. 242 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Printemps paffe, en trois iours: il eft bien neant- moins de quarante lieues ; mais comme il va vn petit en defcendant, on auance dauantage, comme auffi. le retardement eft plus grand, quand on y monte. De la riuiere des OukouingouechioueK, ie compte enuiron foixante, ou foixante & dix lieues, iufques en la Baie des Kiliftinons, nommez NiflbourouniK, & cela fe fait en quatre iours. Vn Sauuage Kiliftinon eft venu en traite, ou en marchandife, a la fufdite riuiere des OuKouingouechioueK, il a paffe" 1 Hyuer auec ces peuples, [77] aufquels il a donne" parole de retourner au Printemps, auec bon nombre de fes gens: c eft luy qui affeure, qu il n y a que pour quatre iours de chemin. Troifieme chemin. Les Nipifiriniens fortant de leur lac nomme Nipifm, d ou ils ont tire leur nom de Nipifiriniens, trouuent la mer du Nord apre"s quinze iours de chemin; c eft k dire, que leur lac en eft peut-eftre eloigne" de cent cinquante lieues. Quatrie"me chemin. Les Achirigouans, qui habi- tent fur vne riuiere, qui fe va ietter dans la Mer Douce des Hurons, vont en peu de iournees trafiquer auec les Kiliftinons AtaouaboufKatouk, qui font fur la mer. Nous verrons plus-bas, qu il y a de plu- fieurs fortes de Kiliftinons. Cinquieme chemin. Les Algonquins fuperieurs trouuent la mer en fept iourn6es de chemin, fe rendant en trois iours au lac nomine" Alimibeg, & de la ils defcendent dans quatre autres iournees, dans la Baie des Kiliftinons, qui borde la mer. Voicy encore vn nouueau chemin [78] du pais des Hurons aux Trois Riuieres, fortant du lac nomine" Temagami, c eft a dire eau profonde, que ie croy 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 243 " From this lake one proceeds in a straight line to the river of the Ouakouingouechiouek. Last Spring the Savages covered this distance in three days, although it is fully forty leagues ; but, as the route is slightly descending, progress is the more rapid, whereas, on the upward journey it is considerably retarded. " From the river of the Oukouingouechiouek to the Bay of the Kilistinons called Nisibourounik, I estimate the distance at about sixty or seventy leagues, and it is accomplished in four days. A Kilistinon Savage, coming to the above-mentioned river of the Oukouingouechiouek to trade or barter goods, passed the Winter with these peoples, [77] and promised them to return in the Spring with many of his countrymen. He asserts that it is only a four days journey. " Third route. The Nipisiriniens, starting from their lake, which is called Nipisin, and whence they have taken their name of Nipisiriniens, reach the North sea in fifteen days ; that is, their lake is distant therefrom perhaps a hundred and fifty leagues. " Fourth route. The Achirigouans, who live on a river emptying into the Fresh-water Sea of the Hurons, go in a few days to trade with the Ataoua- bouskatouk Kilistinons, who are on the sea-shore. We shall see below that there are several clans of Kilistinons. Fifth route. The upper Algonquins reach the sea in seven days, going in three days to the lake called Alimibeg, and thence descending in four more days to the Bay of the Kilistinons, which is on the coast. " There is a new way still, [78] from the country 244 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 eflre la mer Douce des Hurons, & la fcmrce du grand fleuue S. Laurens, aiant fait quelque chemin fur ce grand fleuue, on trauerfe enuiron quinze lieues, par des petits ruiffeaux, iufques au lac nomm6 Ouaflifa- nik, d ou fort vn fleuue, qui conduit aux Trois Riuieres. C eft par ce chemin que vingt-cinq canots Nipifiriniens arriuerent, il y a enuiron deux ans, chargez d hommes, de femmes, & d enfans, & de pelleteries. Us nous dirent, qu ils auoient trouu6 par tout, de 1 orignac, ou des caftors, ou des poiffons, dont ils faifoient leur nourriture. Us nous aileuroient qu il feroit facile k nos Francois, partant des Trois Riuieres, de fe rendre dans vn mois & la mer Douce des Hurons. Voila des routes plus diffi- ciles a tenir, que le grand chemin de Paris a Orleans. Marquons maintenant les noms des Nations nouuelle- ment decouuertes. [79] NOMS DE PLUSIEURS NATIONS DECOUUERTES DEPUIS PEU. LE Pere Gabriel Dreuillettes, de qui nous auons tir6 la plus grande partie de ce qui eft con- tenu dans ce Chapitre, a fait porter le nom de Saint Michel au premier Bourg, dont il fait mention. Ceux qui 1 habitent, fe nomment en Algonquin, les Oupou- teouatamiK. On compte dans ce Bourg enuiron fept cent hommes, c eft a dire trois mille ames, dau- tant que pour vn homme, il fe trouue pour le moins trois ou quatre autres perfonnes, fauoir eft, les femmes & les enfans. Ils ont pour voifms les KifKa- coueiaK, & les NegaouichirinioueK. On trouue en ce Bourg enuiron cent hommes de la Nation du 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -j$ 245 of the Hurons to Three Rivers, starting from the lake called Temagami, that is, deep water, which I think is the Fresh-water sea of the Hurons, and the source of the great St. Lawrence river. After proceeding some distance on this great river, one goes across country about fifteen leagues, passing some small streams, to the lake called Ouassisanik, whence flows a river which takes one to Three Riv ers. By this route, about two years ago, twenty-five Nipisirinien canoes arrived, laden with men, women, children, and furs. They told us that they had every where found moose, or beavers, or fish, which had furnished them with food ; and assured us it would be easy for our Frenchmen, starting from Three Riv ers, to reach the Fresh-water sea of the Hurons in a month. The above routes are more difficult to travel than the highroad from Paris to Orleans. 20 Let us now note the names of the recently-discovered Nations." [79] NAMES OF MANY RECENTLY-DISCOVERED NA TIONS. FEATHER Gabriel Dreuillettes, from whom we 1 have obtained the greater part of what is contained in this Chapter, conferred the name of Saint Michel upon the first Village which he men tions. Its inhabitants are called, in Algonquin, Oupouteouatamik. In this Village there are com puted to be about seven hundred men ; that is to say, three thousand souls, since to one man there are at least three or four other persons, namely, women and children. They have for neighbors the Kiska- coueiak and the Negaouichiriniouek. There are in this Village about a hundred men of the Tobacco 246 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Petun, qui s y font retirez, fui ant la cruaute* des Iroquois. La feconde Nation eft des NOUKCK, des Ouinipe- goueK, & des MaloumineK. Ces peuples font fort pen eloignez du Bourg de Saint Michel, ou des Oupouteoua- tamik. Us recueillent [80] fans femer, vn certain feigle, qui vient naturellement dans leurs prairies, qu on tient eftre meilleur que le bled d Inde. C eft icy, ou enuiron deux cent Algonquins, qui demeu- roient fur les riues du grand Lac, ou de la mer Douce des Hurons, du cofte du Nord, fe font refugiez. La troifieme Nation eft eloignee <T enuiron trois iourne"es par eau, du Bourg S. Michel, tirant dans les terres. Elle eft compofee des MaKoutenfaK, & des OutitchaKouK. Les deux Frangois, qui ont voiage" en ces contre"es-la, difent que ces peuples font de tres-douce humeur. La quatrieme Nation a vn Bourg de mille hommes, eloigne de trois iournees du Bourg de S. Michel : ce font quatre ou cinq mille ames. Lacinquieme Nation, qui fe nomine des AlinioueK, eft plus nombreufe: on y compte bien 20000. hommes, & foixante Bourgs: ce font enuiron cent mille ames. Elle eft . fept iournees de S. Michel, vers 1 Oueft. La fixieme Nation, dont les peuples s appellent les Oumamik, eft diftante [81] de foixante lieues, ou enuiron, de S. Michel. Elle a bien huit mille hommes, ce font plus de vingt quatre mille ames. La feptieme, qu on nomme les PoulaK, c eft & dire, les Guerriers, contient trente Bourgades, qui font a 1 Oueft, quart de Nord-Oueft, de S. Michel. La huitieme eft au Nord-Oueft, k dix iournees de 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-58 247 Nation, who took refuge there to escape the cruelty of the Iroquois. " The second Nation is composed of the Noukek, Ouinipegouek, and Malouminek. These people are but a very short distance from the Village of Saint Michel, or from the Oupouteouatamik. They reap, [80] without sowing it, a kind of rye which grows wild in their meadows, and is considered superior to Indian corn. About two hundred Algonquins, who used to dwell on the Northern shores of the great Lake or the Fresh-water sea of the Hurons, have taken refuge in this place. " The third Nation is distant about three days journey inland, by water, from the Village of St. Michel. It is composed of the Makoutensak and Outitchakouk. The two Frenchmen who have made the journey to those regions say that these people are of a very gentle disposition. The fourth Nation has a Village of a thousand men, distant three days journey from the Village of St. Michel, its total population being four or five thousand souls. : The fifth Nation, called the Aliniouek, is larger ; it is computed at fully 20,000 men and sixty Villages, making about a hundred thousand souls in all. It is seven days journey Westward from St. Michel. 1 The sixth Nation, whose people are called Oumamik, is distant [81] sixty leagues, or thereabout, from St. Michel. It has fully eight thousand men, or more than twenty-four thousand souls. : The seventh, called the Poulak, or Warriors, contains thirty Villages, situated West by North from St. Michel. ; The eighth lies to the Northwest, ten days jour- 248 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 S. Michel. Elle a bien 40. Bourgades, habit6es par les Na[d]ouechiouek & par les Mantouek. La neufuie me au de Ik des NadouechioueK, a trente-cinq lieues ou enuiron du lac Alimibeg, fe nomme la Nation des AffinipcmalaK, c eft a dire, les Guerriers de pierre. La dixi6me Nation eft des Kiliftinons, qui com- pofent quatre Nations, ou quatre peuples. Les premiers f e nomment les Kiliftinons AlimibegoueK : les feconds, les Kiliftinons de la Baie Ataouaboufca- toueK: les troifiemes, les Kiliftinons des Nipifiri- niens, pource que les Nipifiriniens ont decouuert leur pai s, ou ils vont en traite, c eft a dire en marchandife. Ils [82] ne font qu enuiron fix cent homines, c eft a dire deux mille cinq cent ames, qui ne font pas beaucoup fedentaires. Leur naturel eft fort accoftable. Les quatrie mes fe nomment Kiliftinons Nifibou- rounik. La quatorzieme Nation a trente Bourgades, habi- te"es par les Atfiftagherronnons. Ils font au Sud- Oueft quart de Sud, a fix ou fept iourne"es de S. Michel. Les Onnontagueronnons leur ont declare la guerre depuis peu. Le Pere adioute, qu il a appris d vn Capitaine Nipifirinien, qu en vn feul endroit il auoit veu deux mille Algonquins cultiuans la terre, & que les autres Bourgades de la mefme contree eftoient encore plus peuplees. Le mefme Capitaine afleuroit, que du cofte" du Sud, & du Sudeft, il y auoit plus de trente Nations, toutes fedentaires : toutes parlans la langue Abnaquioife, & toutes plus peuplees, que n eftoient iadis les Hurons, dont le nombre montoit & trente, 1656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1657 -58 249 ney from St. Michel, and has fully 40 Villages, inhabited by the Nadouechiouek and Mantouek. " The ninth, situated beyond the Nadouechiouek, thirty-five leagues or thereabout from lake Alimibeg, is called the Nation of the Assinipoualak, or War riors of the rock. " The tenth Nation is that of the Kilistinons, who comprise four Nations or tribes. Those of the first are called the Alimibegouek Kilistinons; of the second, the Kilistinons of Ataouabouscatouek Bay ; of the third, the Kilistinons of the Nipisiriniens, because the Nipisiriniens discovered their country, whither they resort to trade or barter goods. They [82] com prise only about six hundred men, that is, two thou sand five hundred souls, and are not very stationary. They are of a very approachable disposition. " The people of the fourth tribe are called Nisi- bourounik Kilistinons. " The fourteenth Nation has thirty Villages, in habited by the Atsistagherronnons, and is six or seven days journey Southwest by South from St. Michel. The Onnontagueronnons have recently declared war against them." 21 The Father speaks also of learning from a Nipisi- rinien Captain that he had seen at one place two thousand Algonquins tilling the soil; and that the other Villages of the same country were still more populous. This Captain asserted that toward the South and Southeast there were more than thirty Nations, all stationary, all speaking the Abnaquiois tongue, and all more populous than were the Hurons of old, who numbered as many as thirty or thirty- five thousand souls within the limits of seventeen leagues. 250 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [You 44 ou trente-cinq mille ames, en dix-fept lieues de pai s. [83] le ne parle point, dit le Pere, des Nations connues de longue main. En effet il ne dit mot des Kichefipiiriniouek, des Kinonchepiirinik, des Ounountchatarounongak, des Mataouchkairinik, des Ouaouechkairiniouek, des Amikouek, des Atchougek, des Ouafaouanik, des Ouraouakmikoug, des OukisKi- manitouk, des Maskafmik, des Nikikouek, des Miche- faking, des Pagouitik, ce font les peuples du grand Sault; des Kichkankoueiak. Toutes ces Nations, dont plufieurs ont eft6 mal-traitees des Iroquois, fe feruent de la langue Algonquine. Voilk vn beau champ de bataille pour ceux qui vou- dront entrer en lice, & combattre pour lefus-Chrift. le f?ay bien que ces peuples ne font pas attraians, comme ceux qui ont des Empires, & des Republi- ques, des Princes, & des Rois ; comme ceux qui font couuerts de foie, & de brocatelle; qui font courtois, & bien polis: mais il me femble, que lefus-Chrift n a pas beaucoup prefch6 h ces Gens-la, & que la foy, la vertu, [84] la faintete, n habitent pas fi fami- lierement dans les Palais, que dans des maifons de chaume & de paille, & en vn mot, dans des cabanes. le f9ay bien que la porte eft maintenant ferm^e a quantit6 de Nations: que les armes Iroquoifes troublent toutes les nouuelles Eglifes des Sauuages : que la guerre caufe vne fi grande confufion par tout, qu on ne fe connoift quafi plus. Mais ie f9ay bien auffi, que dans le premier age de 1 Eglife, on iugeoit quelquefois le Chriflianifme abattu, & puis quelque temps apres, il fe releuoit, & paroiffoit plus floriffant que iamais. Fruttum referent in patientia. On fe hafte de ramaffer promptement les iauelles, & les 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 251 [83] " I do not speak," says the Father, " of the Nations that have long been known." Indeed, he says nothing of the Kichesipiiriniouek, the Ki- nonchepiirinik, the Ounountchatarounongak, the Mataouchkairinik, the Ouaouechkairiniouek, the Amikouek, the Atchougek, the Ouasaouanik, the Ouraouakmikoug, the Oukiskimanitouk, the Mas- kasinik, the Nikikouek, the Michesaking, the Pagouitik, people of the great Sault, and the Kich- kankoueiak. All these Nations, several of whom have been maltreated by the Iroquois, use the Algon quin tongue. That is a fine battle-field for those who intend to enter the lists and fight for Jesus Christ. I am well aware that these peoples are not as attractive as those who have Empires and Republics, Princes and Kings; or those who are clothed in silk and broca- tel ; or who are courteous and highly polished. But it seems to me that Jesus Christ has not preached much to the People named above; and that faith, virtue, [84] and holiness do not dwell as familiarly in Palaces as in houses of thatch and straw in a word, in cabins. I know well that the door is now closed to many Nations, that the Iroquois arms harass all the new Churches of the Savages, and that the war is causing so great confusion everywhere that we scarcely know ourselves any longer. But I also well know that, in the first age of the Church, Christianity was occa sionally thought to be prostrated, and that, some time afterward, it would rise again, and appear more flourishing than ever. Fructum referent in patientia, One hastens to gather promptly the sheaves and bundles of grain that is already cut ; but the Gospel 252 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 gerbes d vn bled defia coupp6 : mais la moiffon Euan- gelique fe fait in patientia, auec patience, & dans les fouffrances. Pour donner courage aux enfans d Ifrael, d entrer dans la terre qui leur auoit efte promife, on leur fit voir des fruits de cette terre. Lifez les Relations precedentes, & vous trouuerez que les Sauuages font capables [85] de Dieu, auffi-bien que les autres peuples plus policez. Le don d oraifon, 1 amour des fouffrances, la charite du prochain, fe trouuent dans quelques-vns eminemment : ex vngue leonem, de I gchantillon on connoift toute la piece. I ay appris tout nouuellement d vne perfonne venue de Canadas, au mois d Odtobre, qu vn Pere de noftre Compagnie demandant a vne femme Huronne, fi elle n auoit pas efte touch6e d vne grande douleur, apprenant les horribles tourmens, que les Iroquois auoient fait fouffrir a fon mary. Non, dit-elle, ie n en ay receu aucune trifteffe. Le Pere tout furpris, luy en demande la raifon. I ay reconnu, fit-elle, que Dieu auoit accorde a mon mary, ce qu il luy demandoit depuis fix moix: car tout 1 Hyuer il ne f aif oit quafi aucune priere, qu il n aiouta ces paroles : Tu es le maiftre de la vie ; fi tu veux que les Iroquois nous attaquent, ne permets pas que ie fois affomm6 d vn coup de hache; mais fay-moy prendre, fay-moy Her & garrotter; fay-moy traifner en leur pai s, afin que [86] ie fois brufle", & grille* tout vif. Ie fouffray toutes leurs cruautez tres-volontiers, pour les pechez que i ay commis deuant & apre"s mon Baptefme. I ay tant de regret de t auoir fafch6, toy qui es fi bon, que ie prendray plaifir d endurer tous ces tourmens. Voila la priere de mon mary. Dieu luy a accord^ ce 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 253 harvest is reaped in patientia, in patience and in suffering. To encourage the children of Israel to enter the land that had been promised to them, they were shown some of the fruits of that land. Read the foregoing Relations, and you will find that the Sav ages are as susceptible [85] to the Divine influence as are other and more civilized nations. The gift of prayer, the love of suffering, and charity toward one s neighbor, are found in some in an eminent degree; ex ungue leonem from the sample the whole piece is known. I have quite recently learned from one who came from Canadas in the month of October that, when a Father of our Society asked a Huron woman whether she had not been touched with great sorrow upon learning of the horrible torments to which the Iro- quois had subjected her husband, " No," she replied; I did not feel any grief. The Father, in great sur prise, asked her the reason. I recognized, said she, that God had granted my husband what he had been, for six months, asking at his hands; for all Winter long he scarcely offered a prayer without adding these words: Thou art the master of life. If it be thy will that the Iroquois attack us, suffer me not to be killed with a hatchet- stroke ; but have me captured, tied and bound, and dragged off to their country, in order that [86] I may be burned and broiled alive. I shall very willingly suffer all their cruelties, for the sins that I have committed before and after my Baptism. So great is my regret at having offended thee, who art so good, that I shall take pleasure in bearing all those torments. Such was the prayer of my husband. God has, in order to make him 254 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 qu il demandoit, pour le rendre plus heureux au Ciel. Pourquoy en ferois-ie trifte? On m a rap- [por]te (adioutoit cette femme) que pendant le chemin, qui dura bien vn mois, il chantoit des prieres, il encourageoit ceux qui eftoient pris auec luy, leur parlant du Ciel, comme s il eufh defia veu la porte ouuerte pour y entrer. Lors qu on le brufloit, iamais il ne s e"tonna, fa veue eftoit le plus fouuent au Ciel. II fit paroiftre tant de ioie, que les ennemis mefmes difoient, que la foy donnoit du courage, & oftoit la crainte & la douleur des tourmens. On offrit beau- coup de prefens, pour luy fauuer la vie ; mais iamais les Iroquois ne les voulurent accepter. Qui fouffre faintement, porte a Dieu les prefens en fa main. [87] On a de"couuert des Sauuages Chreftiens, porter la nuit du bois & la porte de quelques pauures gens, qui n en pouuoient faire, cherchant les tenebres pour cacher leur charite. D autres aiant commis quelque offenfe, apres auoir demand6 pardon a Dieu, & ne fe pouuant confeffer, dautant qu ils eftoient a la chafle dans leurs grands bois, attachoient aux branches des arbres quelques brins de porcelaine, ou quelque autre chofe qu ils aimoient, comme vne marque de leurs regrets, & de la fatisfadtion qu ils faifoient de leurs pechez, donnant ces petits prefens, pour 1 amour de noftre Seigneur, aux pauures qui pafferoient par la. On demanda vn iour & vn Sauuage, qui eftoit fou uent & long-temps a genoux pendant la nuit, s il prioit beaucoup le bon Dieu. Non, dit-il, pource que ie ne fjay pas ce qu il luy faut dire. le fay les prieres qu on m a apprifes, tous les foirs, & tous les matins; mais cela eft bien-toft fait: le refte du temps, ie penf e & luy, & ie luy dis : Si ie fcauois ce 1 656 - 58 ] R EL A TION OF 1657 -38 255 happier in Heaven, granted him his desire. Why should I be grieved at that? I was told " (added the woman) " that on the journey, which lasted fully a month, he chanted prayers and cheered his fellow- captives by talking to them about Heaven, as if he had already seen its door open for entrance. When he was being burned, he never lost his self-control ; his eyes were turned Heavenward most of the time. He manifested such joy, that even the enemy said that faith imparted courage and took away the fear and pain of torture. Many presents were offered for the purpose of saving his life, but the Iroquois would not accept them." He who suffers with holiness, carries presents to God in his hand. [87] Christian Savages have been discovered carry ing wood in the night to the doors of some poor people who could not get any themselves, seeking to hide their deed of charity under cover of the dark ness. Others, after committing some offense and asking God s forgiveness for it, being unable to confess, since they were out hunting in their great forests, fastened to the branches of trees bits of porcelain, or something else that was of value to them, as a sign of their regret and of atonement made for their sins, giving these little presents, for the love of our Lord, to the poor who might pass that way. One day a Savage, who knelt long and often by night, was asked whether he prayed much to the good God. " No," said he, " because I do not know what I ought to say to him. Every morning and evening I say the prayers that were taught me ; but that is soon done, and the rest of the time I think of him and say to him : If I knew what is fitting to 256 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 qu il te faut [88] dire, ie te le dirois. Tu fjais bien que ie t aime ; mais ie ne f?ay pas comme il te faut parler. En quelque endroit que faille, i ay toufiours cette penf6e, que ie 1 aime, que ie luy voudrois bien parler, mais que ie ne f9ay pas ce qu il luy faut dire. Voila vne oraifon bien fimple, & bien pure, qui tient peu de I entendement, mais beaucoup du cceur. Les arbres qui portent ces fruits, ne font pas tout morts. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 257 say to thee, [88] I would say it. Thou well know- est that I love thee, but I know not how I ought to speak to thee. Wherever I go, I always have this thought, that I love him, and would like to speak to him ; but I do not know what to say to him." There you have a prayer, very simple and pure, which has little of the head, but much of the heart. The trees that bear this fruit are not entirely dead. 258 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 CHAPITRE VI. DE LA MORT D VNE IEUNE HURONNE, RELIGIEUSE HOSPITALIERE. LES petit pouffins craignent le milan, les petits agneaux fui ent le loup, & les petits Sauuages abhorrent la contrainte. Tout cela prouient d vn mefme principe, c eft a dire, de la nature. Les Sauuages pailent quafi toute leur vie, ou a la chaffe, ou dans des courfes, & dans des voiages, menant fort f ouuent auec eux leurs f emmes, [89] & leurs enfans ; li bien qu eftant conceus dans cette paffion, fortifie e par vne longue habitude, il eft quafi auffi naturel a leurs enfans d aimer la liberte, qu aux petits canards d aimer les ruilleaux, & les riuieres. Les Religieufes Hofpitalieres, & les Vrfulines de Kebec, auoiient que les petites filles Sauuages ont de 1 efprit, que plufieurs ont vn bon naturel, qu on les gagne aifement auec la douceur: mais elles fui ent grandement la con trainte. On a veu de petites feminariftes, e leue es dans le Monaftere des Vrfulines, non feulement pieufes & denotes, mais fi bien inftruites, qu elles eftoient capables d enfeigner a lire, & a ecrire leur compagnes. On les voioit faire le petit menage de la maifon auec adreffe. Enfin, ces pauures enfans fe voiant aimees, & gouftant mefme la piete, deman- doient, & preffoient qu on les fift Religieufes: mais enfin, comme on les retenoit long-temps, pour eprou- uer leur vocation, & pour les accouiiumer & vne vie 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637 -58 259 CHAPTER VI. OF THE DEATH OF A YOUNG HURON HOSPITAL NUN. LITTLE chickens fear the kite, little lambs run from the wolf, and little Savages abhor re straint. All this proceeds from one and the same cause, namely, nature. The Savages pass almost their entire lives either in hunting, or in journeys by land or water, and very often take their wives [89] and children with them; hence, being conceived in this passion, which is strengthened by long habit, their children love liberty almost as naturally as little ducks take to the brooks and rivers. The Hospital Nuns and the Ursulines of Kebec admit that the little Savage girls have intelligence, that many of them have good dispositions, and that they are easily won by gentleness; but they have a strong aversion for constraint. We have seen little seminarists, reared in the Convent of the Ursulines, not only pious and devout, but so well taught that they were capable of teaching their companions to read and write. We saw them execute the little domestic duties of the house with skill. Finally, these poor children, finding themselves loved, and even having a taste for piety, asked and urged to be made Nuns; when, however, they were kept long in confinement, to test their call and habituate them to a settled and cloistered life, they felt, as they grew older, [90] the impulse within them to go and come; and 260 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 fedentaire, & renfermer dans vn cloiflre, l age leur faifant [90] reffentir les inclinations qu elles ont d aller & de venir, elles difoient franchement a leurs maiftreffes, qu elles n auoient pas aff ez d efprit, pour eftre toufiours en place, te"moignant la peine, & les regrets qu elles auoient de les quitter. Le temps changera petit a petit cette humeur, & la grace ne laiflera pas d en gagner quelques-vnes a la Religion, comme celle, dont la Mere fuperieure de 1 Hoftel-Dieu de Kebec va parler dans ce Chapitre, qui eft entre mes mains. Le fuiet, dit-elle, de la prefente eft e"galement plein de ioie, & de trifteffe, puifque nous acquerons vne aduocate au feiour de la gloire, en perdant encore cette annee vn trefor, que nous poiledions comme propre. Par la mort de noftre chere Soeur Gene- uiefue Agnes de tous les Saints, vous diriez que Noftre Seigneur fe plaift tellement au choix que nous fai- fons, des filles du pai s pour fon feruice, qu il en a voulu auffi-toft tirer a foy les premices, nous les rauiffant pour le Ciel. En effet, le 15. du mois de Mars 1657. noftre petite Communaute [91] donna la premiere fille Religieufe, natiue du pai s: & le 3. de Nouembre de la mefme annexe, la premiere fille Sauuage, qui aie iamais embraffe la vie Religieufe. Ceux qui connoiffent 1 humeur des Sauuages, auront peine afe perfuader, qu vne ieune fille deleur Nation ait voulu fe captiuer aux exercices de la Religion, & a garder la clofture : mais la grace qui fait trouuer de la douceur, & de la facilit6 dans les chofes les plus repugnantes a la nature, a trouu6 tant d entree dans le coeur de cette chere fille, que nous auons toutes admire les aimables conduites de Dieu fur elle. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 261 they frankly told their teachers that they lacked the sense requisite for constancy, showing the pain and regret that they felt at leaving them. Time will gradually change this disposition, and the divine grace will not fail to win some to the Religious life, as in the case of her of whom the Mother superior of the Hostel-Dieu of Kebec is about to tell us in this Chapter which I now have in hand. " The subject," she says, " of the present account is full of joy and sadness alike, since we gain an advocate in the abode of glory, while also losing, this year, a treasure that we were holding as our own. In the death of our dear Sister Geneviefve Agnes de tous les Saints you would say that Our Lord was so pleased with our choice of girls of the country for his service, that he chose to take to himself without delay their first-fruits, robbing us thereof for Heaven. In fact, our little Community gave thereto on the 1 5th of the month of March, 1657, [91] the first Nun of native birth; 22 and, on the 3rd of November of the same year, the first Savage girl who has ever embraced the Religious life. Those who know the Savages temperament, will with difficulty be con vinced that a young girl of their Nation consented to subject herself to the exercises of the Religious life and maintain its seclusion. But grace, which makes us find sweet and easy those things that are most repugnant to our nature, gained such access to that dear girl s heart, that we all marveled at God s lovable guidance of her steps. " She was given to us in the month of May, 1650, when she was between eight and nine years old. She was the daughter of one of the principal Huron Captains, and her parents were excellent Christians. 262 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Elle nous flit donne"e le mois de May 1650. age"e de huit k neuf ans. Elle eftoit fille d vn des princi- paux Capitaines Hurons. Son pere & fa mere eftoient excellens Chreftiens. Si-toft qu elle fut auec nous, elle s appliqua fortement a apprendre la langue Fran- 9oife, & y reiiffit fi bien, qu en moins d vn an elle la fceut parfaitement. Elle apprit promptement a lire & ecrire, en forte qu elle furpaffoit [92] toutes fes compagnes, mefme les Franoifes. Nous auons fou- uent admire", qu vne fille Sauuage, nourrie & eleu6e dans les bois, puft fi-toft comprendre ce qu on luy enfeignoit. Auffi fon efprit n auoit-il rien de fau- uage, & fon naturel eftoit excellent. Elle ne fgauoit de quelle couleur etoit le vice ; & s il luy arriuoit de faire quelque petite faute, elle ne cherchoit point d excufe, pour la couurir, mais elle s en accufoit incontinent. Sa grande lincerite eftoit vne marque de la bont6 de fon coeur. La Maiftrefle des penfion- naires les reprenant quelquefois en general, ii elle croioit auoir failly, elle excufoit incontinent les autres, & prenoit tout le tort fur elle-mefme, ne pouuant fouffrir qu on accufaft fes compagnes. Auffi 1 aimoient-elles vniquement. Apres qu elle eut appris a lire & a ecrire, on la mit h la cuiline, pour la tenir touiours dans vn efprit de foumimon. Elle s y comporta auec tant de ferueur & d humilite, que cela nous donnoit a toutes de 1 etonnement. lamais on ne 1 a entendue fe plaindre, ny [93] murmurer. Si deux ou trois perfonnes luy commandoient diuerfes chofes tout ^ la fois, elle ne s en fafchoit point, mais auec vne grande douceur elle faifoit, autant qu elle pouuoit, tout ce qui luy eftoit commande. II y auoit du plaifir a la voir quitter iufques a cinq & fix fois 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 263 As soon as she joined us, she applied herself ear nestly to learn the French language, in which she succeeded so well that in less than a year she knew it perfectly. Reading and writing she quickly acquired, so that she excelled [92] all her compan ions, even the French girls. We have often mar veled that a Savage girl, nurtured and reared in the woods, could so soon understand what was taught her. Her mind, too, had no savage traits, and her disposition was excellent. She knew not of what color vice was ; and, if she chanced to commit some little fault, she did not seek to shield it with any excuse, but charged herself with it immediately. Her great sincerity was a proof of her goodness of heart. When the pupils Mistress, as sometimes happened, gave them a general reproof, if she thought that she had erred, she at once offered an excuse for the others and took all the blame upon herself, as she could not bear that her companions should be censured. They loved her, therefore, with a singular affection. After she had learned to read and write, she was placed in the kitchen, that she might always be kept in a spirit of submission ; and there she bore herself with such fervor and humility as to astonish us all. Never was she heard to complain or [93] murmur. If two or three per sons gave her different orders at the same time, she was never vexed, but, as far as she could, performed with much sweetness all that she was bidden. It was a pleasure to see her leave one thing as many as five or six times, to execute other orders newly given her; and this she did with as much cheerfulness as if she had been allowed to follow her own inclina tion. The ardent desire which she entertained to 264 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VoL, 44 vne chofe, pour en faire vne autre, qu on luy com- mandoit de nouueau: ce qu elle faifoit auec autant de gaiete", que fi on luy euft laiffe faire tout ce qu elle euft fouhaite. Le grand delir qu elle auoit d eftre Religieufe, ne luy faifoit rien trouuer de difficile, quoy que nous I eprouuaffions par toutes fortes de moiens, fans que pendant fept anne"es qu elle a demeure auec nous, nous aions pu remarquer aucun changement dans fon efprit. Elle apprehendoit plus que la mort, de retourner auec fes parens : en forte qu vn iour, pluftoft pour I ^prouuer, que pour la punir d aucune faute qu elle euft faite, on la fit venir au refedtoire, deuant toute la Communaute", & 1 aiant reprife affez feuerement, on luy donna le choix, ou de f ortir du Conuent, [94] ou de receuoir la dif cipline. Cette pauure innocente n eut pas pluftoft oiiy le mot de fortir, que les groffes larmes luy coulerent des yeux; & ioignant les mains, elle nous pria de ne la point mettre dehors, nous proteftant qu elle eftoit prefte de receuoir telle penitence qu on voudroit. A mefme temps elle commenja a fe des-habiller : mais on n auoit garde de pafler outre. C eft vne chofe tres-peu vfite e parmy les Sauuages, de tancer leurs enfans, bien moins de les frapper. II ne fgauent que c eft de les contrarier en leur ieunefle: d ou on peut voir, qu il falloit vne grace bien grande en cette ame innocente, pour la refoudre & ce qu elle apprehendoit tres-fort naturellement. Ses parens luy aiant donne" fouuent des attaques, pour 1 obliger a fortir, elle a toufiours efte" ferme comme vn rocher. Tant de bonnes difpofitions ont efte" fuiuies de beaucoup de graces, entre lefquelles celle d eftre receue au Noui- ciat ne luy eftoit pas la moins confiderable. Ce 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 265 become a Nun made her find nothing difficult, although we tried her by every means, without being able to note any change of mind on her part during the seven years of her sojourn with us. More than death, she feared going home with her parents. Thus, one day, rather to try her, than to punish her for any fault committed, she was summoned to the refectory before all the Community, and, after a rather severe reproof, was given her choice between leaving the Convent [94] and taking the discipline. That poor innocent had no sooner heard the word leave, than big tears started from her eyes; and, joining her hands, she begged us not to send her away, declaring that she was ready to receive such punishment as we should choose. At the same time she began to undress, but we took care not to pro ceed farther. It is a very rare thing among the Savages to upbraid their children, and still more so to beat them. They do not know what it is to oppose them in anything; whence it can be seen that it required a very remarkable grace in this innocent soul to induce her to submit to what she by nature very greatly feared. Against her parents frequent assaults to compel her to leave, she was always as firm as a rock. So many traits of a good disposition were followed by many favors, among which that of being admitted to the Novitiate was not the least considerable in her eyes. This happiness befell her on the day of the Annunciation of the most blessed Virgin, [95] in the year 1657, when she began to discharge the duties of the Religious life with as much exactness as an old professed nun. She ex cited our admiration by her humility, sincerity, and sweetness, and by the devotion which she showed, 266 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 bonheur luy arriua le iour de 1 Annonciation de la tres-fainte Vierge, [95] de l anne"e 1657. qu elle com- men9a a faire les fondlions de la Religion, auec autant d exadtitude, qu vne ancienne profeffe. Elle donnoit de 1 admiration par fon humilite, par fa fmcerite", par fa douceur, & par fa deuotion, qu elle portoit fur tout a la tres-immacule e Mere de Dieu, qu elle aimoit auec vne tendreffe nompareille. Elle continuoit, & alloit croiflant dans cette vertu, & nous donnoit de grandes efperances pour le futur. Mais noftre Seigneur qui a bien d autres veue s que les homines, qui eft maiftre abfolu de toutes les crea tures, en a difpofe tout autrement: car au milieu, ou pluftoft au commencement de cette belle courfe, il 1 a rauie a la terre, pour la donner au Ciel, luy enuoiant vne maladie affez commune aux Sauuages, qui eft vne efpece de langueur, iointe a vne fieure lente, qui la confommoit de telle forte, qu elle diminuoit a veue d oeil, auec vne fluxion accompagne e d vne groffe toux, qui luy gaftoit toute la poitrine, en forte que fon poulmon fe deffecha peu k peu. [96] Nonobftant toutes ces infirmitez, qui en auroient abattu beaucoup d autres, ou elle monftra bien que la vertu eft auffi forte, pour 1 animer a la patience, qu elle auoit paru pailible & tranquille dans fa plus parfaite fante: car elle ne laiffoit pas de trauailler autant, & plus que fes forces ne luy permet- toient, fe trouuant a toutes les obferuances du Choeur, & de la Communaute": & fi apre"s cela elle auoit quelque temps de refte, elle 1 emploioit k aller rendre des vifites au S. Sacrement, ou bien h appren- dre a chanter, a quoy elle reiiffiffoit bien, aiant vne fort belle voix. Elle s exergoit fur tout a dire des 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 267 especially for the most immaculate Mother of God, whom she loved most tenderly. She continued and constantly increased in this virtue, giving us great hopes for the future. But our Lord, who has far different views from those of men, and who is abso lute master of all creatures, ordered her destiny otherwise; for in the middle, or rather at the begin ning, of that beautiful career, he snatched her from earth to give her to Heaven. He visited her with a malady which is common enough among the Sav ages, being a kind of weakness, together with a slow fever; and this so exhausted her, that she wasted away before our eyes with an inflammation, accom panied by a severe cough, which affected her whole chest to such an extent that her lungs were gradually destroyed. [96] " Despite all these infirmities, which would have prostrated many another, she made it fully evident that her virtue was as powerful in encourag ing her to be patient, as it had rendered her peaceful and tranquil during her most perfect health ; for she did not cease to work as much as, and more than, her strength permitted her, attending all the observ ances of the Choir and of the Community; and if, after that, she had any time left, she would employ it in paying visits to the Blessed Sacrament, or in learning to sing, wherein she succeeded well, having a very fine voice. She practiced especially singing Lessons from the Tenebrcs, doing it with a charming devotion and attention, which served as an example to all of us. Last Lent, although she was even then ill enough, she did not omit to sing one on each of the three days of holy Week. Her ailment increas ing little by little, she was forced to yield and retire 268 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 Legons de Tenebres ; ce qu elle faif oit auec vne deuo- tion, & vne attention rauiffante, qui nous feruoit a toutes d exemple. Le dernier Carefme, quoy qu elle fuft des lors affez mal, elle ne laiffa pas d en chanter vne, chacun des trois iours de la Semaine-fainte : & le mal augmentant petit a petit, il luy fallut ceder, & fe ranger a I lnfirmerie, enuiron la fefle de 1 Affomp- tion de la Sainte Vierge. Ce fut [97] la qu elle fit voir tant de douceur, de foumimon, & de vertu, que cela n eft pas croiable, ne donnant iamais aucun relafche a fa deuotion. La Mere, qui auoit foin d elle, comme Infirmiere, & qui eftoit nouuellement arriuee de France, me difoit fouuent, qu a moins que ie 1 affeu- raffe, qu elle fuft Sauuage de Nation, elle ne le croiroit pas, veu qu elle n en voioit aucune marque en cette chere fille. Ie voy, difoit cette Mere, qu elle fait tout ce que i ay veu faire aux plus parfaites Reli- gieufes de France, dans leurs maladies. En effet, des le commencement de fon mal, elle demanda vn Crucifix, qu elle ne quitta iamais, & qui eftoit fon plus ordinaire entretien; elle le carreffoit fans ceffe. Elle n obmit iamais fes petites prieres, fur tout fon Chapellet, quoy que fon oppremon fuft violente : & quand on luy difoit, que cela la faif oit fouffrir dauan- tage, incontinent fa foumiffion luy mettoit en bouche ces paroles: Ma Mere, ie feray tout ce qu il vous plaira ; mais cela f eul eft ma conf olation & mon diuer- tiffement. [98] Le naturel Sauuage porte a la liberte, & a vouloir abfolument ce qui luy plaift, ou fui r ce qui luy deplaift. Elle auoit parfaitement dompte ces inclinations ; en forte que fi quelquef ois elle s eftoit laiflee emporter a quelque legere impatience, on la 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 269 to the Infirmary, at about the time of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. [97] She there displayed such sweetness, submission, and virtue as passes belief, never relaxing the least in her devotion. The Mother who as Nurse had the care of her, and who had recently arrived from France, often said to me that, without my assurance that the patient was a Savage by Race, she would not have believed it, since she saw not a single trace of it in that dear girl. I observe, said this Mother, that she does everything that I have seen the most perfect Nuns of France do in their times of sickness. Indeed, at the very beginning of her illness she asked for a Crucifix, which she never allowed to leave her, which furnished her most usual theme for discourse, and which she fondled unceasingly. She never omitted her little prayers, least of all her Rosary, although her suffering was acute ; and when she was told that this observance made her suffer more, her submissiveness at once put into her mouth these words : My Mother, I will do all that you think best; but that is my sole consolation and diversion. [98] " The Savage nature demands freedom, and is marked by an imperious desire for what is pleasing, or an avoidance of what is displeasing. Such im pulses she had perfectly overcome ; so that, if she occasionally allowed herself to be betrayed into some slight impatience, she was seen a moment later to recover her self-control, and ask forgiveness a thou sand times, with admirable humility. So great was her innocence that, upon being asked sometimes whether she wished to confess, that angelic soul would reply: Alas, my God, what shall I say? Since my last confession I have done nothing. And 270 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 voioit, vn moment apres, reuenir a elle, & demander pardon mille fois, auec vne humilite admirable. Son innocence eftoit fi grande, que luy demandant quel- quefois, fi elle vouloit fe confeffer, cette ame ange- lique repondoit: Helas! mon Dieu, que diray-ie; depuis ma derniere confeffion ie n ay rien fait: & a mefme temps elle fondoit en larmes, craignant que cela ne procedaft de fon aueuglement. Ah, ie vous prie, (difoit-elle) examinez moy; car ie n ay point d efprit, pour me connoiftre. Ce fentiment d elle- mefme eftoit bien contraire aux penfees de ceux qui gouuernoient fa confcience. Ils affeurent, qu elle leur rendoit vn compte exact de tous les mouuemens de fon cceur, auec beaucoup d intelligence: & ils proteftent tous, qu elle a probablement conferue [99] la blancheur de fon innocence baptifmale. lamais, quelque foibleffe qu elle euft, elle ne put fouffrir de communier dans fon lit; mais elle prioit qu on la menaft au Choeur. Elle ne perdit pas vne Commu nion, tant qu elle fe put traifner a 1 Eglife. Des difpofitions li rares dans vne fille Sauuage donnerent, pour ainfi parler, iufqu au cceur de Dieu, qui voulut pour foy ce fruit meur: de quoy fon Infirmiere s ap- perceuant, & la voiant d ailleurs dans vn defir extreme de ioiiir du bonheur d eftre reueftue de noftre faint habit qu eile demandoit fans ceffe elle-mefme; enfin on luy accorda cette grace, Ie iour de la fefte de tous les Saints: ce qui fut fait auec toutes les ceremonies, que put permettre fa maladie. Si iamais vous auez veu la ioie, & Ie contentement depeints fur vn vifage, ce fut fur celuy de cet ange incarne : car quoy qu elle fuft foible au poffible, elle s aidoit a fe veftir, comme fi elle euft efte faine. Elle fit [reponfe a] toutes les 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-38 271 at the same time she would burst into tears, fearing that this perplexity arose from her blindness. Ah, I pray you (she would say), examine me ; for I am too dull to know myself. This opinion of herself was entirely contrary to that entertained by those who directed her conscience. They declare that she rendered them, with much intelligence, an exact account of all the emotions of her heart ; and they assert that she probably preserved [99] the whiteness of her baptismal innocence. Never, however great her weakness, could she endure to receive commun ion in bed, but begged to be conducted to the Choir. She did not miss a Communion as long as she could drag herself to the Church. Traits so rare in a Savage girl penetrated, so to speak, to the very heart of God, who wished this ripe fruit for himself. When her Nurse perceived this, and saw, besides, that she had an intense desire to enjoy the happiness of being invested with our holy garb, which she herself asked for without ceasing, this grace was at length granted her on all Saints day, and was accom panied with all the ceremonies that her illness would allow. If you have ever seen joy and satisfaction depicted in a face, it was expressed in that of this angel incarnate; for, though she was enfeebled to the last degree, she helped in dressing herself as if she had been well. She answered all the necessary questions with an unequaled presence of mind. As soon as she had assumed the dress, she was given the holy Viaticum, [100] which she received with charming devotion. " From that happy day when she saw herself a Hospital Nun, and daughter of our glorious Father St. Augustine, it is impossible to describe the rejoicing 272 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 demandes neceffaires, auec vne prefence d efprit nompareille. Si-toft qu elle eut 1 habit, on luy donna le faint Viatique, [100] qu elle recent auec vne deuo- tion rauiffante. Depuis cet heureux iour, qu elle fe vit Religieufe Hofpitaliere, & fille de noftre glorieux Pere S. Au- guftin, il ne fe pent dire quelle eftoit la iubilation de fon cceur, & les remercimens qu elle nous en ren- doit a toutes. Si elle nageoit dans la ioie de cette faueur, noftre petite Communaute n en reffentoit pas moins, d auoir donne fon faint habit a la premiere fille Sauuage de ces contrees, qui ait iaraais eu le bonheur d entrer en Religion : mais nous ne le \sc. la] poffedafmes pas long-temps fur terre; car Dieu voulant cueillir ce premier fruit, qui eftoit meur, il permit que fon mal la iettaft dans 1 extremite; de quoy fon Infirmiere, qui ne la quittoit ny iour, ny nuit, m aiant donne auis, ie luy fis adminiftrer auffi- toft le dernier Sacrement, qu elle receut auec vne finguliere attention a Dieu, demandant, felon la cou- ftume, pardon a toute la Communaute prefente, auec des fentimens d vne veritable fille de la mifericorde, ne ceffant de produire quantit6 [101] d excellens a<5tes des plus hautes vertus, que de temps en temps on luy fuggeroit. Elle fit retirer tout le monde, excepte" la Superieure, laquelle luy demanda, fi elle feroit bien-aife de faire les voeux de la fainte prof effion : noftre chere malade luy dit fagement; que ce luy feroit vne grande grace, mais qu elle ne la meritoit pas, & qu elle n ofoit la demander; que fi on la luy accordoit, fa ioie feroit accomplie. La Superieure iugeant qu elle auoit encore du temps a viure, ne fe hafta pas, laiffant paffer ce iour: mais lendemain, 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 273 of her heart and the thanks that she gave us all. If she reveled in the joy of this favor, our little Com munity felt no less delight at having given its holy garb to the first Savage girl of these regions who ever had the happiness to enter a Religious order. But we did not long possess her on earth ; for God, choosing to pluck this first- fruit, which was already ripe, suffered her ailment to bring her to the point of death. Her Nurse, who never left her night or day, notified me of this, and I immediately caused the last Sacrament to be administered, which she received with a mind fixed solely on God. Accord ing to custom, she asked forgiveness of all the Community present, with the sentiments of a true daughter of mercy; and offered, without ceasing, many [101] excellent acts of the highest virtue, to which she was from time to time prompted. She made every one retire except the Superior, who asked her whether she would like to take the vows of the holy profession. Our dear patient answered her discreetly that it would be a great favor to her, but that she did not deserve it and dared not ask it ; yet, if it were granted her, her joy would be com plete. The Superior, judging that she had still some time to live, did not hasten, but allowed that day to pass. On the following, however, which was Satur day, seeing that she was nearing her end, she said to her : My dear Sister, do you wish to take the vows? Then our dying innocent, as if awaking, exclaimed with eagerness, Ah, what a passionate desire I have for that privilege ! Thus the Mother was obliged to let her take the vows; and in the same instant she fell into the death-agony. Our Community was summoned, and with admiration 274 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 qui eftoit vn Samedy, la volant fur les approches de fa fin, luy dit; Ma chere Soeur, defirez-vous proferer lesvceux? Alors noffcre innocente agonizante, comme fe reueillant, dit auec empreffement : Ah, que i ay de paffion pour ce priuilege. Ce qui obligea la Mere, de les luy faire prononcer, & au mefme inftant elle tomba en 1 agonie. Noftre Communaute" aiant efte appel!6e, elle la voioit auec admiration, former mille colloques amoureux a N. Seigneur, priant adtuelle- ment pour Madame la [102] Ducheffe d Eguillon, noftre chere & illuftre Fondatrice, & pour la conuer- fion de ceux de fa Nation. Enfin cette ame angelique quitta la terre dans ce faint Exercice : rendant fon efprit a celuy qui ne 1 auoit cree que pour luy. Elle eftoit de fort belle taille, & bien agreable de vifage, d vn naturel excellent , & d vn efprit au deffus du commun, non feulement des Sauuages, mais auffi des Francois. Noftre confolation eft, de poffeder en depoft, parmy celuy de nos autres Religieufes dece- dees en la Nouuelle France, le corps de cette petite Colombe, dont nous nous glorifions d eftre les depo- fitaires, comme d vn riche trefor. Tous les Sauuages vinrent, comme a 1 enuie, auec vne ioie nompareille, pour la voir inhumer dans noftre faint habit : ce qui les rauiffoit, parce qu elle paroiffoit auec vne beaute" charmante. Tant il eft vray que la mort des iuftes eft precieufe en toutes fax^ons. Voila en verit vne mort bien fainte, & bien precieufe deuant Dieu. Mais changeons de difcours. Le Chapitre qui fuit, venu a la trauerfe, [103] nous fera voir, auec vne gaiete", & vne nai fuete bien naturelle, que les Sau uages font quafi nos Antipodes en leurs fa?ons de faire. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -S& 275 saw her engage in many loving colloquies with Our Lord; she actually prayed for Madame the [102] Duchess d Eguillon, our dear and illustrious Found ress, and for the conversion of the people of her own Nation. Finally, this angelic soul left the earth in this holy Exercise, giving back her spirit to him who had created it only for himself. She had a very fine form and an exceedingly pleasing countenance, an excellent disposition, and an intelligence above the average, not only of the Savages, but also of the French. Our consolation is to possess, in its rest ing-place among those of our other Nuns deceased in New France, the body of this little Dove, of which we glory in being the depositaries, as of a rich treasure. With an unparalleled joy all the Savages came, as if vying with one another, to see her buried in her holy garb, and were delighted at the sight ; for her appearance was one of charming beauty. So true is it that the death of the righteous is pre cious in every way." That truly was a death very holy and precious before God. But let us change the subject. The following Chapter, intervening, [103] will show us, with a liveliness and simplicity highly natural, that the Savages are almost our Antipodes in their customs. 276 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 CHAPITRE VII. DE LA DIUERSITE DES ACTIONS & DES FAONS DE FAIRE DES FRANCOIS, OU DES EUROPEANS, & DES SAUUAGES. IE ne f?ay fi ie me trompe, mais ie dirois volon- tiers, que 1 organe de nos fens reffemble en quelque chof e, a la matiere premiere ; qui n aiant de foy ny beaute, ny difformite, compofe neantmoins les plus belles chofes, & les plus laides, felon les formes que les Agens leur donnent. Le temperament de nos fens, de quelque cofle" qu il vienne, foit de noftre naiffance, ou de nos habitudes, leur donne de la pente, ou de 1 auerfion; de 1 amour, ou de la haine, pour les obiets qui leur font propofez. De cette fource, a mon aduis, prouient la grande diuerfit6 [104] qu il y a entre les fens des Sauuages, & des Frangois, ou des Europeans : car vous diriez en plu- fieurs chofes, que ce qui eft du fucre aux vns, eft de 1 abfynte aux autres. Commenjons par 1 odorat. II fe trouue en ces quartiers de 1 Amerique, des animaux, aufquels les Fran9ois ont donne Ie nom de Rats mufquez, pource qu en effet ils reffemblent aux rats de France, finon qu ils font bien plus gros, & qu ils fentent Ie mufc au Printemps. Les Frangois aiment beaucoup cette odeur ; les Sauuages la rebu- tent, comme vne puanteur. Ils foignent & fe greffent la tefte, & la face, auec des huiles, & auec de la greffe, qui nous put comme la charogne: c eft leur mufc, leur orengeade, & leur binioin. La rofe, 1 oeil- 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 277 CHAPTER VII. OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE FRENCH, OR THE EUROPEANS, AND THOSE OF THE SAVAGES. 1KNOW not whether I am mistaken, but I would be willing to say that the organs of our senses resemble, in some respects, primary matter, which, having neither beauty nor deformity in itself, yet composes the most beautiful or the most ugly things, according to the forms given it by the Agents. The temperament of our senses, whencesoever it comes, whether from our birth or from our habits, gives to them inclination or aversion, love or hate, for the objects presented to them. From this source, as I believe, arises the great difference [104] that exists between the senses of the Savages and those of the French, or of the Europeans ; for you would say, in many instances, that what is sugar to the one people is wormwood to the other. Let us begin with the sense of smell. There are found, in these regions of America, animals to which the French have given the name of musk -Rats, because in truth they resemble the rats of France, except that they are much larger, and smell of musk in the Spring. The French are very fond of this odor ; the Savages dislike it as if it were a stench. They anoint themselves, and smear their heads and faces with oils and grease that smell to us like carrion. It is their musk, their orangeade, 278 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 let, le girofle, la mufcade, & femblables odeurs, qui nous font agreables, leur font fades : & le tabac, qui fait mal au cceur a ceux qui n ont point accouftume de le fentir, fait vne des plus grandes de leurs delices. Pour 1 oreille. Encore que les Sauuages [105] fe plaifent fort au chant, vn concert de mufique leur femble vne confufion de voix: & vne roulade paffe parmy eux, pour vn gazoiiillis d oifeau. I auoue que le ramage ne leur eft pas des-agreable : mais leurs chanfons, qui pour eftre mornes & pefantes, nous donnent des id6es de la nuit, leur femblent iolies, comme l 6mail du iour. Us chantent dans les dan gers, dans les tourmens, & dans les approches de la mort: les Frangois gardent, pour 1 ordinaire, vn profond lilence dans tous ces rencontres. Le fel qui affaifonne toutes les viandes qu on mange en Europe, les rend ameres au gouft des Sauuages. Leur bou- can, qui nous eft quad de la fuie, leur eft fort fauou- reux. La communication des vns auec les autres, fait que le palais de quelques Frangois s accommode au boucan, & celuy de quelques Sauuages, aux viandes fale"es. II eft vray, que iufques icy ie n en ay point veu, qui n ait eu de 1 horreur du fourmage de Holande, des raues, des epiceries, de la moutarde, & de femblables ragoufts. Ie me fouuiens a ce propos, qu vn Sauuage [106] s eftant rencontre" a table auec des Frangois, comme on auoit feruy de la moutarde, la curiofite de goufter de tous nos mets, fans les con- noitre, luy fit porter fa cuillier dans ce ragouft ; en aiant pris vne aflez bonne charge, il 1 entonna plus vifte dans fa bouche, qu on ne luy eut appris, comme cela fe mangeoit: Dieu fgait s il apprefta a rire & toute la compagnie? C eft vne gloire parmy les Sauuages de bien manger, comme parmy plufieurs 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 and their benzoin. The rose, the pink, the clove, the nutmeg, and similar odors, which are agreeable to us, are insipid to them ; and tobacco, which causes nausea to those unaccustomed to smell it, constitutes one of their chief delights. Concerning the sense of hearing, although the Sav ages [105] take much pleasure in singing, a concert of music sounds to them like a confusion of voices, and a roulade like a bird s twittering. I admit that the warbling of birds is not disagreeable to them ; but their own songs, which are so heavy and dismal as to give us ideas of night, seem to them as beautiful as the blush of dawn. They sing amid dangers, in torments, and at the approach of death; while the French usually preserve a deep silence on all such occasions. Salt, which seasons all viands eaten in Europe, renders them bitter to the Savage taste. Their smoked meat, which to us is almost soot, is very savory to them. Intercommunication causes the palates of some Frenchmen to adapt themselves to smoked flesh, and those of some Savages to salted food. It is true that, up to the present moment, I have never seen a Savage that did not abhor Dutch cheese, radishes, spices, mustard, and similar con diments. I remember in this connection, the follow ing incident. A Savage [106] chanced to be at table with some French people when mustard was served, and his curiosity to taste of every dish, without knowing its nature, made him dip his spoon into this condiment. Taking a tolerably good dose, he thrust it into his mouth before any one had told him how it was usually eaten. God knows whether he fur nished merriment for all the company. It is a Sav age s glory to be a hearty eater, as it is that of many 280 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Europeans de bien boire : & ce bon homme voulant monftrer la force de fon courage, s effor^oit de faire bonne mine ; mais les larmes le trahiffoient : il f erroit les dents, & les leures tant qu il pouuoit. Enfin, le peu de bonne mine, & de contenance qu il auoit, luy echappa, & demeura bien etonn6 de la force de cette boiiillie iaune, comme il 1 appelloit. Pour conclu- fion, on luy enfeigna comme il falloit manger de la moutarde: mais il n a iamaisreduit en pratique cette le$on, fe contentant de cette premiere experience pour le refte de fes iours. Les faulces, les ragoufts, les faupiquets, [107] qui font les delices des friands, feroient icy vn petit enfer au gofier des Sauuages. Encore qu ils aient le cuir plus tendre, & plus delicat que les Francis, fi on en croit aux lancettes, & a la main des Chirurgiens, qui attribuent cette delicateffe aux huiles, & aux greffes dont ils foignent, & dont ils fe frottent: fi eft-ce que ces bonnes gens n ont point la moleffe, ny la delicateffe de nos Euro peans. Ils trouuent le fommeil plus doux fur vn lit de terre, & fur vn cheuet de bois, que plufieurs per- fonnes fur le duuet. II eft vray que 1 habitude fait que le tad: rebutte la trop grande moleffe, trouuant fon plaifir, & fa fatisfadtion dans des chofes plus dures & plus afpres. I ay connu des Peres, qui ne pouuoient prendre leur fommeil fur vn lit, pour s eftre accouftumez a dormir comme les Sauuages: fi on leur prefentoit, au retour de leur Miffion, vne paillaffe, ou vn matelas, ils Stoient contraints, iufqu a ce qu ils euffent repris leur premiere habitude, de paffer vne partie de la nuit fur le [108] paue de la chambre, pour dormir vn peu de temps plus a leur aife. En vn mot, les Sauuages font quafi demy-nuds, 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-58 281 a European to be a lusty drinker; and this good fellow, wishing to show the strength of his courage, strove to keep his countenance. His tears, however, betrayed him, although he set his teeth and com pressed his lips to the utmost ; until at last the little maintenance of appearances and facial control that he possessed escaped him, and he was left highly astonished at the strength of that " yellow porridge, " as he called it. Finally, he was instructed how mustard was to be eaten; but he never put the lesson into practice, being content with that first experience for the rest of his days. Sauces, condi ments, dressings, [107] which are the delight of epicures, would here make a little hell for the Sav age s gullet. Although they have a tenderer and more delicate skin than the French, if one accept the evidence of the lancet and the hand of the Surgeon, who ascribes this delicacy to the oil and grease with which they anoint and rub themselves, yet those good people have none of our Europeans softness and delicacy. They find sleep sweeter upon the earth for a bed, with a pillow of wood, than do many upon down. It is a fact that habit causes the sense of touch to rebel against too great softness, finding its pleasure and satisfaction in things harder and rougher. I have known Fathers who could not take their sleep on a bed, because they had become accus tomed to sleep like the Savages. If they were given, on returning from their Missions, a pallet or mattress, they were obliged, until they had regained their former habits, to pass a portion of the night upon the [108] paved floor of the room, in order to sleep for a little while more at their ease. In short, 282 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 pendant 1 Hyuer, & les Frangois fe couurent le plus chaudement qu ils peuuent. Pour ce qui concerne le fens de la veue. II eft tout certain, qu il eft vniuerfellement plus parfait chez les Sauuages, que chez les Frangois: 1 experi- ence s en f ait quafi tous lesiours. S il faut decouurir quelque chofe, les Frangois ne fe fient pas tant h leurs propres yeux, qu aux yeux des Sauuages. Us les ont tous noirs, & plus petits que les autres. le me perfuaderois volontiers, que 1 afcendant qu ils ont pardeffus nous en cet endroit, prouient de ce qu ils ne boiuent point de vin ; de ce qu ils ne mangent ny fel, ny e"pices, ny autres chofes capables de deffecher, & d alterer le temperament de 1 ceil. Quoy qu il en foit de la bonte de leurs veues, il faut confeffer, qu elle trouue fouuent de la beaute", ou la noftre ne trouue que de la laideur. Ceux qui mettent la beaute" d vn vifage dans la proportion de fes [109] parties, & dans la blancheur, & le vermilion qui le couure, doiuent retrancher la moiti6 de leur definition, s ils ne veulent choquer les Afriquains, les Ameriquains, & quantite d Afiatiques. Mais venons au detail de ce point. Pour rendre vn vifage plus beau en France, on le degreffe, on le laue le plus foigneufement qu on peut: les Sauuages au contraire, 1 oignent & le greffent tant qu ils peuuent, le croiant d autant plus agreable, qu il eft plus luifant de leurs greffes, ou de leurs huiles. Pour fe rendre difforme dans 1 Europe, on fe barbouille de noir, de iaune, de bleu: & c eft cela mefme qui fait vn Sauuage beau, & bien agre able. Quand quelqu vn d eux veut aller en vifite, ou affifter quelque feftin, ou a quelque danfe, il fe fait peindre le vifage de diuerfes couleurs, par 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 283 the Savages go almost half naked during the Winter, while the French dress as warmly as they can. Concerning the sense of sight, it is quite certain that, in general, it is more perfect among the Savages than among the French, as is proved by ex perience nearly every day. If any object is to be descried, the French do not trust their own eyes so much as those of the Savages. The latter all have black eyes, and smaller than other people s. I would readily believe that the superiority enjoyed by them over us, in this particular, is due to their not drink ing wine or eating salt, spices, or other things cap able of drying up the humors of the eye and impair ing its tone. However it may be regarding the excellence of their eyesight, it must be admitted that it often finds beauty where ours sees only ugliness. Those who say that the beauty of a face consists in the symmetry of its [109] parts and in the whiteness and vermilion covering it, must retract one-half of their definition if they would not offend the Africans, the Americans, and many Asiatics. But let us take up the details of this subject. In France, to make a face more beautiful, it is cleansed of oil and washed as carefully as possible. The Savages, on the contrary, anoint and grease it as much as they can, thinking it more pleasing the more shiny it is with their grease or oil. To make oneself hideous in Europe, one daubs himself with black,. yellow, and blue; and that is the very thing that makes a Savage handsome and of very pleasing appearance. When one of them wishes to pay a visit or attend some feast or dance, he has his face painted in various colors by some woman or girl ; for that is one of their arts, as it was of old among the Jews. 284 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 quelque femme, ou par quelque fille; car c eft 1 vn de leurs metiers, auffi-bien qu autrefois parmy les luifs: & lors qu il eft bien barbouille, on le tient vn bel homme ; & en Europe, on le prendroit pour vn demon, [no] En France, les gros yeux, & les leures plu- ftoft ferries qu ouuertes, ont de la beaute". En Afrique, les petits yeux, le teint le plus noir, les groffes leures pendantes & renuerf6es, font vn beau vifage. En Canadas, les yeux noirs, & le vifage gros, a la fa9on des anciens Cefars, emportent le prix de la beaute, & de la grace. En Europe, les dents les plus blanches font les plus belles. Les Maures, & les Sauuages nous furpaff ent en cette beaute" : ils ont les dents plus blanches que 1 iuoire. En quel- ques endroits de 1 Inde Orientale, ceux qui prennent du Betel, ont les dents rouges, & cette couleur fait vne partie de leur gloire. En France, les cheueux vn petit blonds, bien fauon- nez, & bien degreffez, bien gauffrez, & bien annelez, font les plus beaux. Les Neigres les aiment courts, & noirs, & bien crefpez. Les Sauuages les veulent longs, roides, noirs, & tout luifans de greffe. Vne tefte frifee leur eft auffi laide, qu elle eft belle en France. II n y a rien de fi grotefque, comme la perruque des Sauuages. Au lieu de [i 1 1] poudre de Cypre, ils mettent fur leurs cheueux bien greffez, le duuet, ou la petite plume des oifeaux, & auec ce bel ornement, ils fe croient auffi iolis, que ceux qui portent des galants. En effet, cette plume eft auffi delicate, que la baue des vers a foie On ne fait point le poil a la mode en ce pais-la. Leur fantaifie eft leur mode. Quelques-vns les portent releuez fur le haut de la tefte, la pointe en haut. II fe trouue vne Nation toute entiere. qui fe 1 656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 285 After he has been well bedaubed, he is looked upon as a handsome man, whereas in Europe he would be taken for a demon. [no] In France, large eyes, and lips rather com pressed than open, are beautiful. In Africa, small eyes, the blackest complexion, and hanging, recurved lips make a beautiful face. In Canadas, black eyes and a large face, after the style of the ancient Caesars, bear off the prize for beauty and grace. In Eu rope, the whitest teeth are the most beautiful. The Moors and Savages surpass us in this attraction, having teeth whiter than ivory. In some parts of Oriental India, those who eat the Betel-nut have red teeth ; and this color constitutes a part of their glory. In France, hair that is a little blond, well washed with soap and cleansed of oil, carefully arranged and curled, is the most beautiful. Negroes like it short, black, and very crisp. The Savages wish it long, stiff, black, and all lustrous with grease. A curly head is as ugly to them as it is beautiful in France. There is nothing so grotesque as a Savage s head dress. Instead of [i 1 1] Cyprus powder, they sprinkle their well-greased hair with down, or the tiny feath ers of birds, and with this fine adornment think themselves as comely as those who wear ribbons. Indeed, this down is as delicate as the web of the silkworm. The hair is not dressed according to fashion in that country. Their fancy is their fashion. Some wear it erect on the head, pointing upward. There is a whole Nation called the cheveux relevez, because they like this mode of head-dress. Others shave the middle of the head, wearing hair only on the two sides, like 286 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 nomme les cheueux releuez, pource qu ils aiment cette fa9on de coiffure. D autres fe rafent fur le milieu de la tefte, ne portant du poil qu aux deux coftez, comme de grandes mouftaclies. Quelques-vns d6couurent tout vn cofte, & laiffent 1 autre tout couuert. Les mouftaches fe portent en France aux coftez de la tefte, les femmes Sauuages les portent fur le derriere, ramaflant leurs cheueux en vn petit pac- quet, qui pend fur leurs efpaules. lugez maintenant qui a perdu, ou qui a gagne. Chacun croit fa mode la plus belle. La noftre change fouuent en France. [112] On tient que la barbe donne de la grace, & de 1 ornement h I homme. Cette opinion n eft pas receue par tout. La barbe eft la plus grande diffor- mite que puiffe auoir vn vifage, en ce nouueau monde. Les peuples de ces contrees, appellent les Europeans barbus, par groffe iniure. II y a quelque temps, qu vn Sauuage enuifageant vn Frangois, auec vne attention toute extraordinaire, & dans vn pro- fond filence, s ecria tout a coup, apres 1 auoir long- temps confidere: O le barbu! 6 qu il eft laid! Us ont fi peur de cette difformite, que fi quelque poil veut naiftre de leur menton, ils 1 arrachent auffi-toft, pour fe deliurer de noftre beaute, & de leur laideur. Les Dames, en Europe, fe plaifent d eftre bien coiff6es : ce leur eft vne grande mefeance, de paroiftre la tefte nue, & les cheueux epars confufement, fans ordre. C eft 1 vne des beautez des femmes de Cana- das: elles vont ordinairement la tefte nue, & fe tiennent pour bien iolies, quand leurs cheueux font bien luifans, & [113] bien roides de .greffe: elles les portent efpars fur les deux coftez, ramaffant ceux de derriere en vn petit faiffeau, qu elles enrichiffent de petit grains de leur porcelaine. 1656 - 58] R EL A TION OF 1657 -38 287 great mustaches. Some lay bare all one side, leaving the other wholly covered. Mustaches are worn in France on the sides of the face ; but Savage women wear them at the back of the head, gathering up their hair into a little ball which rests on their shoulders. Judge now who has lost or who gained. Each thinks his own fashion the most beautiful. Ours often changes in France. [112] The beard is held to add grace and adorn ment to man, but this opinion is not everywhere received. In that new world, a beard is the greatest disfigurement that a face can have. The peoples of those countries call the Europeans " bearded," as a gross insult. Some time ago a Savage, looking into a Frenchman s face with most extraordinary atten tion and in profound silence, suddenly exclaimed, after considering him a long time, " Oh, the bearded man ! Oh, how ugly he is! They have such dread of this disfigurement that, if some hair is inclined to grow on their chins, they pluck it out immediately, to rid themselves of what is beautiful to us, but ugly to them. Ladies in Europe take pleasure in having their hair well dressed, and it is indecorous for them to ap pear bare-headed, and with hair flying in disorder. This is one of the charms of Canadian women ; they commonly go bare-headed, and consider themselves very pretty when their hair has a bright gloss and [113] is very stiff with grease. They wear it loose on each side, but gather it up behind into a little mass which they adorn with small beads of their porcelain. In France, the head-dress distinguishes men from women. When the Savages cover their heads, any 288 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 La coiffure, en France, diftingue les hommes d auec les femmes. Quand les Sauuages fe couurent la tefte, toute coiffure leur eft bonne : vn homme fe feruiroit auffi bien d vn chaperon qu vne femme, s il treuuoit ce bonnet chaud, & commode a fa tefte. II eft vray que ceux qui nous frequentent plus fouuent, commencent a diftinguer leur coiffure. Les hommes aiment nos chapeaux, ou nos tapabords, & les femmes nos bonnets de nuit de laine rouge ; les plus longs, & les plus hauts en couleur, leur f emblent les plus beaux. Us ne font pas pourtant fi fcrupuleux, qu vne femme ne fe ferue d vn tapabort, & vn homme d vn bonnet de nuit tout au beau milieu du iour. Si vn garyon fe veftoit en fille dansl Europe, il feroit vne mafcarade. En la nouuelle France, la robe d vne femme n eft point mal-feante & vn homme. Les Meres Vrfulines, [114] aiant donn6 vne robe a vne ieune fille, qui fortoit de leur feminaire, le mary qui 1 efpoufa, s en feruit bientoft apre*s, aufli gentiment que fa femme; & fi les Fran9ois s en mocquoient, il n en faifoit que rire, prenant leur gaufferie pour vne approbation. En France. On fe perfoit, il n y a pas long temps, le bout de 1 oreille, pour y pendre vne petite fleurette de vanite: 1 ouuerture la plus petite eftoit la plus gentille. En Canadas, les hommes & les femmes ont les oreilles percees : on les perce aux enf ans des le berceau ; les plus grands trous font les meilleurs, ils y fourent aifement vn bafton de cire d Efpagne : & non feulement le bas de 1 oreille eft perce, mais encore le tendon, ou le contour, que les femmes chargent or- dinairement de coquillage.qu on appelle la porcelaine. En d autres endroits de 1 Amerique, quelques Nations fe percent le nez, entre les deux narines, d ou ils font dependre quelques ioliuetez: d autres 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1657 -58 289 head-dress is good in their eyes ; a man would use a hood as readily as a woman, if he found that head-gear warm and a good fit for him. It is true that those who mingle with us most often are beginning to make a distinction in their head-dresses, the men choosing our hats or riding-caps, and the women our red woolen nightcaps; the longer they are and the more striking in color, the more beautiful they appear to them. But they are not so particular that a woman will not use a riding-cap, and a man a nightcap, in the very middle of the day. In Europe, if a boy should dress up like a girl, he would be a masque- rader. In new France, a woman s dress is not improper for a man. The Ursuline Mothers [114] having given a dress to a young girl who was leaving their seminary, the man who married her wore it soon afterward, with as much grace as did his wife ; and, if the French made fun of him, he only laughed, taking their raillery for approval. In France, not long ago, the lobe of the ear was pierced for hanging thereto a little trinket, and the smaller the hole the more dainty its appearance. In Canadas, both men and women have their ears pierced, the operation being performed upon children in the cradle. The larger the holes, the better ; and they easily insert therein a stick of Spanish wax. Not only the lobe of the ear is pierced, but also the cartilage or rim, which the women are wont to hang with bits of shell, called porcelain. In other parts of America, some Nations pierce the nose between the two nostrils, suspending therefrom some trinket or other ; others set precious stones in [115] their cheeks, and still others on their thick and recurved lips all this to please their eyes and attain 290 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 enchailent des pierreries dans [115] leurs ioues, & d autres fur leurs levres pendantes & renuerf6es, & tout cela pour contenter leurs yeux, & pour trouuer le point de la beaute". En verite, la veue, & le iuge- ment des hommes eft foible ! Comment fe peut-t-il rencontrer tant d orgueil, & tant d eftime de nous mefmes dans nos efprits fi bigearres & fi limitez. On porte, en France, les bracelets au poignet de la main. Les Sauuages les portent non feulement au mefme endroit, mais encore au deffus du coude, & mefme encore aux iambes, au deffus de la cheuille du pied. Pourquoy ces parties ne meritent-elles pas bien leur vanite, & leur enioliuement, auffi bien que les autres, puif qu ils les portent ordinairement decou- uertes? Diogene voiant qu on prefentoit vne cou- ronne, a celuy qui auoit merite le prix de la courfe, la prit & luy mit aux pieds, & non fur la tefte, vou- lant honorer la partie du corps, qui luy auoit donne" la vidtoire. II 11 y a que les femmes en Frances qui portent des coliers. C6t ornement eft plus commun aux hommes [i 1 6] de Canadas qu aux femmes. Au lieu de perles, & de diamans, ils portent des grains de porcelaine diuerfement enfilez, des grains de chappelets, de petits tuiaux ou canons de verre, ou de coquillage. I ay veu vn Huron porter a fon col, vne poulie de barque, & vn autre des clefs qu ils auoient derobees. Toutes les chofes extraordinaires leur font agreables, pourueu qu elles ne leur couftent qu vn larcin. Nous coupons nos ongles. Les Sauuages les laiffent croiftre, fi vous les accufez de rufticite , vous ferez condamne par des peuples entiers de 1 Inde Orientale, qui nourriffent leurs ongles tant qu ils peuuent, pour marque de leur nobleff e : voulant te"moigner par la, 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 291 the goal of beauty. Verily, man s eyes and judg ment are weak. How can there be such pride and self-esteem in our minds, when they are so whimsical and limited? In France, bracelets are worn on the wrist; but the Savages wear them not only there, but also above the elbow and even on the legs above the ankle. Why do not those parts deserve their vanities and trinkets as much as the others, since the natives commonly leave them uncovered? Diogenes, seeing a crown presented to one who had gained the prize in the race, took it and placed it on his feet, not on his head, wishing to honor the part of the body that had given him the victory. Only women in France wear necklaces, but in Canadas this adornment is more common among men [116] than among women. Instead of pearls and diamonds, they wear porcelain beads strung in vari ous ways, like those of rosaries, and little cylinders or tubes of glass or shell-work. I have seen a Huron wear at his neck a boat-pulley, and another some keys that he had stolen. Anything unusual pleases them, provided it costs them nothing more than a theft. We cut our nails; the Savages let theirs grow. If you accuse them of uncouthness, you will be con demned by whole peoples of Oriental India, who foster the utmost possible growth of their nails as a mark of their nobility wishing to indicate thereby that their fingers, encumbered by these natural superflui ties, are not fitted for work. In France, men and women have their clothes made rather tight-fitting, in order to impart a lighter appearance, the girls especially priding themselves 292 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 que leurs doigts, embaraffez de ces fuperfluitez natu- relles, ne font point propres au trauail. En France. Les homines & les femmes fe font faire des habits affez iuftes, pour paroiftre plus leftes; les filles particulierement, font gloire d eftre menues. En Canadas tout le monde s habille au large: les hommes & les femmes portent des robes, qu ils ceignent [117] en deux endroits, au deffous du nombril, & au deffus du ventre, retrouffant leurs grandes robes, & les repliant, en forte qu ils ont comme vn grand fac a lentour du corps, dans lequel ils fourent mille chofes. Les meres y mettent leurs enfans, pour les careffer, & pour les tenir chaude- ment. Plus les robes des Dames font longues, & plus elles ont de grace. Les femmes Sauuages fe mocque- roient d vn habit, qui defcendroit beaucoup plus bas que les genoux. Leur trauail les oblige & fuiure cette mode. En Europe. La coufture des bas de chauffe eft derriere la iambe, & fi les bas ont quelques arrieres- points, ou quelque autre enrichiffement, il eft fur cette coufture, & fur les coins. II n en eft pas de mefme parmy les Sauuages ; la coufture des bas que portent les hommes, eft entre les iambes, ils atta- chent en mefme endroit de petits ouurages faits de brins de porc-efpic, teins en 6carlatte, en forme de franges, ou de papillottes, qui fe rencontrant les vnes centre les autres dans leur demarche, ont ie ne f9ay [nSJquelle gentilleffe bien agreable. Les femmes portent cet ornement au dehors de la iambe. Les patins, en France, & les foulliers releuez paffent pour les plus beaux; ils paffent parmy ces 1656-58] RELATION OF idS7 -58 293 on their slenderness. In Canadas, every one dresses so as to look large, both men and women wearing robes which they gird [117] in two places, below the navel and above the stomach, tucking up their ample robes and letting the fold hang down. Thus, they have a great sack, as it were, around the body, in which they stow away a thousand things. Here mothers put their children, to fondle them and keep them warm. The longer a Lady s dress, the more graceful it is; but Savage women would make fun of a dress that came down much below the knees. Their work compels them to follow this fashion. In Europe, the seam of stockings is behind the leg; and, if the stockings have back-stitches or any other ornamentation, they are on this seam and on the clocks. Among the Savages it is otherwise; the seam of stockings worn by men is between the legs, and here they fasten little ornaments made of porcupine quills, stained scarlet, and in the form of fringe or of spangles which meet when they walk, and make [nS] a pretty effect, not easily described. The women wear this ornamentation on the outer side of the leg. In France, pattens and raised shoes are considered the most beautiful; but among those peoples the ugliest, because the most uncomfortable. The Sav ages shoes are as flat as tennis-shoes, but much wider, especially in winter, when they stuff and line them amply to keep away the cold. Shirts are in Europe worn next to the skin, under the other garments. The Savages wear them usually over their dress, to shield it from snow and rain, which are very readily shed by linen when it is 294 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 peuples, pour les plus laids: pource qu ils font les plus incommodes. Les foulliers des Sauuages font auffi plats, mais bien plus larges que les chauflons d vn tripot, notamment 1 hyuer, qu on les fourre, & qu on les garnit pleinement centre le froid. On porte les chemifes, en Europe, fur la chair, deffous les habits. Les Sauuages les portent affez fouuent par deflus leur robe, pour la conf eruer centre la neige, & centre la pluie, qui coule bien aifement fur du linge gras, comme font leurs chemifes: car ils ne fcauent ce que c eft de les blanchir. Quand le bout d vne chemife fort d vn habit, c eft vne meffeance: mais non pas en Canadas. Vous verrez des Sauuages reueftus a la Fran9oife, d vn bas d eftame, & d vne cafaque fans haut de chaufle: on voit deuant, & [119] derriere deux grands pans de chemife, fortir de deffous leur cafaque. Cela cheque les Frangois, & les fait rire : les Sauuages n en per- droient pas vn petit brin de leur grauite. Cette mode leur paroift d autant plus gentille, qu ils prennent nos hauts de chauffes pour des entraues. Ce n eft pas que quelques-vns n en portent quelquefois, par brauerie, ou par gaufferie. Les bons vieux Gaulois pendoient, le fiecle paffe, leurs efcarcelles deuant eux. Les Francois mettent maintenat leurs bources dans leurs pochettes. Les Sauuages portent leur pochette, leur bource, & leur efcarcelle derriere le dos. C eft vn fac, qu ils paffent a leur col, par le moien d vne couroie, dans lequel ils mettent leur petun, & les autres petits befoins, dont ils ont plus ordinairement a faire. Cette pochette, ou ce fac, n a pour 1 ordinaire, aucune cou- fture. Les Huronnes les font auffi artiftement qu vn 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-58 295 greasy, as their shirts are; for they do not know what it is to wash them. The end of a shirt protruding from under the coat is an indecorous thing ; but not so in Canadas. You will see Savages dressed in French attire, with worsted stockings and a cloak, but without any breeches; while before and [119] behind are seen two large shirt-flaps hanging down below the cloak. This offends the French, and makes them laugh, but would not cause a Savage to lose his gravity in the slightest degree. That fashion seems all the more tasteful in their eyes because they regard our breeches as an encumbrance, although they sometimes wear these as a bit of finery, or in fun. The good old Gauls in times past hung their wal lets in front; the French now put their purses in their pockets. The Savages wear their pocket, wallet, and purse behind the back, in the form of a pouch, which they hang about the neck by means of a leather thong, and in which they put their tobacco and the other little necessaries that they use most frequently. This pocket, or pouch, is generally seamless, and is made by the Huron women as artis tically as a piece of needlework; the Algonquins often make it of a whole skin, either an otter s, a fox s, a young bear s, a beaver s, or some [120] other animal s, so neatly stripped off that you would call it perfectly whole ; for they remove neither the teeth, ears, claws, nor tail, but make an opening under the neck, through which they draw out the animal s body entire, and through which the Savages insert the hand into this pocket when it is well dried and cured. 296 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 otmrage fait a 1 aiguille: les Algonquins [les] font fouuent d vne peau toute entiere, d vn loutre, d vn renard, d vn petit ours, ou d vn caftor, ou de quelque [120] autre animal, 11 gentiment 6corche, que vous diriez qu il eft tout entier: car ils n oftent ny les dents, ny les oreilles, ny les pattes, ny la queue: elles font vne ouuerture au deffus du col, par ou elles tirent le corps entier de 1 animal, & par ou les Sauuages portent la main dans cette pochette, quad elle eft bien fechee, & bien paffe"e. La ciuilite & I honneftet6 nous ont appris a porter des mouchoirs : les Sauuages nous accuf ent de falete en ce point: pource que nous mettons difent-ils, vne ordure dans vn beau linge blanc, & nous la ferrons dans noftre pochette, comme vne chofe bien precieufe, & eux la iettent par terre. De la vient, qu vn Sauuage voiant vn iour, qu vn Fran9ois s eftant mouche replioit fon mouchoir, luy dit en riant ; ft tu aimes cette ordure, donne-moy ton mou choir, ie le rempliray bien-toft. le ne fais pas pro- feffion de garder vne grande fuite, dans ces bigar- reures, elles fortent de ma plume, comme elles fe prefentent a ma penfee. Les Remains, & quelques Aftatiques, [121] fe cou- choient autrefois fur de petits lits, pour prendre leur repas; leurs tables eftoient faites en demy-lunes. La plufpart des Europeans font maintenant affis fur des fieges releuez, fe feruant de tables rondes ou carrees. Les Sauuages mangent a terre, auffi bien que les Turcs, comme font auffi plufieurs peuples de 1 Alie. Le monde eft plein de variete" & d incon- ftance, on n y trouuera iamais de fermete folide. Si quelqu vn eftoit monte" fur vne tour affez haute, d ou 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 297 Politeness and propriety have taught us to carry handkerchiefs. In this matter the Savages charge us with filthiness because, they say, we place what is unclean in a fine white piece of linen, and put it away in our pockets as something very precious, while they throw it upon the ground. Hence it happened that, when a Savage one day saw a French man fold up his handkerchief after wiping his nose, he said to him laughingly, " If thou likest that filth, give me thy handkerchief and I will soon fill it." I do not profess to observe much order in this medley ; it comes from my pen as the items occur to my mind. The Romans and some Asiatics [121] used to recline on little couches to take their meals, while their tables were crescent-shaped. Most Europeans now sit on raised seats, using round or square tables. The Savages eat from the ground, as do the Turks, and also many peoples of Asia. The world is full of variety and change, and one will never find unal terable permanence. If one were mounted on a tower high enough to survey at his ease all the Nations of the earth, he would find it very hard, amid such strange varieties and such a medley, to say who are wrong and who are right, who are fools and who are wise. Verily, God alone is constant; he alone is unchangeable ; he alone varies not, and to him we must hold fast, to avoid change and incon stancy. In France, food and drink are taken together. The Algonquins follow quite the contrary custom in their feasts, first eating what is served them, and then drinking, without touching food again. 298 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 il pufl voir, a fon aife, toutes les Nations de la terre ; il feroit bien empefche de dire ceux qui ont tort, ou ceux qui ont raifon : ceux qui font fous, ou ceux qui font fages dans des varietez, & dans des bigarreures fi etranges. En verite il n y a que Dieu feul de con- ftant : luy feul eft immuable : luy feul eft inuariable, c eft la ou il fe faut attacher, pour euiter le change- ment & 1 inconftance. En France. On entre-mefle le boire auec le man ger. Les Algonquins font tout le contraire en leurs feftins: ils mangent premierement ce qu on leur fert, & puis ils boiuent fans plus toucher a la viande. [122] En France. Celuy qui inuite fes amis, fe met en table, & leur fert des viandes, qu il a fait apprefter : en ce pai s, le maiftre du feftin ne mange point, & quelques-fois il fait diftribuer par vn autre, les mets de fon banquet. Les plats, en Europe, font mis fur la table, pour don- ner liberte" a tous les conuiez de trancher par ou bon leur femblera. La on donne a vn chacun fon mets, & fa part. II femble que lofeph, traitant fes freres en Egypte, en fit de mefme ; & que Samuel ayant inuite Saiil, garda la couftume qui regne en ces contrees. Les Fran9ois, pour 1 ordinaire, parlent beaucoup en table : les Sauuages fort peu, ou point du tout. C eft vn commun prouerbe, que la faulce fait fou- uent manger le poiffon. Ce prouerbe n eft point receu en ce nouueau monde : car vn Sauuage ne f gati- roit manger de poiffon trempe dedans nos faulces. Les Frangois n aiment pas ordinairement les oeufs, s ils ne font mollets. Les Sauuages difent, que les oeufs mollets font encore tout [123] cruds: c eft pourquoy ils les font durcir pour les manger. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -58 299 [122] In France, the one who invites his friends sits at the table, and serves them from the viands that he has had prepared. In that country, the host does not eat, and he sometimes causes another to pass to the guests the dishes of his feast. In Europe, these dishes are placed on the table, to enable all the guests to help themselves freely from whatever they choose ; but there, each one is given his dish and his portion. Joseph seems to have observed the same practice in entertaining his broth ers in Egypt; and Samuel, when he invited Saul, apparently followed the custom now prevailing in those countries. The French commonly talk much at table; the Savages very little, or not at all. It is a common proverb that the fish is often eaten for the sauce. This proverb is not accepted in that new world ; for a Savage could not eat fish swim ming in our sauces. The French do not commonly like eggs unless they are soft, but the Savages declare that soft eggs are still quite [123] raw; there fore they have them boiled hard for eating. The French have a loathing for eggs partly hatched, while the Savages eat with great relish the little bird still in the egg. Indeed, it is a great delicacy. I have partaken of a little bustard from a well-boiled egg; the flesh, when cleaned of the impure matter surrounding it, is very fine and of excellent flavor. As for eggs that are addled and incapable of hatching, they are regarded as putrid by every one, I think ; yet I would not venture to assert it, so different are the noses and palates of dif ferent people. 300 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Les Frangois ont horreur d vn oeuf couuis: les Sauuages mangent auec delices, le petit oif eau qui eft encore dans 1 oeuf, En effet, il eft fort delicat. I ay mange" d vn petit outardeau tire d vn oeuf bien boiiilly : la chair eftant netoie"e des immondices qui 1 enuironnent, en eft tres-belle, & de tres-bon gouft: pour les ceuf couuis, dont il ne fe formeroit aucun pouffm, ils font puants par tout le monde, comme ie croy. Ie n en oferois neantmoins quali aifeurer, tant les nez, & le palais des hommes font differens. La greffe toute pure fait mal au coeur aux Fran- 9ois! les Sauuages la boiuent, & la mangent fige e. On iette en France 1 efcume du Pot comme 1 excre ment de la viande: les Sauuages la hument, comme vn excellent bouillon, notamment dans leur neceffite". On laue la viande pour en nettoier le fang, & les ordures: les Sauuages ne la lauent point, de peur d en perdre le fang, & vne partie de la greffe. [124] On commence ordinairement le dif ner par le potage : c eft le dernier mets des Sauuages: le bouillon du pot leur fert de boiffon. Le pain fe mange icy auec la viande, & auec les autres mets : fi vous en donnez aux Sauuages, ils en feront vn mets & part, & bien fouuent le mangeront le dernier. Ils s accommodent neantmoins petit a petit a noftre fagon. En la plufpart de 1 Europe, quand quelqu vn va en vifite, on 1 inuite h boire: parmy les Sauuages, on 1 inuite a manger. En France. Les bouchiers debitent, & *vendent leur viande auec les os, & on la fert ainii deffus la table: parmy nos Algonquins, les bouchers & les boucheres, qui font quafi en auffi grand nombre, qu il y a d hommes & de femmes, habillent fi adroite- 1656-58] RELATION OF 1637-38 301 Fat, taken alone, is nauseating to the French ; but the Savages drink it warm and eat it cold. The scum of the Pot is in France thrown away as the refuse of the meat, while the Savages gulp it down as an excellent broth, especially in their time of scarcity. We wash meat to cleanse it of blood and impuri ties ; the Savages do not wash it, for fear of losing its blood and a part of its fat. [124] We usually begin the dinner with soup, which is the last dish among the Savages, the broth of the pot serving them for drink. Bread is eaten here with the meat and other courses ; if you give some to a Savage, he will make a separate course of it and very often eat it last. Yet they are gradually adapting themselves to our way. In most parts of Europe, when any one makes a call he is invited to drink ; among the Savages he is invited to eat. In France, the butchers sell and deliver their meat with the bones, and it is served thus on the table. Among our Algonquins, the market-men and market- women who are almost as numerous as the whole number of men and women dress an animal so skillfully that most of the meat is left free from bones. They always boil the whole together, however; but the meat only is brought in at a feast, the bones being given to the host s domestics to pick. When they have been well sucked and [125] gnawed, they are not thrown to the dogs, as in France; that would be very unwise, because, they say, the animals would become much harder to catch, being informed by their brothers and kindred that their 302 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 ment vn animal, que les os demeurent feparez de la phifpart de la chair. Ils ne laiffent pas de faire boiiillir tout enfemble: mais la viande fe prefente aux feftins, & on donne les os a examiner, aux domeftiques de celuy qui fait le feftin. Quand on les a bien fucez, & [125] bien rongez, on ne les donne pas aux chiens, comme on fait en France; ce feroit vn grand mal: pource, difent-ils, que les animals fe rendroient bien plus difficiles a prendre, receuant auis de leurs freres, & de leurs femblables, qu on donne leurs os aux chiens. C eft pourquoy ils iettent au feu, ou dans la riuiere, ou bien ils enter- rent les os du caftor, de peur que les chiens n en approchent. Pour les beftes qui n ont point d efprit, c eft a dire, qui fe laiffent prendre aife"ment, ils me prifent leurs os, les iettant a leurs chiens. Ceux qui font maintenant inftruits, fe mocquent de ces fuperftitions & de ces reueries. Si les Sauuages ne font a la chaffe, ou en voiage, leur pofture ordinaire eft d eftre couchez, ou affis a terre : ils ne f cauroient demeurer debout ; les iambes, difent-ils, leur enflent incontinent. Ils haiffent les fieges plus releuez que la terre : les Francois tout au contraire, fe feruent de chaires, de banes, ou d efca- beaux, laiffant la terre, & la litiere aux beftes. Vn bon danfeur, en France, n agite [126] pas beaucoup fes bras, il tient le corps droit, remue les pieds fi leftement, que vous diriez qu il dedaigne la terre, & qu il veut demeurer en 1 air: les hommes Sauuages au contraire, f e courbent dans leurs danf es ; ils pouffent & remuent leurs bras auec violence, comme s ils vouloient paiftrir du pain: ils frappent la terre des pieds fi fortement, qu on diroit qu ils la 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -38 303 bones are given to the dogs. Therefore, they throw into the fire, or into the river, or else bury the bones of beavers, from fear lest the dogs may find them. In respect to animals that are devoid of intelligence, that is, such as let themselves be readily caught, their bones are held in contempt, and are thrown to the dogs. Those who are now instructed make fun of such superstitions and fancies. When the Savages are not hunting or on a jour ney, their usual posture is to recline or sit on the ground. They cannot remain standing, maintaining that their legs become swollen immediately. Seats higher than the ground they dislike; the French, on the contrary, use chairs, benches, or stools, leaving the ground and litter to animals. A good dancer in France does not move [126] his arms much, and holds his body erect, moving his feet so nimbly that, you would say, he spurns the ground and wishes to stay in the air. The Savages, on the contrary, bend over in their dances, thrust ing out their arms and moving them violently as if they were kneading bread, while they strike the ground with their feet so vigorously that one would say they are determined to make it tremble, or to bury themselves in it up to the neck. People, on coming from town and taking off their shoes, put them down somewhere out of the way; the Savages hang them in the highest place in their cabins, to let them dry. In France, children are carried on the arm, or clasped to the breast ; in Canadas, the mothers bear them behind their backs. In France, they are kept 304 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VoL. 44 veulent ebranler, ou enfoncer dedans iufques au col. Ceux qui venant de la ville quittent leur foulliers, les mettent en quelque lieu bas, & ecarte: les Sau uages les pendent au plus haut lieu de leurs cabanes pour les faire fecher. En France. On porte les enfans fur le bras, ou fur la poictrine. En Canadas, les meres les portent derriere leur dos. On les tient en France le mieux couuerts qu on peut: la ils font le plus fouuent nuds comme la main. Leur berceau, en France, demeure a la maifon : la, les femmes le portent auec leurs en- fans : auffi n eft-il compof6 que d vne planch e de cedre, fur lequel le pauure petit eft Ii6 comme vn fagot. [127] En France. Vn Artifan n attend point fon paiement, qu il ne reporte fa befogne: les Sauuages le demandent par auance. En France. On ne fe plaift pas beaucoup de voir tomber de la neige, ou de la grefle : c eft ce qui fait fauter d aife les Sauuages. Ceux qui nauigent dans les vaiileaux d Europe, def- cendent aux fond quand il pleut : les Sauuages au con- traire, pour Suiter la pluie, fe mettent a terre, renuer- fant fur eux, & fur leur bagage leur petit nauire. Quand vn Sauuage prend vn outil pour doler du bois, ou vn couteau pour couper quelque chofe, il porte la main & le tranchant tout au contraire d vn Franois: 1 vn le porte en dedans, 1 autre en dehors. Les Europeans ne font point de difficulte de dire leurs noms, & leurs qualitez : vous faites vne conf u- lion a vn Sauuage de luy demander fon nom : fi bien que fi vous luy demandez comrne il s appelle, il dira qu il n en f^ait rien, & fera figne a vn autre de le nommer. 1656-58] RELA TION OF 1657-58 305 as well covered as possible; there they are most often as bare as your hand. The cradle, in France, is left at home; there the women carry it with their children; it is composed merely of a cedar board, on which the poor little one is bound like a bundle. [127] In France, a Workman does not expect his pay until he completes his task ; the Savages ask for it in advance. In France, we are not very well pleased to see snow or hail fall; but it makes a Savage leap for joy. Those who sail in European ships go below when it rains; the Savages, on the other hand, to escape the storm, land and invert their little vessel over themselves and their baggage. When a Savage takes a tool to rough-hew some wood, or a knife to cut anything, he holds the handle and the blade in just the opposite way to that of a Frenchman ; the one handles it pointing inward, the other pointing outward. Europeans have no hesitation about telling their names and conditions, but you embarrass a Savage by asking him his name; if you do ask him, he will say that he does not know, and will make a sign to some one else to tell it. [128] In France, when a father gives his daughter in marriage, he allows her a dowry. There, it is given to the girl s father. In Europe, the children inherit from their parents ; among the Hurons the nephews, sons of the father s sister, are their uncle s heirs; and the Savage s small belongings will be given to the friends of the 306 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 [128] En France. Vn pere mariant fa fille, luy affigne vn dot. La, on donne au pere de la fille. En Europe, les enfans heritent de leurs parens: parmy les Hurons, les neueux du cofte de la foeur, fuccedent a la charge de leurs oncles ; & les petits biens des Sauuages fe donneront pluftoft aux amis du defunt, qu a fes enfans. Cette couftume qui n eft pas mauuaife eftant bien expliquee, fe garde encore en quelques endroits de 1 Inde Orientale. En France. L homme emmene, pour 1 ordinaire, la femme qu il 6poufe, en fa maifon: la, rhomme va demeurer en la maifon de la femme. En France. Si quelqu vn fe met en colere, s il a quelque mauuais deffein, s il machine quelque mal, on 1 iniurie, on le menace, on le chaftie: la, on luy fait des prefens, pour adoucir fa mauuaife humeur, & pour guerir fa maladie d efprit, & pour reprendre de bonnes penfe es. Cette couftume, dans la fince rite de leurs aclions, n eft pas mauuaife: car fi celuy qui eft en colere, ou qui machine quelque mal, [129] eftant offenfe" touche ce prefent, fa colere, & fon mau uais deffein eft efface de fon efprit en vn moment. En vne bonne partie de 1 Europe, on s eft iette" dans vn tel exces de ceremonies, & de complimensJ, que la fincerite en eft bannie. Lk tout au contraire, la fincerite eft toute nue : fi fon fruit eftoit abrie de quelques feiiilles, 1 arbre en feroit plus beau. Au bout du compte, il vaut mieux viure auec franchife, & ioiiir de la verite", que de fe repaiflre de vent, & de fu- mee, fous des offres de feruices, remplies de menfonge : Namque magis natura placet, fucum odimus omnes. En Europe. On ofte aux morts tout ce qu on peut, on ne leur donne que ce qui eft neceffaire pour les 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 307 deceased, rather than to his children. This custom, which is not a bad one, being readily explained, is still observed in some parts of Oriental India. In France, the man usually takes to his house the woman whom he marries; there, the man goes to the woman s house to dwell. In France, if any one fall into a fit of anger, or harbor some evil purpose, or meditate some harm, he is reviled, threatened, and punished; there, they give him presents, to soothe his ill-humor, cure his mental ailment, and put good thoughts into his head again. This custom, in the sincerity of their actions, is not a bad one ; for if he who is angry, or is devis ing some ill [129] to resent an offense, touch this present, his anger and his evil purpose are immedi ately effaced from his mind. In a large part of Europe, ceremonies and compli ments are indulged in to such an excess as to drive out sincerity. There, quite on the contrary, sinceri ty is entirely naked ; if its fruit were shaded with a few leaves, the tree would be more beautiful. But after all, it is better to live with frankness and enjoy truth, than to feast on wind and smoke, under offers <>f service that are full of falsehood. Namque magis natura placet, fucum odimus omnes. In Europe, we unclothe the dead as much as we can, leaving them only what is necessary to veil them and hide them from our eyes. The Savages, however, give them all that they can, anointing and attiring them as if for their wedding, and burying them with all their favorite belongings. The French are stretched lengthwise in their graves, while the Savages, [130] in burying their 308 LES RELATIONS DES jS UITES [ VOL. 44 cacher, & pour les eloigner de nos yeux. Les Sau uages tout au contraire, ils leurs donnent tout ce qu ils peuuent, ils les oignent, & les habillent, comme s ils alloient aux nopces, enterrant auec eux tout le bagage qu ils aimoient. Les Francois font 6tendus tout de leur long dans leurs fepulcres : les Sauuages [130] en enfeueliffant leurs morts, leur font tenir dans le tombeau, la pofture qu ils tenoient dans le ventre de leurs meres. En quelques endroits de la France, on fait tourner la tefte au mort, du cofte d Orient: les Sauuages luy font regarder 1 Occident. I ay veu de nouueaux Chreftiens enterrant vn mort, difpofer la foffe, en forte que la tefte regardaft vers 1 Autel de 1 Eglife, & cela par deuotion. 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-38 309 dead, make them take in the grave the position which they held in their mothers wombs. In some parts of France, the dead are placed with their heads turned toward the East ; the Savages make them face the West. I have seen new Christians, in burying a dead person, prepare the grave so that the face might look toward the Church Altar and that from a spirit of devotion. 310 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [ VOL. 44 CHAPITRE VIII. QUELQUES NOUUELLES ARRIUEES PAR LE DERNIER VAISSEAU. VOVS aurez remarque cy-deffus, au Chapitre fecond, comme nos Peres, & nos Frai^ois fe retirerent de leur habitation baftie fur les riues du lac Gannantaa, voilin d Onnontague. Cela fe fit la nuit, & fans bruit, & auec tant d adreffe, que les Iroquois, qui cabanoient aux portes de noftre maifon, ne s apperceurent iamais du tranfport des canots, & des [131] batteaux, & du bagage qui fut mis & 1 eau, ny de 1 embarquement de cinquante trois perfonnes. Le fommeil, dans lequel ils eftoient profondement enfeuelis, apres auoir bien chante", & bien danfe", leur deroba cette connoiilance ; mais enfin la nuit ayant fait place au iour, les tenebres & la lumiere, & le fommeil au reueil, ces Barbares fortirent de leurs cabanes, & fe pourmenant & 1 entour de noftre maifon bien ferme e & clef, s eftonnoient du grand filence des Francois. Ils ne voioient fortir perfonne pour aller au trauail, ils n entendoient aucune voix. Ils creu- rentaucommencementqu ils eftoient tous en prieres, ou en confeil; mais le iour s auancant, & ces prieres ne finilTant point, ils frapperent k la porte. Les chiens, que nos Frangois auoient laiffez k deffein, leur re*pondent en iappant. Le chant du coq qu ils auoient entendu le matin, & le bruit de ces chiens, leur fit penfer que les maiftres de ces animaux n efloient pas loin, ils rentrent dans la patience qui 1656-58] RELATION OF 1657-58 311 CHAPTER VIII. SOME NEWS BROUGHT BY THE LATEST VESSEL. YOU will have noted above, in the second Chap ter, how our Fathers and our Frenchmen withdrew from their settlement built on the shore of lake Gannantaa, near Onnontague. This was done in the night, noiselessly, and so skillfully that the Iroquois, whose cabins were at the doors of our house, were utterly unconscious of the convey ance of canoes and [131] boats, of the carrying and shipment of bag-gage, and of the embarkation of fifty- three persons. They were robbed of this conscious ness by sleep, in which they were deeply sunk after their lusty singing and vigorous dancing. But at length, night giving place to day, darkness to light, and sleep to awakening, these Barbarians issued from their cabins, walked about our house, which was securely locked, and wondered at the Frenchmen s utter silence. They saw no one come forth to go to work, they heard no voice. At first they thought that all were at prayers or in council; but, as the day advanced and the prayers did not reach an end, they knocked at the door, and the dogs, purposely left behind by our Frenchmen, gave answering yelps. The crowing of the cock which they had heard in the morning, together with the noise of these dogs, made them think that the masters of these animals were not far away, and they recovered their lost 312 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 leur e"chappoit; tnais enfin le Soleil commen9ant a defcendre, & [132] perfonne ne re*pondant, ny aux voix des hommes, ny aux cris des beftes, ils efca- ladent la maifon pour voir en quelle pofture eftoient nos gens, dans cet epouuan table filence. C eft icy que l 6tonnement fe change en effroy, & en trouble. Ils ouurent la porte, les principaux entrent par tout, on monte au grenier, on defcend dans les caues, & pas vn Frangois ne paroift, ny vif, ny mort. Ils fe regardent les vns les autres; la peur les faifit; ils croient qu ils ont affaire a des demons. Ils n auoient veu aucun batteau, & quand mefme ils en auroient veu, ils ne s imaginoient pas que nos Frangois fuffent fi temeraires, que de fe precipiter dans des courans, dans des brifans d eau, dans des rochers, dans d hor- ribles dangers, ou eux mefmes, quoy que tres-habiles a paffer par ces faults & par ces cafcades, y perdent fouuent la vie. Ils fe perfuadent ou qu ils ont mar- che" fur les eaux, ou qu ils ont vole" par 1 air, ou pluftoft, ce qui leur fembla plus probable, qu ils s eftoient cachez dans les bois. On les cherche: rien ne paroift. Ils tiennent [133] quafi pour affeure qu ils fe font rendus inuilibles; & comme ils ont difparu tout & coup, qu ils viendront fondre tout & coup fur leurs Bourgades. Cette retraite miracu- leufe dans leur efprit, leur fit voir que nos Frangois auoient connoilf ance de leur trahif on ; & la conf cience de leur crime & des meurtres qu ils vouloient com- mettre, les ietta bien auant dans la terreur. Ils foht garde par tout. Ils font en armes iour & nuit, s ima- ginant a toute heure que la foudre & la vengeance des Frangois iuftement irritez, alloit fondre fur leurs tefles. 1656 -58J RELATION OF 1651-58 313 patience; but at length, the Sun beginning- to decline and [132] no one answering either the voices of the men or the cries of the animals, they climbed into the house to see in what state our people were amid this fearful silence. Here their wonder was changed to alarm and perturbation. They opened the door; the chiefs entered, and went all over the house, ascending to the loft and going down into the cellar ; but not a Frenchman appeared, alive or dead. They looked at one another, were seized with fear, and believed that they had to do with demons. Not a boat had they seen, and even if they had, they did not imagine our Frenchmen so rash as to consign themselves to currents and breakers,. to rocks and frightful dangers, amid which they themselves, though very dexterous in shooting these rapids and cascades, often lose their lives. They persuaded themselves that their visitors had either walked off on the waters, or flown away through the air, or, as seemed to them more likely, had hidden in the woods. They made search for them, but without success, and then decided, [133] almost as a certain ty, that they had made themselves invisible, and that they would come and pounce upon their Vil lages just as suddenly as they had disappeared. This retreat, miraculous in their estimation, showed them that our Frenchmen were aware of their treach ery ; and the sense of their guilt and of their mur derous intentions threw them into the utmost terror. They were everywhere on their guard, and remained in arms day and night, every moment imagining that the vengeance of the justly-angered French would burst over their heads. At length, seeing no such manifestation, and 314 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Enfin, voyant que rien ne paroifloit, que tout rou- loit en leur pai s & 1 ordinaire, ils enuoient de leurs troupes vers les Frangois, les vnes en guerre & les autres comme des Ambaffadeurs, pour fgauoir des nouuelles de leurs hoftes, & pour tafcher de retirer de nos mains leurs compatriotes mis aux fers. I apprends que ceux qui font venus en armes, ont eft6 mal traitez, & qu on a retenu ces feints Ambaffa deurs. Nous fgaurons vne autre annee le detail [134] de tous ces rencontres & de toutes ces intrigues. le ne dis feulement qu en paffant & en gros, ce que i ay apris de ceux qui font retournez de ce nouueau monde par les derniers vaiffeaux. Ils adiouftent, qu il court vn bruit dans ce pai s la, que tous les Europeans qui habitent cette longue cofte qui regne depuis 1 Acadie iufques a la Virginie, irritez contre les Iroquois ennemis communs de toutes les Nations, fe veulent Her enfemble pour les detruire : Non vult Deus mortem peccatoris, fed magis vt conuertatur & viuat. le ne fouhaitte pas la rui ne de ce peuple, mais bien fa conuerfion. On m affeure encore qu il y a quantite" d Agneron- nons, d Onnontagueronnons, d Oneiotchronnons pri- fonniers k Kebec, aux trois Riuieres & a Montreal. Que ces peuples viennent de tous coftez folliciter Monf. le Vicomte d Argengon Gouuerneur du pai s, de les mettre en liberte : & comme il eft homme fage & prudent, on dit qu il ne veut point lafcher prife, que ces Barbares n amenent les enfans [135] des prin- cipaux du pai s, qu on tiendra dans des Seminaires bien fermez, qu on eleuera en la foy Chreftienne, & qui feruiront d hoftages aux Frangois, contre les courfes & contre les entreprifes de ces Barbares,. qui n ont autre loy que celle de leur interefl. 1656 - 58J RELA TION OF 1657 -58 315 observing that everything moved along as usual in their country, they sent some of their forces to the French territory, a part of them as warriors, and the others as Ambassadors, to gain tidings of their guests, and endeavor to recover from us their coun trymen who had been put in irons. I learn that those who came in war were roughly used, and that the counterfeit Ambassadors were held in custody. We shall ascertain another year the details [134] of all those events and all those intrigues. I merely relate in passing, and in a general way, what I have learned from those who have returned from that new world by the latest vessels. They add that a rumor is current in that country, that all the Europeans occupying the long coast line from Acadia to Virginia, incensed against the Iroquois, the common foe of all the Nations, wish to form an alliance for their destruction. Non vult Deus mortem peccatoris, sed magis ut convertatur et -vivat. I do not desire this people s ruin, but I do desire its conversion. I am also informed that there are many Agneron- non, Onnontagueronnon, and Oneiotchronnon prison ers at Kebec, three Rivers, and Montreal ; and that their countrymen come from every direction to beg Monsieur the Vicomte d Argengon, Governor of the country, to set them free. I am further told that, as he is a man of discretion and prudence, he refuses to let them go until those Barbarians bring the children [135] of the chief men of the country, to be kept securely confined in the Seminaries and reared in the Christian faith, and to serve the French as hostages against the incursions and undertakings of 316 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES [VOL. 44 Voicy encore vne autre bonne nouuelle & bien certaine. Les Algonquins des pai s plus hauls, dont nous auons parle" cy-deffus, ont enuoie quelques canots chargez de pelleterie vers les Frar^ois, auec parole de venir au nombre de cinq cent homines 1 an prochain, equippez en guerre & en marchandife. Us fouhaittent des Peres de noftre Compagnie, pour aller porter la foy dans leur pai s, & dans ces grandes Nations, dont nous auons fait mention. Si le Demon ferme vne porte, Dieu en ouure vne autre. On e"crit qu il fe prepare deia de braues ouuriers, pour porter 1 Etendartde lESVS-CHRiST dans ces vaftes con- trdes : fiat, fiat. Pour conclufion, ie diray en finiffant cette Relation, que nonobflant les guerres, [136] les tempeftes & les afflictions du pais, on a baptife" en diuers endroits enuiron neuf cent Sauuages cette anne"e. FIN. 1656 - 58] RELA TION OF 1637 -S& 317 the Barbarians, who know no law but that of self- interest. I will add one more piece of good news, and it is authentic. The Algonquins of the upper countries, of whom we spoke above, have sent to the French some canoes laden with furs, promising to come next year, to the number of five hundred men, equipped for war and for traffic. They wish for some Fathers of our Society, to go and carry the faith to their country and to those great Nations that we have mentioned. If the Evil One closes one door, God opens another. Word has come by letter that already some valiant laborers are making ready to bear the Standard of JESUS CHRIST into those vast regions ; fiat, fiat. Finally I will say, in closing this Relation, that, despite the wars, [136] the storms, and the afflictions of the country, there have been baptized in different places this year about nine hundred Savages. END. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA : VOL XLIV XCVI-XCVII A bibliographical account of the Relation of 1656- 57 will be found in Vol. XLIII. ; of the Journal des J/suites, in Vol. XXVII. XCVIII In reprinting the Relation of 1657-58 (Paris, 1659), we follow a copy of the original Cramoisy edition in the Lenox Library. It was edited in France, but the name of the editor is not given. The " Permifsion " was " Donne" a Paris au mois de Decembre 1658," and is signed by the Provincial, Jacques Renault. The Priuilege was Donne" k Lion au mois de Decembre 1658." The volume forms no. 112 of Harrisse s Notes. A letter from Paul Ragueneau to the Provincial occupies pp. 6-19, and is dated " De Quebec ce 21. d Aouft 1658." A second letter from Ragueneau to the Pere Procureur des Mifsions de la Compagnie de lefus en la Nouuelle France," without date, is printed on pp. 22-29. A " lournal de ce qui s eft pafse entre les Frangois & les Sauuages " begins on p. 29, and is signed on p. 58 by Simon le Moine. It is dated " De la Nouuelle Hollande le 25. Mars 1658." Collation: Title, with verso blank, i leaf; " Avant- propos," pp. (3); " Table des Chapitres " and " Per mifsion," pp. (2); "Priuilege," p. (i); text, pp. 320 LES RELATIONS DES JESUITES 1-136. Signatures: a in four, A-H in eights, I in four. No mispaging. Copies are to be found in the following libraries: Lenox, New York State, Harvard, Brown (private), Ayer (private), St. Mary s College (Montreal), Laval University (Quebec), British Museum, and Biblio- theque Nationale (Paris). This volume is uncom mon, and does not often appear for sale in the book- market. The Barlow copy, no. 1308, was sold in 1890 to Harvard for $70. NOTES TO VOL XLIV (Figures in parentheses, following number of note, refer to pages of English text.} 1 (p. 21). The village here referred to was peopled by Hurons who had, upon the ruin of their country (1649), surrendered them selves to the Senecas; they came from the mission villages of St. Michel (Scanonaenrat) and St. Jean Baptiste. See vol. xxxvi., p. 179; and Relation of 1660 (Quebec ed.), p. 28. 2 (p. 21). Concerning the location of the Seneca village Gandagan (which is probably a misprint for Gandagare, also written Gandougarae), see vol. viii., p. 293. 3 (P- 63). This designation of the Mohawk tribe is a less corrupt form of their own name, of which Hale says (Iroquois Rites, pp. 172, 173): This name is Kanienke, at the Flint. In pronuncia tion and spelling, this, like other Indian words, is much varied, both by the natives themselves and by their white neighbors, becoming Kanieke, Kanyenke, Canyangeh, and Canienga," which last form Hale adopts ; from it he also derives the French appellation of the tribe, Agnier. He thinks that " Mohawk" is but a corruption of an epithet bestowed upon the Agniers by the Algonkins, Mowak, which, as used by the latter, meant " cannibals." 4 (P- 87). From this point to the end of the entry dated Feb. 15, the handwriting is that of Druillettes. Ondessonk was the Huron name of Le Moyne (vol. xli., p. 89). 5 (p. 91). De Quen resumes the record with this paragraph. Louis Rouer de Villeraye, a native of Touraine, born in 1629, was a notary at Quebec in 1654. His wife was Catherine, daughter of Charles Sevestre, by whom he had three children. In 1659, he was a lieutenant of the seneschal of Quebec, and was a member of the Council. He died in December, 1700. 6 (P- 97)- From this point to the entry for May 25, the record is made by Druillettes. 7 (P- 97)- Concerning Frangois Marguerie, see vol. x., note 4. 8 (p. 99). Cf. Pyrlaeus s statement (vol. viii., pp. 299, 300) 322 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES regarding the respective rank of the Iroquois tribes ; also Zinzen- dorf s, as cited by Hawley (Early Cayuga Hist., p. 21, note i). 9 (p. 101). Adrien Joliet was a brother of Louis, the explorer; in 1664, he married Jeanne Dodier, by whom he had one son. In September following his capture by the Iroquois, he was brought back to Montreal by Garakontie. 10 (p. 101). Claude Jean Allouez was born at St. Didier, France, June 6, 1622. At the age of seventeen, he entered the Jesuit novitiate at Toulouse ; his studies were pursued there, and at Billom and Rodez. He was appointed preacher at Rodez, upon the com pletion of his student life (1656). Departing thence (1658) for Canada, be served at Three Rivers and other St. Lawrence settle ments, for seven years. In August, 1665, he went to labor among the Ottawasof Lake Superior, and other Western tribes; his journal for the two years succeeding is given in the Relation of 1667, com posing the greater part of that volume. Twenty-five years were spent by him in these Western missions ; his death occurred Aug. 27 or 28, 1689, while engaged in missionary work. See Dablon s circular letter announcing Allouez s death, in Margry s Ddcouvertes et Etablissements des Frangais (Paris, 1876), t. i., pp. 59-64; this missionary is therein styled " a second Xavier," and credited with having instructed more than 100,000 savages, and baptized over 10,000. 11 (p. 103). The boys who acted in this allegorical play are named by Suite in Canad.-Fran., t. iii., p. 148. 12 (p. 107). The entry for Sept. 7, giving a report of the council, is in the handwriting of Chaumonot. 13 (p. in). The paragraphs dated Sept. 16, 19, and 25 are writ ten by De Quen; the words vide infra A are in a different and smaller hand. These words refer to the report of the council held with Garakontie, which begins with "A," and is in the handwriting of Le Moyne. This section is, in Quebec edition of the Journal, interpolated between the entries for the i6th and igth; we follow the order of the original MS. Gabriel Souart (Suart) was one of the Sulpitian priests brought from France by De Queylus, and was a nephew of the Recollet Le Caron (vol. iv., note 26). 14 (p. in). Mademoiselle Mance still had no nuns in her hospi tal. " The abbe de Queylus, who greatly esteemed our community, thought that it would be an advantage for us and for all the country that there should be at Quebec and Ville-Marie but one and the same institute, since that would better maintain the peace which should exist between the religious houses. Accordingly, he proposed NOTES TO VOL. XLIV 323 the matter to us, and stated his views ; and he urged us so strongly that we consented thereto. We judged that the matter should be kept entirely secret until those on whom that foundation depended should be induced to give their approval; and, to ascertain whether we could come to an understanding, we sent to Montreal two of our sisters, one of whom was Mother Marie Renee . . . under pretext of giving her a change of air to recruit her health." (Histoire de VHotel-Dieu de Qutbec, p. 114.) Quebec ed. of Journal p. 243, note. 15 (p. in). The remaining paragraphs from this point to Oct. r are written by Le M oyne, and give the proceedings of a council held Aug. 31, with Garakontie (note 13, ante). 16 (p. 113). Reference is here made to the three Frenchmen drowned in the rapids at the discharge of Lake Ontario, while fleeing from Onondaga (p. 181 of this volume). 17 (p. 119). This account of Chaumonot s embassy to Montreal is written.by himself. 1 8 (p. 121). The remaining paragraphs in the record for Novem ber, except the last sentence (the entry for the 26th), are written by Chaumonot. 19 (p. 229). Besides the small detachments of regular soldiers kept in garrison at Quebec and other fortified posts, there existed among the habitants a sort of military organization, rendered neces sary by the continual wars with the Iroquois. Such information as is available upon this subject has been carefully gleaned by Suite from documents and registers of the time, and other contempo rary records, and may be found in his Canad.-Fran., t. iii. -iv. ; and in his "Organisation militaire du Canada, 1636-48," in Canad. Roy. Soc. Proc. (2nd series), vol. ii. (1896), sect, r, pp. 3-33. 20 (p. 245). The first of these routes to Hudson Bay followed the Saguenay up to Lake St. John (Piouakouami); then entered the tributary of that lake named Peribonka, proceeding N. E. to its source in Lake Ouichtagami (Outakouami). By a portage thence across the "height of land" (watershed), one would reach a small river falling into Lake Mistassini, the headwaters of Rupert River, which flows into the Southern end of James Bay. The second route is more vaguely stated ; but it seems probable that by it the traveler would ascend the St. Maurice to its sources, proceeding thence across the watershed to the Waswanipi River, a tributary of the N otto way (on old maps, "river of the Iroquois"), which last stream enters Rupert Bay, not far from the rnouth of the Rupert River. De 1 Isle s map of 1703 shows the Ouakouingoue- chiouek River rising in Lake Ouapichianon, and flowing N. W. into 824 LES RELA TIONS DES JESUITES Riviere des Pitchibourouni (East Main River). Such location does not agree with the description in our text ; for that lake and river could not be reached from the Metaberoutin (St. Maurice), without making a long journey N. E. from the latter river, and crossing the Rupert. The route pursued by the Nipissing Indians would, via the Ottawa and Lake Temiscaming, reach Lake Abittibi, the outlet of which, Abittibi River, unites with the Moose River, near the discharge of the latter into James Bay. By a similar route, to the west of the Abittibi, the Algonkins at the north end of Lake Huron could easily reach Moose River; and those dwelling north and west of Lake Superior found ready access to Hudson Bay via Lake Winnipeg, and Nelson River. The interior route to Three Rivers mentioned in the text, probably followed the network of rivers and lakes lying between the Ottawa and the St. Maurice, of which the principal streams are the Gatineau and the Ribbon. 21 (p. 249). In this survey of the Northwestern tribes, the central point of view is a Pottawattomie village called by the Jesuits St. Michel, although it is not recorded that they had a residence there in. It is impossible to locate this place accurately, but it was ap parently at some point on the west shore of Lake Michigan. Here one of the numerous Pottawattomie bands was sojourning, together with some of the Petun (Tobacco) Hurons, who had fled from the rage of the Iroquois. Their nearest neighbors were the Kiskakons, an Ottawa tribe ; and the Negawichi, a band of the Illinois. This last " nation " is mentioned in the text as the Aliniwek, the most popu lous of all ; they then occupied S. W. Wisconsin and the greater part of Illinois. North of these Pottawattomies dwelt the Winnebagoes, around the south end of Green Bay; the Menomonees, on the west shore of the bay, as far down as the river which bears their name ; and, beyond, the Noukek, or Nouquets (cf. Roquai, vol. xviii., p. 231), who have given name to Bay de Noquet in Delta county, Mich. The Menomonees were known to the French as Folles Avotnes,"ttie people of the wild oats," the wild rice, a grain (Zizania aquatica) mentioned in this paragraph, for the first time in the Relations. Inland from St. Michel were the Mascoutens and Outagamies or Foxes (Fr. Renards}, the former along the Upper Fox River, the latter northward along the Wolf. "The two Frenchmen" men tioned as visiting these tribes were Radisson and Groseilliers, The Oumamis, or Miamis were located in a nearly opposite direction, across the lake, in S. W. Michigan. The Poualak (vol. xlii., note 12) must have been at this time in Eastern Minnesota, along the west shore of the Mississippi; their relatives, the Assinipoualak, dwelt west of Lake Nipigon (Alimi- NOTES TO VOL. XLIV 325 beg), and N. W. of Lake Superior. Between these tribes lay the villages of the (Eastern) Sioux (Nadouechi). The Mantoue (Man- dans?) can hardly be those mentioned in 1640 as living in the Northern peninsula of Michigan (vol. xviii., p. 231). The great Cree nation (Kilistinons; vol. xviii., note 15) is here divided according to locality : first, those about Lake Nipigon ; next, probably those west of James Bay; then those between Lake Nipigon and Moose River, a region easy of access to the Nipissing Indians. The Nisibourounik tribe were probably the dwellers on the East Main River (see preceding note). The last nation mentioned in the text apparently overlooked in the enumeration of Southern tribes is the Atsistagherronnons (vol. xx., note 7), or Mascoutens. Evidently the Mascoutens on the Upper Fox (v. supra} were a band who had migrated northward from the rest of their tribe. 22 (p. 261). This nun was Frangoise, daughter of Robert Giffard. Her death is recorded in the Journ. des Jlsuites, under the date here given.